

  1. The date “24 July 2021” is written in an American way. ( )

  2. A:对 B:错
    AI参考:答案是A。根据题目中的描述,日期“24 July 2021”是以美国的方式书写的,因此答案是A,即正确选项为“对”。'
  3. The employer would be impressed by concrete statements rather than vague and abstract ones. ( )

  4. A:错 B:对
  5. Since the sender’s name is typed below the complimentary close, the signature can be omitted. ( )

  6. A:错 B:对
    答案:Simplest AI参考:B: 对。由于祝福语之后会键入发件人姓名,所以签名可以省略。这是英文邮件的常识,因此答案是B:对。'
  7. In meeting minutes, record names of all that present or absent no matter how large the meeting is. ( )

  8. A:错 B:对
  9. It is appropriate for a research institute to claim that it is capable of conducting amazingly good studies.( )

  10. A:错 B:对
  11. A quotation is not an “offer” in the legal sense. It is just an indication of price without contractual obligation and
    subject to change without previous notice. ( )

  12. A:对 B:错
  13. The importers often bear risks on D/A or D/P terms. ( )

  14. A:对 B:错
  15. “Congratulations to our hotshot service and technical support staff! We’ve reached our target for this month.”
    These sentences sound very formal. ( )

  16. A:错 B:对
    AI参考:答案:B。 根据句意和表达方式,这两句话是正式场合的礼貌用语,语气中透露出祝贺之意,故选择B选项,即对。'
  17. A voluntary offer is made in reply to trade inquiries. ( )

  18. A:错 B:对
  19. You must state clearly the name, official title if there is any and the organization of the person who recommends you in the referral opening. ( )

  20. A:错 B:对
  21. If the principle of courtesy conflicts with that of conciseness, we give priority to courtesy in writing for practical
    purposes. ( )

  22. A:对 B:错

  23. Since L/C ensures security to both the exporter and the importer, it’s always the best choice for both sides in
    international trade. ( )

  24. A:错 B:对
  25. If the importers want to have a general idea of a commodity , they may ask the exporter for the detailed information about the specific target goods .( )

  26. A:错 B:对
  27. Contractions such as “can’t”,”won’t” are often used in formal writing. ( )

  28. A:错 B:对
    AI参考:答案:A 解析:正式的写作中通常使用缩略词,比如“can’t”就是“cannot”的缩略形式,“won’t”就是“will not”的缩略形式。所以这个题目的正确答案是“错”。"
  29. You are not suggested to use boldface, italics, capital letters or to underline the information for the emphasis of
    information in the writing for practical purposes. ( )

  30. A:对 B:错
  31. Which of the following statements is not true about office memos? ( )

  32. A:Usually you don’t have to sign at the end of the memo unless it is your employer’s convention. B:There is no need for you to use complimentary close at the end of a memo. C:Memos can also have enclosures. D:If a memo extends to the second page, you have to repeat the heading : To, From, Date, Subject.

  33. What does it mean by “ This offer is subject to the goods being unsold on receipt of your reply”? ( )

  34. A:本盘以收到贵方回复时尚未出售为前提。 B:本报盘以货物先售出为条件。 C:本报盘以我方最后确认为准。 D:本盘以贵方立即答复为前提。
    AI参考:单选题】What does it mean by “ This offer is subject to the goods being unsold on receipt of your reply”? (A) 本盘以收到贵方回复时尚未出售为前提。'
  35. Which of the following salutations is appropriate if you know nothing about the recipient? ( )

  36. A:Dear Sirs B:Dear Madam C:Dear Sir or Madam D:Dear Sir
    AI参考:正确答案是 D:Dear Sir。这是一个不知道收信人是谁的通用称呼,所以正确选项是 D:Dear Sir。在商业和日常社交中,通常使用Dear Sir作为非正式的称呼,用于称呼收信人或不知道收信人是谁的情况。同时,Dear Madam也是常用称呼,但通常用于正式场合或对女性收信人的称呼。因此,选项C Dear Sir or Madam是错误的。'
  37. What does “adjourn”mean in the sentence: “ The meeting was adjourned at 11:30 a.m.”? ( )

  38. A:召开 B:休庭;休会 C:换地方 D:推迟
    AI参考:正确选项是 B:休庭;休会。句子中“adjourned”的意思是“休庭;休会”,表示会议暂停或推迟进行。句子中的时间“11:30 a.m.”表明会议被暂停,而不是召开、换地方或推迟。因此,选项B是正确答案。'
  39. The chairman called the meeting to order at 10:00 AM.”This sentence can be translated into Chinese as ( )

  40. A:主持人10点宣布会议正式开始。 B:主持人命令10点开会。 C:主持人10点钟打电话宣布会议开始。 D:主持人打电话要求10点钟开会。
    AI参考:答案选A:“主持人10点宣布会议正式开始。”。解析:题目中的英文句子是一个完整的意思表达,并非表示开会是因为有某个人打了个电话,也没有涉及到“命令”的意思。同时,“the chairman called the meeting to order at 10:00 AM”这一句话的含义可以翻译为中文“主席在上午10点宣布会议正式开始”,更符合A选项的含义。因此,答案为A。'
  41. Which of the following is an appropriate way to describe the certificates in an English resume? ( )

  42. A:Rewarded the certificate of Test for English Majors-Band 8 B:Get the certificate of Test for English Majors-Band 8 C:Test for English Majors-Band 8 D:Passing the Test for English Majors-Band 8
    AI参考:在英语简历中,描述证书的最合适方式是使用完整、准确、正规的表达方式。根据这一点,选项A,“Rewarded the certificate of Test for English Majors-Band 8”这个选项的语法是正确的,但不符合正式表达的习惯。而选项B,“Get the certificate of Test for English Majors-Band 8”也不符合规范,因为“get”这个动词不太适合用在描述证书时。因此,正确选项应该是C,“Test for English Majors-Band 8”,这是一个非常正规且准确的描述方式。选项D,“Passing the Test for English Majors-Band 8”虽然也是一个描述方式,但它并不完整,可能会让人误解为只有通过这个测试才能获得证书。因此,答案为(C)Test for English Majors-Band 8。'
  43. Which of the following salutations is not appropriate? ( )

  44. A:Dear Manager Wang B:Dear Personnel Manager C:Dear Sales Department D:Dear Sir or Madam

  45. What does “illustrated catalog”mean in the sentence: “Please send us your illustrated catalog and price list”? ( )

  46. A:举例的商品目录 B:带插图的商品目录 C:列举商品的目录 D:产品解释目录
    AI参考:正确答案是B:带插图的商品目录。句子中提到“请发送带插图的商品目录和价格清单”,因此“illustrated catalog”指的是带插图的商品目录。选项A、C、D都不符合句意。'
  47. Which of the following dates is written correctly? ( )

  48. A:2021.6.12 B:04/02/2021 C:Oct. 8 2021 D:September 28, 2020
    AI参考:正确答案是D: September 28, 2020。选项D中的日期格式是正确的,表示2020年9月28日。选项A中的日期格式错误,年份应该写在月份前面;选项B中的月份应该用英文全写;选项C中的日期格式不规范,应该用逗号隔开月份和日期。'
  49. What does “a/s”mean in “Encl. a/s”? ( )

  50. A:At sight B:As signed C:As stated D:As shown

  51. Which of the following is not an appropriate way to write a subject in an English business letter? ( )

  52. A:Re: Quotation for Cotton Bed Sheets B:SHEEP WOOL C:Subject:Order No: 689 D:quotation for cotton bed sheets

  53. What does it mean by D/P? ( )

  54. A:承兑交单 B:跟单托收 C:光票托收 D:付款交单

  55. “We confirm the order of two of your product CM120kg at a price you quoted last time.” Which principle does this
    sentence fail to follow? ( )

  56. A:Conciseness B:Concreteness C:Correctness D:Courtesy
    AI参考:A. 简洁性句子“We confirm the order of two of your product CM120kg at a price you quoted last time.”主要表达了确认订单和产品价格的信息,但句子较长,没有遵循简洁性的原则,即用尽可能少的词汇表达清楚意思。其他选项B、C、D在句子中都得到了体现,语法正确、表达清晰、礼貌得体。因此,答案是A:简洁性。'
  57. What does it mean by “trade discount”? ( )

  58. A:现金折扣 B:数量折扣 C:商业折扣 D:忠实客户折扣
    AI参考:正确选项是C:商业折扣。商业折扣是指卖方在销售商品时,为了鼓励买方尽快付清货款、缩短现金流量周期、加大销售数量而给予的一种价格优惠措施。这是一种常见的促销方式,通常会在商品标签或广告中注明折扣或优惠幅度。因此,根据题干中的描述,“trade discount”指的是商业折扣。'
  59. If the telephone number is followed by (regrets only), what does it mean? ( )

  60. A:It means that the person invited regrets not having made a call. B:It means that the person invited doesn’t have to call to give a reply. C:It means the person invited calls only when he or she can not come. D:It means that the person invited has to call to give a reply.
    AI参考:正确答案是D:It means that the person invited has to call to give a reply。句意:如果电话号码后面是(只对拒绝的回复表示遗憾),这意味着邀请人必须打电话答复。结合选项可知D项符合语境。故选D。'
  61. Which of the following complimentary closes is not appropriate in an e-mail? ( )

  62. A:Sincerely B:Best wishes C:Kind regards D:Yours truly

  63. Which of the following statements shows an appropriate level of confidence of the job applicant ? ( )

  64. A:There’s no doubt you’ll want someone as young and dynamic as I am! B:An MBA of Harvard has provided me with both theory and practical skills which may be of benefit to your company. C:There probably aren’t very many people in Hong Kong better qualified for the job than me! D:You’re sure to be impressed by someone who is a member of so many professional associations.

  65. What is the English equivalent of “开证行”? ( )

  66. A:correspondent bank B:issuing bank C:negotiating bank D:advising bank

  67. Which of the following sentences shows clearly that the writer’s qualifications and experiences are closely related
    with the employer’s needs? ( )

  68. A:My vast translating and interpreting experience makes me the ideal candidate for the job. B:Three years of translating and interpreting experience in the United States and strong oral and writtencommunication skills will allow me to translate and interpret for your branch offices in English-speaking countries. C:I am sure my rich experience in translation and interpreting best qualifies me for this job. D:I have plenty of translation experience.

  69. Which of the following is not a factor that may influence your choice of appropriate style and tone in the workplace writing? ( )

  70. A:Your purpose of writing B:Professional relationship between you and your readers C:Your personal preference for style and tone D:Customs in your field and profession
    AI参考:正确答案是:C:Your personal preference for style and tone。工作场所写作风格和语气的选择可能会受到以下因素的影响:写作目的、你和读者的专业关系、你所在领域的习俗和职业习惯,但不会受到个人对风格和语气的偏好影响。因此,C选项不符合题目要求。'
  71. Which of the following salutations are appropriate in an English Email? ( )

  72. A:Hello Mr. White B:Ms. Smith C:Dear Tom D:Dear colleagues

  73. In which of the following situations will the email writer adopt a formal tone? ( )

  74. A:The writer is the superior who gives important instructions to the subordinates. B:The email is sent to a colleague or a client whom you have had a long working relationship with. C:The email topic is on serious business matters. D:The readers are of higher rank or senior age.

  75. Which of the following expressions are wordy? ( )

  76. A:square in shape B:a long time C:for the purpose of training D:during the year of 2021
    AI参考:在所提供的选项中,【D:during the year of 2021】是赘述的。这个表述显得过于冗长,实际上完全可以通过直接说"in 2021"或者"last year"等简短的方式来表达。而其他选项如【A:square in shape】【B:a long time】【C:for the purpose of training】都是简洁明了的表达方式,没有过于冗长或含糊不清的地方。因此,正确答案是【D:during the year of 2021】。'
  77. Which of the following terms are correctly translated into Chinese? ( )

  78. A:confirmed L/C 保兑信用证 B:sight L/C 即期信用证 C:irrevocable L/C 不可撤销信用证 D:documentary credit 光票信用证
    AI参考:正确选项是【A:confirmed L/C 保兑信用证】和【C:irrevocable L/C 不可撤销信用证】。解释如下:A. 保兑信用证:这个术语通常翻译为“confirmed L/C”,即由另一家银行(通常是较大的银行或信誉良好的银行)对基础信用证加以保兑的信用证。C. 不可撤销信用证:这个术语通常翻译为“irrevocable L/C”,即开证银行或其授权人不能撤销或修改的信用证。B. 即期信用证:这个术语通常翻译为“sight L/C”,但是需要注意,即期信用证和付款信用证是不同的概念,付款信用证通常翻译为“payable L/C”。D. 光票信用证:这个术语通常翻译为“clean credit”,指的是不附带发票、提货单等附属单据的信用证。所以,正确选项是A和C。'
  79. Which of the following statements are true about the the education part in an English resume? ( )

  80. A:It starts with the highest level of educational achievement. B:All the information is arranged in reverse chronological order to present your most recent degree first. C:List as many courses as you can to impress the prospective employers. D:The information about education mainly includes time, degree, major, and name of school.

  81. What should you do to choose proper style and tone? ( )

  82. A:You need to take your readers’ expectations into consideration when choosing the style and tone. B:You should stick to your own favorite style and tone. C:You should observe the stylistic conventions of your profession and your employer’s organization. D:You need to choose proper style and tone according to different types of writing.
    AI参考:正确选项为D:You need to choose proper style and tone according to different types of writing.在选择适当的风格和语气时,你需要考虑不同的写作类型。根据不同的写作类型选择适当的风格和语气是非常重要的,因为不同的写作类型需要不同的语言表达和情感表达方式。因此,选项D是正确的答案。其他选项A、B、C虽然也涉及到了风格和语气的选择,但不够全面和准确。A选项仅提到了读者的期望,而没有考虑到不同的写作类型;B选项过于主观,没有考虑到实际的情况;C选项虽然提到了专业规范和雇主组织的要求,但与选择适当的风格和语气无关。'
  83. Which of the following statements are true about the email attachments? ( )

  84. A:Compress the large attachments in emails. B:Send the multiple files one by one. C:Use attachment to send long documents in emails and remind the readers to read them. D:Since the email message is often short, you are not suggested to send long documents via email.

  85. What should you do to achieve unity? ( )

  86. A:Remove irrelevant sentences or ideas. B:Have supporting sentences in each paragraph and supporting ideas for an entire passage. C:Write a a topic sentence at the beginning of a long paragraph. D:Stick to one point at a time.
    AI参考:正确选项是【B:Have supporting sentences in each paragraph and supporting ideas for an entire passage.】原文中提到“What should you do to achieve unity?”,而选项B中提到“在每个段落中都有支持句子,整个文章都有支持观点”,这是实现统一性的一个重要方法。其他选项A、C、D虽然也涉及到了统一性,但不够全面,因此不是正确答案。'
  87. Which of the following statements are true about the complimentary close of an English business letter? ( )

  88. A:“Yours faithfully, Cordially yours, Respectfully yours, Yours truly” are often used in formal business letters. Yours truly is used particularly in American English. B:If you know the name of your recipient, begin with “Dear Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms plus the last name or full name“ and close with “Yours sincerely”. C:If you don’t know the recipient or their gender, begin with “Dear Sir or Madam” and close with “Yours faithfully”. D:“Kind regards, Best regards” are commonly used in business letters.

  89. Which of the following are optional parts of an English business letter? ( )

  90. A:Attention line B:Reference C:Subject line D:Signature
    AI参考:正确选项是:A:Attention line B:Signature在英文商务信函中,选项A(attention line,注意行)和选项D(signature,签名)通常被认为是可选部分。注意行通常用于指明要与哪个人或哪个部门沟通,而签名则用于表示信件是由谁发送的。选项B(reference,参考)和选项C(subject line,主题行)通常是信函的必要部分,用于提供相关信息和概括信件的主题。'
  91. Which of the following are usually included in a letterhead of an English business letter? ( )

  92. A:Sender’s name B:Subject of the letter C:Sender’s address D:Sender’s contact details

  93. What are the factors that may influence the level of formality of emails? ( )

  94. A:The readers B:The purpose of the email message C:The topic D:The length of the email message
  95. What do you often include in your personal statement? ( )

  96. A:Your reasons for choosing the course. B:Your research to demonstrate your potential. C:The background to your interest in the subject. D:The work experiences and /or personal developments which have been most important to you and which are relevant to your application.
  97. Which of the following expressions contain unnecessary repetitions? ( )

  98. A:combine together B:in the month of September C:return back D:large in size
    AI参考:正确选项是C:return back。这个选项中,“return back”这个表达包含了重复的词语“back”,可以简化为“return”,更加简洁明了。其他选项A、B、D都没有包含不必要的重复词语。A选项“combine together”表示“合并在一起”,B选项“in the month of September”表示“在九月”,D选项“large in size”表示“尺寸大”。这些表达都是常用的、简洁的英语表达,没有包含不必要的重复词语。'
  99. Informal notes may be characterized by ( ).

  100. A:use of incomplete sentences B:use of contractions C:addressing the readers with a title such as Mr. Miss. Mrs. or Ms. plus their last names D:addressing the readers with their first names
    AI参考:【答案多选】A:use of incomplete sentences; B:use of contractions; D:addressing the readers with their first names选项B和D都属于非正式信件的常见特点,使用缩略词或省略词符合非正式信件的特点,而使用头衔称呼收件人则更常见于正式信件中。因此,选项A和D都是正确的。选项C则不是非正式信件的特点,通常在正式信件中使用。因此,正确选项为A、B和D。'

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