1. What are the three ways mentioned in the video to judge people’s attitudes through quotations?

  2. 答案:Use verb or verb phrase.###Use key words.###Use summary statement.
  3. Which of the following are the features of leads?

  4. 答案:intriguing###short and concise###providing important information
  5. Pick the points you should pay attention to when you assess a news presentation orally.

  6. 答案:Be truthful when giving responses.###Use phrases like “I think… I like… I feel… I wish…”###Begin with a positive statement
  7. How accents are different in English news broadcasting?

  8. 答案:The accents of the speakers whose original voice is quoted are different.###The newscasters’ accents can be different.###Some speakers may carry foreign accents.###Some speakers may have local accents.
  9. Why big and exact numbers are not common in broadcasting news?

  10. 答案:Most listeners only receive information passively###Big and exact numbers are difficult to remember.
  11. Short message writing has led to more creativity in the English language, giving people opportunities to create their own _________________etc.

  12. 答案:acronyms###emoticons###abbreviations###slangs
  13. Which of the followings are usually mentioned in the corporate news?

  14. 答案:the overall performance of a corporation###the merger with other company###the layoff or the recruitment of the employees###the investment on certain field
  15. Which of the following verbs are neutral words which can’t show people’s attitude?

  16. 答案:assume###demonstrate###maintain###conclude
  17. Which of the following words refers to a scandal?

  18. 答案:Watergate###Iraqgate###Zippergate
  19. The 1890s saw the rise of media giants William Randolph Hearst and Joseph Pulitzer. Their fierce competition produced "yellow journalism".

  20. 答案:Randolph Hearst###Joseph Pulitzer
  21. Why falling tone is used in news broadcasting?

  22. 答案:It can show that the report is objective.###It can show that the report is real.###It can show that the report is serious.
  23. Print news refers to _______________. news in newspapers and magazines.
  24. IL is the short form for the state of ______.
  25. WeChat is a mobile text and voice messaging communication service developed by Tencent in China in ___.
  26. Pakistan officials say at least 16 miners have been killed in two separate accidents at coal mines in the province of Balochistan. (BBC) What type does this news belong to?
  27. “Child hunger is fundamentally a political problem,” said Assefa Bequele, ACPF’s executive director. (The Guardian)What kind of quotation is used here?
  28. A total of 95 ancient tombs have been discovered on the campus of Tsinghua University, a prestigious university in Beijing. (China Daily)What is “the Who” in the lead?
  29. What is true about “the Who” in the lead?
  30. _____ is an online social media company launched in 2004 by Mark Zuckerberg and his partners.
  31. The suffix “-holic” means ______.
  32. When reading a graph with several lines, we _________.
  33. Which one of these is not true about vogue words?
  34. Which one of these is not true about Johannes Gutenberg?
  35. The word “paraphrase”means explaining the question using different words.
  36. We can refer to different reports of the same news events to guess the meaning of some unknown words.
  37. Clipped words refer to words formed from the initial letters of the original group of words.
  38. The most important information is presented first in the inverted-pyramid style of writing.
  39. One paragraph-one point demonstration is particularly preferred for the purpose of cutting in advertisements .
  40. The nickname for Pittsburgh is “the Windy City”.
  41. Clipped words are formed by keeping any part of the original words, and the rest parts are cut out.
  42. If you don't understand the questions from the audience, you can paraphrase them back to the questioner.
  43. The present or past participle modifiers present a closer relation with the noun before or after it.
  44. The Pennsylvania Evening Post was the first daily newspaper in America.
  45. A news photo pictures the live view of a news event.
  46. Credible journalism is fed by fact-gathering
  47. The New York Times is originated from The New -York Daily Times.
  48. The phrase “fake news” is used to describe false or exaggerated stories published in the media with questionable motives.
  49. What is the attitude of the journalist toward Haikou’s ecosystems?
  50. Who gave a negative remark on Haikou’s ecosystems?
  51. What people did the reporter not interview?
  52. The lead of this passage includes _____.
  53. Which of the following is the correct completion for the headline “Green ecosystems in Haikou boost competitiveness in tropical capital”?
  54. What’s the attitude of most people to the book according to the passage?
  55. What measure has the municipal office taken?
  56. “Chicken without sex life” or “red burned lion head” are mentioned in the beginning of the passage to show__________.
  57. municipal 的中文意思是:
  58. What’s the best title of the passage?
  59. In order to make an effective evaluation, the audiences are supposed to pay attention to the following guidelines.
  60. When reading a graph, we usually read _______.
  61. The caption or cutline is the words _________.
  62. The grammatical features of news English include ________
  63. Why should we read different reports of the same news events from different news agencies?
  64. Bequele added: “It is completely unacceptable that children are still going hungry in Africa in the 21st century.” (The Guardian) What can be useful clues to help us judge the attitude of the speaker in the news?
  65. A delayed lead_____________.
  66. What is NOT true about the lead?
  67. What can the equality sign (=) mean when we take notes?
  68. Which of the following sentences includes emotional expressions?
  69. What can the left-pointing arrow (←) mean when we take notes?
  70. Fleet Street is the traditional home of the______ national press since the 18th century.
  71. Which one of these is not true about tabloid papers?
  72. By 1922, _______had created the largest media-holding company in America.
  73. A caption or cutline is the words beside the news.
  74. An incident that happened one month ago can be used to make news for today’s newspaper.
  75. Slides should repeat your words.
  76. The News of the World, the Sunday version of The Sun, was closed in 2011 after 168 years of publication as it was involved in a major phone hacking scandal.
  77. According to the author, Trump targeted the birthright citizenship is to ______.
  78. According to the passage, who held the negative view toward the executive order?
  79. The sub-head “Experts, officials call possible executive order 'unconstitutional'” implies ____.
  80. The underlined word “constituents” in the third paragraph means ______.
  81. Which of the following is correct about the second paragraph?
  82. Why do people think the virtual reality devices is skeptical?
  83. The illusions created by the virtual reality devices may be broken when ______.
  84. Why do airlines think that passengers will like virtual reality in the skies?
  85. Which of the following shows the limited application of virtual-reality headsets in Alaska Airlines?
  86. What are mentioned about the development of in-flight entertainment?
  87. What should be take down when we listen to news?
  88. Reading different news reports of the same news events can help _____.
  89. A Commentary provides information on current events and issues, along with interpretation and analysis, which appears in the newspaper columns like ________ etc.
  90. Which of the following newspapers are tabloids?
  91. Which of the following statements are true about writing the manuscript of your oral presentation?
  92. What are the common sections included in most English newspapers?
  93. There are very few ________ used resulting in good reporting instead of editing with an objective tone instead of subjective.
  94. How can we tell the opinion of the news journalist?
  95. Which of the following headlines omitted “a” or “an”?
  96. PMI means “purchasing managers index”,which is usually used in _______.
  97. When the reporter is conscious of the need to organize the story around _____, the story tends to write itself.
  98. Cartoons usually appear in the section of __________.
  99. How to help your audience remember your key points when you make a news presentation?
  100. Which of the following statements is TRUE?
  101. For feature stories, the lead idea is usually placed further down in the story, in which case we say it is a ____
  102. What does “to” mean in the headline “China to issue white paper on China-US economic, trade talks stance”?
  103. A long sentence can be understand quickly by ________.
  104. What is NOT included in the three typical structures of news articles?
  105. A news picture of a disaster might present ________.
  106. A summary lead ____________.
  107. Which of the following is NOT true about direct quotation?
  108. For English learning beginners, what kind listening material is suitable?
  109. In news reports, names of capitals are used to represent the _______,.
  110. Why should we pay attention to the event location?
  111. Where can we find the name of a news agency?
  112. Which one of these is not among Britain’s “big three” quality papers?
  113. Skimming is not _______.
  114. Timeliness means that events are immediate and recent.
  115. We are not journalists, so we are not responsible for the reliability of news and information we read or hear.
  116. The word “Brexit” is a blending word for “Britain” and “exit”
  117. The lead of the news introduces the essential elements such as what, who, where, when, and how.
  118. Does the headline “Huawei files motion to challenge US government as it eyes swift end to its law suit” report a future event?
  119. Partial quotation, only using the key word from the original wording, can help the listeners grasp the most important information quickly.
  120. The invention of the telegraph in 1844 changed the shape of journalism.
  121. The original works are fingerprints that distinguish you from others.
  122. Logdande said officials and air force personnel were trying to work out an alternative plan to bring the bodies down to the nearest town of Pithoragarh. (The Guardian)The quotation used here is partial quotation.
  123. By referring to the source of a quotation, we can get a clue of the author's opinion.
  124. Social type people make themselves outstanding because they share with others the high quality of information on social media.
  125. The emotional words gives the standpoint of the journalist.
  126. Graphs can be ignored because they are time-consuming and difficult to understand.
  127. Definitions of news may vary and change, but the criteria by which news is judged remains constant.
  128. It’s better to know some short forms of famous places, organizations, common diseases and occupations.
  129. What can you infer from what Sun said in the last paragraph?
  130. How has the condition of secondhand smoke exposure improved in China?
  131. Why can the content of harmful components in secondhand smoke be several times or even dozens of times higher than that in direct smoke?
  132. What does the word “toxic” mean?
  133. How are non-smokers affected by secondhand smoke?
  134. What is the main idea of the passage?
  135. What can we know from the last two paragraphs?
  136. What can we infer from what Mr.Packer said?
  137. exponentially 的中文意思是:
  138. What's the meaning of the underlined word "abuzz" in the first paragraph
  139. The criteria of news:
  140. What are the common elements in disaster news?
  141. What are the popular newspapers and magazines established in the United States of America?
  142. What kinds of places frequently appear in news?
  143. Words used in the news mainly carry the following features.
  144. What are usually stressed in English news broadcasting?
  145. We can analyze ______ to guess the meaning of a new words when reading a piece of news.
  146. What are the features of news pictures?
  147. There are different types of feature stories, including _______etc.
  148. What are helpful to identify the opinion of a journalist?
  149. What kinds of numbers may appear in economic news?
  150. Figures of speech are often used in feature writing in order to enhance the literariness like ______ etc.
  151. Which of the following topics belong to political news?
  152. What are the charactersitics of broadcast news?
  153. What can be useful clues when we make inference?
  154. Why are there many long sentences in news articles?
  155. Useful data can provide readers with insights into the news event,__________.
  156. How can numbers be compared in the broadcasting news?
  157. Another enduring definition of news was offered by Stanley Walker, editor of The New York Herald Tribune in the early 1930s.He once wrote,“(            ), (            ), and (           ) are always news.
  158. What are the sources we should pay attention to when reading a piece of news?
  159. The first thing we should do before we read a news article is to decide_______
  160. Which one of these is not the factor influencing oral news presentation?
  161. When you write short messages, the ___ content is of vital importance.
  162. Quality Papers are also called _______
  163. Who are the intended listeners for VOA special English?
  164. Which number does the word “score” mean?
  165. Where is the headquarter of WTO?
  166. ________ words refer to the words or expressions that are vague and not clearly defined.
  167. __________ are words or expressions used as substitutes for something else with which they are closely associated.
  168. Active reading is _________.
  169. Usually, a news headline has a ____ words limit
  170. Which one of these is not true about the strategies for dealing with and responding to questions at the end of an oral presentation?
  171. Downing Street is used to refer to ________.
  172. The first true British newspaper was______.
  173. Which of the following is popular among British young people?
  174. You should give the ____ to the source of the quotations.
  175. Yellow journalism used _______ as a way to increase readership.
  176. Which of the following is NOT TRUE?
  177. A good beginning is half done, but a ___ ending may unfortunately break the unity of the demonstration.
  178. Is the verb in -ed form in the headline “five killed in Connecticut power plant blast” a past tense?
  179. Is Lead the opening sentence or paragraph(s) of a news story?
  180. If you don't know an answer to a question, tell the audience you don’t know.
  181. When skimming, we watch for signal words or phrases to follow the author’s direction.
  182. Words like “defense”, “argue”, and “challenge” can show people hold positive attitudes towards something.
  183. The newscasters in BBC speak British English, their pronunciation is called G.P., the General Pronunciation.
  184. There are many differences between British English and American English. In pronunciation, some vowels, consonants, and word stress are pronounced differently.
  185. Timeliness varies from publication to publication
  186. A cartoon is shot by a photographer.
  187. Loan words refer to words or expressions from other languages.
  188. The current news we hear every day is only part of the whole story, it is closely related with the facts happened before and it will develop further in the future.
  189. Your own emotional variation has nothing to do with the opinion of the news reporter.
  190. Headlines are not full sentences with some function words omitted, so as to grab the attention of readers.
  191. News sources refer to the news agencies that publish the news events.
  192. Listen to all parts of a question BEFORE you begin to answer any questions.
  193. We have to pay attention to news agencies to identify the reliability of news reports.
  194. Numbers in news can be interpreted or explained in vivid and easy-to-understand language.
  195. Is “Obituaries” one of the sections in The Guardian?
  196. The headquarter of the World Bank is in New York.
  197. When reading news in English, we should look into every new word that we come across.
  198. Which of the following is not true about open question?
  199. The best evaluations are a combination of praise, areas for improvement, and specific suggestions.
  200. Which one of the following about retelling is not true?
  201. The focus of a profile interview is a person rather than an event or situation.
  202. Which one of the following is not true?
  203. The goal of creating social media messages is not only to reach your audience, to share contents and emotions with others, but also to achieve an intended effect and to reflect the _________  of their author.
  204. The specific source is some kind_______ to well proof your viewpoint.
  205. A Commentary is usually a piece of___ writing.
  206. In 1979, the Pulitzer Prize Board established a category for a distinguished example for feature writing, that is “giving prime consideration to high literary quality and originality.”
  207. In a straight news report, the most important information in the story is always put___
  208. What are the three kinds of quotations? (多选)
  209. "A powerful cyclone has hit eastern India, downing trees and power lines and causing widespread damage in coastal areas. " What predictions can you make from the lead? (多选
  210. What can the approximate equality sign (≈) mean in note-taking?
  211. Which of the following shows the right number for the word?
  212. What can the sign of a star mean in note-taking?
  213. Which is NOT the nick name for New York?
  214. In the inverted pyramid structure, the most important information is put at the very beginning.
  215. The falling tone in the news broadcast can show that the report is real, objective and serious.
  216. What elements might appear in disaster news?(多选)
  217. Backgrounds in news appear in different forms, they can be phrases, clauses, sentences, or even paragraphs.
  218. Finding what is omitted but worth of mentioning is a way to find the opinion of the reporter.
  219. The comment from a reader online “I don't know how much more a rational person watching and listening to this fool can take. If anything - ever - called for application of the 25 Amendment, this meeting today was it.” gives a(n) ______ attitude toward Trump’s inauguration at a cabinet meeting.
  220. What are the main methods to understand the long sentence?
  221. What are the questions to ask to find the opinion of the news journalist?
  222. The person whose voice is quoted is an important source.
  223. When do skim reading, we ______.
  224. Delayed lead includes _________.
  225. We can find _______ in the Washington Post and the Guardian, but not in China Daily.
  226. In the section of _______ in China Daily there is a subsection of cartoons.
  227. The hyphen in  the headline, “Little Anti-US Feeling——Diplomat" , stands for _______.
  228. What are the disadvantages of the inverted pyramid form?
  229. In the sentence "...Hosack embodies the greatest impulses of the young nation--reverence for science, compassion for his fellow citizens and devotion to the civic life of the republic", what rhetorical devices are used?
  230. In what kinds of news are passive sentences frequently used?
  231. Normally, a story consists of three parts: introduction or background, facts and climax.
  232. What can "Downing Street" and "White House" refer to?
  233. News is information about current events.
  234. Which one of these is not a commonly recognized news value?
  235. Which one of these is not British Newspaper?
  236. Dictating English news can help you improve your listening skills.
  237. Which one of these is not newspaper?
  238. Learning English through news is a bad way to improve your language ability.
  239. News is something that we come across every day in our life.
  240. Many English newspapers and news websites have (              ). These make it easy to read English news anytime, anywhere.
  241. By dictating daily updated news, you can improve your listening skills, grammar, and vocabulary.
  242. The course consists of (          ) chapters.
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