

  1. - Welcome to Unitex International. I hope you will enjoy your work here.

  2. A:I am sure I will. B:You are very kind. C:I can earn a lot. D:Is this a good firm?
    AI参考:正确选项是【A:I am sure I will.】原文中前一句话提到了欢迎来到Unitex International,并希望在这里工作愉快,所以后面的回答应该表示对工作的信心和决心,选项A“我确信我会的”符合语境。选项B“你真是好心”是表示感谢的客套话,与前文内容不符;选项C“我能赚很多钱”与前文内容无关;选项D“这是家好公司吗?”则与前文内容无关,且语气也不符合。因此,正确答案是A。'
  3. There __________________ a book and some magazines on the desk.

  4. A:are B:have C:is D:has
  5. The country is __________________ and the people live in peace.

  6. A:messy B:needy C:violent D:prosperous
  7. What a washing machine! It’s getting worse today. Look! Now it doesn’t work at all. I think I need to have it completely .

  8. A:fix B:fixed
    答案:洗衣机AI参考:正确选项是B:fixed。句子中提到“I think I need to have it completely fixed”,意思是“我认为我需要完全修理它”,所以正确的动词应该是“fixed”,表示修理的意思。因此,选项B是正确答案。而选项A的“fix”通常用于描述修复某物的基本功能或状态,不符合句子的语境。'
  9. A:Wonderful! A modest, comfortable room. Ah, a beautiful window, through I can see a beautiful scene, and hear the birds singing. How nice!
    B:Yes, if you want to wash something, there is a separate lavatory room outside.

  10. A:which B:where
    AI参考:正确选项是B:where。原文中A说“Wonderful! A modest, comfortable room. Ah, a beautiful window, through which I can see a beautiful scene, and hear the birds singing. How nice!”,意思是“太好了!这是一间朴素而舒适的房间。啊,一扇美丽的窗户,透过它可以看见美丽的景色,还能听到鸟儿唱歌。多么美妙啊!”接着B回答说“Yes, if you want to wash something, there is a separate lavatory room outside.”(是的,如果你想洗东西的话,外面有一间独立的卫生间。)根据上下文,可以推断出A在询问B关于房间的位置,所以B回答说“where”,表示房间的位置。因此,正确答案是B。'
  11. The purpose of a cover letter is to

  12. A:support your resume. B:prepare you for an interview. C:give details of work experience. D:All of the above.
    答案:support your resume.
  13. Which of the following would you not find on an agenda?

  14. A:The Venue. B:Time and date. C:Objectives. D:A venn diagram.
  15. Dress at that party was __________________, with no neckties or fancy dresses.

  16. A:fashionable B:formal C:informal D:serious
  17. This is the apartment I want to rent, it's in the center of the city and the transportation is convenient.

  18. A:located B:locating
    答案:to solveAI参考:正确选项是A:located。 句子中使用了“is located”来描述这个公寓的位置,表示这个公寓位于城市的中心,交通方便。而“locating”表示正在定位或正在寻找某个地方,与句意不符。因此,答案为A。"
  19. Happy New Year to you.

  20. 答案:The same to youAI参考:A. Thank youB. All rightC. You tooD. Bye-bye正确答案是:C. You too。在句子Happy New Year to you后加此项构成回答,表示“也祝你新年快乐”。故选C。'
  21. A:Would you like to rent the house?
    B:You bet,
    long as I can collect enough money.

  22. A:so B:as
  23. I wouldn't like to live in a mansion because

  24. A:of all the expenses and maintenance it requires. B:respects your space and belongings. C:small house with a backyard. D:easier than doing the laundry E:allow them to have pets and plants in the house.
    答案:of all the expenses and maintenance it requires.
  25. A:Come on in.Let me show you the house.Isn't it something?
    B:Spacious,bright and clean.And the walls were

  26. A:new B:newly
  27. Standing under a big tree to _________ getting wet in a rain is not a good choice. This is especially true when it is the thunderstorm reason.

  28. A:drop B:keep C:stop D:avoid
  29. - _________________ is your girlfriend like? - She is very kind and good-looking.

  30. A:Who B:What C:Which D:How
  31. Thanks for your help._________________________

  32. A:My pleasure. B:Never mind C:Quite right. D:Don’t thank me
  33. Which is a good meeting objective?

  34. A:To identify the reasons for the poor quality and design measures to overcome these problems. B:To talk about the product quality. C:To discuss the problem of poor quality. D:To inform staff of the poor quality of the product.
    答案:To identify the reasons for the poor quality and design measures to overcome these problems.
  35. Would you like to see a film?
    - ________________________

  36. AI参考:很抱歉,您提供的文本没有提供足够的信息来回答这个问题。可能的原因包括:1. 您可能正在询问对方的意见或请求对方的帮助。2. 您可能想要表达对对方看电影的兴趣或愿望。因此,这个问题没有唯一的正确答案,它取决于您和对方的具体交流内容以及对话背景。您可能在其他语境中会得到更有意义或特定的答案。答案:根据对话的内容,可能会根据情况有不同的回答,比如:我愿意,我喜欢;我不能,我太忙了;或者我不感兴趣等等。由于您没有提供更多的上下文信息,我无法给出更具体的答案。'
  37. Which of the following skills would be useful when doing a distance course?

  38. A:presentation skills B:interpersonal skills C:computer skills D:listening skills
  39. A pilot should be responsible_________ the safety of all the passengers on board.

  40. A:against B:with C:for D:at
    答案:forAI参考:正确选项是 C:for。句子中的"should be responsible"表明飞行员应该对飞机的安全负责,所以选项C“for”符合语境。选项A“against”表示反对,选项B“with”表示在一起,选项D“at”表示在……上,都不符合语境。因此,答案为C。'
  41. We should not look down __________________ the poor people

  42. A:upon B:at C:to D:off
    AI参考:正确选项是B:at。句子中的“look down upon”是一个固定搭配,表示“看不起,轻视”,而选项B“at”可以表示“看”的意思,符合句意。选项A“upon”虽然也可以表示“看”,但通常用于书面语,口语中不太常用;选项C“to”表示方向,与句意不符;选项D“off”也不符合句意。因此,正确答案是B。'
  43. I hadn’t seen him for years, but I __________________________________ his voice on the telephone.

  44. A:realized B:discovered C:recognized D:heard
    AI参考:正确选项是C:recognized。句子意思是我多年没有见到他了,但是我通过电话认出了他的声音。recognize 意为“认出,识别”,符合句意。realize 意为“意识到,实现”,discover 意为“发现”,hear 意为“听到”,都不符合句意。因此,正确答案是C。'
  45. How can he _________ if he is not _________?

  46. A:hear; listening B:be listening; heard C:listen; hearing D:be hearing; listened to
    AI参考:正确答案是:B:be listening; heard。句意:如果他没在听,他怎么能听到呢?hear是感官动词,后接宾语从句时,从句用陈述语序,且从句用一般现在时表示与现在事实相反的情况。故选B。'
  47. If you don’t want to get wet, you had better __________________ this umbrella with you.

  48. A:take B:taken C:for taking D:to take
    AI参考:正确选项是【D:to take】。句子中使用了“had better do sth”的句型,表示建议某人最好做某事。因此,空处需要填入表示“去做某事”的动词原形,而“to take”恰好符合这个要求。同时,“with you”表示伴随状语,因此整个句子的意思是“如果你不想被淋湿,最好带着这把伞”。'
  49. I have this image of you as always being cheerful and _________________________.

  50. A:depressed B:disabled C:optimistic D:pessimistic
  51. Choose the best translation for the sentence:
    Stopping winding me up! So when do we get it?

  52. A:别再让我收尾了!我们什么时候会得到? B:别和我绕圈子了!我们什么时候能拿到? C:不要让我厌倦了!我们什么时候能拿到? D:不要太抬举我了!我们什么时候会得到?
    AI参考:正确选项是【B:别和我绕圈子了!我们什么时候能拿到?】。原文中使用了“winding me up”这个表达,表示某人不断地刺激、激怒对方,使其感到烦躁不安。因此,选项B中的“绕圈子”能够很好地表达同样的意思,同时“我们什么时候能拿到?”也符合句子的语境。而其他选项与原文的意思不符。'
  53. - Have a nice holiday!
    - _________

  54. A:The same as you. B:You have it too. C:You do too. D:The same to you.
    AI参考:正确选项是【D:The same to you.】。原文中对方说了“Have a nice holiday!”,表示祝愿对方度过一个愉快的假期。因此,回答者应该用同样的祝福语回敬对方,即“The same to you.”。选项A、B、C都不符合语境。'
  55. I'm sorry. Bob is not in his office.-________________________?

  56. AI参考:根据您给出的文本,正确选项是“Bob不在办公室,请问有什么我可以帮忙的吗?”因为前文提到了Bob不在办公室,所以询问者可能想要知道是否有其他事情需要帮忙。因此,询问者可能会问:“Bob不在办公室,请问有什么我可以帮忙的吗?”'
  57. Well done and _________.
    - Thank you very much!

  58. AI参考:选项A: congratulations根据上下文的语境,这里是在表达对某人的赞扬和肯定,并表示祝贺。所以正确的选项应该是表示祝贺的词语,即"congratulations"。而其他选项的意思与语境不符。'
  59. Complete the following sentence: If Diego had more money,…

  60. A:he would have done a full-time MA. B:he will do a full-time MA. C:he would done a full-time MA. D:he would do a full-time MA.
    AI参考:正确选项是【D:he would do a full-time MA.】。句子中使用了条件状语从句,表示如果Diego有更多的钱,他会做全职硕士课程。选项D中的"he would do"符合语法规则,且与句子的意思相符。其他选项中的语法错误或意思不符。'
  61. -Why not go and have dinner in a restaurant? -__________________________. It's too expensive.

  62. AI参考:A. Im sorry, I cant go 根据题目中的对话内容,第一句话提到了“为什么不去餐厅吃饭?”而第二句话则回答说“太贵了”。这表明对话者拒绝了去餐厅吃饭的建议,因为价格太贵。因此,选项A“很抱歉,我不能去”是正确的答案。"
  63. -How soon will your father fly to New York?
    - _________

  64. A:Twice a year. B:Last week. C:In three days. D:At 7.00 am.
    AI参考:正确选项是【C:In three days.】问题中询问的是“你父亲多久后飞往纽约?”根据语境和常识,最有可能的答案是在三天之后,因此选项C“In three days.”为正确答案。选项A“每年两次”与问题不符,选项B“上周”不符合问题中的时间信息,选项D“早上7点”也不符合问题的语境。'
  65. Good morning, may I speak to Mark, please?
    - _________

  66. AI参考:正确选项是【Hold on, please.】。这句话的意思是“早上好,请找马克接电话。”对方回答“请稍等”。因此,答案是Hold on, please。"
  67. A:Is there a bathroom?
    B:No, but there is one downstairs, which my daughter
    some years ago.

  68. A:uses B:used
  69. Will you please give the note to him?
    -- _________.

  70. 答案:
  71. . Asteroids(小行星), also known as " minor planets ", are __________________ in the outer space

  72. A:numerous B:prosperous C:fabulous D:humorous
  73. No matter_________ , the little sisters managed to round the sheep up and drive them back home safely.

  74. A:how it was snowing hard B:it was snowing hard C:how hard it was snowing D:hard it was snowing
    答案:why, thatAI参考:正确选项是C:how hard it was snowing。句子中使用了倒装句型,表示强调,所以需要使用副词来修饰后面的动词snowing。选项C中的how hard是副词,符合句意和语法要求。选项A和D中的it was和how was属于主系表结构,不符合句意和语法要求。选项B中的it was snowing属于正常的陈述句,不符合句意和语法要求。因此,正确答案是C:how hard it was snowing。'
  75. Did you notice the guy ________________ head looked like a big potato?

  76. A:which B:whose C:. who D: whom
  77. First, why you tell me what you need, such as how big a room, where you want to live, whether you want to live downtown, and what you like to do.

  78. AI参考:正确选项是【First, why】。 原文中提到对方询问了诸如房间大小、住在哪里、是否住在市中心以及喜欢做什么等需求,因此接下来的回答应该是询问对方为何需要这些信息,即“First, why”。因此,答案为“First, why”最符合语境。"
  79. What's the matter with you?
    - _________

  80. AI参考:这个空格应该填写的是一个表示原因的句子,可以填“I feel terrible”,意思是“我感觉很糟糕”。由于前面的问题是询问对方出了什么问题,所以这里应该回答自己身体不适的原因。因此,正确答案是“I feel terrible”。"
  81. -May I move your bag a little and take this seat?

  82. AI参考:“Sure, go ahead and move it.”或“Of course, take the seat, please.”或“Not a problem, you can have it.”等都是可以的。根据上下文,对方请求移动行李并占用这个座位,而回答者表示同意或没有异议。因此,答案应该是表示同意或没有问题的句子。'
  83. Which of the qualities would not be necessary in a construction worker?

  84. A:professional appearance B:self-motivation C:perseverance D:. Energy
  85. Professor White contributed a lot to our community, _________.

  86. A:a teacher, a writer, and lecturing B:teaching, writing, and a lecturer C:teaching, lecturing, and a writer D:teaching, writing, and lecturing
    AI参考:正确答案是:D:teaching,writing,and lecturing。句子表达了“怀特教授为我们的社区做出了很多贡献,包括教学、写作和演讲”。A选项的语序有误,应该是“一个教师、一个作家和一个演讲者”,排除;B选项“teaching,writing”中间加上一个名词lecturer多余;C选项中“a writer”与前面的“writer”重复,故选D。'
  87. Both the kids and their parents _________ English, I think. I know it from their accent.

  88. A:was B:been C:is D: are
    AI参考:正确选项是D: are 。根据句子结构和语境,可知这句话的意思是“我认为孩子们和他们的父母都会说英语,我从他们的口音中知道这一点。”根据句子中的“Both the kids and their parents”可知,主语是复数形式,所以谓语动词应该用复数形式,即are。因此,选项D是正确答案。选项A、B、C都不符合语法规则。'
  89. A:It seems that you are as happy as a lark.
    B:Sure I am. I
    the right apartment. It's nice and clean.

  90. A:found B:have found
    AI参考:答案:B原文中说的是“我找到了一个公寓,它干净整洁”,所以B应该是在说“我找到了一个好的公寓”。因此,选项B“have found”是正确的。'
  91. A good goal is . . .

  92. A:measurable B:all of the above C:realistic D:observable
  93. -This is Mr. Green and this is Mr. Brown.

  94. A:How do you do B:Hi, how are you getting on C:How are you D:Fine, thank you
    AI参考:正确选项是C:How are you。根据上下文,可以判断这是一段介绍人的对话。其中一位先生向另一位先生打招呼,问好他的情况,因此正确选项为C,表示问候对方的“你好”。A选项表示“你好吗?”,但是句式与原文不符;B选项的“嗨,你过得怎么样?”是一种询问对方近况的表达方式,与原文的语境也不符合;D选项“很好,谢谢”则与上下文无关。因此,正确答案是C。'
  95. "Shall we move along then? There are 10 minutes left."---This moderating skill is _______.

  96. A:clarify points B:organize further action C:keep discussion on topic D:control time
    AI参考:答案:D:control time原文中提到“Shall we move along then? There are 10 minutes left.”,意味着讲话人要引导讨论,因为还剩下十分钟时间。而“control time”指的是控制时间,控制进度,所以答案是D。其他选项如“clarify points”和“organize further action”在文中没有提到或不太适合;而“keep discussion on topic”则是讨论不要偏离主题,也不太适合语境。因此,答案为D。'
  97. On formal _________, people pay more attention to manners.

  98. A:conditions B:occasions C:situations D:cases
    AI参考:正确答案是B:occasions。此题考查名词辨析。A. conditions条件;B. occasions场合;C. situations情况;D. cases案例。句意:在正式场合,人们更加注意礼貌。结合语境可知本句是指“正式场合”,所以答案为B。故选B。'
  99. Would you mind if I use your car?
    Of course not. _________.

  100. AI参考:选项C. Go ahead 根据对话内容,对方询问是否可以使用对方的汽车,对方回答当然可以,接着使用了短语“Go ahead”,表示“请便,尽管做”。因此,正确答案是选项C。"

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