1. China uses the “up” and “down” concept for train Direction. ( )

  2. 答案:对
  3. 需要中转的旅客不能出站再进站。( )

  4. 答案:错
  5. If the person can’t be waken up, please check for his breathing and pulse.( )

  6. 答案:对
  7. Train crew employees work 8 hours a day, 5 days a week.( )

  8. 答案:错
  9. Keep the person warm while waiting for medical help. ( )

  10. 答案:对
  11. business class seat表示二等座。( )

  12. 答案:错
  13. To handle passengers’ complaints, the first step is to apologize.( )

  14. 答案:错
  15. Don’t remain in the passageway between the carriages when the train is running.( )

  16. 答案:对
  17. Basic first aid is helpful to determine a person’s physical condition quickly.( )

  18. 答案:对
  19. In most stations, passengers can pass through an underground channel to the exit.( )

  20. 答案:对
  21. There is a diaper changing table in accessible toilet on high-speed trains.( )

  22. 答案:对
  23. Passengers can buy food from the dining car or food trolleys on the train.( )
  24. 当旅客想要从二等座升级到一等座,不需要补差价即可升级。( )
  25. Train crew should help to solve passengers’ problems. ( )
  26. There are attendants at the exit to check passengers’ tickets. ( )
  27. 列车广播通常会提醒旅客,即将抵达站台的具体信息,提醒旅客有序下车。( )
  28. Up trains use even numbers and down trains have odd numbers. ( )
  29. There is no need for transfer passengers with the previous ticket to exit and reenter at transfer stations. ( )
  30. Passengers will be informed of checking the luggage and preparing to get off before the train arrives at a station. ( )
  31. Passengers’ baggage should be placed on racks of the train.( )
  32. Bullet trains can be identified by several digits without letters. ( )
  33. 旅客进入贵宾休息室,需要确认 信息? ( )
  34. What kind of things will be provided of the seats?( )
  35. What will you say when you ask for passenger’s needs?( )
  36. 中国取得突破眼前这条I GB T生产线每年能制造十二万个芯片它们不只用于高铁,还用于(  )?
  37. 贵宾休息室有哪些特色服务?( )
  38. I’ll ( )some medicine and see if we can manage to arrange a berth for him.
  39. West Exit指的是什么?( )
  40. I must get contact ( ) the last station as well.
  41. You can go to the ticket Office and         your ticket.( )
  42. 请出示你的车票怎么表达( )。
  43. I'm very sorry for all the ( ) it may have brought to you.
  44. How many toy cars_________ there on the table? There ________only one.( )
  45. A replacement ticket and travel record will be issued if there are not any other problems before arriving at your ( ).
  46. I will ( ) this problem immediately.
  47. ______Pieces of luggage do you have?( )
  48. A replacement ticket and travel record will be issued if there are not any ( ) problems before arriving at your destination.
  49. I ( ) lost my luggage.
  50. Security check表示( )。
  51. We shall wait and let the other train pass ( ), according to the order.
  52. A replacement ticket and travel record will be ( ) if there are not any other problems before arriving at your destination.
  53. 有什么能帮您吗?( )
  54. Welcome to VIP ______. Madam( )
  55. “复兴号”CR400AF动车组技术平台,最高运营速度350km/h,8节车厢编组,定员(    )人?
  56. Watch can’t be put in the luggage. Please take it (  )and bring it with you.
  57. Wait until the price information shows on the screen, and insert coins or bills that can be identified by the machine.买票可以用硬币吗?( )
  58. Customer service center表示( )。
  59. Who ________ that girl? She ________ Lucy.( )
  60. General fast train always has_______digits in its number.( )
  61. Excuse me, I'd like to buy one single-way ticket.想买怎样的票( )。
  62. The man ________ under the tree. His son and daughter______ in the car. ( )
  63. The red light indicates that the boiler is working, and this green light shows that the water has boiled.( )
  64. Sorry, Madam Please do not          reading matter from the Business Class lounge.( )
  65. Pay Upon指的是什么?( )
  66. Please put your bag on the belt.  表示( )。
  67. I hope we run on ( ).
  68. Please have your tickets ready for checking at the ( ) gate.
  69. Please put your luggage ______the scale.( )
  70. 2015年6月28日,合福高铁正式开通运营。( )
  71. 2021年6月25日,备受瞩目的拉萨至林芝铁路正式开通运营,结束了藏东南不通铁路的历史,标志着“复兴号”对31个省区市的全覆盖。( )
  72. 2008年10月,国家发展和改革委员会批准了《中长期铁路网规划(2008年调整)》,并提出“四纵四横”的规划。四纵为( )?
  73. 2012年12月1日,世界上第一条地处高寒地区的高铁线路——哈大高铁正式通车运营。( )
  74. 自( )年中国第一条准高速铁路秦沈客运专线开通。
  75. 而由中铁二十二局承建的中国“八纵八横”最北“一横”枢纽高铁站——牡丹江新站也于2018年底正式竣工。( )
  76. “京津城际铁路”正式通车运营是什么时候?( )倍。
  77. 2008年10月,国家发展和改革委员会批准了《中长期铁路网规划(2008年调整)》,并提出“四纵四横”的规划。四横为徐兰客运专线、沪昆高速铁路、青太客运专线、沪汉蓉高速铁路。( )
  78. ( )年,宝兰高铁作为中国高铁网最长“一横”的“最后一公里”,堪称“四纵四横”高铁网的收官之作。
  79. If you have lost the bag, please come to the Lost and Found to ( ) it.
  80. Passengers could (  ) a song or a piece of music.
  81. Please put your carry-on luggage on the luggage rack ( ) seats, or in the cabinets at two sides of the carriage. or behind the last row of the carriage.
  82. Xi’an Railway Station regrets to announce that the departure of train to G56 will be ( ) due to tunnel landslide.
  83. This is a non-smoking train, please do not ( ) in the carriage and keep the carriage clean.
  84. Ladies and gentlemen, may have your ( ), please?
  85. I think it should be bone fracture. ( ), sir.
  86. I will call the medical staff on the train soon, and get the first aid ( ) for you.
  87. Just now, one piece of luggage fell ( ) from the baggage rack.
  88. ---Do you feel ( )?---No! I am so hurt now. This is killing me.
  89. I am also unhappy that the bed sheet is so dirty. I want you to( ) it with a new one.
  90. I will ask the salesmen to sell products in a low voice. But I am afraid you have to ( ) it for a moment before I solve the problem.
  91. The restroom is so dirty. Why not ( ) it?
  92. ----Sir, what’s the trouble ( ) you?----My left arm! It’s too painful!
  93. --I want you to replace it with a new one.--I’ll have this sheet ( ) immediately.
  94. There is record of your( ) ticket purchase.?
  95. He suffers ( ) lumbar sprain now.
  96. I am afraid there is no ( ) berth.
  97. I came to the washroom ( ) she was sitting at the table.
  98. ( ) I have your matching ID please?
  99. The speaker is too loud. My wife is ill now, and she needs to have a rest. Could you turn it ( )?
  100. The crew members could accept tips when selling foods. ( )
  101. How to reply if the passenger asks for specialties? ( )
  102. 中译英:欢迎来到餐车。Welcome to our dining car.( )
  103. What information should we give during the food service announcement? ( )
  104. 英译中:If you like western food, we have bread and milk or coffee.如果您喜欢西餐,我们提供面包、牛奶或咖啡。( )
  105. 中译英:高铁上包括厕所在内的任何地方都禁止吸烟。Smoking is banned on any part of the train which include toilets.( )
  106. How to greet passengers during boarding service? ( )
  107. 英译中:Inside the washroom equipped with a large wash basin, a western-style toilet, hand rails and emergency call button.洗手间内配有洗手台、坐便器、扶手和紧急呼叫按钮。( )
  108. 铁路部门规定,实行车票实名制的儿童旅客,年满( )周岁且未满( )周岁应当购买儿童优惠票。( )
  109. All high-speed trains are fully air-conditioned. ( )
  110. Metro / Subway是什么意思?( )
  111. Coach Station是什么意思?( )
  112. 中译英:旅客朋友们,请携带好随身物品,有序下车。Dear passengers, please take all your belongings and get off the train in order.( )
  113. 英译中:Half price for height from 1.2m to 1.5m. 1.2米至1.5米的半价。( )
  114. 当旅客想要换座位时,乘务人员需要先询问被换座位旅客的意愿,再帮助协调座位。 ( )
  115. 贵重物品不能托运。( )
  116. Check-in luggage 指的是托运行李( )
  117. By the way, when will my luggage( ) at Zhengzhou Railway Station?( )
  118. How many +可数名词复数+ do you have? 句型对( )提问.
  119. VIP lounge is for business class passengers only。句子意思是 VIP休息室只提供给商务座的旅客( )
  120. 安检时证件遗失需要去铁路警察证件服务柜台办理旅客临时身份证( )
  121. 安检只检查行李,不用查验证件( )
  122. I take it by mistake.句子意思是( )
  123. Evidence from your embassy or consulate。 句子意思是( )
  124. .Sorry, Sir, your documents don’t match.句中的match意思是( )
  125. What can I do ( )you?
  126. I’d( ) to have three second class seat tickets on G19 for Shanghai.( )
  127. 身高一米五以上不得购买儿童票。( )
  128. Could I……?句型的意思是( )
  129. 购买火车票需要护照、身份证等有效证件( )
  130. 《高速铁路客运服务英语》课程的能力目标有( )?
  131. 《高速铁路客运服务英语》课程中工作项目有( )?
  132. 《高速铁路客运服务英语》课程知识目标有( )?
  133. 《高速铁路客运服务英语》课程有几大模块( )?
  134. 《高速铁路客运服务英语》课程的素质目标有( )?
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