第十九章 Exchange, External Effect and Public Goods:Understand the concept of exchange, external effect and public goods. Understand the effect of externality.  Learn how to calculate the efficient supply of public goods.19.1exchange:Exchange
19.2external Effect(上):External Effect(上)
19.3external Effect(下):External Effect(下)
19.4public Goods:Public Goods
[判断题]An allocation of the endowment that improves the welfare of all consumer is a Pareto-improving allocation.

选项:[对, 错]
[判断题]In a Edgeworth box there are lot of  allocations that are Pareto-optimal.

选项:[对, 错]
[判断题]An externality is a cost or a benefit imposed upon someone by actions taken by others.

选项:[错, 对]
[判断题]An economic situation involves a production externality if one firm’s production possibility is affected by the choices of the other firms not the consumers’.

选项:[错, 对]
[判断题]Ronald Coase’s insight is that most externality problems are due to an inadequate specification of property rights.

选项:[错, 对]
[判断题]To say that preferences are single peaked means that everybody either prefers more public goods to less or everybody prefers less public goods to more.

选项:[错, 对]
[判断题]If a pure public good is provided by voluntary contributions, economic theory predicts that in general too little will be supplied.

选项:[错, 对]
[判断题]One of the problems with the Clarke tax mechanism is that when it is used, people have an incentive to lie about their preferences.

选项:[对, 错]
[单选题]A small economy has only two consumers, Ben and Penelope. Ben's utility function is U (x; y) = x + 84y1/2 . Penelope's utility function is U (x; y) = x + 7y. AtaPareto optimal allocation in which both individuals consume some of each good, how much y does Ben consume?


, 13

, 36

, 6.5

[单选题]According to the First Theorem of Welfare Economics:

选项:[None of all

, Every competitive equilibrium is fair.

, If the economy is in a competitive equilibrium, there is no way to make anyone better off.

, A competitive equilibrium always exists.


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