

  1. Which of the following statements about the Materials and Methods of a paper is WRONG? ( )

  2. A:The main purpose of the Material and Methods section is to give full details of the methodology employed in the research and defend the reason for a particular method. B:Mistakes in grammar and punctuation are serious in Material and Methods section. Even a missing comma may produce an experiment error. C:Tables and pictures cannot be used in the Material and Methods section to describe the complicated experimental process. D:The Material and Methods section normally has sub-headings.
    答案:They perform rituals and get momentary relief from the anxiety.
  3. Which one of the following descriptions about Abstract writing is not true? ( )

  4. A:The Abstract should never give any information or conclusion that is not stated in the paper. B:Abstract should be written before writing the paper. C:Obscure abbreviations should be omitted when writing the abstract. D:The language of the abstract should be familiar to the potential readers.
    AI参考:(B: Abstract should be written before writing the paper.)这个选项是不正确的。在撰写论文摘要时,通常是在撰写论文之后进行的,而不是在撰写论文之前。因此,选项B是不符合常理的。其他选项A、C和D都是正确的摘要写作技巧,其中A选项表示摘要不应包含论文中未提及的信息或结论,C选项表示在撰写摘要时应省略模糊的缩写词,D选项表示摘要的语言应该是潜在读者熟悉的。'
  5. A conclusion includes the following parts EXCEPT ( ):

  6. A:Summary B:Graceful termination C:Research method D:Statement of recommendations
    答案:introduction;summarizing overview;concluding remarksAI参考:单选题A conclusion includes the following parts EXCEPT (Graceful termination) 。因此,答案为B:Graceful termination。'
  7. A resume should include a summary of your education in ( )order

  8. A:chronological B:practical C:reverse chronological D:alphabetic
    答案:qualificationeducationskillsaccomplishments and experienceAI参考:正确选项是A:chronological(按时间顺序)。在简历中,教育经历应该按照时间顺序进行总结,即从最早的教育经历开始,到最新的教育经历结束。这种按照时间顺序的总结方式被称为“chronological”方式,是简历中最常见和最标准的方式。其他选项B、C、D都不符合简历的常规写法。'
  9. Nowadays, the most commonly used visual aid is          . ( )

  10. A:graph B:model C:power point D:transparency
    答案:BDECAAI参考:正确选项是C: PowerPoint。PowerPoint是目前最常用的视觉辅助工具之一,因为它可以轻松地创建演示文稿、展示图片、动画和视频等,并能够轻松地添加注释和互动元素,方便地与观众互动。因此,PowerPoint是最常见的视觉辅助工具之一。其他选项如图表、模型、透明度等虽然也具有一定的应用,但不如PowerPoint广泛使用。'
  11. Which of the following statements is true? ( )

  12. A:All research involves asking some explicit research questions. B:There are no specific procedures in empirical research. C:The subjects are not described in detail for the sake of privacy. D:One of the purposes for clearly describing the instrument is to ensure possible replication.
    答案:They perform rituals and get momentary relief from the anxiety.
  13. When writing the Discussion section, obey the following rules EXCEPT ( ).

  14. A:Refer to prior studies in the past tense. B:Follow a logical stream of thought. C:Repeat large amount of contents from the introduction to reiterate the importance of this research. D:Be concise and clearly state the main points.

  15. Which of the following statements about the results section of a paper is WRONG? ( )

  16. A:A systematic description of the results can highlight the creativity of the research. B:The results section is to present the major findings of the research. C:The results section needs to include every result from the experiment, whether it is relevant to the research or not. D:On most occasions, it is more preferable to separate results and discussion into different sections.

  17. An abstract should observe the following conventions EXCEPT ( ).

  18. A:Explain briefly the central issue of the paper. B:Reflect accurately the purpose and content of the paper. C:Use complex and seldom-used academic terms as much as possible. D:Be coherent so that it is easy to read.
    AI参考:正确答案是C:Use complex and seldom-used academic terms as much as possible。摘要应该简洁明了地解释论文的核心问题,准确地反映论文的目的和内容,通顺易读,所以选项A、B、D都是正确的,而选项C则是错误的,因为使用过于复杂和少见的学术术语会让读者难以理解。因此,C选项“尽量使用复杂和罕见的学术术语”是与其他规范不符的。'
  19. The conclusion part normally goes           .  ( )

  20. A:from simple to complex B:from complex to simple C:from general to specific D:from specific to general

  21. The format of a business letter should include: letterhead, date of writing, ____, salutation, body, complimentary close and signature. ( )

  22. A:title of the letter B:location of writing C:greetings D:inside address

  23. An effective introduction usually contains the following parts except ( ).

  24. A:Specific research questions B:Rationale C:Research background D:A detailed description of research method
    AI参考:正确答案是A:Specific research questions。有效的介绍通常包含以下部分:研究背景(C)、研究目的和意义(B)、研究意义(D)、研究方法(E)、研究样本和方法(F)等,不包含具体的研究问题(A)。因此,选项A是正确答案。'
  25. The title should represent of the paper and facilitate the information retrieval. ( )

  26. A:the central idea B:the main results C:the main purpose D:the central summary
    AI参考:正确答案是A:the central idea 文章的标题应该代表文章的核心思想和核心观点,方便读者进行信息检索。B选项主要结果可能是论文的结论,但是不代表全文核心观点。C选项主要目的只是阐述写论文的原因和意义,不够概括。D选项“central summary”中文翻译为“中心总结”,一般用于总结文章主要内容,但是与标题的要求不符。因此,答案为A。'
  27. A conference presentation usually consists of oral presentation of your findings and          . ( )

  28. A:plenary session B:discussion C:keynote speech D:Question & Answer Session
    AI参考:正确选项是B:discussion。根据题目中的描述,会议演讲通常包括口头展示研究结果以及讨论部分。因此,选项B中的discussion符合题意,而其他选项如plenary session、keynote speech和Question & Answer Session都不符合题目描述。'
  29. A letter of application is mainly used when you are applying for a job, and asking for an ( ).

  30. A:job B:opportunity C:test D:interview
  31. What information should not be included in Call for Conference Papers? ( )

  32. A:Title, dates and location of the conference B:Keynote speaker’s personal information C:Organizing party D:Theme of the conference
    AI参考:正确选项是【B:Keynote speaker’s personal information】。在“会议征文通知”中,不应包括主讲人的个人信息,如姓名、职务、联系方式等。其他选项中,A选项(会议的标题、日期和地点)是应该包含的信息;C选项(组织方)通常在会议征文通知中也会提及;D选项(会议主题)虽然重要,但并非必须包含在“会议征文通知”中。'
  33. Which of the following statements about the abstract of a paper is right? ( )

  34. A:An abstract is a summary of the major ideas contained in the research paper. B:The abstract of a scientific work and the abstract of a humanities paper have the same components. C:Charts, formulas, chemical structural formulas can be used in the abstract. D:In order to summarize the content of the paper in detail, the abstract can be written as long as possible.

  35. If you want to submit a paper to a certain SCI journal, you’d better write a(an) ( ) abstract?

  36. A:informative B:descriptive C:indicative D:structured
    AI参考:正确答案是A:informative abstract。句意:如果你想提交一篇论文到某SCI期刊,你最好写一个()的摘要?A.informative 通知的;B.descriptive描述性的;C.indicative指示的;D.structured结构化的。根据句意,故选A。'
  37. Which of the following statements about the conclusion of a paper is WRONG? ( )

  38. A:A conclusion allows the researcher to finally clarify the issue in the paper and summarize findings and thoughts. B:The basis of conclusion is the theoretical analysis and discussion of the research results. C:In the conclusion, the same sentences as used in the introduction can be reused to emphasize the idea. D:The conclusion is innovative and instructive, and can complement with the introduction.

  39. In the Conclusion part, you should mention ____ of the main points, statement of conclusion and recommendations. ( )

  40. A:evaluation B:summary C:restatement D:analysis

  41. Which of the following statements about the Conclusion section is right? ( )

  42. A:Conclusions are often the easiest part of an essay to write, and it leads the reads to the end of the paper. B:A conclusion should stress the importance of the thesis statement, give the essay a sense of completeness, and leave a final impression on the reader. C:Show the readers why this paper was important, and that your paper was meaningful and useful. D:Give your reader something to think about, perhaps a way to use in the “real” world.

  43. The format of business letters may include ( )

  44. A:Heading B:Complimentary Close C:Salutation D:Body

  45. Which of the following statements about the Results section is right? ( )

  46. A:Present the results of your experiment in a sequence that will logically support the hypothesis, or answer the question, stated in the Introduction. B:The body of the Results section is a text-based presentation of the key findings which includes references to each of the Tables and Figures. C:Do not present the same data in both a Table and Figure. D:Report raw data values when they can be summarized as means, percents, etc.

  47. Most informative abstracts should include: ( )

  48. A:Conclusion B:Problem statement C:Methods or process D:Results

  49. What are basic requirements to write an effective title?( )

  50. A:Generalization B:Brevity C:Clarity D:Accuracy

  51. Which of the following statements about the key words of a paper is right? ( )

  52. A:English keywords are separated by “;”. B:Key words are words or phrase that are repeated mostly in the paper. C:Key words come right after the abstract. D:The function of key words is to enable readers to quickly catch the research contents.

  53. Materials and methods section mainly includes ( ).

  54. A:How were the data analyzed? B:Why did you perform the experiment? C:How did you proceed? D:What did you use?

  55. What can be used to define your vocal qualities when you make an oral presentation at a conference? ( )

  56. A:Tone B:Volume C:Pace D:Pitch
  57. What information is included when describing research instruments ( )?

  58. A:Number of items and type of items B:A brief description of the construct the instrument assesses C:Reliability estimates and validity estimates D:Instrument name

  59. When do we need to write an abstract: ( )

  60. A:when writing a proposal for a conference paper B:when writing a term paper C:when submitting articles to journals, especially online journals D:when applying for research grants

  61. At the beginning of the oral presentation at a conference, you should usually .( )

  62. A:reveal the topic B:introduce your research field C:outline the structure D:comment on the previous presentation

  63. The hallmarks of a good title are that ( )

  64. A:it begins with an important term. B:it accurately, completely, and specifically identifies the main topic or the main point of the paper C:it is concise D:it is unambiguous
    AI参考:选项 B:它准确地、完全地、具体地识别论文的主要话题或主要观点; 选项 C:它是简洁的; 选项 D:它是明确的。一个好的标题应该具备以下特点:1. 简洁明了:标题应该简明扼要,能够概括论文的主要内容,不冗长复杂。2. 准确全面:标题应该准确地反映论文的主题或主要观点,不遗漏任何重要的信息。因此,选项 B 是正确的,而选项 A、C、D 也都是好的标题的必要条件,但并不是充分的。因此,答案为 BCD。'
  65. Basic requirements for the title of academic paper are ( ).

  66. A:unified B:concise C:standard D:specific
  67. An introduction fulfills the tasks of( ).

  68. A:summarizing the main results B:making clear its general purpose C:providing the readers with sufficient background information about the research D:defining the limit of the study to direct the readers to a specific focus

  69. The section of Materials and Methods may include ( ).

  70. A:experimental purpose B:experimental objects C:experimental design D:experimental procedures

  71. The introduction section should include ( ).

  72. A:establishing the field of the study B:proposing a solution C:defining the research problem D:summarizing the conclusion

  73. What kind of information should be mentioned in an introduction ( )?

  74. A:main work the paper will address B:previous study C:purpose of the study D:limit of the study E:background information

  75. A conclusion should ( ).

  76. A:Stress the importance of the thesis statement B:Give the essay a sense of completeness C:Leave a final impression on the reader D:Restate the results of your research
  77. Which of the following statements about Making a Presentation is right? ( )

  78. A:Walk to the stage and be quiet for at least three seconds while looking at your audience and smile. B:A good beginning of a presentation should first be able to catch the audience’s attention and arouse their interest. C:Be familiar with your material and any facts, names, or numbers you are planning to use. D:Think of the speech opening like a good movie, use the first two minutes to build excitement.

  79. You can use           as the subject of the sentence and state the results directly. ( )

  80. A:table B:time C:data D:figure
  81. In results section, data already showed in the table should be avoided to be expressed repeatedly by words. ( )

  82. A:对 B:错

  83. The subtitles in a research paper are strongly recommended to employ the same syntactic structure with each other.( )

  84. A:错 B:对

  85. Graceful termination is achieved when all the materials of the conclusion are smoothly woven together as well as repeat the introduction. ( )

  86. A:对 B:错

  87. Figures can be used to make comparisons of proportions and amounts precisely and easily. ( )

  88. A:对 B:错
  89. The function of an abstract is to describe, evaluate or defend the paper. ( )

  90. A:错 B:对
  91. The primary objective in wring the Discussion section is to show the relationship between the facts, their underlying causes, their effects, and their theoretical implications. ( )

  92. A:错 B:对

  93. In order to be concise, unnecessary adjectives and adverbs can be removed when writing business letters. ( )

  94. A:错 B:对

  95. The main purpose for an Introduction is to introduce the research by presenting its context or background. ( )

  96. A:对 B:错
  97. The title is indicative of the subject matter. ( )

  98. A:错 B:对
  99. The conclusion should duplicate the introduction and sum up the main points from general to specific. ( )

  100. A:错 B:对
  101. Keywords are usually used in the form of nouns and mainly come from title and abstract of the paper.( )

  102. A:对 B:错

  103. Without establishing the state of the previous research, it is impossible to establish how the new research advances the previous research.( )

  104. A:对 B:错

  105. Although you have handouts when making a presentation at a meeting, you can’t read straight from them. ( )

  106. A:错 B:对
  107. Giving results without explaining their meaning will only leads to random interpretation, which will affect the research’s influence. ( )

  108. A:错 B:对
  109. When you use power point as the visual aid, try to put every word from your script on each slide. ( )

  110. A:对 B:错
  111. In Results section, we need to report every result obtained or observed.( )

  112. A:对 B:错
  113. New questions can be raised in the Conclusion section to enlighten further study. ( )

  114. A:对 B:错
    AI参考:正确答案是【对】。在结论部分可以提出新的问题以启发进一步的探讨和研究。因此,New questions can be raised in the Conclusion section to enlighten further study这句话是正确的。'
  115. You must ask for an opportunity of interview at the end of your job application letter. ( )

  116. A:对 B:错
  117. An energetic ending is not so critical to a successful presentation because the last thing said is what the audience often ignores. ( )

  118. A:对 B:错

  119. The methods section is usually the longest section in the abstract. It should contain enough information to enable the reader to understand what was done, and how.( )

  120. A:对 B:错

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