1. The event mentioned in the passage marked the beginning of the transition _____.

  2. 答案:from Old English to Middle English
  3. According to the passage, which of the following statements is true?

  4. 答案:The author of this passage speaks highly of Dickens and his novel David Copperfield.###The author of this passage was moved to tears by the experience of David.
  5. This passage analyzes the human nature theme of Golding’s Lord of the Flies, in which the author hold the view that human nature is ______.

  6. 答案:evil
  7. Which of the following statement is not true according to the passage?

  8. 答案:Thousands of workers are making progress toward its grand opening in May 2020.
  9. Why was the NFL's executive vice president excited about the stadium complex?

  10. 答案:It has larger scale and the entire district will become vivid.
  11. What sport does the “Super Bowl” mean?

  12. 答案:American Football
  13. The symbol of the US Democratic Party is a donkey and that of the Republican Party is an elephant.

  14. 答案:对
  15. The site of the White House was selected by President Washington.

  16. 答案:对
  17. Time range required for M.A. / M.S. degree in British higher education system is 2 or 3 years.

  18. 答案:错
  19. The U.S. media today is frequently known as the Fourth Estate.

  20. 答案:对
  21. Two features of Oxford and Cambridge are widely admired, and are being gradually extended to other universities. They are______.

  22. 答案:tutorial system###college system
  23. Nature has been regarded as “Bible of New England Transcendentalism”.
  24. Poe was one of the earliest American practitioners of the short story and is considered the inventor of the detective-fiction genre.
  25. Mass media is media which is intended for a large audience.
  26. The number of electors of each state is equal to that of its senators and representatives in Congress. The total number of electors in the nation is currently 538.
  27. In present-oriented cultures, history, established religions, and tradition are extremely important.
  28. Which of the following works are written by Jane Austen?
  29. Major differences between BrE and AmE include________.
  30. Which of the following parties are prevalent in modern UK?
  31. In the 1600s, European settlers left their homelands and came to America in order to ___________.
  32. Which of the following heroes are from the Bible?
  33. If Mary wants to watch American TV dramas, which of the following will you recommend?
  34. Which of the following writer is not from Colonial American period?
  35. The first shot of the American War of Independence was fird in _________.
  36. Which of the following US president is not a Democrat?
  37. The Hawaiian Islands, which are situated in the Pacific, became __________ state of the United States in 1959.
  38. The National Day of the United States falls on____ .
  39. Which of the following female writers is not Victorian writers?
  40. It is the _____orientation that most characterizes the dominant American culture.
  41. How many periods of time can the development of the three major parties in UK be divided into?
  42. ______ realized that he could win support for the Union at home and abroad by making the war a just war against slavery.
  43. It can be inferred from the passage that a major interest of the officials of Glacier National Park is to ____________.
  44. The relationship between park officials and neighboring landowners may best be described as ____________.
  45. Why are the private lands surrounding Glacier National Park so important?
  46. The passage mainly discusses ____________.
  47. In the novel, the author reflect the frivolous, carefree, moneymaking life of the decade. This era can also be called ______.
  48. Which of the following novels does the extract come from?
  49. Who is the author of the above extract?
  50. Methodists believe in adult baptism by immersion, symbolizing a mature and responsible conversion experience.
  51. From this passage we can know that  ________
  52. The Indians were the original inhabitants in America.
  53. “My last Duchess” by Robert Browning is famous for the dramatic monologue in it.
  54. Education in Britain is divided into basic and higher education, and basic education is including___ education.
  55. Texas is the largest state in area in the U.S.A.
  56. The United States is the birthplace of basketball.
  57. Benjamin Franklin is the representative of American Dream. His famous works include Poor Richard’s Almanac and Autobiography.
  58. RP is rhotic, which means that “r” is usually “silent”, unless it is followed by a vowel.
  59. Which of the following statement about British class system is true?
  60. What are the three elements of US federal government?
  61. In the United States today, the value of mastering nature can be seen in the ____.
  62. Which of the following statements about the American Revolutionary war are CORRECT?
  63. Which of the following works is not a modernist work?
  64. By the late 7th century, ____ became the dominant religion in England.
  65. ________ the authors who belong to the American Realism literature.
  66. Henry James is the forerunner of 'stream-of-consciousness' novels, because he was good at using writing techniques, such as _______ and psychological analysis.
  67. Which of the following characters in The Canterbury Tales is the one who weeps when she sees a mouse caught in a trap but turns her head when she sees a beggar in his ugly rugs?
  68. Which of the following is not a popular sport in Britain?
  69. The two main islands of the British Isles are___ .
  70. When are the elections for both Houses of US held?
  71. According to the passage, which statement is NOT correct?
  72. According to the passage, “the divide” in Paragraph 4 refers to__________
  73. The expression “New Man image” in paragraph 3 probably means __________
  74. According to the passage, how to understand “wear their hearts on their sleeves like Americans” in paragraph 1?
  75. According to Dr. Berger, why did people love to share astonishment-inspiring articles?
  76. What was the result of investigation on types of articles sent by readers?
  77. What did researchers at the University of Pennsylvania find about people’s preference of news?
  78. What is the present situation of sociologists’ study on news travel in people’s life?
  79. British had a reputation for being a class ridden society, where people were born into a certain social position and had no way of escaping.
  80. During the Civil War Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation, which declared the abolition of slavery.
  81. Which of the following kings and queens belong to the House of Tudor ?
  82. Which of the following statements about the origin of UK are true?
  83. Which of the following statement about Transcendentalism is true?
  84. ___________ and ___________ are seperated from American mainland.
  85. _____ is the capital city of Northern Ireland .
  86. Which of the following is not within the power of the US president?
  87. The Raven was written in 1844 by_______.
  88. The Observer is the United Kingdom’s oldest daily newspaper.
  89. We can infer from the passage that ___________.
  90. After the eruption of the volcano, what made the sky turn dark?
  91. Choose the best title for this passage. ___________ .
  92. The Anglican Church runs its own affairs, owns stocks, shares, land and other properties.
  93. Romeo and Juliet is a comedy of William Shakespeare.
  94. The Pilgrim’s Progress is written in the old-fashioned, medieval form of allegory and dream.
  95. Sometimes people use the shorten name Britain instead of Great Britain, to mean the same thing.
  96. Which of the following are on the West Coast of America?
  97. Which of the following novels are written by Graham Greene?
  98. Some quotations concerning education maybe reveal the essence of the education in the US. They are______
  99. In order to achieve the American Dream, many young people from poor families struggle along on limited budgets in order to stay in school because they know that a college degree brings _____.
  100. Harvard University is the longest in U.S. history. There are several lies of the Harvard Statue, they are______
  101. Anne Bradstreet was a Puritan poet. Her poems made such a stir in England that she became known as the ______  who appeared in America
  102. From this passage we can know that_______ .
  103. This passage is about the differences between American and British English in  _______.
  104. What’s the author’s attitude towards the tenure system in MIT?
  105. How to understand the sentence “the tenure system is the worst possible academic system except for all the others”?
  106. According to the author, the tenure system has many advantages EXCEPT ___________.
  107. The expression “Many in the corporate world” in paragraph 3 refers to__________.
  108. According to the passage, how does MIT maintain individual excellence as the institution progresses?
  109. The so-called American Dream, is a belief that as long as the United States after a hard struggle will be able to achieve the ideal of a better life, that is, people have to work through their own hard work, courage, creativity and determination to move towards Prosperity, rather than rely on specific social classes and other assistance.
  110. The Great Depression started in 1930.
  111. Which of the following statement about Martin Luther King is true?
  112. Which of the following is/are TRUE about the Great Depression?
  113. Which of the following is the best-known surviving example of Old English?
  114. All American children are offered ____ years of free public education, and most good students can get financial help to continue their studies for many more years.
  115. According to the passage, which of the following statements is not true?
  116. The word “repealed” most probably means ____________.
  117. The following about the Declaratory Act is true EXCEPT that ___________.
  118. What would be the best title of the passage?
  119. Early Romanticism in American literature, the writers modeled on English and European writers.
  120. This excerpt is from Pride and Prejudice. From this excerpt we can know _____.
  121. What is the passage mainly about?
  122. The harnessing of the atom introduced a new era for mankind because ___________.
  123. Of the events that accompanied the explosion in New Mexico, the first to occure was the ____________.
  124. The Manhattan Project was carried out by ____________.
  125. The United States started to work on the atomic bomb because ____________.
  126. The tone of the author can be best described as _______.
  127. It can be concluded from the passage that _____________.
  128. During the early 1500s the English were content to stay home for the reasons EXCEPT that _____________.
  129. A suitable title for this passage would probably be “______”.
  130. The underlined words “generous with our time” in Paragraph 3 probably mean ______.
  131. From the last two paragraphs we can learn that when we arrive in America to visit an American friend, we will probably be ______.
  132. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?
  133. The writer of this passage must be ______.
  134. The euphemistic expressions might receive the same negative connotations that the original term had, so new expressions will be needed once again.
  135. The principal distinction between early and late modern English is grammar.
  136. The first known settlers of Britain were the Iberians. At about 1000 BC during the New Stone Age
  137. John Keats is a romantic poet whose poetry is characterized by sensual imagery.
  138. Puritans formed the first publicly funded secondary school in America in 1635, called the Boston Latin School , and it is also the oldest educational institution in the country.
  139. The Declaration of Independence was made in 1775.
  140. Which of the following is/are TRUE about the American Civil War?
  141. Henry James is regarded as Master of psychological realism.
  142. King John signed the Magna Carta in 1215.
  143. Colonial American literature period is from early 16th century to the middle of 17th Century.
  144. Which of the following statement about London is true?
  145. Which of the following statements are true?
  146. In the UK, at 15 or 16 students will probably take an examination, either the _____, or the ____.
  147. Having already touched on individualism, we know that individualism in the US is seen as ________.
  148. Which of the following match is true?
  149. Who are the antagonists of the grand hero of Beowulf?
  150. Which of the following statements about Milton are true?
  151. Under the old selective system, children take an examination, called the____, in their last year at primary school. The results of this examination determine the kind of secondary schooling each child will receive.
  152. Which of the following is biblical allusion?
  153. Many of Mark Twain’s great works are set in the background of the Mississippi River, expect the following
  154. Who is the author of Wise Children?
  155. Among the four parts of the United Kingdom, _____is the most populous.
  156. The BBC World Service broadcasts international news worldwide, using English and ________ other languages.
  157. ___-oriented cultures hold that the immediate moment carries the most significance. The future is seen as ambiguous, and, in a sense, beyond the control of the individual.
  158. The Industrial Revolution started in Britain at the middle of the____ century.
  159. What is the meaning of “testament” in the Bible?
  160. The ship ______ carried about one hundred Pilgrims and took 66 days to beat its way across the Atlantic. In December of 1620, it put the Pilgrims ashore at Plymouth, Massachusetts.
  161. Horace Greeley founded the __________ in 1841, and it quickly became the most influential newspaper in America.
  162. The Backbone of North America refers to the __________.
  163. Which of the following is not one of the functions that Parliament plays?
  164. What type of novels are those of Walter Scott?
  165. Thanksgiving Day falls on the fourth Tuesday in November.
  166. Why does the author thinks it’s not simple to make a fairer comparison to 2019's “Endgame” be adjusted for inflation?
  167. In paragraph four, the phrase “sheer number”(line 3) can be substituted by_____.
  168. This passage is mainly about  _____
  169. According to the passage, we know  ______.
  170. Father Christmas comes into the house through the ________.
  171. When the children are older, they __________.
  172. When the children were very young, __________.
  173. Father Christmas often puts presents ________.
  174. Christmas Eve is __________.
  175. The president mentioned in this passage is __________.
  176. Generally speaking, sixth form classes are bigger, and the teaching more highly specialized, and at this stage you may have to transfer to a different school or a special ‘sixth form college’.
  177. Ralph Waldo Emerson is the first American romantic writer to write in the moralistic tradition, who combined New England romanticism with puritan morals.
  178. President Lincoln’ s political attitude was ___________.
  179. Which issue is NOT one of the causes of the Civil War?
  180. Saul Bellow’s description of his own experience of listening to President Roosevelt shows _____________.
  181. The name “Fireside Chats” was probably intended to ____________.
  182. According to the passage, the Fireside Chats raised the hopes of Americans because President Roosevelt ____________.
  183. The main purpose of the passage is to ____________.
  184. Oscar Wilde advocated that literary works should reflect the social reality, and his plays analyzed social problems and exposed social hypocrisy.
  185. The Conservative Party opposes reducing the influence of trade unions and minimizing expenditures on social welfare.
  186. Athletics is an important phase of life on most campuses. Basketball is the college sport which stirs up the most national interest.
  187. London has a history of more than 2000 years, going back to its founding by the Romans.
  188. The UK Parliament is one of the oldest representative assemblies in the world, having its origin in the mid-thirteenth-century great councils.
  189. Education is a vital concern throughout Britain because a highly developed nation depends upon educated professionals and a skilled workforce.
  190. Mozart, Haydn and Beethoven are the representative of Baroque music.
  191. Americans are subject to two governments, that of their state and that of Union, each having its own distinct function.
  192. The Missouri drainage area covers one-sixth of the entire United States.
  193. Americans are often accused of being materialistic, of valuing above all else money and the comforts and pleasures that money buy. So, Americans are, on the whole, quite not idealistic.
  194. Which of the following are limits to the US president’s power?
  195. The Glorious Revolution in 1688 limited the power of the monarch and guaranteed the authority of Parliament, removed the ruling monarch and established Constitutional Monarchy.
  196. On the Eve of World War II, Britain had the largest colonial empire the world had ever seen.
  197. Allusion is a figure of speech that makes indirect references to or represents famous people, places, names, myths or art, within a piece of work.
  198. As the most outstanding poet of his age, Alexander Pope is a master in the use of rhymed heroic couplets for the purpose of wit.
  199. Some people prefer to see the old year out at a church service. because the holiday have religious origin.
  200. On the third Monday of February the United States honors all of its presidents.
  201. What are the best known qualities of the British, and in particular of the English?
  202. The most famous chivalric romance of Middle English literature in the late 14th century is Sir Gawain and the Green Knight.
  203. The theme of Emily Dickinson’s poem is war and peace.
  204. Which of the following statement about American Realism is true?
  205. Which of the following statements about the House of Commons are true?
  206. About religion in the UK, which of the following are true?
  207. Allusion can be categorized as_______.
  208. The bride is supposed to wear “something blue”, which symbolize _____
  209. For Americans, time is a valuable commodity. Some familiar sayings reflect the American obsession with promptness and efficiency. They are____
  210. Which of the following are euphemisms for death?
  211. Words derived from Norse include:
  212. The two significant mountain ranges of America are the __________ and the __________.
  213. Which of the following are popular daily newspapers in America?
  214. About the music types, which of the following is not true?
  215. In England, the Protestant Reformation began with .
  216. The American belief in equality of opportunity is illustrated by the____ myth. He was a nineteenth-century American novelist who wrote stories about poor boys who became successful. These popular “rags-to-riches” stories exemplified the American Dream.
  217. Which of the following is written by Richard Brinsley Sheridan?
  218. On his voyage of 1492, Columbus expected to reach _________.
  219. The American values such as individualism, hard work, and respect of education owe every much to the ______beliefs.
  220. Recognizing that everyone has the right to higher education, the government decided to set up_____, which is open to everybody, and not demand the same formal qualifications as the other university.
  221. In the United States school systems, which of the following division is true?
  222. Which of the following is euphemism for being poor?
  223. The English Civil War broke out in 1642 between_____ .
  224. Which of the following characters is NOT the character in Shakespeare’s play of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark?
  225. Which of the following does not exist in universities?
  226. The Statue of Liberty, which stands __________, is known as the symbol of the United States.
  227. Which of the following statements about media is NOT true?
  228. The king who believed the “Divine Right” to govern, and who was condemned to death during the English Civil War was .
  229. The difference in spellings between BrE and AmE are largely due to the fact that spelling was not standardized until the_______ century.
  230. Rip Van Winkle was written by______.
  231. Which of the following statement about religion in the US is not true?
  232. Which of the following writers is not the British writer in the 17th century?
  233. Typical characteristics of Classical music era is the emergence of Baroque music.
  234. Orchestra music like symphony, dance music like ballet, piano music like Beethoven’s piano sonatas and String Quartets, all reflect the romantic outlook in the 19th century.
  235. After WWII, less restrictive censorship leads to the emergence of horror films.
  236. Britain is the birthplace of modern football.
  237. Which of the following statement is not true?
  238. The Royal Ascot is the biggest social event associated with ________, where women especially wear very elaborate and exotic hats.
  239. If David wants to watch British TV dramas about detective story, which of the following will you recommend?
  240. ________is still referred to as the "national pastime” in the US.
  241. About Charlie Chaplin, which of the following is not true about him?
  242. About American music, which of the following statement is not true?
  243. Three large privately-owned networks in the United States are __________.
  244. Broadcasting forms a very large segment of the mass media.
  245. NBC was created to provide leadership in American national news-gathering and production.
  246. The BBC is Britain’s main public service broadcaster.
  247. Which of the following statements about radio broadcasting in America is NOT true?
  248. The mass media are diversified media technologies that can _________.
  249. Freedom of the press means that the press enjoys total freedom.
  250. In many countries there are constitutional or statutory protections pertaining to freedom of the press.
  251. The Observer is the world’s oldest national newspaper.
  252. Choose the right statements about British newspaper.
  253. The English language belongs to the West Germanic branches of the Indo-European family of languages.
  254. Before the Saxons, the language spoken in the present UK was a mixture of Latin and various Celtic languages which were spoken before the Romans came to Britain.
  255. Euphemistic expressions for being fat include______ .
  256. Words borrowed from French have different pronunciation in British and American English. In AmE, these words are pronounced with the stress falling on the final vowel.
  257. The principal distinction between early and late modern English is______.
  258. The history of English is often divided into ______.
  259. Allusion can be categorized as biblical allusion, mythological allusion, historical allusion and literary allusion.
  260. British pronunciation usually refers to Received Pronunciation (RP). RP is the pronunciation of the British upper class; it is sometimes called the Queen’s English.
  261. British spellings are highly influenced by French spellings; many words keep the aspects of spelling that of French origin, while Americans use more phonetic spellings.
  262. Major differences between American and British English include_______ .
  263. That 18th century "American Dream" motivated the Gold Rush and gave California its nickname of the "Golden State".
  264. Hallmarks of cultures that hold Future orientation include _______.
  265. This passion for change and progress is evident in the way that Americans have traditionally approached the environment--as something to be conquered, tamed, or harnessed for social or personal benefit.
  266. In the United States today, the value of mastering nature results in bold approaches to overcome all obstacles and the belief that an individual should have control over their personal environment and the ability to achieve any goal.
  267. In the United States what lies ahead usually takes precedence over the past.
  268. Americans believe time is a limited resource, they try to conserve and manage it.
  269. The Puritans have left rich cultural heritage to future Americans. The American values such as individualism, hard work, and respect of education owe every much to the Puritan beliefs.
  270. Values and attitudes to life just can be seen in Americans’ characters, they are______ .
  271. Americans have a strong belief in materialism, that is, that which is partly a result of the people’s great material abundance.
  272. What are the modern people’s American Dreams?
  273. Which of the following weather is considered lucky for wedding?
  274. Some British holidays are celebrated to mark the important events of the Christiancalendar, and others are related to local customs and traditions.
  275. The US federal government was permitted to give special favors to any religion or to hinder the free practice, or exercise, of religion.
  276. The Anglican Church, also called the Church of England, is one of the main denomination of Protestantism.
  277. On the way to the wedding, seeing ____ is considered good luck.
  278. Which of the following are the main Features of religion in the UK?
  279. Its first aim is to preach the story of Jesus Christ to unbelievers; it also does a great deal of social work among the poor and the sick; and the organization is almost military. The above is the description of _________.
  280. What is the largest religion in Britain and America?
  281. Which of the following days is considered lucky for wedding?
  282. The Bible’s books are arranged chronologically, rather than by type.
  283. There are two stages in  secondary education in the US, that is, ________ .
  284. “The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically. Intelligence plus character– that is the goal of true education.” was a remark by ____ .
  285. College students must maintain at least a low D average in order to remain in school.
  286. The education in America lays emphasis on the basic nature of knowledge and learning.
  287. Every child in Britain must by law receive full-time education from the age of five to eighteen.
  288. The literacy rate in Britain is one of the highest in the world at over 99 percent.
  289. How do high school students go to universities? There is no annual college entrance examination, applicants are chosen on the basis of the following aspects_____.
  290. Recruitment of universities in the UK are based on________ .
  291. The great majority of parents, however, send their children to ___ schools, where education and equipment, including text books and stationery, are entirely free.
  292. Oxbridge is a term which is now used to refer to ______ collectively, often with implications of their superior intellectual or social status.
  293. More than five hundred poems Dickinson wrote are about nature, in which her general Skepticism about the relationship between ______ is well-expressed.
  294. ________ was often regarded as America’s first man of letters, Father of American Literature, devoting much of his career to literature.
  295. With Howells, James, and Mark Twain active on the scene, ________ became the major trend in the 70s and 80s of the 19th century.
  296. American writers after World War I self-consciously acknowledged that they were (a)”_______,” devoid of faith and alienated from the Western civilization.
  297. “If winter comes, can spring be far behind” is from “Ode to the West Wind” written by ______.
  298. The Colonial Period of American literature stretched roughly from the settlement of America in the early 17th century through the end of ________ century.
  299. The adventures of Gulliver include_____.
  300. The King James Bible is not only considered to be the culmination of Bible translations but also one of the greatest literary works of all time.
  301. Chaucer made great contribution in making the dialect of London the standard for the modern English speech and therefore he is considered as a great master of the English language.
  302. Benjamin Franklin was the epitome of the ______.
  303. The Picture of Dorian Gray is a novel in which Oscar Wilde best practiced his principle of _______.
  304. Becky Sharp is the heroine in the novel of  _______ by Thackeray.
  305. The author of The Golden Notebook is _____ .
  306. Which of the following plays of Shakespeare are tragedies?
  307. The US state government is concerned with foreign affairs and with matters of general concern to all the states, including interstate commerce.
  308. The US Democrats want the government to play an important role in the economy and emphasize full employment as a matter of national concern.
  309. Members of the House of Representatives must over 35 years old and must have been an American citizen for at least 7 years.
  310. Which of the following are the functions of the US state government?
  311. Economically, the Conservative Party support private enterprise and minimal state regulation, and accepts the mixed economy, which involves private ownership of business with some government control.
  312. During the 200 or so years before the mid-19th century, British politics was dominated by the Tories and the Whigs.
  313. The real power of the House of Lords lies in____.
  314. What are the general principles of the form of US government?
  315. The real center of power in Parliament is_____.
  316. Which of the following statements of US Senate or Senator are true?
  317. The chief or king of the Anglo--Saxon tribes exercised power at their own will.
  318. The Anglo-Saxons came to Britain in the mid-5th century.
  319. The ______marked the establishment of feudalism in England.
  320. The name of Britain came from a Celtic tribe-- the Britons.
  321. The British history before 55BC is basically undocumented.
  322. The Celts became the dominant group in Britain between the 8 th and 5 th centuriesBC.
  323. The direct cause for the Religious Reformation was King Henry VIII’s effort to_____.
  324. In the year 1066, William the Conqueror invaded England from France, defeating the Saxon king Harold at _________.
  325. Westminster Abbey was built at the time of_____ .
  326. The Industrial Revolution was accomplished in Britain by the middle of the____ century.
  327. _____ was passed after the Glorious Revolution.
  328. The ____attack on Rome ended the Roman occupation in Britain in 410.
  329. But even after the abolition of slavery, organized or individual discrimination was practiced against _______.
  330. After a period of prosperity (1920-1929), government involvement in the economy increased ________.
  331. The Great Depression only happened in America.
  332. An English colony was founded in America in 1620 by a group of people fleeing religious persecution with the ship called Mayflower.
  333. The First Continental Congress was held in Boston in September, 1774.
  334. The Britain founded ___________ colonies along the East Coast in America.
  335. In 1932, in the depth of the depression, the American people choose ________ as their next president who promised a “new deal” to get America out of depression.
  336. How many continental states were there at the time of the independence of the United States?
  337. The principal author of the Declaration of Independence was _________.
  338. In his inaugural address in 1861, Lincoln showed clearly that he __________.
  339. Scotland is the most populous among the four parts of the UK.
  340. The UK is bordered by three seas and one ocean.
  341. Among the five Great Lakes, only __________ is wholly within the United States.
  342. Among the four parts of the United Kingdom, _____is the smallest.
  343. The island of Great Britain is geographically divided into three parts: England, Scotland and Wales.
  344. The most populous city in America is New York City.
  345. The Statue of Liberty was a gift of friendship to American people from the people of __________.
  346. In area, the United States is the _________ largest country in the world.
  347. The Missouri River is called “the Father of Waters".
  348. Yellowstone National Park is known for its wildlife and its many geothermal features.
  349. According to a 2005 estimate, Britain now has a population of over ____million.
  350. _____ is the capital city of Scotland.
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