第四章 Starting to Talk and Building Relationships:本章重点探讨如何利用言语交际建立联系,探讨言语交际与非言语交际的异同。4.1Etiquette Code:本节重点探讨交际中的礼仪问题。
4.2First Contact:本节重点探讨在跨文化交际中如何进行初次接触以及需要注意的问题。
4.3Making Mistakes:本节重点探讨跨交际中的语言失误,语用失误等相关问题。
4.4Building Relationships:本章探讨如何在跨文化交际的语境下快速建立联系,并形成快速有效的沟通。
4.5Social Obligations:本节主要探讨在跨文化交际语境下沟通者所应承担的责任与义务。
[判断题]Typically, Asians are more formal than westerners and older people are more formal than younger people. 

[单选题]How do Westerners react to silence? 
They will likely feel uncomfortable and keep talking to stop the silence.

They won’t notice the silence at all.

They will feel uncomfortable and immediately leave the situation.

They will listen and wait for another person to speak.
[单选题]Which of the following is a good question to ask in order to start a conversation with a foreigner?
What is something that has surprised you the most about teaching in China?

Can you use chopsticks?

How long have you been in China?

Can you speak Chinese?
[判断题]Westerners prefer to use indirect communication meaning that they say exactly what they think.

[单选题]When making first contact with a new person, which of the following matters?


The Setting

The activity

All the options are incorrect
[判断题]In the West, friendships are based on the ability to help one another using personal connections. If someone does something for you, then it is your duty to pay them back with a helpful action later.

[判断题]Westerners often find it easy to understand the Chinese system of social credit and social debt because it is similar to how people act in the West. 

[判断题]Typically, Westerners are much more informal in their friendships than Chinese people. 

[判断题]Americans expect to gain and lose friendships naturally as their life changes. For example, they may have a group of close friends in high school that will change once they reach university.

[单选题]Which of the following is true about relationships in the West? 
Western friends typically have a more informal relationship than Chinese friends.

Relationships often follow the rules of social debts and credits.

Gift-giving is a common way to incur or repay social obligations in the West.

Westerners dislike the feeling of dependence in friendships.

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