1. Conclusion is to reinforce the main idea of the speech. ( )

  2. 答案:对
  3. Paraphrases should be simple and short. ( )

  4. 答案:错
  5. Speaking notes include the brief key words or phrases. ( )

  6. 答案:对
  7. The colon or dash can set up an important idea delayed for emphasis. ( )

  8. 答案:对
  9. The topic should be finished within the allotted time. ( )

  10. 答案:对
  11. Figurative language is expected in the central idea. ( )

  12. 答案:错
  13. Experts’ testimony make your speech more vivid. ( )

  14. 答案:错
  15. “Pause, repeat, slow down” could be added in the speaking outline. ( )

  16. 答案:对
  17. “Overweight people are at risk for a lot of problems.” Is appropriate language to the audience. ( )

  18. 答案:对
  19. A written manuscript of public speaking could help the speaker make sure he or she uses the exact words to state their own ideas when he or she is delivering. ( )

  20. 答案:对
  21. The topic and content of the speech should be suitable for the audience’s background. ( )

  22. 答案:对
  23. The speaker should say sorry in ending when he or she makes the mistakes in the speech. ( )
  24. Avoiding eye contact with the audience will be regarded as lacking of trustworthiness.( )
  25. “From the great grief of one boy’s death came a seed. And from that seed has grown a tree of understanding, a tree that now blossoms with the beauty of friendship and cooperation. (Ronald Reagan)” uses ( ).
  26. “Your success as a family, our success as a society, depends not on what happens at the White House, but on what happens inside your house. (Barbara Bush)” uses ( ).
  27. During his speech on fraudulent transactions, the president of a major online retailer avoided making eye contact with his audience. According to research on the role of nonverbal communication in public speaking, the audience was likely to perceive his as ( ).
  28. “We must be candid, consistent, and confident. (Gerald Ford)”uses ( ).
  29. “I. The first major type of environmental pollution is land pollution. II. The second major type of environmental pollution is air pollution. III. The third major type of environmental pollution is water pollution.”is organized in (    ) way.
  30. The following main points are arranged in ( ) order. “I. An English version of the Lecture Room will enhance Chinese viewers’ cultural awareness. II. An English version of the Lecture Room will encourage foreigners’ participation. III. An English version of the Lecture Room will enrich English learners’ language experience.”
  31. “For our part, we welcome this new Pacific tide. Let it roll peacefully on, carrying a two-way flow of people and ideas that can break down barriers of suspicion and mistrust and build up bonds of cooperation and shared optimism. (Ronald Reagan)”uses ( ).
  32. “To persuade my audience that China’s coastal cities should impose stricter regulations governing the safety of water sports at their beach resorts” is a specific purpose statement for a persuasive speech on a question of ( ).
  33. ( ) moves from a general principle to a specific conclusion.
  34. According to the class, rather than trying to eliminate every trace of stage fright, you should aim at transforming it into ( ).
  35. “If we ban smoking in all public places, smokers will stop eating out, restaurants will go out of business, and waiters and waitresses will lose their jobs, which, in turn, will cause serious social unrest.” uses ( ).
  36. “I. Genetic engineering is producing new plant hybrids that will vastly increase world agricultural production. II. Genetic engineering is producing breakthroughs in medicine that will allow people to live healthier lives. III. Genetic engineering is producing bacteria that will help clean up industrial pollutants." is managed in (    ) order.
  37. If the following internal summary were used in an informative speech, the speech would most likely be organized in ( ) order. “On our tour of campus thus far, we have moved from the student union on the east side of campus to the engineering school on the north side, the design college on the west side, and the school of education on the south side.”
  38. “The ancient commission of the writer has not changed. He is charged with exposing our many grievous faults and failures, with dredging up to the light our dark and dangerous dreams for the purpose of improvement. (John Steinbeck)” uses ( ).
  39. My cousin’s most important ( ) this year was getting an A in calculus.
  40. According to the class, you should think of your persuasive speech as ( ).
  41. All at once we heard a tremendous ( ) of thunder.
  42. The following main points are arranged in ( ) order. “I. The top layer of the earth is a rocky “skin” called the crust. II. Beneath the crust is a thick layer of rock called the mantle. III. The next lower section is a mass of molten rock called the outer core. IV. At the center of the earth is a solid mass called the inner core.”
  43. “There had been a lot of snow before the earthquake; therefore, the earthquake must have been caused by the heavy snowfall.” uses ( ).
  44. ( ) plagiarism occurs when the speech as a whole is ethical but the speaker fails to give credit for particular quotations and paraphrases.
  45. Which of the following kinds of plagiarism is/ are discussed in this class? ( )
  46. Referring back to your introduction in the conclusion of your speech is recommended as a way to ( ).
  47. “An able man in this world, like an awl kept in a bag, quickly show himself. ”uses ( ).
  48. ( ) is a statement of the similarities among two or more people, events, and ideas.
  49. “I have not come to China to hold forth on what divides us, but to build on what binds us. (Ronald Reagan)”uses ( ).
  50. “Failure gave me an inner security that I had never attained by passing examinations. Failure taught me things about myself that I could have learned to other way. (J.K. Rowling)”uses ( ).
  51. Zhang Ran plans to give a speech to her classmates explaining how to build a Web site. The most important factor she should consider when analyzing her audience is probably its ( ).
  52. Occupations belongs to the demographic information. ( )
  53. Numbers and questions are usually used as signposts. ( )
  54. An entire adverbial clause can be cut back to the operative participle. ( )
  55. Announcement is a good way of stressing a statement. ( )
  56. Visualization is a mental imaging in which a speaker vividly pictures himself or herself giving a successful presentation. ( )
  57. Background information is an aspect of analysis of audience. ( )
  58. Keeping eyes to the ceiling for a long time could help speaker relief the nervousness. ( )
  59. What are the orders of developing the main points? ( )
  60. The following main points are arranged in ( ) order. “I. The Chinese film industry began in the early twentieth century. II. The first golden period of Chinses cinema occurred during the 1930s. III. The second golden period occurred in the years after World War II. III. The Chinese film industry was scaled back during the 1960s and 1970s. IV. Today Chinese films are in another golden period of international acclaim.”
  61. “The age-old dream of the Chinese nation is being turned into reality, a dream to see the young educated, the sick treated, and the old cared for. (Wen Jiabao)”uses ( ).
  62. Which rhetorical devices does the sentence use “We must imagine greatly, dare greatly, and act greatly.” ( )
  63. ( ) is a graph to illustrate simple distributions patterns.
  64. ( ) is the highness or lowness of a speaker’s voice.
  65. The following statement is an example of what type of fallacy? “My roommate fainted while doing aerobic dancing in the gym last Sunday morning. Working out early in the morning is obviously harmful.” ( )
  66. The following main points are arranged in ( ) order. “I. The peak of Mount Kilimanjaro has an arctic climate with snow, ice, and violent winds. II. The middle of Mount Kilimanjaro has a rain forest climate with lush vegetable and diverse animal species. III. The base of Mount Kilimanjaro has a bushland climate with grassy pastures and farming communities.”
  67. The insistent ( ) of the flag against the pole increased the drama of the military funeral.
  68. When speaking on the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle, Lin Yi argued that the Bermuda Triangle and the Gobi Desert are the two ends of a wormhole that runs through the earth. Which of the three types of questions of persuasive speeches did Lin Yi address in his speech? ( )
  69. When you give a small talking in a speech competition, ( ) is better.
  70. The well-written sentences should be ( ) in public speaking.
  71. The following main points are arranged in ( ) order. “I. Early people did not have money but used a system of exchange based on the barter of goods and services. II. Coin money was invented in ancient Turkey, China, and India before the birth of Christ. III. Paper money began in China about 600 A.D. but did not become popular in the West until the 1600s. IV. Today almost every country has an official currency tied to the international rate of exchange.”
  72. The following statement is an example of ( ) reasoning. “The Japanese people eat small amounts of food; their diet contains a large amount of rice, fish, vegetables, and fruit. If such a dietary style can work for the Japanese people, it can work for the Chinese people, too.”
  73. The following statement is an example of the ( ) fallacy. “Why should we worry about Northeast China tigers becoming extinct when there are more and more homeless people who need our support?”
  74. “Policemen have extremely stressful jobs.” is appropriate language to the audience. ( )
  75. The speaker should avoid stereotypes based on age, race, gender and disability. ( )
  76. “All the submarine crewmen were killed during the operation.” is appropriate language to the audience. ( )
  77. What are the types of connectives? ( )
  78. The following main points are arranged in ( ) order. “I. Sun Yat-sen inspired the revolution that overthrew the Qing Dynasty. II. Sun Yat-sen raised massive funds for the revolutionary cause. III. Sun Yat-sen championed the principles of nationalism, democracy, and socialism.”
  79. Since he was injured in the traffic accident last month, his condition has shown definite ( ).
  80. “And that’s why there’s really a very simple answer to our original question. What do baseball managers really do? Worry. Constantly. For a living. –Leonard Koppett” uses ( )
  81. ( ) is the stressing a word with your voice in order to give the word significance.
  82. I knew someone was following me through the woods when I heard a twig ( ) behind me.
  83. ( )is meaningful and inspiring because of use of the elegant language.
  84. Wang Na has gathered a lot of compelling statistics for backing up her argument on the risks and dangers of plastic surgery. According to the class, which of the following guidelines for using statistics should NOT Wang Na follow in her speech? ( )
  85. “A fair face may hide a foul heart.”is metaphor. ( )
  86. “Virtue, like a strong and hardy plant, takes root in any place.”is a metaphor. ( )
  87. “Art is the torch of a nation’s spirit.“is a simile. ( )
  88. “I speak as a Republican. I speak as a woman. I speak as a United States Senator. I speak as an American.” is a parallelism. ( )
  89. “might and main” is alliteration. ( )
  90. Lincoln used “dedicate” repeatedly in order to give people deeper impression. ( )
  91. The first “P” in PREP form is the topic, opinion, proposition or list of facts on a certain issue. ( )
  92. A great story will become mediocre if it is improper expressed. ( )
  93. The language of the speech should be concise and vivid. ( )
  94. In Lincoln’s speech, “remember-forget” is used as synonym. ( )
  95. The interrupted sentence, the periodic sentence and rhetorical question are all good ways to develop the well-written sentences. ( )
  96. “These books are not primarily for reading, but for reference.” is more concise.( )
  97. Citing example is an easy way to support a generalization. ( )
  98. “When you are late, you must sign yourself in.” is a good sentence.( )
  99. It is advisable explicitly to introduce an illustration by phrase such as for instance, and consider.( )
  100. Description is a good way to avoid abstraction. ( )
  101. Events is more abstract than processes. ( )
  102. “To gain immediate action” means the speaker’s goal is to convince the audience to tak action in support of a given policy.( )
  103. The speaker should do the last-minute checks before delivering.( )
  104. If the topic is about the introduction of the event, the chronological order should be used.( )
  105. Try to avoid the clutter in the speech.( )
  106. The audience like the concrete words best. ( )
  107. Simple words are specific words. ( )
  108. “Determination” is a concrete word. ( )
  109. “A learned and educated person” is a good expression in public speaking.( )
  110. The compelling point should be in the middle of the speech when organizing the main points.( )
  111. ( ) is for letting the audience know what the speaker will say next.
  112. The speech topics are in a logical way to prove the central idea.( )
  113. If the speaker wants to introduce Peking Opera, which is the best way to organize the main points? ( )
  114. ( ) could be used widely in informative speech and persuasive speech.
  115. “My First Day at College” is a good topic for 3 minutes speech. ( )
  116. “To inform my audience that yoga is extremely cool.” is a good specific purpose. ( )
  117. Brainstorming is a method of generating ideas for speech topics by free association of words and ideas.( )
  118. “The Introduction of Western Civilization” is a good topic for 30 minutes speech. ( )
  119. The specific purpose should be clear, specific, and accurate. ( )
  120. When you quote someone directly, you must attribute the words to that person.( )
  121. “If I were President of this University” is a good topic for a One-minute speech. ( )
  122. ( ) requires more formal language?
  123. Plagiarism is not an ethical issue in the classroom in public speaking. ( )
  124. When the speaker wants to introduce the history of Great Wall, which order do you prefer to recommend? ( )
  125. Cantonese is stress-timed rhythm. ( )
  126. A syllabic consonant forms a syllable on its own. ( )
  127. A thought group is a group of words that belong together to express an idea, and it can be a short sentence or part of a longer sentence. ( )
  128. “BBC” is an abbreviation. ( )
  129. Function words are not usually stressed. ( )
  130. Diphthong comes from Greek. It means two voices or two sounds. ( )
  131. Schwa can be produced by any vowel letter a, e, I, o, u. ( )
  132. Nose and soft palate are also the speech organs. ( )
  133. Consonants are voiced. ( )
  134. Try to imitate the record when you try to practice your speech. ( )
  135. Quotation is a good way to draw the conclusion of the speech. ( )
  136. Graph has line graph, pie graph, and bar graph. ( )
  137. Parallelism could be developed by words, phrases, clauses, and sentences. ( )
  138. Using high-quality visual aids could show the speaker’s competency of public speaking. ( )
  139. When you make the mistakes, you should say sorry to the audience immediately. ( )
  140. The orator should list the references at the end of the outline in preparation outline. ( )
  141. The speaker should choose the controversial topic in persuasive speech. ( )
  142. One of the functions of speaking outline is to give the speaker cues for delivering the speech. ( )
  143. Parallel elements is expected to be used when writing the sentences in outlines. ( )
  144. The speaker could use startle to get the attention of audience. ( )
  145. The audience will not believe the speaker because he or she talks too fast. ( )
  146. Headings could help speaker reinforce the main points of the speech. ( )
  147. Statistics usually is used in graphic form in public speaking. ( )
  148. Repetition shows the beauty of English and enhances the strong feeling of speech. ( )
  149. Professional-looking visual aids help the speaker improve the credibility. ( )
  150. An ellipsis is also a good way to state the sentence clearly. ( )
  151. A good appearance means the speaker must be a good speaker. ( )
  152. Scale questions could help the speaker get more detailed information of the audiences’ opinions and attitudes. ( )
  153. Saying can be used to start the speech. ( )
  154. The longer time is good for perfect toasts. ( )
  155. The speaker is also a good visual aid. ( )
  156. The topical order could be used in the informative speech and persuasive speech often.( )
  157. If the audience is the children, the speaker should use the logical and formal language and style.( )
  158. “We are a people in a quandary about the present. We are a people in search of our future. We are a people in search of national community. (Barbara Jordan)” uses ( ).
  159. “The task is heavy, the toil is long, and the trials will be severe. (Winston Churchill)” uses ( ).
  160. “Government of the people, by the people, for the people shall not perish from the earth. (Abraham Lincoln)”uses ( ).
  161. Studies have found that public speakers will usually be more persuasive when then ( ).
  162. “Your handshake came over the vastest ocean in the world—25 years of no communication. (Zhou Enlai)”uses ( ).
  163. The following main points are arranged in ( ) order. “I. Tsinghua was established in 1911 as a prep school. II. Tsinghua was expanded into a university in 1925. III. The school was renamed National Tsinghua University in 1928. IV. Tsinghua was given its current name in 1949.”
  164. The following main points are arranged in ( ) order. “I. The central axis of Beijing begins at Yongdingmen Gate in the south. II. The axis runs straight through Tiananmen Square and cuts the Forbidden City in half. III. The axis ends at the Bell Tower and the Drum Tower in the north of Beijing.”
  165. “It was an amazing privilege—and though I left early, I was transformed by my years at Harvard, the friendships I made, and the ideas I worked on. (Bill Gates)”uses ( ).
  166. ( ) refers that the speaker should visualize the plan by using the vivid imagery so the audience can see how much it will change once your solution is adopted.
  167. “If SAT works well as college entrance examination for America, it should also work well for China” uses ( ).
  168. “Dianna was the very essence of compassion, of duty, of style, of beauty. (Earl of Spencer)” uses ( ).
  169. Which of the following is a tip for using examples in a speech? ( )
  170. ( ) can help add suspense and dramatic effect of your speech.
  171. The combination of ( ) let the audience know the following points which the speaker will talk about.
  172. ( ) is used for emphasis and express various emotions.
  173. Lily walked with so much spring in her step you could hear her feet ( ) on the sidewalk.
  174. “People the world over have always been more impressed by the power of our example than by the example of our power. (Bill Clinton)” uses ( ).
  175. “…and that government of the people, by the people, and for the people,…” uses ( )
  176. “With globalization, the same sea washes all of humankind. We are all in the same boat. There are no safe islands. (Kofi Annan)"   uses (    ).
  177. Which of the following is presented as a guideline for effective informative speaking? ( )
  178. Li Lei laughed at the fortune teller’s ( ).
  179. All of the following are concrete words except ( ).
  180. ( ) is a good way to develop a sentence.
  181. Despite changing economic conditions, the computer industry has continued to ( ).
  182. Which rhetorical devices does the sentence use “The conversation was on wings.” ( )
  183. ( )is the reasoning that moves from particular facts to a general conclusion.
  184. A speaking outline ( ).
  185. “Africa’s development disproves the distorted and widespread image of our continent as a sea of undifferentiated poverty. (Kofi Annan)” uses ( ).
  186. The speaker could use bullets, dashes, and numbers in ( ) outline.
  187. “I. The first major cause of airplane crashes is pilot error. II. The second major cause of airplane crashes is weather. III. The third major cause of airplane crashes is mechanical failure.”is used (   ) order.
  188. “Because so many people eat at KFC, the food there must be very healthy.” uses ( ).
  189. The three types of examples for supporting ideas in a speech are ( ).
  190. Will you turn on the television and get the weather ( ) for tomorrow?
  191. The following main points are arranged in ( ) order. “I. Gambling addiction is an increasingly serious problem throughout the United States. II The problem of gambling addiction can best be solved by a combination of education and rehabilitation.”
  192. Ma Ke is giving a speech to raise funds for cancer research. He has brought a donation signup form for his listeners to sign. When should he circulate the signup sheet? ( )
  193. Researchers at the medical school have made steady ( ) in cancer prevention and treatment.
  194. “The manager’s proposal is not worthy of any consideration. After all, he doesn’t come from a well-known family.” uses ( ).
  195. “Our opinions have no permanence; like autumn and winter, they gradually pass away. (Zhuangzi)”uses ( ).
  196. “I. Traffic congestion is a serious problem in China’s large cities. II. The problem can best be solved by creating more affordable and accessible public transportation.”is used (   ) order.
  197. As the class explains, ( ) are usually the most effective supporting materials if you want to increase the emotional appeal of a persuasive speech.
  198. Visual aids are most effective when they are ( ).
  199. ( ) is a graph to show changes in statistics over time and space.
  200. “How has expectation darkened into anxiety—anxiety into dread—and dread into despair!” uses ( )
  201. ( ) is a conclusion in which the speech builds to a zenith of power and intensity.
  202. “I. Many coal mine accidents in China result from underfunding and negligence. II. Stricter law enforcement will help prevent underfunding and negligence of China’s coal mines.”is used (    ) order.
  203. Qin Nan believes that an internship at a law firm will be good for his career ( ).
  204. “The task is heavy, the toil is long, and the trials will be severe.” uses ( )
  205. The workers want a clear ( ) of how long the job will take.
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