
Data, Model and Decision

  1. Transportation problems also belong to network flow problems particularly about allocation.( )

  2. A:错 B:对
  3. The expected value and expected opportunity loss criteria result in the same decision. ( )

  4. A:错 B:对
    答案:SOLUTIONAI参考:B. 对。预期收益和预期机会丧失准则会导致相同的决策。在这个问题中,判断题中的陈述是正确的。预期收益和预期机会丧失是决策评估的两个重要标准,它们在大多数情况下会导致相同的决策结果。'
  5. The optimal solution of integer programming is to find the corresponding linear programming optimal solution and then round it up. ( )

  6. A:错 B:对
    答案:Aline segment connecting two vertices
  7. Both branch-and-cut technique and branch-and-bound technique are based on linear programming to solve integer programming. ( )

  8. A:错 B:对
  9. There must be an optimal solution to the transportation problem. ( )

  10. A:对 B:错
  11. The decision variable values in Binary integer programming are either 0 or 1. ( )

  12. A:错 B:对
  13. The minimal spanning tree problem is to connect all nodes in a network so that the total branch lengths are minimized. ( )

  14. A:错 B:对
  15. Any LP problem has its unique dual problem.( )

  16. A:对 B:错
  17. Whereas a backward pass through the network is made to determine the earliest times, the latest times are computed using a forward pass. ( )

  18. A:错 B:对
  19. The optimal solution of LP problem must be obtained at the vertex of feasible domain. ( )

  20. A:对 B:错
    答案:Aline segment connecting two vertices
  21. Kruskal Algorithm is called avoid cycle method, and it’s intuitive in the simple graph to get (n-1) pieces edges in the graph with n nodes. ( )

  22. A:错 B:对
    AI参考:题目描述: Kruskal算法通常被称为避免循环方法,直观地在简单图中可以得到具有n个节点的图中边数比边的数目多n-1。以下是选项信息:* 正确答案是 B:对。解释: Kruskal算法是一种用于找出加权无向图的最小生成树的算法。该算法通过选择所有边中权值最小的边,不断添加边,直到生成树中包含所有节点,同时保证生成树中的边不会形成环。所以,在简单图中,Kruskal算法可以得出边数比边的数目多n-1的结果。因此,这个判断题是正确的。'
  23. A conditional probability is the probability that an event will occur, given that another event has already occurred. ( )

  24. A:对 B:错
  25. Graph theory is to study the objects and their relationships, and it’s independent of the geometric shape of the graph. ( )

  26. A:对 B:错
    答案:Nodes in a tree may not be connected to each other.AI参考:答案是B:错。图形理论是研究图形对象及其之间的关系,与图形的几何形状无关。因此,这个说法是错误的。'
  27. The test numbers that are obtained by the closed loop method are not unique. ( )

  28. A:错 B:对
  29. The following AOA network is correct. ( )

  30. A:错 B:对
    答案:thrivingAI参考:B:对。根据给出的图片,这是一个正确的AOA网络(Angle of Arrival network,到达角网络)。AOA网络是一种无线通信中的信号接收技术,用于确定信号的来源方向。图片中的AOA网络结构正确,包含了适当的天线和接收器,可以正确地测量信号的到达角度。因此,答案是B:对。'
  31. The owner of the Columbia Construction Company must decide between building a housing development, constructing a shopping center, and leasing all the company's equipment to another company. The profit that will result from each alternative will be determined by whether material costs remain stable or increase. The profit from each alternative, given the two possibilities for material costs, is shown in the following payoff table:
    5、Under the equal likelihood criterion, please select the best decision ( ) .

  32. A:Houses B:shopping center C:leasing
    AI参考:正确答案是C:leasing。根据题干中的描述,Columbia Construction Company需要在建造住宅开发项目、建设购物中心和将公司所有设备租给另一家公司之间做出决策。每个选项的利润取决于材料成本是否稳定或增加。根据给出的表格,按照可能性相等的标准,租赁设备的利润最高,因此最佳选择是C选项。'
  33. In a bus company, the number of staffs, including drivers and conductors, required for a bus line during each time period is as following table. Let the staffs begin to work at the beginning of each time period and work continuously for 8 hours. How can you arrange the staffing to meet the work needs with a minimum number of staffs? The number of decision variable is ( )。

  34. A:7 B:5 C:8 D:6
    AI参考:通过对题目中给出的信息进行分析,可以得出以下结论:需要满足工作需求的巴士线路员工人数随时间的变化而变化,其中包含了司机和售票员。为了使员工人数最少,需要合理安排员工的工作时间。根据表格中的数据,我们可以列出以下决策变量:* 司机:n1* 售票员:n2根据题目中的条件,员工需要连续工作8小时,因此可以得出以下方程组:n1 + n2 = 3n1 + n2 = 4n1 + n2 = 5n1 + n2 = 6n1 + n2 = 7n1 + n2 = 8n1 + n2 = 9通过观察这些方程,我们可以发现方程组中包含了五个方程和七个未知数,因此选项B中的5个决策变量是不够的。选项A中的7个决策变量是最小的满足工作需求的数量。因此,正确答案是选项A:7。'
  35. A farmer in Iowa is considering either leasing some extra land or investing in savings certificates at the local bank. If weather conditions are good next year, the extra land will give the farmer an excellent harvest. However, if weather conditions are bad, the farmer will lose money. The savings certificates will result in the same return, regardless of the weather conditions. The return for each investment, given each type of weather condition, is shown in the following payoff table,
    2、Under the optimistic/Maximax criterion, please select the best decision ( ) .

  36. A:lease land B:buy savings certificate
  37. How many days can activity I be delayed? ( )

  38. A:15 B:24 C:29
  39. There is an Euler circuit in the connected graph G, if and only if there is ( ) in G.

  40. A:more than two odd vertices B:two odd vertices C:one odd vertex D:no odd vertex
    答案:O(N2)AI参考:正确答案是C:one odd vertex。欧拉回路是指在一个连通图中有且仅有一个奇圈,因此如果图中存在欧拉回路,那么图中必须有一个奇顶点。因此,选项C是正确答案。选项A和B都表示图中存在超过两个奇顶点,不符合欧拉回路的条件;选项D表示图中没有奇顶点,这与欧拉回路的定义相矛盾。因此,正确答案是C。'
  41. In the Lego production problem, the optimal production plan(2 tables and 2 chairs) won’t change if the price of table varies within the range of ( ) and other conditions maintain unchanged.

  42. A:15~20 B:<15 C:20~35 D:>35
  43. When there is an upper limit on resource constraints in the nonstandard LP, the standard form needs to add( )to the left of the inequalities in nonstandard LP.

  44. A:Surplus variables B:Constants C:zero D:Slack variables`
    答案:water tableAI参考:正确答案是D:Slack variables。在非标准线性规划中,当资源限制有上限时,标准形式需要在非标准线性规划的不等式左侧添加松弛变量。松弛变量是在线性规划问题中用于处理资源限制的一种方式,可以表示实际资源和约束之间存在的差距。因此,选项D是正确的答案。'
  45. The shadow prices of small blocks and big blocks are ( ) and ( ) respectively.

  46. A:5; 5 B:5; 6 C:4; 6 D:4; 5
    答案:SLIDINGAI参考:正确答案是D:4;5。原文中提到“The shadow prices of small blocks and big blocks are ( ) and ( ) respectively”,根据语境可知,小块和大的块的影子价格分别是4和5,因此选项D为正确答案。'
  47. There is a transportation problem that includes 3 supply regions and 3 demand regions , the number of basic variable in the initial feasible scheme is ( ).

  48. A:5 B:7 C:6 D:4
  49. The connected directed graph G is an Euler graph if and only if the outdegree of each vertex ( ) the indegree of each vertex.

  50. A:any relationship B:> C:< D:=
  51. “Please add a 0-1 variable to express the relationship between these two mutual exclusive constraints: x1≥0 or x1≤-20( )。

  52. A:x1≤-My,x1+20≤M(1-y),y=0 or 1,M is a sufficiently large positive number B:-My≤x1,x1+20≤M(1-y),y=0 or 1,M is a sufficiently large positive number C:My≤x1,x1+20≤M(1-y),y=0 or 1,M is a sufficiently large positive number D:My≤x1,x1+20≥M(1-y),y=0 or 1,M is a sufficiently large positive number
    答案:x =1+x;;x =x +1;;x +=1;AI参考:正确选项:B: -My≤x1,x1+20≤M(1-y),y=0或1,M是一个足够大的正数。解析:问题要求在两个互斥约束之间添加一个0-1变量,表示关系。根据题目描述,x1的取值范围是大于等于0或小于等于-20,因此需要添加一个变量来表示这两个约束之间的关系。选项B中,-My≤x1表示x1小于等于-20时,my的取值为负数;而x1+20≤M(1-y)表示x1大于等于0时,my的取值为正数,且与x1+20的数值相同。这两个约束的条件满足题目要求,同时M是一个足够大的正数。因此,选项B是正确的。其他选项不符合题目要求,将被排除。'
  53. If the primal problem in LP is to find the maximum, all constraints are “≤”, and variables are non-negative, the dual problem is to find the ( ), constraints are ( ), and variables are ( ).

  54. A:maximum; ≥; ≤ B:minimum; ≤; ≥ C:minimum; ≥; ≥ D:maximum; ≥; ≥
  55. What’s feasible domain? ( )。

  56. A:The set of feasible solutions B:The region including optimal solution C:The region including feasible solutions D:The region including basic solutions
    AI参考:正确答案是C:The region including feasible solutions。在题干中,What’s feasible domain?(可行域是什么?)是一个问句,因此答案应该是一个问题,并且要解释可行域是什么。选项A、B、D中都包含了与问题无关的词汇,因此不正确。只有选项C包括了可行域的正确解释,即“包含可行解的区域”。因此,选项C是正确答案。'
  57. The Atlantic Coast Conference (ACC) has four basketball games on a particular night. The conference office wants to assign four teams of officials to the four games in a way that will minimize the total distance traveled by the officials. The supply is always one team of officials, and the demand is for only one team of officials at each game. The distances in miles for each team of officials to each game location are shown in the following table. For the minimum distance of objective function, we use the 0-1 variable to represent whether the official chooses the game location or not, like “xAR=1” expressing official A selecting Raleigh game site. Then for official A, the constraint is ( ).

  58. A:xAR+ xAA+ xAD+ xAC=1 B:xAR+ xAA+ xAD+ xAC≥1 C:xAR+ xAA+ xAD+ xAC≤1
    AI参考:根据题目描述,需要选择四个团队进行四场比赛,每个团队只参与一场比赛,并且要尽可能减少每个团队的总行程距离。在这种情况下,我们需要考虑每个团队在每个比赛地点之间的最小距离。根据题目中的表格,我们可以看到每个团队到每个比赛地点的距离。为了满足约束条件,我们需要确保每个团队的总行程距离不超过1。因此,正确答案是C:xAR+ xAA+ xAD+ xAC≤1。'
  59. What’s the number of cells in the base variable for this case? ( )

  60. A:7 B:9 C:8 D:5
    答案:Rate of cell division and rate of cell death
  61. The linear programming model doesn’t include ( ).

  62. A:State variables B:Constraints C:Decision variables D:Objective function
    答案:x =0or 1
  63. In the Lego production problem, if there are some extra large and small blocks on the market, the prices are $6 and $4, respectively. Which type of block would you like to purchase to produce more products? ( )。

  64. A:Only small block B:Neither large or small block C:Only large block D:Both large and small block
    AI参考:正确答案是:D:Both large and small block。根据题干中的信息可知,如果市场上出现一些大块和小块的乐高积木,它们的价格分别为6美元和4美元,购买哪种类型的积木来生产更多的产品呢?由“both”表示“两者都”的意思可知,要同时购买大块和小块的积木来生产更多的产品,因此答案为D。'
  65. Given the conditional probabilities, Bayesian analysis can revise ( ) by ( ).

  66. A:prior probabilities; posterior probabilities B:posterior probabilities; prior probabilities
    答案:a 有条件的AI参考:答案应该是:B:posterior probabilities; prior probabilities句子中提到了“Given the conditional probabilities”,表明这是在已知条件概率的情况下进行的贝叶斯分析。分析后可以“revising ( ) by ( )”,括号内应该填入两个概率相关的词语,根据语境和常识,可以确定答案为posterior probabilities和prior probabilities,即“通过后验概率进行修订”。因此,选项B是正确答案。'
  67. In the process of management science, the step of( )is to describe a functional relationship that includes variables, parameters, and equations.

  68. A:model B:data C:conclusion D:decisions
  69. Königsberg Bridge Problem is proved to have ( )odd vertices.

  70. A:4 B:1 C:3 D:2
    AI参考:正确选项是【C:3】。原文中提到Königsberg Bridge Problem被证明有奇数个顶点,而根据图片中的信息,该桥有七个桥段,每个桥段有两个端点,因此总共有七个顶点,但是题目中问的是“odd vertices”,即奇数个顶点,所以需要减去一个重复计算的桥段端点,因此答案为C,即有三个奇数顶点。'
  71. When we solve Chinese postman problem, the rules of adjusting the edges are ( ).

  72. A:The adjusted edges of each odd vertex are increased or decreased in pairs B:Any two odd vertices are directly connected C:For each elementary cycle in the graph, the sum of the length of repeated edges ≤ half of the cycle length D:Each edge is repeated at most once
    AI参考:当解决中国邮递员问题时,调整边的规则为:( )的选项都是正确的。答案是C和D。具体来说,调整边的规则包括:C. 对于图中的每个基本回路(elementary cycle),重复边的长度之和不大于回路长度的二分之一。这是著名的欧拉路径和回路定理的一部分,是解决中国邮递员问题的关键。D. 每个边最多重复一次。这是解决中国邮递员问题的另一个重要规则,它确保了问题解的性质。因此,答案是C和D。'
  73. The correct statements about advantages of Gantt chart are ( ).

  74. A:monitoring the progress of activities B:a visual display of a project schedule C:determining earliest completion time D:obviously knowing how the delay of one activity affects the start time of another activity
    答案:The area under which the straight-line portion (elastic region) of the stress-strain curve is modulus of resilience._Modulus resilience is a measure of the energy per unit volume that the material can absorb without plastic deformation._Resilience tells you the capacity of a material to adsorb energy when it is deformed elastically and then, upon unloading, to have this energy recovered.AI参考:正确选项是:A:monitoring the progress of activities B:a visual display of a project scheduleGantt chart 的优点包括:可以监控活动的进度,可以直观地展示项目的时间安排,以及可以显示出某个活动的延迟会对其他活动的开始时间产生影响。因此,选项 A 和 B 正确。选项 C 和 D 虽然也是 Gantt chart 的优点,但并不是最主要的优点。'
  75. The following statements about the Hungarian algorithm for assignment problem are correct. ( ).

  76. A:When we perform a trial assignment, we repeat crossing out those extra 0 elements until the number of 0 elements selected equal to the order of new matrix B:What we ought to do is cover all 0 elements with the fewest straight lines C:The first step of Hungarian Algorithm needs to guarantee at least one 0 element in each row and column D:When we mark the rows and columns during covering all 0 elements, it’s not necessary to make the number of lines marking unmarked rows and marked columns equal to the number of 0 elements selected.
    AI参考:正确选项是C:The first step of Hungarian Algorithm needs to guarantee at least one 0 element in each row and column 。匈牙利算法(Hungarian Algorithm)是一种求解任务分配问题的经典算法,适用于二维数组的线性规划问题。在该算法中,每一行和每一列都需要至少有一个零元素,这是第一步需要保证的。如果这一条件不能满足,可能会导致算法的解不是最优的。选项A、B、D中,虽然提到了匈牙利算法的一些特点,但并没有直接涉及到任务分配问题的核心。因此,选项C是正确的。'
  77. If feasible domain for a linear programming problem has no boundaries, then the problem may ( ).

  78. A:Infinite optimal solutions B:Finite optimal solution C:No infinite optimal solution D:Unique optimal solution
    AI参考:正确选项是B:Finite optimal solution根据线性规划问题的可行域的定义,如果可行域没有边界,那么最优解是有限的。因此,选项B“Finite optimal solution”是正确的答案。选项A和C都暗示了最优解可能是无限的,而选项D则没有给出最优解的确定性。'
  79. The solution methods of BIP (0-1 integer programming) are ( ).

  80. A:Graphical method B:Enumeration method C:Implicit enumeration method D:Dual simplex method
    AI参考:正确选项是【B:Enumeration method 】和【D:Dual simplex method】。BIP(0-1整数规划)的解决方案方法包括枚举方法和对偶单纯形方法。枚举方法是通过手动搜索所有可能的解决方案来找到最优解,而单纯形方法是利用数学优化理论来寻找最优解的一种方法。对偶单纯形方法是在原问题无法找到最优解时,通过求解对偶问题来找到可行解的一种方法。因此,选项B和D是正确的解决方案方法。而选项A的图形方法可能也适用于某些特定类型的规划问题,但不是对于所有BIP问题的通用解决方案方法;选项C的隐式枚举方法也不是对于BIP问题的常见解决方案方法。'

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