

  1. What is the Purpose of a Brand Name? ( )

  2. A:Verification B:Both Identification&Verification C:Identification
    AI参考:正确选项是【C:Identification】。品牌名称的目的是为了识别品牌,让消费者能够认出并记住品牌,从而在市场上建立品牌形象和信誉。因此,选项C“Identification”是正确的答案。选项A“Verification”只强调了验证的作用,而忽略了品牌名称的主要目的。选项B“Both Identification&Verification”则将两种作用混在一起,不够准确。'
  3. The contents of welcome e-mails usually contains opening remarks, a brief introduction about products and ____________.( )

  4. A:Your company’s information B:your special features and advantages C:your boss
    AI参考:A: Your company’s information(A)邮件的欢迎内容通常包括开场白、产品简短介绍以及关于公司的信息。选项B和C与题目要求不符,因此答案为(A)Your company’s information。这道题考察的是商务邮件中常见的内容构成,需要考生对商务邮件的格式和内容有基本的了解。'
  5. ( ) of a brand is a longer goal and broader concept than its Mission.

  6. A:Value B:Mission C:Vision
    AI参考:选项C:Vision 是品牌的一个更长远、更广泛的概念,比使命更具有目标性。因此,答案为C。'
  7. Which of the following is NOT social media marketing? ( )

  8. A:Ads on Facebook B:Ads on TV C:Ads on Tiktok
    AI参考:选项B:"Ads on TV"并不是社交媒体营销。社交媒体营销通常指的是在社交媒体平台上进行的营销活动,如Facebook、Twitter、Instagram、TikTok等。电视广告不属于社交媒体营销,它是一种传统的广告形式,主要通过电视媒介进行传播。因此,答案是B:Ads on TV。'
  9. ASEAN consists of below nations except( ).

  10. A:China, Japan, Korea, New Zealand, Australia B:Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia C:Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam
  11. We are sorry to tell you that we can’t _________ you that low price you asked for. ( )

  12. A:answer B:agree C:offer
  13. Which statement below is not true? ( )

  14. A:It’s a key contributor to regional and global economic growth in the post-COVID pandemic era. B:RCEP refers to the regional comprehensive economic partnership free trade agreement. C:RCEP is the Association of Southeast Asian Nations.
    AI参考:选项C:RCEP是东南亚国家联盟,这句话是不正确的。解释:RCEP即区域全面经济伙伴关系协定(Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement),是东亚区域经济一体化进程的重要成果之一,涵盖了中国、东盟、日本、韩国、澳大利亚、新西兰和印度等7个贸易伙伴。协定旨在构建高标准投资自由化便利化的营商环境,以实现亚太地区包容增益的自由贸易体系。而选项C所说的“RCEP是东南亚国家联盟”与事实不符,实际上RCEP涵盖的国家不止包括东南亚国家联盟。因此,正确选项是C:RCEP是东南亚国家联盟。'
  15. “Sofa, so good” is an example of _______. ( )

  16. A:pun B:parallelism C:metaphor
    AI参考:单选题”Sofa, so good”是an example of ______. ( )答案:C:metaphor“Sofa, so good”是一个隐喻(metaphor)的例子,其中“sofa”被用来比喻“舒适、好”等含义。平行对偶(parallelism)是指句子的结构形式上的对称,而不涉及意义的隐喻或暗示。字面意义与隐含意义之间的区别是双关(pun)的主要特征。因此,选项C“隐喻”是正确答案。'
  17. Which is not the writing principle for bullet points?( )

  18. A:accurate B:readable C:correct
    AI参考:单选题:Which is not the writing principle for bullet points?( )A:accurate B:readable C:correct D:unique答案是D:unique(独特性)不是bullet points的写作原则。bullet points通常用于列出要点,要求简洁明了,易于阅读,准确无误。因此,选项A、B、C都是正确的写作原则,而选项D“独特性”与bullet points的写作要求不符。'
  19. Due to the lack of raw material, we are unable to execute your order now. I’m afraid that the order has to be _________. ( )

  20. A:cancelled B:kept C:placed
    AI参考:单选题:Due to the lack of raw material, we are unable to execute your order now. I’m afraid that the order has to be _________. ( )\r正确答案是A: cancelled。\r句子中提到由于原材料不足,我们无法执行您的订单,因此订单必须被取消。所以选项A“cancelled”符合语境。选项B“kept”表示保留,与句意不符;选项C“placed”表示放置,也不符合句意。因此,正确答案是A。'
  21. There are mainly two types of market research data, they are( ).

  22. A:Pre-existing Data and Secondary Data. B:Primary Data and Secondary Data. C:Primary Data and Limited Data.
    AI参考:答案为B:Primary Data and Secondary Data。解析:在市场研究数据中主要有两种类型的数据,分别是主要数据(Primary Data)和次要数据(Secondary Data)。因此,选项B“主要数据和次要数据”是正确的答案。选项A中的“Pre-existing Data”通常指的是已经存在的、以前收集的数据,而不是市场研究的数据。选项C中的“Limited Data”是指有限的数据,不符合题意。因此,这个问题的正确答案是B选项。'
  23. Customer profile covers its ( )characteristics.

  24. A:psychographic B:demographic C:demographic and psychographic
    AI参考:答案为C:demographic and psychographic。顾客概况包含人口统计和心理特点两种特点,所以正确选项为C。人口统计指的是关于顾客的年龄、性别、职业、收入等基本信息,而心理特点则包括顾客的兴趣、爱好、价值观、生活方式等更深层次的特征。因此,在描述顾客概况时,通常需要同时考虑人口统计和心理特点两个方面的特征。'
  25. 中译英:让我们通过降价5%来各让一步。( )

  26. A:Let us meet each other half way by reducing the price by 5%. B:Let us cut the price by 5% and come to an agreement. C:We’d like to offer you a 5% discount on your order, if you purchase now.
    AI参考:选项B最符合语境,该选项的意思是“让我们各退一步,削减价格5%。”,该选项中的“cut the price”和“come to an agreement”也恰好符合语境。其他选项的意思与语境不符。因此,正确答案是B:Let us cut the price by 5% and come to an agreement。'
  27. Match the English words or expressions in the left column with its Chinese counterparts in the right column. Choose the right answer. ( )

  29. Which statement is true about the common rule of poster language? ( )

  30. A:It must include figure of speech. B:It should be relevant and short C:It should be long and attractive.
    AI参考:B: It should be relevant and short.海报语言的基本规则应该是相关且简短,所以选项B是正确的。选项A和C都是错误的,因为海报语言不需要包括修辞手法(A错),也不需要长而吸引人(C错)。海报的主要目的是传达信息,因此简洁明了的语言更容易被观众理解和接受。'
  31. When your goods are sold, eBay will charge a______. The _____ is charged as a percentage of the total amount paid by the buyer, including freight and handling charges.( )

  32. A:insertion fee B:final value fee C:shipping charge
    AI参考:当你的商品售出时,eBay会收取一项费用。这项费用作为买家支付的总金额的一个百分比来收取,包括运费和处理费。正确答案是B:Final Value Fee,也就是最终价值费。insertion fee是插入费,shipping charge是运费,都不符合题意。'
  33. We hope you will _________ your negative comment into a positive one. ( )

  34. A:Repeat B:revise C:leave
    AI参考:答案:A推理过程:本句意为:我们希望你会把你的负面评论转变为积极的评论。repeat 重复;revise 修改;leave离开,结合句意可知应选择repeat,将你的负面评论转变成积极评论,符合语境。因此答案为A。'
  35. In the Chinese culture, a product with patterns of “dragon and phoenix” may convey the meaning of _______. ( )

  36. A:balance B:growing taller in the next year C:good luck and happiness
  37. Match the English words or expressions with its Chinese counterparts. ( )

  39. What does the brand name “DJI” mean? ( )

  40. A:It’s short for “Da Jiang Innovation”. B:It is taken from its brand founder. C:It refers to the Place of Origin.
    AI参考:正确答案是B:It is taken from its brand founder.根据问题中的信息“What does the brand name ‘DJI’ mean?”,我们可以得出答案为B,即“DJI”是品牌创始人名字的首字母缩写。没有给出“Da Jiang Innovation”的意思,“DJI”通常是指“DJI(达疆创新)公司”或其产品的品牌名,这个名字中的“DJI”指的是品牌创始人Jack Deng的姓氏拼音首字母缩写。选项C与问题无关,而选项A也是无关选项。因此,选项B是正确答案。'
  41. Please choose the right translation for the following sentences.( )

  43. Huawei named its first ever self-developed operating system as “HongmengOS” (HarmonyOS, finally) because( ).

  44. A:It names after its CEO. B:It sounds like a scary monster in Chinese culture. C:Hongmeng, in Chinese culture, is regarded as the origin of the universe and it represents unlimited possibilities.
  45. ____ only accept enterprises to open stores around the world. ( )

  46. A:Amazon B:eBay C:Shopify
    答案:work in process finished goodsAI参考:根据题干,只有选项A:Amazon符合条件,因为Amazon是一个全球知名的电商平台,经常接受企业开设全球店铺。选项B:eBay是一个拍卖网站,不太适合开设全球店铺;选项C:Shopify是一个提供在线商店解决方案的软件平台,但它并不专门接受企业开设全球店铺。因此,正确答案是A:Amazon。'
  47. Demographics explain who your buyer is, it include objective data like( ).

  48. A:belief systems, values, goals, and attitudes B:both of all C:gender, age, income, and marital status
    答案:人口统计学的AI参考:C. gender,age,income,and marital status是定义买家(你的受众)的重要人口统计信息,其中包括诸如性别、年龄、收入和婚姻状况这样的客观数据。这些因素直接影响了潜在消费者的需求和偏好。所以选项C. 正确。选项A. 涉及到了信念系统、价值观、目标和态度,但它们并不能完全涵盖人口统计数据;选项B. 表示全部包括,这个说法是过于绝对的。'
  49. What should not be necessarily included in components of homepage design?( )

  50. A:Headline and sub-headline B:Bad reviews of the products C:Calls-to-Action and social proof
    答案:必要地AI参考:单选题答案:B:Bad reviews of the products。在主页设计组件中,通常需要包括标题、副标题、行动召唤和社会证明等元素,这些元素可以帮助吸引用户并引导他们完成特定的任务。然而,对于主页设计,不应该包含负面反馈或产品评价,因为这可能会给用户带来不良的体验,并可能影响他们对网站的整体印象和信任度。因此,正确答案是不必要包含的选项B:产品的负面评价。'
  51. An abandoned purchase reminder can remind customers of their abandoned items, and may offer additional discounts. ( )

  52. A:错 B:对
    AI参考:答案:B:对。根据常识推断,一家商家为了挽回客户的购物欲,往往会采用各种方法提醒他们所放弃购买的商品,比如赠送一些额外的折扣等。因此,这个判断题的正确答案是B,即“An abandoned purchase reminder can remind customers of their abandoned items, and may offer additional discounts.”(一个被放弃的购物提醒可以提醒客户他们被放弃的商品,并且可能会提供额外的折扣)。'
  53. Focus on portraying the positive aspects of the company;Please over claim or use flowery language.
    ( )

  54. A:对 B:错
    答案:描绘AI参考:答案:B:错。原文中“Please over claim or use flowery language”这句话是不正确的,说明不应该夸大公司的好处或使用过于华丽的语言。因此,该句子的含义与实际宣传公司的正确定义相悖,所以答案为B,即“错”。'
  55. If you see a live stream labeled with “previously live”, it means the stream is on live now. ( )

  56. A:对 B:错
    AI参考:答案:B:错。原文中表述错误,如果看到一个标记为“previously live”的实时流,并不意味着该流现在正在直播。因此,该表述是错误的。'
  57. The poster line “Ipad air, incredible power at an incredible value” uses repetition. ( )

  58. A:错 B:对
    AI参考:答案是B:对。海报文案“Ipad air,incredible power at an incredible value”使用了重复的手法,通过重复使用“incredible”这个词来强调产品的价值和性能。这种重复的手法在广告文案中很常见,有助于加强印象和传达信息。'
  59. An online promotion campaign is a combination of various promotion ways. ( )

  60. A:错 B:对
  61. Open-ended questions cannot be answered with a simple yes or no response and thus encourage the interviewee to provide more information. ( )

  62. A:错 B:对
  63. People love low prices, so selling illegal products or counterfeit products can still be a good choice for sellers. ( )

  64. A:错 B:对
  65. In the description of company overview, you should highlight the characteristics of the company's products. ( )

  66. A:对 B:错
  67. The more reviews you have, the more credible and trustworthy customers will perceive your products to be. ( )

  68. A:错 B:对
  69. Bullet points can make customers understand products easier and help customers solve their concerns.( )

  70. A:错 B:对
  71. The social media ad “clean your home without cleaning your home” means _______( )

  72. A:the cleaning machine will clean your home for you. B:you can relax when the machine is cleaning the room for you.
    答案:anxious because of difficulties in your life.AI参考:答案是B:当机器为你打扫房间时,你可以放松。 根据题目中的描述“social media ad ‘clean your home without cleaning your home’”,可以推断出广告的意思是不需要亲自打扫家里,而家里的清洁工作会由清洁机器来完成,所以选项A不正确。而选项B的意思是当机器在为你打扫房间时,你可以放松,这符合广告的含义。因此,正确答案是B。"
  73. What contents are frequently shown on the About Us page of a brand? ( )

  74. A:Products and production B:Location and time C:Values and partnership
    答案:Corporate culture,business,background and foundingAI参考:关于一个品牌关于我们(About Us)页面的常见内容通常包括:价值观和合作伙伴关系(Values and Partnerships)。关于我们页面通常用于向潜在客户和合作伙伴展示公司的背景、使命、价值观、业务范围、历史、合作伙伴等基本信息。因此,选项C“价值观和合作伙伴关系”是正确的答案。而选项A“产品和生产”和选项B“位置和时间”在一般情况下不是关于我们页面中常见的具体内容。因此,答案是C:Values and partnership。"
  75. Porter’s Five Forces Analysis covers five different criteria, they are( ).

  76. A:competitive rivalry B:the bargaining power of suppliers and the bargaining power of Customers C:the threat of new entrants and the threat of substitutes
  77. Which of the following email marketing examples use the principle of personalization? ( )

  78. A:Customers receive birthday discounts on their birthdays. B:Customers find their names in the email subject line. C:Customers receive greeting emails on the 1st day of their registration.
    AI参考:根据题目,以下哪个选项是使用了个性化原则的电子邮件营销例子? 选项A: Customers receive birthday discounts on their birthdays. (客户在生日时收到生日折扣)—— 这个选项并没有体现个性化原则,因为无论顾客的生日是多少,他们都会收到相同的折扣。 选项B: Customers find their names in the email subject line. (电子邮件主题行中包含顾客的名字)—— 这个选项体现了个性化原则,因为顾客的名字被直接用在邮件主题中,表明这是专门为他们发送的邮件。 选项C: Customers receive greeting emails on the 1st day of their registration. (客户在注册的第一天收到问候邮件)—— 这个选项也没有体现个性化原则,因为问候邮件的内容可能对所有注册用户都是一样的。 因此,根据以上分析,正确答案是选项B: Customers find their names in the email subject line. (电子邮件主题行中包含顾客的名字)。"
  79. In the value proposition canvas, three specific sectors helping describe what the business offers to the customer are( ).

  80. A:Pain Relievers B:Products & Services Provider C:Gain Creators
    答案:n.命题,主题;提议AI参考:在价值定位画布中,描述企业向客户提供的产品或服务的三个具体部门是: C: 收益创造者(Gain Creators) 这个答案是从企业角度出发,强调企业提供的产品或服务如何帮助客户创造价值。收益创造者是企业能够给客户带来的额外好处或收益,通常是企业产品或服务中独特、高价值的一部分。这不仅可以帮助企业更好地满足客户需求,还能帮助企业在竞争激烈的市场中脱颖而出。因此,正确答案是C:收益创造者。"
  81. Writing tips for logistics and packaging letters include to be concise,______,_______.( )

  82. A:to be concrete B:to be correct
    答案:expressing accurately;eliminating unnecessary wordsAI参考:答案为A: to be concrete,to be correct 根据题目中的提示“Writing tips for logistics and packaging letters include to be concise”,可以得知写作物流和包装信的提示包括简洁明了,因此需要选择一个与“简洁明了”意思相近的选项。选项A“to be concrete”表示具体,符合题意;选项B“to be correct”表示正确,虽然也是正确的选项,但是与“简洁明了”的意思不太相符。因此,正确答案是A:to be concrete,to be correct。"
  83. What are the functions of bullet points?( )

  84. A:Make customers understand products easier B:Promote sales C:Help customers solve their concerns
    AI参考:正确答案是【B:Promote sales 】 要点的作用在于促销,可以让顾客更易了解产品信息,提高销量。A选项可能在一定程度上促进产品销售,但不是主要的;C选项不符合要点的基本含义,只能作为一个次要的功能存在。所以答案为B选项,即促销销量。"
  85. What makes a good value proposition? ( )

  86. A:Client-Oriented. B:Convey Emotion. C:Clear Language.
    答案:a good mastery of interpetation skills;profound knowlege;artistic presentation skills;a good command of languagesAI参考:答案为A,B,C 好的价值主张应该具备以下几个特点: 1. 以客户为中心(A选项正确):即产品的设计和营销都要从客户的角度出发,考虑他们的需求和痛点。 2. 传达情感(B选项正确):产品不仅仅是一个简单的工具或服务,而应该是一种情感连接,能够引起客户的共鸣和情感认同。 3. 使用清晰的语言(C选项正确):价值主张应该用简单明了的语言表达,避免过于复杂或晦涩难懂。 因此,答案为A、B、C三个选项都正确。"
  87. Which statements about B2B and B2C live streams are correct? ( )

  88. A:B2B live streams are for wholesalers, while B:B2C live streams are for individual customers.
  89. When negotiating price with customers, which of the following statements are correct? ( )

  90. A:Don’t negotiate price too quick B:Ask customers to do something to gain the discount C:Give a discount range instead of a certain discount
    答案:对AI参考:在与客户谈判价格时,以下选项是正确的: C: Give a discount range instead of a certain discount 选项A和B在某些情况下可能是正确的,但在谈判价格时,通常建议使用选项C的方式。给出一个折扣范围而不是一个具体的折扣,这样可以让客户有更多的选择余地,同时也避免了直接给出一个具体的折扣数字可能会带来的尴尬或被拒绝的情况。这种方式也更符合商业谈判中的灵活性原则,有助于达成双方都能接受的协议。"

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