1. 2008年10月,国家发展和改革委员会批准了《中长期铁路网规划(2008年调整)》,并提出“四纵四横”的规划。四纵为( )?

  2. 答案:京沪高速铁路###杭福深客运专线###京哈客运专线###京港客运专线
  3. 自( )年中国第一条准高速铁路秦沈客运专线开通。

  4. 答案:2003
  5. ( )年,宝兰高铁作为中国高铁网最长“一横”的“最后一公里”,堪称“四纵四横”高铁网的收官之作。

  6. 答案:2017
  7. “京津城际铁路”正式通车运营是什么时候?( )倍。

  8. 答案:2008年8月
  9. 2021年6月25日,备受瞩目的拉萨至林芝铁路正式开通运营,结束了藏东南不通铁路的历史,标志着“复兴号”对31个省区市的全覆盖。( )

  10. 答案:对
  11. 而由中铁二十二局承建的中国“八纵八横”最北“一横”枢纽高铁站——牡丹江新站也于2018年底正式竣工。( )

  12. 答案:对
  13. 2015年6月28日,合福高铁正式开通运营。( )

  14. 答案:对
  15. 2012年12月1日,世界上第一条地处高寒地区的高铁线路——哈大高铁正式通车运营。( )

  16. 答案:对
  17. 2008年10月,国家发展和改革委员会批准了《中长期铁路网规划(2008年调整)》,并提出“四纵四横”的规划。四横为徐兰客运专线、沪昆高速铁路、青太客运专线、沪汉蓉高速铁路。( )

  18. 答案:对
  19. Passengers could (  ) a song or a piece of music.

  20. 答案:request
  21. Please put your carry-on luggage on the luggage rack ( ) seats, or in the cabinets at two sides of the carriage. or behind the last row of the carriage.

  22. 答案:over
  23. This is a non-smoking train, please do not ( ) in the carriage and keep the carriage clean.
  24. If you have lost the bag, please come to the Lost and Found to ( ) it.
  25. Xi’an Railway Station regrets to announce that the departure of train to G56 will be ( ) due to tunnel landslide.
  26. Ladies and gentlemen, may have your ( ), please?
  27. I will call the medical staff on the train soon, and get the first aid ( ) for you.
  28. I think it should be bone fracture. ( ), sir.
  29. ---Do you feel ( )?---No! I am so hurt now. This is killing me.
  30. Just now, one piece of luggage fell ( ) from the baggage rack.
  31. ----Sir, what’s the trouble ( ) you?----My left arm! It’s too painful!
  32. I am also unhappy that the bed sheet is so dirty. I want you to( ) it with a new one.
  33. The restroom is so dirty. Why not ( ) it?
  34. --I want you to replace it with a new one.--I’ll have this sheet ( ) immediately.
  35. I will ask the salesmen to sell products in a low voice. But I am afraid you have to ( ) it for a moment before I solve the problem.
  36. The speaker is too loud. My wife is ill now, and she needs to have a rest. Could you turn it ( )?
  37. I came to the washroom ( ) she was sitting at the table.
  38. I am afraid there is no ( ) berth.
  39. He suffers ( ) lumbar sprain now.
  40. There is record of your( ) ticket purchase.?
  41. ( ) I have your matching ID please?
  42. The crew members could accept tips when selling foods. ( )
  43. 英译中:If you like western food, we have bread and milk or coffee.如果您喜欢西餐,我们提供面包、牛奶或咖啡。( )
  44. 中译英:欢迎来到餐车。Welcome to our dining car.( )
  45. How to reply if the passenger asks for specialties? ( )
  46. What information should we give during the food service announcement? ( )
  47. All high-speed trains are fully air-conditioned. ( )
  48. 英译中:Inside the washroom equipped with a large wash basin, a western-style toilet, hand rails and emergency call button.洗手间内配有洗手台、坐便器、扶手和紧急呼叫按钮。( )
  49. 中译英:高铁上包括厕所在内的任何地方都禁止吸烟。Smoking is banned on any part of the train which include toilets.( )
  50. 铁路部门规定,实行车票实名制的儿童旅客,年满( )周岁且未满( )周岁应当购买儿童优惠票。( )
  51. How to greet passengers during boarding service? ( )
  52. 当旅客想要换座位时,乘务人员需要先询问被换座位旅客的意愿,再帮助协调座位。 ( )
  53. 英译中:Half price for height from 1.2m to 1.5m. 1.2米至1.5米的半价。( )
  54. 中译英:旅客朋友们,请携带好随身物品,有序下车。Dear passengers, please take all your belongings and get off the train in order.( )
  55. Coach Station是什么意思?( )
  56. Metro / Subway是什么意思?( )
  57. VIP lounge is for business class passengers only。句子意思是 VIP休息室只提供给商务座的旅客( )
  58. How many +可数名词复数+ do you have? 句型对( )提问.
  59. 贵重物品不能托运。( )
  60. By the way, when will my luggage( ) at Zhengzhou Railway Station?( )
  61. Check-in luggage 指的是托运行李( )
  62. Evidence from your embassy or consulate。 句子意思是( )
  63. .Sorry, Sir, your documents don’t match.句中的match意思是( )
  64. 安检时证件遗失需要去铁路警察证件服务柜台办理旅客临时身份证( )
  65. I take it by mistake.句子意思是( )
  66. 安检只检查行李,不用查验证件( )
  67. 身高一米五以上不得购买儿童票。( )
  68. 购买火车票需要护照、身份证等有效证件( )
  69. Could I……?句型的意思是( )
  70. I’d( ) to have three second class seat tickets on G19 for Shanghai.( )
  71. What can I do ( )you?
  72. 《高速铁路客运服务英语》课程的素质目标有( )?
  73. 《高速铁路客运服务英语》课程的能力目标有( )?
  74. 《高速铁路客运服务英语》课程中工作项目有( )?
  75. 《高速铁路客运服务英语》课程知识目标有( )?
  76. 《高速铁路客运服务英语》课程有几大模块( )?
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