第七章 Values 价值观:This chapter introduces values in the UK and the USA, mainly taking America as an example.本章介绍英美两国的价值观,重点以美国为例。7.1Man-nature Relationship 人与自然的关系:This section introduces the historical background of man-nature relationship, and mainly explains American characters influenced by values: control over environment. 本节介绍人与自然关系形成的历史背景,重点讲解体现对自然的主导价值观念的美国人的性格特点。
7.2Social Relationship 社会关系:This section introduces the historical background of socialrelationship, and mainly explains concepts and manifestations of American individualism and materialism.本节介绍社会关系形成的历史背景,重点讲解美国人个人主义、物质主义的概念及体现等。
7.3View of Time 时间观念:This section focuses on Americans' values of time  based on  future orientation, manifestations and features of punctuality. 本节介绍美国人未来导向的时间观念、具体体现以及守时的特点等。
7.4American Dream 美国梦:This section talks about implications of American Dream from different aspects, and some representatives of American   Dream. 本节从不同方面介绍美国梦的内涵,以及美国梦的代表。
[判断题]In the United States today, the value of mastering nature results in bold approaches to overcome all obstacles and the belief that an individual should have control over their personal environment and the ability to achieve any goal. 

[判断题]This passion for change and progress is evident in the way that Americans have traditionally approached the environment--as something to be conquered, tamed, or harnessed for social or personal benefit. 

[判断题]The Puritans have left rich cultural heritage to future Americans. The American values such as individualism, hard work, and respect of education owe every much to the Puritan beliefs. 

[判断题]Americans have a strong belief in materialism, that is, that which is partly a result of the people’s great material abundance.

[判断题]In the United States what lies ahead usually takes precedence over the past. 

[判断题]Americans believe time is a limited resource, they try to conserve and manage it. 

[判断题]That 18th century "American Dream" motivated the Gold Rush and gave California its nickname of the "Golden State".

[多选题]Values and attitudes to life just can be seen in Americans’ characters, they are______ . 
the need to explore a new frontier  
the courage to try something new
the desire to start a new life 
pioneering spirit [多选题]Hallmarks of cultures that hold Future orientation include _______. 
a stress on youth  
taking chances 
change [多选题]What are the modern people’s American Dreams?  
To do what they want. 
To own a home or rise out of poverty.   
To want to learn to read or run their own business.
To serve God, country, or community.    

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