1. During the period of Xibaipo, taking the "big exam" meant that Mao Zedong led Chinese people to defeat the Japanese and Kuomintang's army. ( )

  2. 答案:错
  3. Huizhou people mostly adopt the method of "erecting memorial archways" to convey glory and immortality.( )

  4. 答案:对
  5. 诗句“茶为食物,无异米盐”出自《旧唐诗•李玉传》。( )

  6. 答案:对
  7. As a folk art, paper cutting was invented nearly two thousand years. ( )

  8. 答案:错
  9. Dougong is a bracketing system. ( )。

  10. 答案:对
  11. The Thousand Buddha Hall is the largest hall in Shaolin Temple.( )

  12. 答案:错
  13. Traditional Chinese Medicine holds that duck is a cooling food, which is beneficial for one’s health.( )

  14. 答案:对
  15. Chinese classical gardens also show the character and culture essence of the Chinese nation, such as dignity, simplicity, quiet, elegance and so on.( )

  16. 答案:对
  17. Tertiary industries such as leisure, tourism, shopping, fitness, culture, catering, etc. form the most prominent features. ( )

  18. 答案:对
  19. 礼数可以翻译成propriety。 ( )

  20. 答案:对
  21. The right expression for “单身经济” is single economy. ( )

  22. 答案:对
  23. During the period of Xibaipo, taking the "big exam" meant that Mao Zedong led Chinese people to defeat the Japanese and Kuomintang's army. ( )
  24. Cliff-clinging pine tree is considered an example of vigor because the trees thrive by growing straight out of the rocks.( )
  25. 茶最早以食品的形式被人们所熟知,后来才慢慢变成饮品的。( )
  26. 陕北延安是革命圣地,是中国革命的落脚点和出发点。( )
  27. The pair of bronze lions symbolize imperial power and dignity in the Forbidden City.( )
  28. Jinggangshan has long been noted as "the cradle of Chinese revolution". ( )
  29. Dougong is a bracketing system. ( )。
  30. Different from other countries, high-speed rail construction in China receives government subsidies and support and it keeps on upgrading. ( )
  31. The right expression for “一人食” are:( )。
  32. In the 5G area, China has achieved remarkable progress in: ( )
  33. The carriers which can be used for paper-cutting are ( )
  34. 五四运动期间,中国来了两位先生“德先生”和“赛先生”分别指( )。
  35. Which ones of the following items belong to the number nine associated with architectural design?( )
  36. 除了七夕,下面哪些节日也被看作是古代的情人节?( )
  37. In our daily life, what can we do with paper cutting? ( )
  38. There are 24 national 5A scenic spots along ( ).
  39. Who compiled the Twenty-four Exemplars of Filial Piety ? ( )。
  40. Which kind of Chinese Baijiu was elected as the drink for national banquets right before the founding of the People' s Republic of China?( )
  41. How long does the Spring Festival Travel Rush last? ( )
  42. The picture of the famous scenery spot Three Pools Mirroring the Moon appears on ( ) bill.
  43. Dujiangyan was built by( ).
  44. Which is the right expression for “双城生活” ? ( )
  45. What does the name of Ling Star Gate imply? ( )
  46. 1919年爆发的( )是一场新的伟大的反帝反封建斗争的开始,标志着新民主主义革命的开端。
  47. Which one could be use to describe the changing shapes of the moon? ( )
  48. Who built Buddha statues on the cliff to worship the Buddha, which is later known as Mogao Caves?( )
  49. In Han dynasty, the emperor selected and recruited governors based on a person’s _____( )。
  50. Which one is the world’s longest sea-crossing bridge?( )
  51. The royal ritual system of worshipping worshiping the moon in autumn dates back to the ( ).
  52. The Shaolin martial arts became famous all over China after( ).
  53. Hongcun was listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in ______. ( )
  54. Chen Wangdao is the first Chinese translator of The Communist Manifesto.
  55. The End of Heat is the 15th of the 24 Solar Terms recorded by the ancient Chinese people in lunar calendar.
  56. Liuzhou river snails rice noodles is special to Guangxi.
  57. What is the new trend of people celebrating the Spring Festival in recent years?
  58. The shapes of Cursive script presented the silkworm head and the swallow tail.
  59. We believe that digital technology imperils traditional cultural expression.
  60. “Iconic treasures” refers to the most precious and distinctive exhibits in a museum.
  61. ___________ is designated as "Learn from Lei Feng Day".
  62. The May Fourth Movement was a great patriotic campaign resolutely fighting against imperialism and feudalism .
  63. What does “homegrown brands” mean?
  64. Houzhao fang is a bedroom in the third yard on the north-south axis.
  65. The stone lions of Han and Tang Dynasties are more meek and gentle.
  66. Prince Kung's Mansion used to have 13 courtyards,(   )of them survived until nowadays.
  67. The flat rooftop helps to regulate temperatures by providing shade during hot summers and warms during cold winters.
  68. Which architecture has the most ridge beasts?
  69. There are(  )world natural heritage sites in China until 2021.
  70. Which of the following was recently added to the World Heritage List in 2021?
  71. Potala Palace is the highest ancient palace in the world.
  72. The Historic Monuments of Dengfeng in “The Center of Heaven and Earth” include eleven historic monuments at eight sites.
  73. The Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage was signed in 1972.
  74. Which is the right order to make paper according to historical records?① Leave the fibers on the cloth and dry it.② Mix the inner bark and bamboo with water and pound them.③ Take some inner bark of a tree and bamboo.④ Put the mixture onto a piece of cloth.
  75. The underlined word “pounded” in Paragraph 2 means ____ in Chinese.
  76. Because of the invention of paper, more people ______ according to the passage.
  77. 成都火锅讲究麻辣鲜香,味道更细腻,层次感更强,可谓“剑拔弩张”;而重庆火锅则注重火辣、粗旷,味道较重,被戏称为“绵里藏针”。( )
  78. Law on Protection of the Rights and Interests of the Elderly took effect in 2012. ( )
  79. The right expression for “团购” is group buy. ( )
  80. The Temple of Confucius is similar to an imperial palace in style.( )
  81. There are a variety of hotpots across China, with each having its distinct flavor, unique seasoning and different eating methods. ( )
  82. Since Ming Dynasty, the building of the courtyard residences had to obey on specific and strict regulations. ( )
  83. 乌龙茶既有绿茶的清香和花香,又有红茶的醇厚,主要产于福建、广东和台湾三省,属于未发酵茶系列。( )
  84. Dujiangyan reflects the idea that the land, water and people can live in harmony. ( )
  85. You can use the word “sharp” to describe a person’s appearance. ( )
  86. China Chic refers to trends native to China. ( )
  87. Dacheng Hall serves as the principal place for offering sacrifices to the memory of Confucius.( )
  88. In 1960s, Nanjing Yangtze river bridge was listed in the Ginness Book of World Records for“the longest bridge with dual functions of highway and railway.”( )
  89. 帝王出行在临时住所外插戟,作为临时大门。 ( )
  90. They built the levee of Dujiangyan by creating long sausage-like baskets of bamboo filled with stones, which were held in place with wooden tripods.( )
  91. According to the Classic of Mountains and Seas and the Records of the Grand Historian, the three mountains (Sanshan) are three legendary places where the immortals lived. They are( )
  92. There are three greatest ancient building complexes in China which are( ).
  93. The Mogao Caves are famous for their( ).
  94. Which expressions are right? ( )
  95. The Ancient Tea Horse Road is a huge transportation network dominated by three routes, they are( ).
  96. When was the Dragon Boat Festival added to UNESCO’S Intangible Cultural Heritage List? ( )
  97. “陕北的好江南”是指( )。
  98. Which one is not one of the representatives of the Huangshan School of Painting?( )
  99. What’s shape of Japanese Zongzi? ( )
  100. is named the Sage of Calligraphy. ( )
  101. On stage of Peking Opera, colors of facial makeup can evaluate one’s character,e.g. the red face signifies ( )
  102. If a watchman spotted an enemy invasion, what would he do?( )
  103. Legend has it that the most professional craftsman cuts off each roast duck with exactly ( )pieces of meat.
  104. Colors in the facial makeup have different meanings, e.g., Blue means bravery and pride. ( )
  105. “一夫当关,万夫莫开。”可以翻译为 “One man can hold out against ten thousand.”( )
  106. Wuhan Yangtze River Bridge is China's first bridge across the Yangtze River. ( )
  107. If you describe people as meticulous, you mean that they do things quickly and casually.( )。
  108. Zhangxu had put forward such words: Words reflect one’s inner state; Handwriting illustrates one's virtue and character. ( )
  109. Dougong is a structural network that joins pillars and columns to the frame of the roof. ( )。
  110. The delivery services in China are quite unique. Affordability, speed and product diversity are the three major features. ( )
  111. China jumped straight from cash to mobile payment, supported by advanced technologies in a high rate of mobile phone ownership. ( )
  112. 敦煌莫高窟因位于沙漠的高处而得名。( )
  113. “无违”可以翻译成“not being disobedient”。 ( )
  114. “Live a twins life” means living in a quiet city while working in a bustling city. ( )
  115. The Wuhan Yangtze River Bridge is the first highway-railway dual-use bridge built after the founding of the People's Republic of China, opens to traffic on Oct 15, 1956. ( )
  116. Da Hong Pao or Big Red Robe is known as the best oolong tea in the world, which is mainly produced in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province. ( )
  117. The Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge is the second bridge built to span the Yangtze River. ( )
  118. Valentine’s Day is a religious holiday. ( )
  119. What should be considered include the orientation of the gate based on Chinese fengshui, the realistic lifestyle application. ( )
  120. Which of the following description is wrong? ( )。
  121. Which of the irrigating systems have both vertical shaft-tunnel and horizontal underground canal? ( )。
  122. The right expressions for “摆地摊” is ( )
  123. Besides Mount Tai, the Five Great Mountains include ( ).
  124. Which ones in the following items can symbolize the culture of traditional Chinese architecture?( )
  125. Mao Zedong creatively opened up the road of Jinggangshan. It refers to the revolutionary road of ( ).
  126. Which one is the first modern bridge designed and constructed solely by Chinese ?( )
  127. There are 24 national 5A scenic spots along ( ).
  128. Which of the following town is called the Town of Archways in China? ( )。
  129. With the evolution of Chinese characters, Chinese calligraphy has undergone changes in certain aspects, the correct order is ( )
  130. “Operating in the dark”means( ).
  131. What's the best title for the passage?
  132. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
  133. The underlined word "it" here refers to
  134. People often use ________ ink for calligraphy
  135. Which one is the oldest of the four tools?
  136. The 24 solar terms systems were originated along the Yellow River. ( )
  137. 奴隶制时代的“庑”有防御性功能。 ( )
  138. 斗拱最早出现在我国的周朝。 ( )
  139. Zhaozhou Bridge was designed by the renowned master architect Lichun during the Sui Dynasty. ( )
  140. Dougong was first widely used during the Tang Dynasty. ( )。
  141. Bridges are an important symbol of ancient Chinese civilization, and demonstrate the skills and intelligence of the master craftsmen who first constructed them. ( )
  142. 曾子庙的照壁位于大门和牌坊之间。 ( )。
  143. The story of Butterfly Lovers is considered as the Chinese version of Romeo and Juliet. ( )
  144. The Wuhan Yangtze River Bridge is the first highway-railway dual-use bridge built after the founding of the People's Republic of China. ( )
  145. 情人节又叫圣瓦伦丁节,是基督教徒为了纪念瓦伦丁主教Bishop Valentine为正义和纯洁的爱而牺牲自己。 ( )
  146. Shaolin Kung Fu has been well-known for its functions of( ).
  147. Which one is used to make the Qingtuan dough traditionally? ( )
  148. It is said that the villagers along the ( )Chishui River started to make Moutai 4,000 years ago.
  149. Mogao Caves is also called _________.( )
  150. What does the underlined word “extended” mean?
  151. What can we know from the passage?
  152. Which family belongs to the nuclear family
  153. Chinese families may not get together _________.
  154. Which of the following is TRUE about table manners in China?
  155. What is the third paragraph mainly about?
  156. What's the common way for Chinese people to greet others?
  157. If you visit your Chinese friend Lili, who should you greet first?
  158. Jinggangshan has long been noted as the "cradle of the Chinese revolution". ( )
  159. Chinese classic gardens pay attention to "three environments", namely, habitat, picturesque scene and artistic conception. ( )
  160. Qingming Festival is also called Hanshi Festival. ( )
  161. The Great Wall’ s purposes in the past and today include( ).
  162. Chinese began to brew jiu ( )years ago according to archeological findings.
  163. It is said that Cao Xueqin, the author of A Dream of Red Mansions, ever lived in ________with his grandfather when he was young. ( )
  164. “千年礼乐归东鲁,万古衣冠拜素王”。This poem is used to compliment( ).
  165. What can we learn from the story?
  166. Cheng Yi and the door guard were shocked to see Yang Shi and You Zuo because ______.
  167. Which is the right order according to the passage?① The door guard invited Yang Shi and You Zuo to warm themselves.② Yang Shi and You Zuo became students of Cheng Yi.③ Yang Shi and You Zuo visited Cheng Yi on a snowy day.④ Cheng Yi woke up.
  168. Yang Shi and You Zuo went to visit Cheng Yi because ________:
  169. Yang Shi could wrote poems after _______ years of school.
  170. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
  171. People have _______ day on dongzhi in a year.
  172. Xiaoxue is usually in _______ according to the passage.
  173. How do the people in the northern part of China celebrate lidong?
  174. 早在1989年,农历九月初九就被定为老年节。 ( )
  175. Li mubai, played by Chow Yun fat in Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, leads the horse along the stone road near Moon Pond of Hongcun . ( )
  176. The custom of erecting stone sculptures in front of tombs started as early as 2000 years ago. ( )。
  177. Jiashao Bridge won the FIDIC prize for its good integration of cultural characteristics into the natural environment . ( )
  178. 中秋节饮酒的习俗古已有之,人们通常会选择桂花酒。 ( )
  179. 曾子庙也叫宗圣庙。 ( )
  180. Allowing "roadside business" is actually a much-needed move to ensure people's livelihood and employment. ( )
  181. 龙首渠修建于汉朝。 ( )
  182. Since Ming Dynasty, the building of the courtyard residences had to obey specific and strict  regulations. ( )
  183. “无违”可以翻译成propriety。 ( )
  184. “Watchtower”means a tower with a clock on it.( )
  185. Dougong is a structural network that joins pillars and columns to the frame of the roof. ( )。
  186. As a folk art, paper cutting was invented nearly two thousand years ago.   ( )
  187. According to legend, Bodhidharma meditated in solitude for nineteen years facing the wall of a cave in the mountains above the temple.( )
  188. The five great mountains are the highest mountains in China. ( )
  189. In 1987, Mount Tai was listed as Cultural and Natural World Heritage site. ( )
  190. Paper-cuttings of 12 Zodiac animals can serve as a kind of decoration and memoir for people’s birthday. ( )
  191. 龙首渠采用修建联通井的方法进行灌溉。 ( )
  192. 我国具有典型代表性的四大茶馆文化分别是北京茶馆文化、重庆茶馆文化、潮汕茶馆文化和苏州茶馆文化。( )
  193. The Beipanjiang Bridge in southwest China is 565 meters high and stands equivalent to a 200-storey skyscraper! ( )
  194. Based on the traditional Chinese geomantic practice of feng shui, the orientation of the Forbidden City, and for that matter all of Beijing, follows a west-east line. ( )
  195. This distance-recording chariot is a kind of odometer, which was invented by Zhang Heng.( )。
  196. Dougong was first widely used during the Tang Dynasty. ( )。
  197. Qingyi mostly stands for faithful wives, loving mothers and grave middle-aged women, they are usually dressed in blue gown. ( )
  198. Most of the Hui-style villages were built in the sunny side of the mountain and the north bank of rivers and lakes. ( )
  199. The word Chic is pronounced as [tʃɪk]. ( )
  200. Sanshan-Wuyue has become a Chinese idiom that denotes numerous mountains and even various places in general. ( )
  201. Historical records showed the Longshou Canal was built during the rule of Emperor Wu in the Han Dynasty.( )。
  202. The Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge(HZMB) opened to traffic in October 2018. ( )
  203. Mount Huangshan was inscribed on both the World Cultural and Natural Heritage lists in 1989. ( )
  204. The round hotpot is a typical symbol of( ).
  205. Mount Tai signifies _____ and _____ in Chinese language.( ).
  206. The layout of ox-shaped Hongcun is attributed to ______.( )
  207. How do you express “心理变化”? ( )
  208. The _____, _____ and ______ of the Terracotta Warriors were exact duplicates of real ones.( )
  209. What are China’s four great folktales? ( )
  210. What are the usual Spring Festival traditions? ( )
  211. Mount Huangshan is well-known for its ( )and unparalleled snow scenery.
  212. The Four Great Ancient Bridges in China are( ).
  213. 古人将菊花酒视为“吉祥酒”是因为_________ ( )
  214. Why hasn’t the actual tomb of Qin Shihuang been excavated?( ).
  215. What’s the shape of the Japanese Zongzi?  ( )
  216. The iconic scene on the back of the fourth edition of the 100-yuan Renminbi banknote is ( ) of Jinggangshan.
  217. There are ______ connecting each yard inside the large quadrangle courtyard.( )
  218. The Paper-cutting of “The tree of life” can be used to describe: ( )
  219. ________ later became the foundation of martial arts at Shaolin. ( )
  220. At the Second Plenary Session of the Seventh Central Committee of the CPC(中共七届二中全会), ( )put forward "two musts".
  221. 在二十四节气中,下面哪个节气( )最适宜吃烤鸭呢?
  222. Mount Tai ranks ( ) among the Five Great Mountains in altitude. ( )
  223. “New China came from here”refers to ( ).
  224. Which song describes the scene of the production campaign in Yan'an? ( )
  225. Which is not one of the four symbols of noble characters? ( )
  226. Which is not one of the representatives of the Huangshan School of Painting?( )
  227. Comrade Mao Zedong made a speech called "serve the people" in memory of ( ).
  228. The Weaver Girl came to the ( A ) world because she was tired of the ( ) life.
  229. which of the following World Heritage Sites is a mausoleum? ( )。
  230. The royal ritual system of worshiping the moon in autumn dates back to the ( ).
  231. The right expression for “脸色” is _____( )。
  232. The chrysanthemum has been regarded as the symbol of the ( ) thanks to the famous lines “While picking asters 'neath the Eastern fence,my gaze upon the Southern mountain rests” by Tao Yuanming.
  233. Literally, the Chinese character 茶 just likes a person standing between grass and wood, exactly conveying Chinese traditional theory that humanity and nature are a community of life. ( )
  234. Due to a special seasoning, ( )is famous for its numbing and spicy flavor.
  235. 中国白酒一般有酱香、浓香、清香和米香之分,其酒精含量通常超过60%。( )
  236. 俗语“冬至饮酒,天长地久”,反应出酒与节气相互联结、相互”缠绕”的密切同源关系。( )
  237. Chinese Baijiu has a production history of more than 2,000 years, and usually uses ( )as its raw materials.
  238. After water, tea is the( )mostly widely consumed beverage in the world. .
  239. Which of the following Chinese idioms refers to a betrothal meaning?( )
  240. There is always an array of small, delicate clay figurines of ( ), which are usually called tea pets.
  241. From the 6th century to the 20th century, people in Sichuan and Yunnan provinces traveled by foot and horseback with pack horses to exchange tea for horses with people in Tibet. ( )
  242. 按照时间长短吃火锅可分为 汆、涮、煮三种,分别对应不同的食材,肉片蔬菜易老适宜“汆”,内脏鳝鱼带虫要“煮”,而毛肚鸭肠讲究“涮”。( )
  243. Ancient people believed that wearing cornel twigs on the Double Ninth Festival could prevent diseases and avoid disasters. ( )
  244. Which one is not one of China’s four great folktales? ( )
  245. Legend has it that dumplings were first invented by ( )
  246. People usually drink ( ) wine on Mid-Autumn Day.
  247. 春分和秋分两天,白天和黑夜的长度相同。 ( )
  248. 墨西哥粽子叫做tamale,由玉米面和肉片、辣椒做馅儿,用玉米皮或芭蕉叶包裹而成。 ( )
  249. 自古以来立春庆典都是一个非常隆重的民俗节日,时至今日依然流传的习俗是( )
  250. Qingming Festival is a day to( ).
  251. The history of eating dumplings in( )dates back to the Tang Dynasty.
  252. Since ( ), the Dragon Boat Festival has been celebrated as public holiday in China.
  253. In Peking Opera, Mr Shang Xiaoyun was good at crafting the noble and natural women’s images. ( )
  254. Chinese calligraphy---Running Script appeared in Tang Dynasty. ( )
  255. Which Chinese calligraphy is called an example for standard writing? ( )
  256. In the history of Chinese calligraphy, Su Dongpo was known as the sage of calligraphy. ( )
  257. The history of Paper-cutting in Foshan, Guangdong can be dated back to ( )
  258. In Peking Opera, “Chang Kao” and “Duan Da” refer to two kinds of “Hang Dang”. ( )
  259. In Chinese culture, two idioms---“东床快婿” and “入木三分”are related to Wang Xizhi who is one of famous calligrapher in Jin dynasty. ( )
  260. Paper-cutting is the Chinese traditional folk art, one of the most popular theme is the design of “fish”, because it symbolizes “annual surplus”. ( )
  261. Facial makeup can tell the personality of a particular character, for example, red means uprightness and loyalty. ( )
  262. The Four Huizhou troupes are ( )
  263. Huoshenshan hospital is an emergency specialty field hospital built in Wuhan, China, in response to the Covid-19 pandemic. ( )
  264. 天问一号火星探测器”can be written as “Tianwen-1 Mars Probe”.( )
  265. The right expressions for 摊位 are( )。
  266. Individuals from the post-95s generation are very active in the fields of cultural consumption,such as watching movies , watching plays, listening to music, reading books and watching performances.( )
  267. Which is the right expression for 热门话题( )。
  268. China Chis is pronounced as [ʃiːk].( )
  269. The enhancement of consumption ability and the yearning for quality life have led to an increasingly diversified lifestyle and demands among customers. ( )
  270. Allowing "roadside business" is actually a much-needed move to ensure people's livelihood and employment.( )
  271. China is pushing forward the use of informatization within the 14th Five-Year Plan period with 6G technologies being a top priority.( )
  272. Which is the right expression for ”绕、落、巡“( )。
  273. The Jiashao Bridge is the world's longest and widest multi-pylon cable-stayed bridge which stretches 10 kilometers across the Hangzhou bay.( )
  274. Wuhan Yangtze River Bridge opened to traffic on Oct 15, 1957.( )
  275. Which one is the world’s highest bridge?( )
  276. Nanjing Yangtze river bridge is the third bridge built to span the Yangtze River after the Wuhan Yangtze River Bridge and the Baishatuo Yangtze River Bridge in Chongqing City. ( )
  277. Hurong Expressway is an east-west bound expressway that connects the eastern metropolis of Shanghai to Chongqing. ( )
  278. According to statiscs, there have been more than 200 links over the Yangtze river due to the rapid development of Chinese economy and bridge technology.( )
  279. (  )is not one of the Four Great Ancient Bridges in China? ( )
  280. It took five years to construct Shanghai-Jiading Expressway.( )
  281. The Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge(HZMB) won the 2020 Outstanding Structure Award by the International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering( )
  282. The Zhaozhou Bridge was dedicated as an International Historic Civil Engineering Landmark by the American Society of Civil Engineers in 1991. ( )
  283. 1944年,毛泽东在追思张思德的大会上,发表了( )的著名讲演。
  284. 延安的( )成为革命圣地的象征,经常出现在诗人和画家的笔下。
  285. Xibaipo was chosen as the center of revolution and the supreme command headquarters for three reasons. What are the three reasons?( )
  286. The story of “Zhu De’s shoulder pole”(朱德的扁担) took place in ( ).
  287. Who wrote the poem "Return to Yan 'an"?( ).
  288. During the period of Jinggangshan struggle, Mao Zedong and Zhu De blazed a revolutionary trail to “besiege the cities from the countryside and seize the state power with military force.”(“农村包围城市,武装夺取政权”) ( )
  289. The main contents of the Yan 'an Spirit are( ).
  290. 毛泽东在( )中提出了“自己动手,丰衣足食”的口号。
  291. What are the main contents of the“two musts”? ( ).
  292. 毛泽东率领秋收起义部队创立的( )是党领导下的第一个农村革命根据地。
  293. Classical gardens of Suzhou draw on the ancient disciplines of Chinese arts of calligraphy and poetry, together with fundamental concepts of landscape. ( )
  294. The centre of the Forbidden City is __________( )。
  295. What kind of gate denotes the highest social status of the host? ( )
  296. The functions of Tianjing in Hongcun ancient village include ______. ( )
  297. Suzhou is China's well-known city of gardens,which tops all other cities both in the number and the artistry of gardens.( )
  298. The architecture of Huizhou style is a unique architecture genre in Chinese architecture history.( )
  299. Some people said that the design of the Tianjing was related to the ideology of __________ of Huizhou people. ( )
  300. The quadrangle is a traditional courtyard residence in China. ( )
  301. According to its scale, the simplest quadrangle courtyard is the one gate courtyard. There are also courtyards with two, three or more gates.( )
  302. Located in the center of Beijing, the Forbidden City faces Tian'an men Square in the front, with Jingshan Park at its back, Wangfujing Street at its east, and Zhongnanhai at its west.( )
  303. The traditional Chinese gateway can be called as _______( )。
  304. If you think someone behaves or lives in a way that is morally justified, you can say they are righteous.( )。
  305. 孝堂山郭氏祠位于山东济南。( )。
  306. 啮指痛心讲的是曾子对自己的母亲很孝顺的故事。( )。
  307. “风伯”is the God of Wind in Chinese myth.( )。
  308. Longshou Canal was built in Han Dynasty.( )。
  309. Which animal would NOT be stood along the Sacred Way of a mausoleum( )。
  310. girder指的是建筑物的大梁。( )。
  311. What is the relationship between Confucius and Mencius? ( )。
  312. The Xiaotang Mountain Han Shrine is one of China’s earliest and most precious stone structure buildings in existence.( )。
  313. In ancient times, Dunhuang was the center of trade between China and its western neighbors.( )
  314. What happened immediately after the Terracotta Warriors were unearthed? ( )
  315. The main purpose of Shaolin martial arts training was the promotion of health, strength and mental concentration. ( )
  316. 以下哪一项不属于中国四大石窟? ( )
  317. Kong Family Mansion a typical building of the combination of official office and inner house in Chinese feudal society. ( )
  318. The layer and the shape of a pagoda in Shaolin Temple depend on many factors, such as one's( ).
  319. The life-like Terracotta Warriors and Horses arranged in battle formations are the star features at the museum. ( )
  320. The Temple of Confucius originally built to ( ).
  321. “不到长城非好汉”可以翻译为“He who fails to reach the Great Wall is not a true man.”。( )
  322. The Great Wall’s main purpose today is cultural. ( )
  323. Mount Tai is a mountain of historical and cultural significance located south of the city of Tai’an, Shandong province. ( )
  324. Mount Tai is among the first group of National Parks of China.( )
  325. Who renamed Huangshan in 747 AD?( )
  326. Now,there arises a more popular saying that Sanshan refers to three tourist attractions, which are( ).
  327. Confucius once said “No mountains home and abroad could be compared to Anhui’s Huangshan Mountain. There is no desire for climbing other mountains after a visit to Mount Huangshan, the viewing (of other mountains) stops.”( )
  328. Welcoming-Guests Pine is thought to be more than 1500 years old. ( )
  329. Huangshan is located within Huangshan city in the(  )of Anhui Province. ( )
  330. Since ancient times, north has been believed to be the holiest point since it was the direction from which the sun would rise, leading it to be associated with birth and renewal.( )
  331. 玉皇顶 is translated as Jade Emperor Peak.( )
  332. (  )is one of the steepest and most challenging hiking paths of Mount Tai? ( )
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