1. To make a good impression in a foreign country, it is important to learn local etiquette. ( )

  2. 答案:对
  3. A business trip is a type of travel that can be undertaken for a variety of entertainment-related reasons. ( )

  4. 答案:错
  5. Enhancing e-commerce brands helps Chinese enterprises make more sales and profits. ( )

  6. 答案:对
  7. Customer service does not benefit the operation, as it increases the cost of labor, parts and materials. ( )

  8. 答案:错
  9. Banner ads usually promote products directly while native ads promote products indirectly. ( )

  10. 答案:对
  11. Native advertising is unpaid advertising where the ad matches the form, feel and function of the content of the media on which it appears. ( )

  12. 答案:错
  13. The most important department in a business is the finance, marketing takes the second, and operations management is the least important of the three. ( )

  14. 答案:错
  15. Overseas warehouses are beneficial for cross-border e-commerce enterprises in managing their logistics. ( )

  16. 答案:对
  17. If you decided to start a business selling service, you may use your home as a storefront. ( )

  18. 答案:对
  19. Wearing earplugs sends a message to colleagues that you want to be left alone which is surely an unfriendly gesture. ( )

  20. 答案:对
  21. How does positive corporate culture influence a company? ( )

  22. 答案:Foster positive working mood###Attract clients###Retain employees###Increase team sense
  23. Digital advertising is a strategy that promotes a product or a service to people on the____. ( )
  24. Which of the following is the English equivalent for “注意力持续时间”?( )
  25. Which of the following is not a function of a business report? ( )
  26. Which of the following is the English equivalent for “库存管理”?( )
  27. What social networking elements are often applied to the process of social-commerce? ( )​
  28. A solicited proposal is composed and submitted in compliance with the request for goods or services by someone in authority or a procuring organization. In Chinese, “solicited proposal” means ______. ( )
  29. ______ concept involves identifying and eliminating non-value-adding activities so as to improve the efficiency of a business.( )
  30. Which of the following is NOT a good tip to write a business proposal? ( )
  31. Short and catchy ( ) in mobile devices are definitely the trend of native advertising.
  32. A ___________ not only increases your reach and the amount of people who know your name, but it also brings that awareness from a source that people trust––their own friends and family. ( )
  33. A fully responsive website” means that__________. ( )
  34. In a strong corporate culture, front desk personnel usually dress _______. ( )
  35. If it is an international flight, business travelers need to arrive at the airport thirty minutes before the flight. ( )
  36. A promising business concept could attract both angel investors and venture capitalists.( )
  37. A detailed business plan helps assure success of bank loans. ( )
  38. What can angel investors provide for start-ups? ( )
  39. Compared with traditional advertising, ____is/are the benefits of digital advertising. ( )
  40. The ______company can enjoy the privilege that the start-up can never get. ( )
  41. Buying a franchise means the franchisee has right to get the following items except ______. ( )
  42. What is the Chinese equavalent for “total quality management(TQM)”_________. ( )
  43. What do the etiquette counselors suggest when it comes to communication?( )
  44. Which of the following is the English expression of “裂变式增长”?( )
  45. A business can invite ______ to market its products or services in its customer community. ( )
  46. WeChat is ________ in China and is used for everything from getting news to making electronic payments. ( )
  47. A business can do the following in a customer community except ______. ( )
  48. ________ is a style of clothing that is less formal than traditional business wear, but is still intended to give a professional and businesslike impression.( )
  49. Setting up an open house at your physical location is ineffective in creating a community for your customers. ( )
  50. Which of the following is NOT a feature of memo writing? ( )
  51. Which of the following is NOT the features of a franchise business . ( )
  52. In order to expand the offline business, he decided to invest more bricks-and-mortar in big cities. In Chinese, “bricks-and-mortar” means ______. ( )
  53. It is impossible for every brand to become one of the world famous brands such as McDonald’s and Disney, so it is vital to___________. ( )
  54. Workplace culture is a vital part of business success. ( )
  55. Excess inventory costs money to manage, thus may cause wastes to a business and decrease its efficiency. ( )
  56. Brand recall is the emotionally-charged decision of a consumer for purchasing a particular brand again and again. ( )
  57. Companies with clan culture value communication. ( )
  58. Improving efficiency is the central goal of operations management, which may ultimately help a business gain a competitive edge. ( )
  59. Emerging markets lag far behind developed economies in both traditional commerce and cross-border e-commerce. ( )
  60. A business report is a brief and personal account or statement of company activities.( )
  61. Your interest, expertise and experience will help you narrow down the broad range of choices when starting business. ( )
  62. When you see the distinct red color of Coca-Cola, you automatically think of its beverages. This is brand loyalty. ( )
  63. Brand awareness is the foundation of all future marketing strategies. ( )
  64. If you receive a note from your boss on a Saturday, you can not ignore it because it is not polite.( )
  65. Friends and family members are usually unwilling to provide a start-up financial support as financing will harm relationships. ( )
  66. Heavy reliance on modern technologies for communication is a better way to gain customer satisfaction than face-to-face meeting. ( )
  67. Etiquette is a set of written rules that apply to social situations, professional workplaces and relationships.( )
  68. Which of the following documents should business travelers prepare if they want to travel between countries? ( )
  69. What makes European and American countries the main target markets of China's cross-border e-commerce? ( )
  70. What can employers do to improve team morale? ( )
  71. Which of the following reasons explain(s) some people’s reluctance to travel for business? ( )
  72. In order to have your prospect trust you to fix the problem, it is critical to include _________ in your business proposal. ( )
  73. _____ can be used to target specific types of consumers.( )
  74. It is clear that improvement in the production and operational processes may lead to improved customer satisfaction and ultimately the business gains a _________(竞争优势) in the market. ( )
  75. Which of the following is the English equivalent for “品牌认知”? ( )
  76. Angel investors help __________ the founding of a new company. ( )
  77. Which of the following is NOT an activity passengers are allowed to do while flying? ( )
  78. About business etiquette, which of the following is correct? ( )
  79. Which of the following does not belong to native advertising? ( )
  80. The venture capital company is often expected to be offered _________(优先股份) in a startup enterprise. ( )
  81. He is completely honest and trustworthy, and his record of service to his patients is second to none. In Chinese, “second to none” means ______. ( )
  82. User Generated Content (UGC) may not include ? ( )
  83. Livestreaming explosion is boosting China's cross-border e-commerce, NOT because . ( )
  84. Which of the following is the English equivalent for “托运行李”?( )
  85. Custom content units refers to ads whose form, content and display are customized based on ______ needs and media environment. ( )
  86. ________ is most common in tech and media companies.( )
  87. If you are not a trained professional, the key to deciding which business to start is ______ . ( )
  88. An online community may take the form of a webinar, message board of business official website or a(n) ______. ( )
  89. Business travel can_________ because it allows people to experience different cultures and provide people with a new way of looking at things. ( )
  90. Which of the following statement is NOT true about the subject of an email? ( )
  91. Which of the following is the English expression of “可视曝光”?( )
  92. What is the Chinese equivalent for “draft folder”_________. ( )
  93. Which of the following expression is the English version of “公司文化”?( )
  94. What is a device at an airport that delivers checked luggage to the passengers at the baggage reclaim area? ( )
  95. In Chinese, “venture capital” is _________. ( )
  96. Which of the following is the English expression of “高净值 ”?( )
  97. Which of the following is the English equivalent for “直播营销”? ( )
  98. Customer communities can ______ as they can be the most valuable and honest source of feedback for businesses and help give brands a deeper understanding of customer needs and desires. ( )
  99. In Chinese, “Original Equipment Manufacturer” means _________. ( )
  100. Which of the following is NOT a way of “Own Pockets ” funding?( )
  101. Some people run up their competitors' advertising bills by creating computer programs (bots) that automatically click ads. In Chinese, “run up” is ______. ( )
  102. A single poor performer in a team won’t result in low team morale. ( )
  103. Corporate culture is often called the character of an organization. ( )
  104. A company should keep its physical conditions pleasant. ( )
  105. What sections does a business report usually include? ( )
  106. Which of the following descriptions about corporate culture is true? ( )
  107. Mobile technology has led to the instant gratification generation and patience is no longer a virtue. ( )
  108. There are various etiquettes in the world, like church etiquette, drinking etiquette, concert etiquette, and so on. ( )
  109. Business formal is appropriate for the professions EXCEPT ( )
  110. To be efficient, you can check your e-mail messages anywhere, even in the elevator. ( )
  111. The elements that should be included in business invitation writing are ( )
  112. Thanks to the technological advances, automated self-service systems can replace humans in handling customer care issues. ( )
  113. Replies to claims should always be courteous, even if the claim is unfounded. ( )
  114. An online customer community can be in the form of ( ).
  115. Providing quality customer service is a win-win strategy for both businesses and customers. ( )
  116. An online business can build customer trust if it can( ).
  117. If you travel by air, you are likely to be contributing to environmental pollution. ( )
  118. By handling potential undesirable situations, business travelers can develop their_________. ( )
  119. There is no need to put a power adapter in your suitcase before you travel to other countries because it is universal in most countries. ( )
  120. Items such as spray paint and fireworks are not prohibited at security check. ( )
  121. In writing a formal business letter, writers should add a comma after complimentary close. ( )
  122. The main target markets of China's cross-border e-commerce are Russia and Brazil. ( )
  123. Which of the following statements about email writing is not true? ( )
  124. Cross-border e-commerce involves the sale or purchase of products via online shops across national borders. ( )
  125. User-generated content (UGC) is an effective way to improve customer experience, which is delivered and shared in interactive ways like ? ( )
  126. Which of the following makes it convenient to deliver large goods from one country to another?( )
  127. The common aspects that need to be considered in operations management are as follows_________? ( )
  128. In production process, lean manufaturing training is adopted to help manufacturers to improve greater markup. ( )
  129. Which of the following concept is commonly adopted to manage the inventory of a company? ( )
  130. The elements that need to be included in minutes writing are__________. ( )
  131. The duties of the operations department are to find out what the consumers want through marketing research. ( )
  132. _______ are generally used in e-commerce like eBay and Amazon. ( )
  133. Behavioral data providers can rely on _______ to collect a customer's information. ( )
  134. Higher Engagement is one of the benefits of digital advertising. ( )
  135. The advance of high-speed mobile networks and the penetration of mobile devices contributes to the the growth of online advertising.( )
  136. The language of notice and announcement should be straightforward, concise, simple, accurate and formal. ( )
  137. Brand awareness is crucial in persuading, informing and reminding both potential and existing customers towards making a brand decision. ( )
  138. In writing a business proposal, it is important to remember not to turn the opening into an introduction to or overview of your company. ( )
  139. A customer's knowledge about brand factors includes ___________. ( )
  140. Brand recall refers to how well people connect a brand with products, ideas, taglines, and other attributes. ( )
  141. Extending your brand in every aspect of corporate life is the strategy of ___________. ( )
  142. Mortgaging is a common way of startup fund raising. ( )
  143. It’s easy for startup companies to get bank loans nowadays. ( )
  144. Which part can be omitted(去除) in memo writing? ( )
  145. In what ways do angel investors make investments in a startup? ( )
  146. Which of the following sources can provide new companies a hefty sum of capital?( )
  147. Your interest, expertise and experience are all very important when starting business. ( )
  148. Wholesalers buy goods from manufacturers or importers and then sell them to the end customers in small quantities. ( )
  149. Which of the following can be included into the body part of a job application letter? ( )
  150. Not being complete independent is one of the advantages of the franchise . ( )
  151. If you start a business selling services, you may or may not need a storefront of some kind. In chinese, "storefront " is( )
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