1. According to Taoism, De is defined as having virtue, morality, and integrity.

  2. 答案:对
  3. Buddhism, as one of the three major religions, was spread from the west to the East into China during the Tang Dynasty.

  4. 答案:错
  5. The Spring Festival falls on the first day of the first Chinese lunar month.

  6. 答案:对
  7. English sentences are usually active voice, while Chinese passive voice.

  8. 答案:错
  9. The performance of a  Peking Opera actor can be summarized into four basic aspects: singing, speaking,  acting, and fighting. ( )

  10. 答案:对
  11. Moxibustion is the treatment of a person's illness or pain by sticking small needles into their body at certain places.

  12. 答案:错
  13. The earliest recorded Chinese gardens were created in the valley of the Yellow River, during the Shang Dynasty.

  14. 答案:对
  15. Bat has the same connotation in both English and Chinese cultures.

  16. 答案:错
  17. Tangzhuang are usually fastened with decorative knot instead of the common buttons.

  18. 答案:对
  19. The idiom “burn one’s bridge” can be translated into “破釜沉舟”。

  20. 答案:对
  21. “Guessing the lantern riddles” is an essential part of the Festival.

  22. 答案:对
  23. "皮包公司" can be expressed as "bubble company".
  24. Which of the following sentences are the acceptable equivalents to "会后,大家认为这个建议是可行的"?
  25. Which are regarded as the classic books of Confucianism?
  26. Confucius believed the basic goal of  education was to cultivate “persons of virtue,” who should have __ and  _.( )
  27. Which of the following phrases comes from poems written by Li Bai?
  28. English greetings include:
  29. After a long period of development, Chinese character finally became a unique character system that embodies _____, _____, _____and _____ at the same time.
  30. Three great religious traditions-_____ , _____ and _____have played a role in shaping mythology.
  31. As for _____, the translator is never really “free”, but is always restricted by the source text.
  32. “ Be discorded with” can be rendered as
  33. Who, as one of the principal characters of A Dream of Red Mansions, is extremely beautiful and socially gracefu but is noted for her inner coldness.
  34. ___________ is regarded as the "state religion" of the Chinese.
  35. “In one’s birthday suit” means ( ).
  36. Cloisonné  production involves very complicated techniques, with more than __ working  procedures. ( )
  37. In Chinese culture,owls bear quite those implications except for .
  38. The American Dream is the belief that anyone, regardless of where they were born or what class they were born into, can attain their own version of success in a society where upward mobility is possible for everyone.
  39. In ancient Greece, olive is the symbol of fertility, abundance and peace.
  40. The Analects is mainly about Confucius’ words and life  story. ( )
  41. Sunzi’s Art of War was  written by Sun Wu and Sun Bin. ( )
  42. The most influential, representative and socially acknowledged are Chuan, Yue, Min, Su, Zhe, Xiang and Hui cuisines, often noted as the "Seven Major Cuisines".
  43. The Four Famous  Players of Peking Opera were: "Mei" (Mei Lanfang), "Shang" (Shang Xiaoyun),  "Cheng" (Cheng Yanqiu), and "Xun" (Xun  Huisheng). ( )
  44. Domestication is a term used to describe the strategy in which a transparent, fluent style is adopted in order to minimize the strangeness of the foreign text for TL readers
  45. Mooncakes typically measure around 5 to 10 cm across and up to 5 cm deep.
  46. Just like in Chinese, fish in English also means "rich and have a surplus.
  47. Persons of virtue are  supposed to have sound character and uplifted minds and they can shoulder  important social responsibilities and make contributions to  society. ( )
  48. The Terracotta Army of the First  Emperor of Qin was renowned as one of the “Eight Wonders of the  World”. ( )
  49. Faithfulness is the requirement of intelligibility of the target language text.
  50. In English, “green” stands for “youthful vigor”.
  51. The Silk Road spirit is embodied in ( ).
  52. Practitioners of TCM traditionally use ________、______、______、_____ to evaluate a patient’s condition.
  53. Which of the followings are traditional foods in the Spring Festival
  54. The celebration activities at the Mid-Autumn Festival include ( ).
  55. What elements do Chinese characters have?
  56. When the same animal has an identical meaning in both Chinese and English,the translation strategy----_______is commonly used.
  57. "allay one's hunger" means________.
  58. Among  ethnic groups, __ , Bouyei and __ people are also adept at  embroidery. ( )
  59. Which of the following choices is the best equivalent of“山水画” ?
  60. As the natural process of creation of life, ___ was the source  of all living things and the source of all values. ( )
  61. During Song Dynasty, a new skill, which is called __________,to enjoy tea, were created.
  62. In Laozi’s opinion,         is the guarantee of  naturalness. ( )
  63. Cao Xueqin was a Chinese writer of .
  64. Which of the following expressions is the best equivalent of "寿"
  65. The phrase "连锁反应" can be translated into _____.
  66. There are several silk roads or  routes.In the West, there was the northwest silk road. This route was opened  officially by Zhang Qian in         Dynasty. ( )
  67. When we convert words from one language to another language with a close approximation in phonetic sound, what translation strategy is adopted?
  68. Laozi said, “The  greatest virtue is like water.” He compared his philosophy of________ to  water. ( )
  69. Omission is to add some words, phrases or even sentences based on the source text to make it smoother.
  70. “一带一路”倡议is first proposed by President Xi Jinping.
  71. In Chinese, we tend to use lots of sentence patterns with "让". The function of "让" is to put the object before the verb which expresses the meaning of "处置".
  72. In Budhism,the four great viods determine the nature of rebirth and the consequences of all actions.
  73. A Dream of Red Mansions is one of the Four Greatest Chinese Classics
  74. Chinese courtyard dates back as early as the Ming period, and has a history of less than 1,000 years.
  75. Chinese Dream is to build a moderately prosperous society and realize national rejuvenation
  76. It has been widely acknowledged that the basic sentence patterns can be found both in Chinese and English, such as svo (subject, verb and object).
  77. In the Tang Dynasty Xuan Zang puts forward that a good translation should be both faithful to the original and intelligible to the public.
  78. The omission of characters, namely reduplication or reiterative locution, is the most commonly used device.
  79. In English, east wind is a symbol of displeasure;while in Chinese, it represents spring and warmth.
  80. English stresses semantic meanings, while Chinese forms.
  81. Chinese mythology is a collection of cultural history, folktales and religious tradition that has been passed down for centuries in oral or written form.
  82. Chinese sentence is made by arranging clauses one after the other without connectives showing the relation between them.
  83. An English sentence usually has one subject and one predicate but many clauses just like a tree which is very clear in structure and logic.
  84. Literal translation and liberal translation are complementary instead of contradictory, which can be alternatively used in the process of translation.
  85. Kinship terms are the words identifying relationships of other members in a person’s family.
  86. Both English and Chinese have content words and form words.
  87. Chinese put emphasis on parataxis, thus its logical relation is implied in the meaning; while English gives priority to hypotaxis.
  88. Over the past hundreds of  years, the roles of Peking opera have been simplified to today’s Sheng, Dan,  Jing and Chou, known as the four major roles in Peking  opera. ( )
  89. Which of the followings are traditional Chinese festivals?
  90. What are the “Three Wonders” of Tang Dynasty?
  91. Why countless numbers of people like to have their after meal tea?
  92. Which of the following sentences are right?
  93. How about the expression of the terracotta  horses ? ( )
  94. What are the significance of the Belt and Road Initiative?
  95. Traditional New Year pictures mainly feature local people's life and customs with intense __  and  violent_______.( )
  96. The correspondence between ____________and ___________the universe is one of the basic theories in TCM
  97. Which are the major terms referring to translator in the earliest times? _____.
  98. Which belong to the teaching of Budhism?
  99. _____ is a property of a text, or of any utterance in source language, for which no equivalent text or utterance can be found in target language.
  100. “奇形怪状的石头” can be rendered as_______.
  101. We will translate the idiom “ 大海捞针 ” into “ look for a needle in a ”
  102. Which of the following English words doesn't express negative meaning?
  103. Which of  the following is the most important part of Confucius’  curriculum? ( )
  104. Who is the founder of Legalism?
  105. If we translate "Trojan horse" into“木马屠城”,what translation strategy is adopted?
  106. What’s the equivalent English idiom of the Chinese idiom“害群之马”?
  107. Most  New Year pictures feature designs symbolizing good fortune, _and  festivity. ( )
  108. The typical food at the Mid-Autumn Festival are ( )?
  109. In China, people tend to use ( ) to greet other other.
  110. In the Roman and Greek myths, owls lived with Athena, the Goddness of .
  111. There are some special sentence patterns in Chinese, such as serial-verb construction, which is called _____in Chinese.
  112. Chou  roles can be divided into  ----- :namely the civilian roles such as merchants and  jailers, and wuchou, minor military roles. ( )
  113. The idiom “Put the cart before the horse” can be translated into .
  114. English-speakers prefer to use ( ) instead of “deaf”.
  115. In English, owl is the symbol of __________.
  116. Which play is not the representative play of Mei Lan  Fang in Peking Opera? ( )
  117. “鲁菜” can be rendered as ________.
  118. The terms 伯父 and 姑母 reflect the ( ).
  119. Qipao, an exquisite Chinese dress, originates from __________.
  120. About Confucianism, which of the following statements is not true?
  121. About "Siheyuan", a courtyard residence, which of the following choices are right?
  122. What is the earliest Chinese script?
  123. Classic of the Way and Virtue was first introduced into Europe as  early as the ------ century and has been one of the most translated philosophical  works of ancient  China.
  124. As to the connotations of plants and animals, which of the following statements are true?
  125. About Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge, which of the following choices are right?
  126. Chinese political terms tend to be      .
  127. If we translate“朝辞白帝彩云间”into “Leaving at dawn the White Emperor crowned with cloud”,what translation method do we use here?
  128. Euphemisms are used for     .
  129. English is hypotactic, while Chinese is paratactic. With the use of inflections, English sentences tend to have strict and compact syntactic structures.
  130. The phrase “属牛” can be translated into ____.
  131. Chinese tends to use verbs. While, English tends to employ more nouns, especially abstract nouns, and prepositional phrases, as well as the large amount of adjectives, adverbials and weak verbs and phrases.
  132. Translation theory and criteria play a critical role in the process of translation. They are not separated but interrelated with each other closely.
  133. Translation is a pure linguistic conversion from one language to another; it is kind of intercultural transformation, interpretation and representation.
  134. The learned interpreter Yan Fu has stated his principles of “five no translation”, which refer to five cases in which transliteration should be used.
  135. Chinese sentences are subject-prominent, whereas English sentences are topic-prominent.
  136. The term faithfulness refers to ___.
  137. Language is influenced and shaped by culture, and therefore reflects culture.
  138. Generally speaking, English-Chinese translation is changing static language into dynamic language.
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