  1. First, we check to see that the coast is __ __.出门一定要左右看。(  )

  2. A:safe B:clear
  3. A princess strives for … ______ 公主凡事都要力求完美.(  )

  4. A:perfection B:perfect
  5. In the movie Coco, Hector was not murdered by De La Gruz. (  )

  6. A:错 B:对
  7. So long, boys, I’ll send you a postcard from the Paradise Falls. Here ‘so long’ means ( )

  8. A:时间太长了 B:再见

  9. In the movie Lion King,Mufasa said‘ You deliberately disobeyed me... ’ 这句话的意思是( )

  10. A:你故意违抗我的命令。

  11. You’ve always ___ _ there for me.你一直都是爱我的。(  )

  12. A:are B:been
  13. A drop in the _____ . 意思就是 九牛一毛,沧海一粟(  )

  14. A:river B:ocean
  15. It is really a hard battle. but Marlin,the coward ____ _ made it. 在这么大的海洋中寻找一条小鱼实在是太难了,但弱小的小丑鱼爸爸做到了。(  )

  16. A:clownfish B:uglyfish
  17. You don't know _______ you've done!( )

  18. A:what
  19. I'm _____ you to leave!( )

  20. A:asking B:asked
  21. Perhaps this girl could be the one to break the spell. (  )

  22. A:魔咒 B:拼写
  23. In the movie Up, Carl told Russell,‘Get used to that, kid.’ (  )

  24. A:用一下 B:习惯
  25. There is a way. (  )

  26. A:方法 B:道路
  27. Maui said, ‘They threw me under the sea. Like I was nothing.’ Here ‘Like I was nothing.’ means ( )

  28. A:就像什么事也没发生一样。 B:就像我什么也不知道。
  29. In the movie Shrek, Shrek said, ‘I forgive you for stabbin' me in the back! ’ Here ‘forgive’ means ( ).

  30. A:痛恨
  31. We each made a sacrifice to get what we wanted. (  )

  32. A:地方 B:牺牲
  33. Your job is to know _______.你们要分出龙头的不同功能。(  )

  34. A:which is which B:what is what
  35. You strike out, you resign. (  )

  36. A:辞职 B:签名
  37. It is ___   to start a speech by thanking everybody for coming.(  )

  38. A:usual B:unusual
  39. I need to _________!( )

  40. A:breathe
  41. I messed up tonight.(  )

  42. A:搞砸 B:收拾行装
  43. In the movie Coco,Hector said, “But she's the last person _______ remembers me.”(  )

  44. A:who B:whose
  45. I wanted to give the folks a little sizzle. 句中Sizzle的意思是打击。(  )

  46. A:错 B:对
  47. In the movie Up, Russell said, ‘Then we sit on this one curb right outside. I like that curb.’ Here ‘curb ’means (  )

  48. A:人行道的路边 B:控制
  49. 减法,除了用minus来表示,还可以用(  )。

  50. A:plus B:take from
  51. These are good folk around here. The word “folk” here means. ( )

  52. A:乡村 B:人们
  53. In the movie Lion King,Simba said,‘Yeah, but it still hurts.’It means (  )

  54. A:是呀!但是我还是会伤害。 B:是呀!但是我还是会心痛。
  55. May I sit here?(  )

  56. A:Yes, with pleasure. B:Yes, your pleasure
  57. 短语be a big fish in a small pond字面意思就是小池中的大鱼,也就是说仅在小范围内很有影响。(  )

  58. A:对 B:错
  59. It has ___ __ something very special.(  )

  60. A:to be B:to have
  61. One million, four hundred and sixty thousand is (  ).

  62. A:1,460,000 B:1,416,000
  63. You're ______ arrest.( )

  64. A:on B:under
  65. In the movie Brave, Merida’s mum was changed into a bear. ( )

  66. A:错 B:对
  67. In the movie Up, Carl finally arranges for the trip to the Paradise Falls, and Ellie goes there together with him.(  )

  68. A:错 B:对
  69. In the movie Coco,Hector said,“ I wish I ________ apologize. ”(  )

  70. A:can B:could
  71. The girl has lost her father and her ______, all in one day.( )

  72. A:free B:freedom
  73. I'll leave the fun. Here leave means 离开。(  )

  74. A:错 B:对
  75. In the movie Lion King,Simba said ‘’I've been running from it for so long. 这句话的意思是 ( )

  76. A:我逃避过去已经逃避了那么久了。
  77. Show her with compliments. (  )

  78. A:抱怨 B:赞美
  79. I don't _____ this badge.(  )

  80. A:deserve B:preserve
  81. But we can't just run ___ _ from who we are.但我们不能逃避命运。(  )

  82. A:back B:away
  83. I ripped this right out of a library book. Here ‘ripped’ means( ).

  84. A:打开
  85. She was shaking with fear. (  )

  86. A:waving B:trembling
  87. Put all one’s ______ in one basket. 孤注一掷。

  88. A:eggs B:stones
  89. From the song Let it Go, we can see Elsa is an evil Queen.(  )

  90. A:对 B:错
  91. The heart is not so easily changed, but the head can be _______.( )

  92. A:persuaded
  93. If you could just try to see what I do,I do __ __ love. 你要体谅我们这样做都是因为爱你。(  )

  94. A:for B:out of
  95. This conversation is very one-sided. 恰当的翻译应该是(  )

  96. A:这次谈话内容很片面。 B:这次谈话一直是你在说话,是你做的决定。
  97. I release you. (  )

  98. A:发泄 B:释放
  99. That's my specialty! 意思是:那是我的特色菜。

  100. A:对 B:错
  101. It's all that time he spends in the plaza. (  )

  102. A:广场 B:地方
  103. But we can't just run away from who we are. 句意为:( )

  104. A:但我们不能跑一边去啊。 B:但我们不能逃避命运。
  105. We have a surplus of _____ Vikings,我们有太多的屠龙手。(  )

  106. A:fighting dragon B:dragon-fighting
  107. 看到族人们一筹莫展的样子,Moana 做出了大胆的提议,What _______ we fish beyond the reef ? ’ 如果我们去环礁之外捕鱼呢? (  )

  108. A:if B:whether
  109. That was quite a risky move not taking the tires.(  )

  110. A:brave B:dangerous
  111. In the movie Up,a worker said to Carl,‘You poured prune juice in his gas tank.’ 这句话的引申义为:(  )

  112. A:你真是他的绊脚石 B:谢谢你给他的李子汁
  113. In the movie Shrek, Donkey said, ‘You are mean to me.’ 这句话意思是:( )

  114. A:你对我总是很刻薄。
  115. I should have gone first. 改句子的翻译是:( )

  116. A:如果我先说就好了。 B:我先说吧。
  117. A promise is a promise。表示只是个许诺而已, 不能当真。(  )

  118. A:对 B:错
  119. "Give me five" 。是问候、祝贺或者庆祝的意思。(  )

  120. A:错 B:对

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