  1. What’s the Chinese meaning for "business class"?

  2. A:商务舱  B:头等舱  C:直达航班 D:经济舱
  3. A:Hi,When will the Flight CA1773 arrive?


  4. A:Please wait for a while. B:This way please. C:I want to reserve a ticket. D:About 14:00.
    答案:About 14:00.
  5. -----"This is the Bell Captain's desk, May I help you? "

    ---- "yes, please".

    Where does this conversation take place?

  6. A:They are talking in the tour company. B:They are talking at the airport. C:They are talking at a hotel. D:They are talking in the street.
    答案:They are talking at a hotel.
  7. ------Do you have any luggage?


  8. A:No. We will check out very soon. B:Yes. All in the trunk. C:Yes. We'll have breakfast at 7:30. D:No, He doesn't have a thermometer with him.
    答案:Yes. All in the trunk.
  9. Some airlines may forbid you from ______ without proper ID.

  10. A:boarding B:aboard C:being boarding D:on board
  11. Sorry, you are not allowed to bring more than one hundred milliliter liquid, and the knife is prohibited item.“prohibited item”在此句中的意思是禁运物品。

  12. A:对 B:错
  13. 以下翻译是否正确?

    It's better to do so if you want to shorten the time going through immigration,customs and quarantine. 如果你想缩短办理移民,海关和检疫等手续的时间,最好现在就填这些表格。

  14. A:对 B:错
  15. 以下翻译是否正确?

    All dutiable items must be listed on your customs form, such as cigarettes, wine, perfume and so on. 所有的应纳税物品都得列在您的报关单上,比如香烟、酒、香水等。

  16. A:错 B:对
  17. 以下翻译是否正确?

    We would like to apologize for the inconvenience caused by this delay. 对于事故给您带来的不便,我们深表歉意。

  18. A:错 B:对
  19. 以下表达是否正确?

    Today's rate of exchange is RMB 7.74 yuan for a dollar. 今天的汇率是7.74元人民币兑换1美元。

  20. A:对 B:错
  21. 以下表达是否正确?

    The first thing you should do after arriving at the airport is to check-in. 到达机场后第一件要做的事儿就是选座位了。

  22. A:对 B:错
  23. 以下表达是否正确?

    In order to ensure the normal operations of the airplane, cell phones are strictly prohibited. 为了保证飞机能正常操作,手机是被严禁使用的。

  24. A:错 B:对

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