
Design, Innovation and Entrepreneurship 1.0

  1. Inductive reasoning usually leads to…

  2. A:highly Risky forecast B:Strong cause-effect relationship between elements C:A generalization from cases
    答案:tween elements
  3. which one is most useful for meaning innovation of the three ways of thinking?

  4. A:inductive B:deductive C:abductive
    AI参考:单选题根据您提供的信息,选项A、B和C都与三种不同的思维方式有关,它们是归纳法、演绎法和归摄法。关于哪一种思维方式最有利于意义创新,答案是B:deductive (演绎法)。演绎法是从已知的事实或原理出发,通过推理和演绎,得出新的结论或解释。这种方法可以帮助人们通过逻辑推理来发现新的含义和解释,从而推动意义创新。因此,答案是B:deductive。'
  5. Which of the following statement is right?

  6. 答案:They perform rituals and get momentary relief from the anxiety.
  7. In the process of coevolution of both the problem space and the solution space …

  9. On the company portfolio level, you can turn one red-ocean business to be a cash cow. Which perspective on corporate strategy do you hold?

  10. A:Market-based B:Value-based C:Resource-based D:combining three perspectives together
    答案:combining three perspectives together
  11. About the example of Starbucks, we can know that…

  12. A:The entrepreneur and his team actually communicated deeply with coffee lovers B:They chose to provide chairs and play different kinds of music according the intuition of the founder C:The founder of Starbucks actually predicted the market that people would pay more for coffee
    AI参考:C:The founder of Starbucks actually predicted the market that people would pay more for coffeeStarbucks的例子告诉我们,创始人实际上预测了市场,人们会为咖啡付出更高的价格。因此,正确答案是C选项,即创始人在星巴克中实际上预测了市场趋势,人们会为咖啡付出更高的价格。其他选项并没有在问题中给出足够的信息来解释这个例子。'
  13. The HCD framework has limitations when it comes to predict…

  14. 答案:dueAI参考:对于您的问题,选项【单选题】The HCD framework has limitations when it comes to prediction,我的答案是:B. It is not suitable for complex tasks.解释如下:选项A:There are no specific limitations in the HCD framework when it comes to prediction. 这个选项不符合上下文,因为上文提到了“limitations when it comes to prediction”,所以可以推断出HCD框架在预测方面存在一定的限制。选项C:The HCD framework has limitations in its performance when it comes to prediction. 这个选项表述不够明确,没有直接回答问题。选项D:The HCD framework is limited in terms of how accurate it can predict. 这个选项与问题描述的“limitations when it comes to prediction”略有出入。因此,最符合上下文的答案为选项B:“HCD框架不适合处理复杂的任务”。这个选项明确回答了问题,指出HCD框架在预测方面的局限性。'
  15. According to the metaphor of the patchwork quilt, we can know that…

  16. Which of following statement can be called a kind of radical innovation?

  17. A:A new form and style of the smartphone B:The longer battery life of smartphone which uses the same material as now C:A new kind of material used to make battery which is much more efficient

  18. Bike sharing is a case of radical innovation …

  19. A:Based on the innovation of meaning B:Based on the innovation of technology C:Based on human centered design

  20. Robert Verganti call the radical innovation of meanings as design-driven innovation because…

  21. AI参考:这个问题似乎被截断了,没有提供完整的答案。根据你提供的信息,我无法完整理解并回答这个问题。请提供完整的句子或问题,以便我更好地帮助你。'
  22. The biodegradable material is more environmentally friendly, and PLA is a biodegradable material. So Using PLA can reducing the pollution. What kind of attribution method is this?

  23. A:deductive B:abductive C:inductive
  24. Please select the correct explanation about designerly abduction:

  25. A:B.      it starts from questioning “How” B:C.     it makes only the minimum necessary changes to prevent the problem from recurring in the future. C:A.     a variation of abductive reasoning D:D.     It can only be done by designers

  26. Which one do you think is not the feature of a wicked problem?

  27. A:dynamic B:complex C:ambiguous
    AI参考:正确答案是B:complex。wicked problems的特征包括动态的、模糊的、复杂的、有多个解决方案的等,而complex只是复杂的意思,不属于wicked problems的特征之一。因此,B选项不是wicked problems的特征。'
  28. Which method is used when booking the costs of the units sold in the p/l sheet during a certain accouting period?

  29. A:"Total expenditure" method B:"Cost of sales" method

  30. Nowadays, the strategy is developed in an adaptive manner, which means:

  31. A:A lot of turbulence, uncertainty in the market B:Stable organizational structure and leadership C:A clear bourndary of businesses
    AI参考:选项C:A clear bourndary of businesses是正确答案。原文中提到“Nowadays, the strategy is developed in an adaptive manner”,意味着现在的战略是以适应性的方式发展的。选项C中的“a clear boundary of businesses”符合这种适应性战略的特点,而其他选项则不符合。选项A中的“turbulence,uncertainty in the market”和选项B中的“stable organizational structure and leadership”都与适应性战略不符。因此,选项C是正确答案。'
  32. According to Prahalad & Hamel’s theory and using the metaphor of a tree to describe a company, the core competence is...

  33. A:Root B:Leaves C:Branches D:Trunk
  34. In inductive reasoning, it is often required to return to case observation when…

  35. A:The issue to be resolved looks quite banal B:A new case OBSERVED does not confirm the proposed rule C:The tentative rule is highly disruptive of the entire system

  36. Design Thinking differs from problem solving because…

  37. A:It doesn’t follow a linear methodology B:it can spark radical innovation C:It is based on creative associations
    AI参考:正确答案是B: it can spark radical innovation。设计思维与问题解决的不同之处在于,设计思维能够激发出根本性的创新,而问题解决通常遵循线性方法,因此选项B是正确的。设计思维是一种创新性的思维方式,它注重观察、探索和实验,通过创造性的方式解决问题,从而激发出新的想法和解决方案。因此,设计思维更注重创新和创造性思维,而不是线性解决问题的方法。选项A和C虽然也涉及到创新和创造性思维,但不足以全面描述设计思维与问题解决的不同之处。'
  38. Which one is not the feature of a wicked problem?

  39. A:open B:networked C:structured

  40. Please select the major steps of business planning process.

  41. A:Determine organizational and reporting structure B:Include effects of measures C:Set up assumptions and extrapolate data D:Gather/adjust data
    AI参考:正确选项是【A:Determine organizational and reporting structure】根据题目要求,需要选择商业计划过程中的主要步骤。选项A是确定组织结构和报告结构,这是商业计划过程中的一个重要步骤,因为它涉及到公司的组织架构、报告系统以及与其他利益相关者的沟通方式等。选项B包括措施的影响,虽然也是商业计划过程中的一个方面,但不是主要步骤。选项C设定假设并推断数据,虽然也是商业计划过程中的一个步骤,但并不是最主要的步骤。选项D是收集/调整数据,虽然也是商业计划过程中的一个步骤,但并不是最主要的步骤。因此,选项A是最符合题目要求的正确选项。'
  42. Please choose the examples of radical innovation in the history from the following:

  43. A:Facebook B:TV C:sanitary hydraulic hoses D:electric light, car, plane
    AI参考:正确选项为D:electric light, car, plane。radical innovation指的是颠覆性的创新,选项D中的electric light(电灯)、car(汽车)和plane(飞机)都是历史上具有颠覆性的创新产品,对人类的生活方式产生了巨大的影响。而选项A的Facebook、B的TV和C的sanitary hydraulic hoses虽然也都是创新产品,但它们的影响力和创新程度相对较小,不符合radical innovation的定义。'
  44. There are several prospectives to consider when talking about a strategy.

  45. In the metaphor of the effectual logic of entrepreneurship,the patchwork quilt is unique due to:

  46. A:Large quilting projects are usually worked in teams B:The quilter has wider latitude than the puzzle solver in putting together the pattern C:the picture existed and was just waiting to be put together D:The quilt not only has to be pleasing and meaningful, but also has to be useful and valuable – in the end, it has to keep human bodies warm at least.

  47. Which of the following statements about design is right?

  48. A:Design is a form of reasoning B:Design is the skill of making an object or an artefact C:Design is a knowledge-intensive process (that involves selecting goals then developing and executing strategies to meet those goals)

  49. In VUCA era, we have to

  50. A:D.     manage a lot of turbulence and uncertainty in the current market B:B.      develop the company strategy in a more definite background C:C.     understand the implication of the mega trends and translate that into the business activities D:A.     develop the company strategy in a more adaptive background
  51. Which of the followings are advantages of latemovers?

  52. A:Latemovers can enjoy the advantage of building up the loyalty from the customer B:Latemovers can follow the first mover do the same business with much lesser cost C:the market has already been occupied by the challengers D:Latemovers can have higher profit from the reduced uncertainty of industrial standards

  53. What are innovation strategies according to Robert Verganti?

  54. A:Design-driven B:Market-pull C:Technology-push
    AI参考:正确答案是A、B。根据罗伯特·维格蒂(Robert Verganti)的观点,创新战略包括设计驱动和市场需求驱动,因此选项A和B都是正确的答案。选项C与他的观点不符,因此是错误的选项。'
  55. According to Kees Dorts (2015), problems that designers confront today present a stable set of characteristics: they are


  57. How would you know if you are encountering a problem space of effectuation?

  58. A:I can not calculate the probabilities for the outcomes of my actions B:There are lots of information around me.But I do not know which to pay attention and which to ignore. C:I do not know what is the exact goal of my venture
    AI参考:正确选项是C:I do not know what is the exact goal of my venture。根据问题描述,需要知道是否遇到效应空间问题,而选项C中的“我不知道我的事业的准确目标”正好符合这个问题。其他选项与问题描述无关。选项A与概率计算无关;选项B则与信息过多有关,与问题描述不符。因此,选项C是正确答案。'
  59. Redesigning the product language of the smartphone is a kind of radical innovation.

  60. A:错 B:对
  61. Profit and cash are two very different things. Profits give you a very direct view about the business quality, whether the business are making profit, whether this is a generating value business or not. On the other side, cash is a very specific and important indicators for the health condition of the company, especially for the early stage companies.

  62. A:错 B:对
  63. As a special way of thinking in design driven innovation, designerly induction is widely used.

  64. A:错 B:对
  65. Coco Chanel revolutionized women's clothing by abolishing corsets, long skirts, complicated outfits that required the help of the assistant to be worn. This is also an example of radical innovation.

  66. A:错 B:对
    AI参考:正确答案是B:对。根据题目中的描述,Coco Chanel通过取消束腹带、长裙和需要助手帮助穿脱的复杂服装,为女性服装带来了革命性的变革。这种变革也体现了激进的创新。因此,该题目是正确的,答案为B。'
  67. In the delivery phase in design approach, we only need to test the prototype in terms of their technical feasibility and effectiveness.

  68. A:对 B:错

  69. In the approach of effectuation, each member of the team should bring their resources and know their positions.

  70. A:错 B:对

  71. In the phase of developing insights, we should take different stakeholders into account.

  72. A:错 B:对

  73. The prediction we make through the reasoning of deduction is always correct.

  74. A:对 B:错

  75. Since each member of the team is important,there is no need to select a leader.

  76. A:对 B:错
  77. The approach of induction is useless if we want to create a new product or service because it can only be used in predicting.

  78. A:对 B:错

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