第一章 Mechanical Mechanism Simulation:Mechanical Mechanism Simulation1.1Basics of The Mechanism:Basics of The Mechanism
1.2Kinematics of Mechanisms:Kinematics of Mechanisms
1.3Dynamics of Mechanism:Dynamics of Mechanism
1.4Introduction to MSC-Adams:Introduction to MSC-Adams
1.5Adams Machinery:Adams Machinery
1.6Recurdyn Software and Contact Simulation:Recurdyn Software and Contact Simulation
[单选题]What is the first step in kinematic analysis

选项:[all the required displacement variables are determined, velocity analysis, acceleration analysis, determine the respective velocities of the bodies]
[单选题]Based on these FEMS, there are ___ choices in the Adams analysis to define the contact behavior of the gear pair.

选项:[two, three, four, one]
[多选题]What modules are included in the mechanical subsystem

选项:[Bearing module, Chains module, Belt module, Cable module]
[单选题]In dynamic analysis, we are concerned only with motion.

选项:[对, 错]
[单选题]The analysis of planar systems can be considered as a special case of spatial analysis.

选项:[对, 错]

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