
Language is heavily tinted with its culture, and culture also affects its people’s language uses.

A:对 B:错

Acculturation means a continuing process whereby an individual acquires a personal identity and learns the norms, values, behavior, and social skills appropriate to his or her social position.

A:对 B:错 3.

The appearance of loan words is one typical example of cultural diffusion.

A:错 B:对 4.

Language and culture are closely related to each other, and it is extremely difficult to separate the two.

A:对 B:错 5.

The ignorance of cultural differences will not necessarily create barriers in learning the target language and in communication.

A:错 B:对 6.

Denotative meaning refers to the meaning that isn’t stated but implied; the implication of a word, apart from its primary meaning.

A:错 B:对 7.

As the saying goes “A man’s home is his castle”, western people place a high value on ________.

A:addressing B:compliment C:privacy D:proverb 8.

Successful communication occurs when the listener can ________ from the speaker’s point of view.

A:sense the feelings to given issues B:see things C:understand the ways of knowing the world D:smell things 9.

In cross-cultural communication, ________ are key points to mutual understanding and can serve as the bridge that will help us transcend cultural barriers.

A:sincerity B:nationalism C:sensitivity D:honesty 10.

A linguistic sign may simultaneously have ________ meanings which are bound with cultural encodings or associations.

A:ironic B:denotative C:connotative D:associative

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