

  1. Which of the following expressions is the best equivalent of "寿"

  2. A:longevity", which are used to express their wish for good luck and good wishes B:longevity C:live a longer life D:live long
  3. In English, the flower narcissus has an underlying meaning of ________.

  4. A:eternal love B:innocence C:self-obsession D:courage
  5. Which of the  following can best describe Confucius’ view on the relationship between man and  nature/Heaven? ( )

  6. A:Husband and wife. B:Mother and son. C:Brothers. D:Doctor and  patient.
    AI参考:正确答案是D:Doctor and  patient。孔子主张“天人合一”,即认为人类应该顺应自然规律,尊重自然,而不是破坏自然。因此,选项D“医生和病人”最能描述孔子的这种关系观。选项A、B、C都不符合题意。'
  7. The phrase "连锁反应" can be translated into _____.

  8. A:spend money like water B:armed to the teeth C:Gentleman’s agreement D:chain reaction
    AI参考:正确选项是D:chain reaction。解释:在英文中,“连锁反应”通常指的是一系列连续发生的事件或反应,彼此之间有因果关系。而选项D中的“chain reaction”恰好是表示这种连续反应的词汇,因此是正确答案。其他选项A、B、C与“连锁反应”的含义不符。'
  9. Most  New Year pictures feature designs symbolizing good fortune, _and  festivity. ( )

  10. A:harmony B:promotion C:wealth D:auspiciousness 
  11. The idiom “Put the cart before the horse” can be translated into .

  12. A:老马识途 B:本末倒置 C:鞍前马后
    AI参考:正确选项:B:本末倒置。成语“Put the cart before the horse”表示做事本末倒置,也就是说在考虑或做某事时,把次要或无关紧要的东西放在了主要的东西前面,导致事情的错误或失败。选项B“本末倒置”恰好符合这个意思。选项A“老马识途”表示有经验的人指引方向,选项C“鞍前马后”表示为他人服务或做随从,与成语的含义不符。'
  13. “囍” can be rendered as

  14. A:double happiness, to express the happiness of both the bride and the groom B:double happiness
    AI参考:正确选项应为B:double happiness。解释:根据题干中的描述,“囍”可以被解释为“双喜”,通常用于表示新婚夫妇的幸福和喜悦。选项A中提到的是对新婚夫妇两人的表达,但“囍”在传统中国文化中更多的是对新人双方幸福美满的祝愿和庆祝,而不是单纯表达新娘和新郎个人的幸福。因此,B选项中的“双喜”更符合题干中的描述和语境。'
  15. ___________ is regarded as the "state religion" of the Chinese.

  16. A:Confucianism B:Taoism C:Budhism D:Legalism
  17. Which of the followings is the proper expression of "不忘初心"?

  18. A:stay true to the mission B:not forget your task
    AI参考:"不忘初心"可以理解为牢记自己最初的理想和目标,所以选项A,"stay true to the mission" 是一个合适的表达,意思是坚守自己的使命或目标,与"不忘初心"的含义相符。所以答案为A:stay true to the mission。'
  19. There are several silk roads or  routes.In the West, there was the northwest silk road. This route was opened  officially by Zhang Qian in         Dynasty. ( )

  20. A:Qin B:Eastern Han C:Western  Han D:Tang
    AI参考:正确选项是C:Western Han。根据题目中的信息,西北丝绸之路是在汉朝由张骞正式开通的。而选项中只有Western Han(西汉)符合这个时间。因此,正确答案为C。'
  21. Don’t trust that man. He is a sly old ____.

  22. A:dog B:fox C:tiger D:duck
    AI参考:正确答案是B: fox。fox狐狸,狐狸通常狡猾,聪明,故选B。狗通常忠诚,老虎是野兽,鸭子不会说人话。所以ACD都不合适。因此,答案是B。'
  23. Which of  the following is the most important part of Confucius’  curriculum? ( )

  24. A:Calligraphy B:Music. C:Mathematics D:Virtue
  25. In Laozi’s opinion,         is the guarantee of  naturalness. ( )

  26. A:non-action B:fragile C:water D:state  of newborn
    AI参考:正确答案是D:state of newborn。原文中提到“在老子的观念中”,说明老子的观点,即新生儿的状态是自然性的保证。因此,答案为D,即新生儿的“状态”。A选项“无为”是指一种消极、无所作为的态度,与自然性不符;B选项“脆弱”与自然性无关;C选项“水”在某些情况下可以象征自然,但不足以作为保证自然性的唯一因素。因此,D选项“新生状态”最符合原文意思。'
  27. In the Roman and Greek myths, owls lived with Athena, the Goddness of .

  28. A:Virtue B:Beauty C:Love D:Wisdom
  29. “鲁菜” can be rendered as ________.

  30. A:Lu cuisine B:Shandong food
    AI参考:选项B:Shandong food。这是因为鲁菜是山东地区的传统菜肴,因此应该用描述地方食品的词语来表达,而选项B正是符合这一描述的选项。选项A虽然也是描述菜肴的词语,但不够具体,不够准确地表达鲁菜的特色。因此,正确答案是B:Shandong food。'
  31. When the same animal has an identical meaning in both Chinese and English,the translation strategy----_______is commonly used.

  32. A:foreignization B:domestication
  33. In Chinese-English translation, _____ makes the version brief, concise and clear.

  34. A:amplification B:omission C:transliteration D:repetition
  35. Which of the following English words doesn't express negative meaning?

  36. A:refuse B:ignore C:deny D:support
  37. The translation strategy domestication is __________.

  38. A:source-culture oriented B:target-culture oriented
    AI参考:正确选项是【A:source-culture oriented】。翻译策略中的“归化”是指翻译过程中倾向于保留源语的文化色彩,倾向于采用源语的语言表达方式,倾向于用目的语读者熟悉的语言表达方式进行翻译。因此,选项A“source-culture oriented”符合归化翻译策略的特点,而选项B“target-culture oriented”则与归化翻译策略相反,更倾向于保持目标语的表达方式,不太符合归化翻译策略的特点。'
  39. The phrase "全球变暖" can be translated into _____.

  40. A:water and soil erosion B:global warming C:white pollution D:greenhouse effect
  41. In 1898,Yan Fu had established three-character standard in translation, that is,__________ and _____.

  42. A:expressiveness B:faithfulness C:elegance D:smoothness
  43. Which of the following sentences are the acceptable equivalents to "每位中国烹饪者都会有意识无意识地按照阴阳法则烹饪食物"?

  44. A:Consciously and unconsciously, every Chinese cooker works to the yin-yang principle. B:Consciously and unconsciously, every Chinese cook works to the yin-yang principle. C:Every Chinese cook works to the yin-yang principl,consciously and unconsciously.
    答案:There are a few boys swimming in the stream._There are a few boys who are swimming in the stream.
  45. According to Yin-yang theory, "Yin" is associated with_________________.

  46. A:the solid organs B:cold C:female energy
  47. Three great religious traditions-_____ , _____ and _____have played a role in shaping mythology.

  48. A:Confucianism B:Taoism C:Christianity D:Buddhism

  49. Confucius believed the basic goal of  education was to cultivate “persons of virtue,” who should have __ and  _.( )

  50. A:responsibility B:uplifted minds C:good  mood D:sound character

  51. Why countless numbers of people like to have their after meal tea?

  52. A:In addition, tea contains various vitamins. B:In summer, tea can dispel the heat and bring on instant cool with a feeling of relaxation C:For smokers, tea helps to discharge nicotine out of the system. D:Medically, the tea leaf contains a number of chemicals, which may promote digestion.
    AI参考:正确选项为 D:Medically,the tea leaf contains a number of chemicals,which may promote digestion。选项 D 提到了茶叶中含有许多化学物质,可以促进消化,因此是众多人喜欢饭后喝茶的原因之一。其他选项中,A 提到茶叶含有各种维生素,B 提到夏季喝茶可以消暑并带来放松的感觉,C 提到吸烟者喝茶可以帮助排出尼古丁,这些因素虽然也对人们喜欢喝茶有一定影响,但并不是最主要的原因。'
  53. Which of the following sentences are right?

  54. A:Huangjiu is a kind of Chinese traditional medicine. B:Huangjiu contain less than 20% alcohol. C:Huangjiu are usually brewed with rice, millet or wheat. D:Unlike baijiu, Huangjiu are not distilled.

  55. Which of the following sentences are the acceptable equivalents to "会后,大家认为这个建议是可行的"?

  56. A:After the meeting, it is thought that this proposal feasible. B:After the meeting, we all think this proposal feasible. C:After the meeting, all the participants think this proposal is feasible.

  57. Practitioners of TCM traditionally use _________________________ to evaluate a patient’s condition.

  58. A:asking B:touching (especially the pulse) C:hearing D:observing
    AI参考:正确选项为B, touchng (especially the pulse), C, hearing, D, observing。传统中医从业者通常通过触摸(尤其是脉搏)、听诊、闻诊和观察来评估病人的病情。touching (especially the pulse)是指触摸病人的脉搏,是中医诊断中常用的方法之一;hearing是听诊,用于检查病人的呼吸、咳嗽、心跳等声音;observing是观察,用于观察病人的症状、体态、面色等;而asking并不是中医诊断中的主要方法,所以选项A不正确。'
  59. In most cases, you can not find the equivalence in the target language easily, because of_____, _____ and_____ .

  60. A:non-equivalence of commendatory or derogatory meaning B:non-equivalence of part of speech C:partial-equivalence of word meaning D:grammatical relationships
    AI参考:正确答案是:A:non-equivalence of commendatory or derogatory meaning在大多数情况下,由于褒贬意义的不对等,即恭维或贬低意义的不对等,所以很难在目标语言中找到等价物。因此,选项A“non-equivalence of commendatory or derogatory meaning”是正确的。选项B“non-equivalence of part of speech”指的是词性不对等,选项C“partial-equivalence of word meaning”指的是词语意义的部分对等,选项D“grammatical relationships”指的是语法关系,这些因素在题目描述的情境中并未提及。'
  61. The most renowned Chinese palace is the Forbidden City, but it is still not listed as a World Heritage Site

  62. A:对 B:错

  63. Literal translation and liberal translation are complementary instead of contradictory, which can be alternatively used in the process of translation.

  64. A:对 B:错

  65. Kinship terms are the words identifying relationships of other members in a person’s family.

  66. A:对 B:错
    AI参考:答案是B:错。根据题目中的描述,亲属称谓是用来识别家庭成员之间关系的词语。而题目中的“Kinship terms”通常指的是家庭成员之间的亲属关系,而不是其他成员的家庭成员关系。因此,这个说法是错误的。'
  67. Chinese courtyard dates back as early as the Ming period, and has a history of less than 1,000 years.

  68. A:错 B:对
    AI参考:正确答案是B:对。根据上下文,可以推断出这个问题的答案应该是“对”,因为题干中提到了“Chinese courtyard has a history of less than 1,000 years”,而后面又说“中国庭院的历史可以追溯到明朝时期”,因此可以得出结论,答案为B。'
  69. Chinese kinship terms are not merely confined to addressing family members and relatives, but are often extended to neighbors, colleagues even strangers.

  70. A:错 B:对
    AI参考:正确答案是B:对。句子中提到“Chinese kinship terms are not merely confined to addressing family members and relatives,but are often extended to neighbors,colleagues even strangers”,意思是中国的亲属称谓不仅仅局限于称呼家庭成员和亲戚,而且经常延伸到邻居、同事甚至是陌生人。因此,该句表达的意思是亲属称谓在中国是广泛应用的,不仅仅局限于家庭和亲戚,也适用于其他人群。所以答案是B,即对。'
  71. Confucius advocated “standing  in awe of the ordinances of Heaven” and warned against offending Heaven. This  is, in essence, equivalent to the modern idea of staying in harmony with nature.  So in this way Confucius’ concept of Heaven is similar to the modern ecological  civilization. ( )

  72. A:对 B:错

  73. "皮包公司" can be expressed as "bubble company".

  74. A:错 B:对
    AI参考:正确答案是B:对。皮包公司通常指的是一种没有实质业务或资产的公司,而“bubble company”在中文中也有类似的含义,因此可以表达为“皮包公司”。所以答案是B,即“对”。'
  75. Chinese language is synthetic-analytic language, which is “characterized by frequent and systematic use of inflected forms to express grammatical relationships”.

  76. A:错 B:对

  77. Cang Jie was a prime minister of the Yellow Emperor.

  78. A:错 B:对

  79. Traditional Chinese Medicine can be called TCM for short.

  80. A:对 B:错

  81. “Hundreds schools of thought” refers to philosophers and schools flourished from 770-221BC, which is an era of great cultural and intellectual expansion in China.

  82. A:对 B:错
    AI参考:答案:A。根据题目中的描述,“Hundreds of schools of thought”指的是在公元前770年至公元前221年间,中国出现了许多哲学家和学派,这是一个文化和知识大扩张的时代。因此,选项A“对”是正确的。'
  83. A Dream of Red Mansions is one of the Four Greatest Chinese Classics

  84. A:对 B:错

  85. Persons of virtue are  supposed to have sound character and uplifted minds and they can shoulder  important social responsibilities and make contributions to  society. ( )

  86. A:错 B:对

  87. 一带一路倡议is first proposed by President Xi Jinping.

  88. A:对 B:错
  89. Confucius interpreted  ren as love of people, which begins with the love for  oneself. ( )

  90. A:错 B:对

  91. The earliest recorded Chinese gardens were created in the valley of the Yellow River, during the Shang Dynasty.

  92. A:对 B:错

  93. Chinese and English belong to different language systems due to different thought patterns and cultures.

  94. A:对 B:错

  95. The omission of characters, namely reduplication or reiterative locution, is the most commonly used device.

  96. A:对 B:错

  97. Sunzi’s Art of War was  written by Sun Wu and Sun Bin. ( )

  98. A:错 B:对
  99. Tangzhuang are usually fastened with decorative knot instead of the common buttons.

  100. A:对 B:错

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