
Coco Chanel revolutionized women's clothing by abolishing corsets, long skirts, complicated outfits that required the help of the assistant to be worn. This is also an example of radical innovation.

A:对 B:错

When we encounter the following situation, we are using _______ reasoning.

· All meals are prepared by the catering company according to the bookings on the system (rule)

A proportion Q (15%) of aircraft passengers have booked vegan meals on the system (case),

we can predict that 15% of passengers (vegan) will receive the correct meal during the flight (conclusion).”

A:Inductive B:Deductive + inductive C:Abductive D:Deductive

When we encounter the following situation, we are using _______ reasoning.

“A prediction draws a conclusion about a future individual from a past sample.

· Proportion Q (e.g. 15%) of observed aircraft passengers have had in the past attribute “vegan”.


There is a probability corresponding to Q (15%) that future aircraft passengers will have attribute “vegan” on next flights”.

A:Inductive B:Deductive + inductive C:Deductive D:Abductive

Abductive reasoning looks at the results first, then it tries to form the best hypothesis to explain the result and finally checks the case to see if it conforms to the hypothesis.

A:错 B:对

Please choose the correct statements about design innovation:

A:Only changes in meaning or technology can lead to radical innovation B:Designers use an emphasis on the future context in which the design has to function, to sway clients from a problem-solving approach to one that allows for the negotiation of new frames. C:Expert design is more a matter of developing and refining both the formulation of a problem and ideas for solution in concert, in a process of COEVOLUTION of both the Problem space and the Solution space. D:Changes in meaning define the so-called design-driven innovation

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