第三章 Unit 3:This unit discusses the pros and cons of the internet and young people.Learning how to write a paragraph of cause and effect and distinguishing between facts and opinions3.1英语怎么说?:Topic Discussion:On internet, there are positive effects and severe consequences by addiction. Open discussion on this topic.
3.2英语怎么读?: Reading Skills:Learning how to distinguish facts from opinions.
3.3英语怎么写?: Writing Skills:Through learning the common words and expressions to express the cause-and-effect relationship, students can master the skill to write the paragrapg with an explanation of why certain things happen and their possible effects or consequences.
3.4英语怎么玩?:Enjoyable time:Enjoying the funny idioms about knot through the Greek myth.
[单选题]Which university did Bill Gates go to?
Oxford University
Harvard University
Peking University
Princeton University
答案:Harvard University
[单选题]Gates founded Microsoft in 1975 with his childhood partner______.
Steven Jobs
Paul Allen
Alex[单选题]Look at the following statements and decide which are facts (F) and which are opinions (O).It's a great way to keep up with friends. (   )
[多选题]We can use __________ to show cause-and-effect relations.
as a result 
in consequence  [判断题]"Gordian knot”is a famous idiom about knot. This idiom is from Greek myth. 

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