第三章 Political Systems 政治制度:This chapter mainly introduces the political systems of UKand USA.本章主要介绍英国和美国的政治制度。3.1Political Systems of UK 英国政治制度:This section focuses on the introduction of the constitutional monarchy, parliament and political parties of UK. 本节重点介绍英国的君主立宪制、议会、政党。
3.2Political Systems of USA 美国政治制度:This section focuses on the introduction of the executive,  government system, congress, political parties and  presidential election of USA. 本节重点介绍美国的行政机构、政府制度与国会以及政党与总统选举。
[单选题]The real center of power in Parliament is_____. 
the Queen 
the House of Commons 
the Cabinet 
the House of Lords
答案:the House of Commons
[单选题]The real power of the House of Lords lies in____. 
helping to pass money bills  
discussing bills
being Supreme Court 
delaying bills  [判断题]During the 200 or so years before the mid-19th century, British politics was dominated by the Tories and the Whigs.

[判断题]Economically, the Conservative Party support private enterprise and minimal state regulation, and accepts the mixed economy, which involves private ownership of business with some government control.

[多选题]What are the general principles of the form of US government? 
the integration of powers
the separation of powers
respect for the Constitution and the rule of law[多选题]Which of the following are the functions of the US state government? 
providing law and order 
dealing with things which concern day-to-day life
dealing with matters concerning education   
dealing with matters concerning public health  [多选题]Which of the following statements of US Senate or Senator are true? 
A senator must have been an American citizen for at least nine years. 
A senator must be over 20 years old, a resident in the state which they represent.
 The term for Senators is six years, but one third of them are elected every two years.
The Senate has 100 members. Each of the 50 states elects two Senators. [判断题]Members of the House of Representatives must over 35 years old and must have been an American citizen for at least 7 years.

[判断题]The US state government is concerned with foreign affairs and with matters of general concern to all the states, including interstate commerce.

[判断题]The US Democrats want the government to play an important role in the economy and emphasize full employment as a matter of national concern.

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