1.Inductive reasoning usually leads to…
A:highly Risky forecast B:Strong cause-effect relationship between elements C:A generalization from cases
答案:A generalization from cases
2.which one is most useful for meaning innovation of the three ways of thinking?
A:inductive B:deductive C:abductive
3.Which of the following statement is right?
A:Uncertainty means you know you could fail, and how much money you could lose. B:Risk and Uncertainty are different C:Risk means you know you could fail, but you don't know the specific possibilities.
答案:Risk and Uncertainty are different
4.In the process of coevolution of both the problem space and the solution space …
5.On the company portfolio level, you can turn one red-ocean business to be a cash cow. Which perspective on corporate strategy do you hold?
A:Market-based B:Value-based C:Resource-based D:combining three perspectives together
答案:combining three perspectives together
6.About the example of Starbucks, we can know that…
A:The entrepreneur and his team actually communicated deeply with coffee lovers B:They chose to provide chairs and play different kinds of music according the intuition of the founder C:The founder of Starbucks actually predicted the market that people would pay more for coffee
答案:The entrepreneur and his team actually communicated deeply with coffee lovers
7.The HCD framework has limitations when it comes to predict…
A:The highest level of quality that will be achieved B:How to improve the product’s performance C:Consumers' level of acceptance of the product
答案:The highest level of quality that will be achieved
8.According to the metaphor of the patchwork quilt, we can know that…
A:The entrepreneurs using effectual approach usually work alone B:The entrepreneurs using effectual approach have wider latitude in putting together the pattern C:The entrepreneurs using effectual approach don't need to make the quilt meaningful but pleasing
答案:The entrepreneurs using effectual approach have wider latitude in putting together the pattern
9.Which of following statement can be called a kind of radical innovation?
A:A new form and style of the smartphone B:The longer battery life of smartphone which uses the same material as now C:A new kind of material used to make battery which is much more efficient
答案:A new kind of material used to make battery which is much more efficient
10.Bike sharing is a case of radical innovation …
A:Based on the innovation of meaning B:Based on the innovation of technology C:Based on human centered design
答案:Based on the innovation of meaning
11.The biodegradable material is more environmentally friendly, and PLA is a biodegradable material. So Using PLA can reducing the pollution. What kind of attribution method is this?
A:deductive B:abductive C:inductive

12.Which one do you think is not the feature of a wicked problem?
A:dynamic B:complex C:ambiguous 13.Nowadays, the strategy is developed in an adaptive manner, which means:
A:A lot of turbulence, uncertainty in the market B:Stable organizational structure and leadership C:A clear bourndary of businesses 14.According to Prahalad & Hamel’s theory and using the metaphor of a tree to describe a company, the core competence is...
A:Root B:Leaves C:Branches D:Trunk 15.In inductive reasoning, it is often required to return to case observation when…
A:The issue to be resolved looks quite banal B:A new case OBSERVED does not confirm the proposed rule C:The tentative rule is highly disruptive of the entire system 16.Design Thinking differs from problem solving because…
A:It doesn’t follow a linear methodology B:it can spark radical innovation C:It is based on creative associations 17.Which one is not the feature of a wicked problem?
A:open B:networked C:structured 18.Please select the major steps of business planning process.
A:Determine organizational and reporting structure B:Include effects of measures C:Set up assumptions and extrapolate data D:Gather/adjust data 19.Please choose the examples of radical innovation in the history from the following:
A:Facebook B:TV C:sanitary hydraulic hoses D:electric light, car, plane 20.In the metaphor of the effectual logic of entrepreneurship,the patchwork quilt is unique due to:
A:Large quilting projects are usually worked in teams B:The quilter has wider latitude than the puzzle solver in putting together the pattern C:the picture existed and was just waiting to be put together D:The quilt not only has to be pleasing and meaningful, but also has to be useful and valuable – in the end, it has to keep human bodies warm at least. 21.Which of the following statements about design is right?
A:Design is a form of reasoning B:Design is the skill of making an object or an artefact C:Design is a knowledge-intensive process (that involves selecting goals then developing and executing strategies to meet those goals) 22.Which of the followings are advantages of latemovers?
A:Latemovers can enjoy the advantage of building up the loyalty from the customer B:Latemovers can follow the first mover do the same business with much lesser cost C:the market has already been occupied by the challengers D:Latemovers can have higher profit from the reduced uncertainty of industrial standards 23.What are innovation strategies according to Robert Verganti?
A:Design-driven B:Market-pull C:Technology-push 24.According to Kees Dorts (2015), problems that designers confront today present a stable set of characteristics: they are
A:OPEN B:NETWORKED C:DYNAMIC D:COMPLEX 25.How would you know if you are encountering a problem space of effectuation?
A:I can not calculate the probabilities for the outcomes of my actions B:There are lots of information around me.But I do not know which to pay attention and which to ignore. C:I do not know what is the exact goal of my venture 26.Redesigning the product language of the smartphone is a kind of radical innovation.
A:错 B:对 27.Profit and cash are two very different things. Profits give you a very direct view about the business quality, whether the business are making profit, whether this is a generating value business or not. On the other side, cash is a very specific and important indicators for the health condition of the company, especially for the early stage companies.
A:错误 B:正确 28.As a special way of thinking in design driven innovation, designerly induction is widely used.
A:错 B:对 29.Coco Chanel revolutionized women's clothing by abolishing corsets, long skirts, complicated outfits that required the help of the assistant to be worn. This is also an example of radical innovation.
A:错误 B:正确 30.In the delivery phase in design approach, we only need to test the prototype in terms of their technical feasibility and effectiveness.
A:正确 B:错误 31.In the approach of effectuation, each member of the team should bring their resources and know their positions.
A:错误 B:正确 32.In the phase of developing insights, we should take different stakeholders into account.
A:错误 B:正确 33.The prediction we make through the reasoning of deduction is always correct.
A:正确 B:错误 34.Since each member of the team is important,there is no need to select a leader.
A:正确 B:错误 35.The approach of induction is useless if we want to create a new product or service because it can only be used in predicting.
A:正确 B:错误 36.Robert Verganti call the radical innovation of meanings as design-driven innovation because…
37.In VUCA era, we have to
A:D.     manage a lot of turbulence and uncertainty in the current market B:B.      develop the company strategy in a more definite background C:C.     understand the implication of the mega trends and translate that into the business activities D:A.     develop the company strategy in a more adaptive background

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