1.How many days can activity I be delayed? ( )
A:15 B:24 C:29
2.There is an Euler circuit in the connected graph G, if and only if there is ( ) in G.
A:more than two odd vertices B:two odd vertices C:one odd vertex D:no odd vertex
答案:no odd vertex
3.In the Lego production problem, the optimal production plan(2 tables and 2 chairs) won’t change if the price of table varies within the range of ( ) and other conditions maintain unchanged.
A:15~20 B:<15 C:20~35 D:>35
4.When there is an upper limit on resource constraints in the nonstandard LP, the standard form needs to add( )to the left of the inequalities in nonstandard LP.
A:Surplus variables B:Constants C:zero D:Slack variables`
答案:Slack variables`
5.The shadow prices of small blocks and big blocks are ( ) and ( ) respectively.
A:5; 5 B:5; 6 C:4; 6 D:4; 5
答案:5; 5
6.There is a transportation problem that includes 3 supply regions and 3 demand regions , the number of basic variable in the initial feasible scheme is ( ).
A:5 B:7 C:6 D:4
7.The connected directed graph G is an Euler graph if and only if the outdegree of each vertex ( ) the indegree of each vertex.
A:any relationship B:> C:< D:=
8.“Please add a 0-1 variable to express the relationship between these two mutual exclusive constraints: x1≥0 or x1≤-20( )。
A:x1≤-My,x1+20≤M(1-y),y=0 or 1,M is a sufficiently large positive number B:-My≤x1,x1+20≤M(1-y),y=0 or 1,M is a sufficiently large positive number C:My≤x1,x1+20≤M(1-y),y=0 or 1,M is a sufficiently large positive number D:My≤x1,x1+20≥M(1-y),y=0 or 1,M is a sufficiently large positive number
答案:-My≤x1,x1+20≤M(1-y),y=0 or 1,M is a sufficiently large positive number
9.If the primal problem in LP is to find the maximum, all constraints are “≤”, and variables are non-negative, the dual problem is to find the ( ), constraints are ( ), and variables are ( ).
A:maximum; ≥; ≤ B:minimum; ≤; ≥ C:minimum; ≥; ≥ D:maximum; ≥; ≥
答案:minimum; ≥; ≥
10.What’s feasible domain? ( )。
A:The set of feasible solutions B:The region including optimal solution C:The region including feasible solutions D:The region including basic solutions
答案:The set of feasible solutions
11.What’s the number of cells in the base variable for this case? ( )
A:7 B:9 C:8 D:5

12.The linear programming model doesn’t include ( ).
A:State variables B:Constraints C:Decision variables D:Objective function 13.In the Lego production problem, if there are some extra large and small blocks on the market, the prices are $6 and $4, respectively. Which type of block would you like to purchase to produce more products? ( )。
A:Only small block B:Neither large or small block C:Only large block D:Both large and small block 14.Given the conditional probabilities, Bayesian analysis can revise ( ) by ( ).
A:prior probabilities; posterior probabilities B:posterior probabilities; prior probabilities 15.In the process of management science, the step of( )is to describe a functional relationship that includes variables, parameters, and equations.
A:model B:data C:conclusion D:decisions 16.Transportation problems also belong to network flow problems particularly about allocation.( )
A:错误 B:正确 17.The expected value and expected opportunity loss criteria result in the same decision. ( )
A:错误 B:正确 18.The optimal solution of integer programming is to find the corresponding linear programming optimal solution and then round it up. ( )
A:错误 B:正确 19.Both branch-and-cut technique and branch-and-bound technique are based on linear programming to solve integer programming. ( )
A:错误 B:正确 20.There must be an optimal solution to the transportation problem. ( )
A:正确 B:错误 21.The decision variable values in Binary integer programming are either 0 or 1. ( )
A:错误 B:正确 22.The minimal spanning tree problem is to connect all nodes in a network so that the total branch lengths are minimized. ( )
A:错误 B:正确 23.Any LP problem has its unique dual problem.( )
A:正确 B:错误 24.Whereas a backward pass through the network is made to determine the earliest times, the latest times are computed using a forward pass. ( )
A:错误 B:正确 25.The optimal solution of LP problem must be obtained at the vertex of feasible domain. ( )
A:正确 B:错误 26.Kruskal Algorithm is called avoid cycle method, and it’s intuitive in the simple graph to get (n-1) pieces edges in the graph with n nodes. ( )
A:错误 B:正确 27.A conditional probability is the probability that an event will occur, given that another event has already occurred. ( )
A:正确 B:错误 28.Graph theory is to study the objects and their relationships, and it’s independent of the geometric shape of the graph. ( )
A:正确 B:错误 29.The test numbers that are obtained by the closed loop method are not unique. ( )
A:错 B:对 30.The following AOA network is correct. ( )
A:错误 B:正确 31.The owner of the Columbia Construction Company must decide between building a housing development, constructing a shopping center, and leasing all the company's equipment to another company. The profit that will result from each alternative will be determined by whether material costs remain stable or increase. The profit from each alternative, given the two possibilities for material costs, is shown in the following payoff table:
5、Under the equal likelihood criterion, please select the best decision ( ) .
A:Houses B:shopping center C:leasing 32. In a bus company, the number of staffs, including drivers and conductors, required for a bus line during each time period is as following table. Let the staffs begin to work at the beginning of each time period and work continuously for 8 hours. How can you arrange the staffing to meet the work needs with a minimum number of staffs? The number of decision variable is ( )。
A:7 B:5 C:8 D:6 33.A farmer in Iowa is considering either leasing some extra land or investing in savings certificates at the local bank. If weather conditions are good next year, the extra land will give the farmer an excellent harvest. However, if weather conditions are bad, the farmer will lose money. The savings certificates will result in the same return, regardless of the weather conditions. The return for each investment, given each type of weather condition, is shown in the following payoff table,
2、Under the optimistic/Maximax criterion, please select the best decision ( ) .
A:lease land B:buy savings certificate 34.The Atlantic Coast Conference (ACC) has four basketball games on a particular night. The conference office wants to assign four teams of officials to the four games in a way that will minimize the total distance traveled by the officials. The supply is always one team of officials, and the demand is for only one team of officials at each game. The distances in miles for each team of officials to each game location are shown in the following table. For the minimum distance of objective function, we use the 0-1 variable to represent whether the official chooses the game location or not, like “xAR=1” expressing official A selecting Raleigh game site. Then for official A, the constraint is ( ).
A:xAR+ xAA+ xAD+ xAC=1 B:xAR+ xAA+ xAD+ xAC≥1 C:xAR+ xAA+ xAD+ xAC≤1 35.Königsberg Bridge Problem is proved to have ( )odd vertices.
A:4 B:1 C:3 D:2 36.When we solve Chinese postman problem, the rules of adjusting the edges are ( ).
A:The adjusted edges of each odd vertex are increased or decreased in pairs B:Any two odd vertices are directly connected C:For each elementary cycle in the graph, the sum of the length of repeated edges ≤ half of the cycle length D:Each edge is repeated at most once 37.The correct statements about advantages of Gantt chart are ( ).
A:monitoring the progress of activities B:a visual display of a project schedule C:determining earliest completion time D:obviously knowing how the delay of one activity affects the start time of another activity 38.The following statements about the Hungarian algorithm for assignment problem are correct. ( ).
A:When we perform a trial assignment, we repeat crossing out those extra 0 elements until the number of 0 elements selected equal to the order of new matrix B:What we ought to do is cover all 0 elements with the fewest straight lines C:The first step of Hungarian Algorithm needs to guarantee at least one 0 element in each row and column D:When we mark the rows and columns during covering all 0 elements, it’s not necessary to make the number of lines marking unmarked rows and marked columns equal to the number of 0 elements selected. 39.If feasible domain for a linear programming problem has no boundaries, then the problem may ( ).
A:Infinite optimal solutions B:Finite optimal solution C:No infinite optimal solution D:Unique optimal solution 40.The solution methods of BIP (0-1 integer programming) are ( ).
A:Graphical method B:Enumeration method C:Implicit enumeration method D:Dual simplex method

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