

  1. Intelligent substation automation system can be divided into ( ) three layers.

  2. A:Station Control Layer; isolation layer; protection layer B:Control Layer; isolation layer; protective layer C:Station control layer; interval layer; process layer D:Control Layer; interval layer; process layer
    答案:Station control layer;interval layer;process layer
  3. It is () that provides the necessary support for the construction of smart cities and energy Internet ( ).

  4. A:Cloud computing, modern information and communication technology, monitoring technology B:Cloud computing, sensing technology, monitoring technology C:Modern information and communication technology, sensing technology, monitoring technology D:Cloud computing, modern information and communication technology, sensor technology
    AI参考:正确答案是:C:Modern information and communication technology,sensing technology,monitoring technology。云计算、现代信息通信技术和监测技术是智能城市和能源互联网建设所必需的支持。因此,选项C“现代信息通信技术、感知技术、监测技术”是正确的。选项A和B都缺少了“感知技术”,选项D中的“传感器技术”在智能城市和能源互联网建设中并不常用。因此,正确答案是C。'
  5. The ultimate goal of smart grid is to build a panoramic real-time system covering the whole production process, including ( ) and other links.

  6. A:Power generation, transformation, distribution, power consumption, dispatch B:Power generation, transmission, transformation, distribution, electricity consumption C:Power generation, transmission, transformation, distribution, power consumption, dispatch D:Transmission, transformation, distribution, power consumption, dispatch
    答案:stribution,electricity consumption
  7. The safety and reliability of the power grid is ( ).

  8. A:Evaluation of resources corresponding to needs B:Plan the power grid scientifically and reasonably C:Refined load forecast D:Predict the energy storage system
    答案:load forecast
  9. The key to smart grid big data analysis is ( ).

  10. A:Data modeling B:Data preparation C:Analytical method D:Business understanding
  11. The following is true of the traditional approach to grid operational risk assessment ( ) .

  12. A:Qualitative analysis, probability analysis , status Assessment B:Status Assessment C:Probability analysis D:Qualitative analysis
    AI参考:正确答案是D:Qualitative analysis。传统的方法对网格运营风险评估进行定性分析,概率分析和状态评估。因此,选项D是正确的。其他选项中,A选项包含了定性分析、概率分析和状态评估,但顺序不正确;B选项只提到了状态评估,没有涉及定性分析和概率分析;C选项只提到了概率分析,没有涉及定性分析和状态评估。'
  13. The overload time sample set, where the percentage of the training set is ( )

  14. A:90% B:80% C:85% D:95%
  15. HDFS divides large-scale data into ( ) data blocks and stores them in a distributed cluster composed of multiple data nodes.

  16. A:128M B:64M C:32M D:256M
  17. The following is the overall strategic goal in the development of the key equipment of smart grid. ( )

  18. A:Ensure pilot projects B:Strive for international leadership C:Ensure pilot projects, support comprehensive construction, and strive for international leadership D:Supporting all-round construction
  19. The second stage of smart grid big data research and application is ( ).

  20. A:Large-scale technology deployment stage B:Technology development and demonstration application stage C:Enlightenment and preliminary exploration stage D:Technology upgrading stage

  21. Which of the following privacy protection technologies mainly include ( ).

  22. A:Technology based on security certification, technology based on data distortion, technology based on restricted release B:Technology based on security authentication, technology based on data distortion, technology based on data encryption C:Technology based on data distortion, technology based on data encryption, technology based on restricted release D:Technology based on security authentication, technology based on data encryption, technology based on restricted release
    AI参考:正确答案是D:Technology based on security authentication, technology based on data encryption, technology based on restricted release。选项D中的技术主要包括基于安全认证的技术、基于数据加密的技术和基于限制发布的技术,这些都是常见的隐私保护技术。而其他选项中的技术并不是隐私保护的主要技术,因此不正确。所以,正确答案是D。'
  23. The following statement about the dangers of overload is correct ( ) .

  24. A:Accelerate the abnormal wear and tear of the original B:Speed up the abnormal loss of originals, reduce the service life of the equipment, and cause faults and power outages C:Reduce the service life of equipment D:Causing a power failure.
    AI参考:B:Speed up the abnormal loss of originals, reduce the service life of the equipment, and cause faults and power outages该陈述关于过载危险的正确表述是加速原始的非正常损失,缩短设备的寿命,并导致故障和停电。选项A和D都与过载的危险无关,而选项C虽然与设备寿命有关,但表述不够准确。因此,选项B是正确的表述。'
  25. Regarding the government's auxiliary decision-making and support for smart grid big data, the following statement is correct ( ).

  26. A:Auxiliary analysis of business expansion report, analysis and forecast of social and economic conditions B:Outage management and user interaction, policy and implementation effect evaluation C:Power failure management and user interaction, analysis and prediction of social and economic conditions D:Analysis and forecast of socio-economic status, policy and evaluation of implementation effect

  27. Which database category does HBase belong to ( ).

  28. A:Relational database B:Distributed Database C:Distributed Message Queue D:Distributed file system

  29. What are the two categories of data asset management specifications ( ) .

  30. A:Data flow specification and data storage specification B:Data description specification and data storage specification C:Data description specification and data process management specification D:Data processing specification and data storage specification
    AI参考:正确答案是A:Data flow specification and data storage specification。在数据资产管理规范中,有两个分类,即数据流规范和数据存储规范。数据流规范描述了数据的流动过程,而数据存储规范则描述了数据的存储位置和方式。其他选项中的B描述不全面,C涉及的是数据的管理流程,D只是强调了数据处理过程和存储。因此,只有A符合题目要求。'
  31. The unified data model design is driven by application requirements, and its establishment process should be top-down. The modeling process includes ( ) steps.

  32. A:five B:three C:four D:two

  33. We are currently in the first few stages of research and application of big data in smart grids ( ).

  34. A:Fourth B:Third C:First D:Second
  35. Data cleansing includes ( ) .

  36. A:Data Normalization B:Invalid data culling C:Repeat data culling D:Outlier detection E:Null value detection and filling
  37. The main sources of smart grid big data are ( ) .

  38. A:Control System B:Simulation calculation C:Various monitoring D:Experimental data E:Various measurements
  39. The construction of the data asset management system includes ( ).

  40. A:Software development B:Demand analysis C:Software correction D:Software implementation E:demand analysis
  41. The following options are correct for classifying loads by time ( ) .

  42. A:Primary load B:Average load C:Secondary Load D:Minimum load E:Peak load
    AI参考:选项E:Peak load 是正确选项,因为它用于根据时间分类负载。其他选项的含义如下:A: Primary load 是主要负载,通常指的是在特定时间段内最大的或最重要的负载。B: Average load 是平均负载,表示一段时间内的平均负载水平。C: Secondary Load 是次要负载,通常指的是相对于主要负载的小一些的负载。D: Minimum load 是最小负载,表示一段时间内的最小负载水平。因此,只有峰值负载(Peak load)用于根据时间分类负载,因为它描述了在特定时间段内的最高或最大的负载。'
  43. The Classic Techniques of data visualization are ( ) .

  44. A:Yonghong BI B:D3.js C:Echarts D:MapReduce E:Tableau
    AI参考:正确选项为E:Tableau。Tableau是一款强大的数据可视化工具,提供了多种经典的数据可视化技术,如折线图、柱状图、饼图、散点图等,可以帮助用户快速创建各种数据可视化图表,并且支持多种数据源,如数据库、文件、网页等。因此,选项E是正确答案。其他选项如Yonghong BI、D3.js、Echarts和MapReduce虽然也属于数据可视化工具,但它们的功能和特点与Tableau有所不同,因此不是正确选项。'
  45. Data visualization techniques include ( ).

  46. A:Human-machine interface visualization B:Multi-dimensional data visualization C:Graph data visualization D:Spatiotemporal data visualization E:Text visualization
  47. The following are the analysis methods in the smart grid big data analysis program ( ).

  48. A:Analysis goal B:Problem statement C:analyse problem D:Analytical method E:Analysis hypothesis
    AI参考:在智能电网大数据分析计划中,以下列出了分析方法:(ABDE)A. 分析目标B. 问题陈述C. 分析问题D. 分析方法E. 分析假设所以,这个问题的正确选项是(ABDE)。'
  49. The application practice of platform construction includes ( ) .

  50. A:PLATFORM UNIFIED AUTHENTICATION AND UNIFIED authority management B:Implement Component Standardization C:Design of platform service layer D:Pay attention to platform architecture design and component selection E:Optimizing cluster hardware resource allocation
    AI参考:应用平台建设实践包括:\r* 平台统一身份认证和统一权限管理(A对)\r* 实现组件标准化(B对)\r* 设计平台服务层(C对)\r* 关注平台架构设计和组件选型(D对)\r* 优化集群硬件资源分配(E对)\r\r因此,正确选项为A、B、C、D。'
  51. The commonly used methods of smart grid big data analysis and mining are ( ) .

  52. A:Data mining method B:Machine learning methods C:Statistical analysis method D:Emerging methods E:Simulation experiment method
  53. In the smart grid big data cleaning verification, the unified layer aims at ( ) .

  54. A:Correction of data quality problem of raw data in ETL process B:Abnormal data recognition before loading data center C:Store data as an integrated table D:Identification of data quality problems of raw data in ETL process E:Incorrect data deletion
    AI参考:正确选项为【A:Correction of data quality problem of raw data in ETL process 】和【D:Identification of data quality problems of raw data in ETL process 】。在智能电网大数据清洗验证中,统一层针对的是ETL过程中原始数据的数据质量问题,以及对原始数据中的数据质量问题进行识别。也就是说,统一层是在数据加载到数据中心之前对异常数据进行识别,并在数据加载到数据中心时对数据质量问题进行修正和识别。因此,选项A和D是正确的。选项B、C、E描述的是不同的功能或方法,与统一层的目标不符。'
  55. The key technologies of smart grid big data include ( ) .

  56. A:Data Security and privacy protection B:Data Processing C:Data acquisition, data storage D:Data analysis mining E:Data Visualization
    AI参考:多选题:The key technologies of smart grid big data include ( ) .正确选项为:A:Data Security and privacy protection B:Data Processing C:Data acquisition, data storage D:Data analysis mining智能电网大数据的关键技术主要包括数据安全与隐私保护、数据处理、数据采集与存储、数据挖掘分析以及数据可视化等。因此,答案为A、B、C、D。其中,E选项的数据可视化虽然也是智能电网大数据处理的重要技术之一,但由于其在题目中被列为选择题中的选项时,并未被明确指出,因此不属于题目要求的正确选项。'
  57. The traditional clustering algorithm includes ( ) .

  58. A:Self-organizing map B:Distribution-based clustering algorithm C:Density-based clustering algorithm D:Hierarchical clustering algorithm E:Clustering Algorithm based on centroid
    AI参考:正确答案是:B:Distribution-based clustering algorithm C:Density-based clustering algorithm D:Hierarchical clustering algorithm。传统的聚类算法包括基于分布的聚类算法(B选项)、基于密度的聚类算法(C选项)和基于层次的聚类算法(D选项)。其中,基于分布的聚类算法是根据数据集的分布特征进行聚类,如K-means算法;基于密度的聚类算法是通过数据点之间的密度差异进行聚类,如DBSCAN算法;基于层次的聚类算法则是通过自底向上的方式进行聚类,如Agglomerative和Hierarchical方法。而Self-organizing map(自组织映射)是一种无监督的神经网络学习算法,用于构建可视化的数据结构,与传统的聚类算法不同。Clustering Algorithm based on centroid(基于质心的聚类算法)是用于将数据集划分为多个子集的一种方法,通常用于多维数据的可视化,与传统的聚类算法也不相同。因此,正确答案为B、C、D选项。'
  59. The following challenges to smart grid big data are correct ( ) .

  60. A:There is no consensus on big data B:Access to good data is difficult C:Involving a wide range of disciplines, high degree of technical complexity D:Research on the method of talent team construction and the need of joint mechanism of tackling key problems E:Lack of systematic methodology and industry standards
  61. The commercial value of electric power data are reflected in the following aspects( ).

  62. A:Decision Support for Associated Enterprise Development B:Assistant analysis of AD targeting C:User Credit and value evaluation D:Auxiliary analysis of Commercial Investment Location E:Application analysis of big data in smart city
    AI参考:正确选项为:A:Decision Support for Associated Enterprise Development 和E:Application analysis of big data in smart city。商业价值主要体现在为关联企业发展的决策支持(A)和大数据在智慧城市中的应用分析(E)两个方面。这些方面都涉及到电力数据的商业价值应用,为企业的投资和发展提供了有力的支持。'
  63. About Smart Grid big data application prospects, the right are ( ) .

  64. A:Increase the capacity of the grid to receive new energy B:Improving the security and stability of power grid and the reliability of power supply C:Improving the economy of power grid operation D:Improving the service level of smart grid to users and society E:Improving access to grid data
  65. The public opinion monitoring system of the power industry focuses on ( ).

  66. A:Media coverage B:Hot words C:User behavior D:Equipment failure E:Key event
    AI参考:正确选项为:A:Media coverage(媒体报道)、C:User behavior(用户行为)、E:Key event(关键事件)。电力行业的舆论监测系统主要关注媒体报道、用户行为和关键事件三个方面。媒体报道可以反映公众对电力行业的关注焦点和舆论氛围;用户行为可以反映用户对电力服务的满意度和反馈意见;关键事件则可以反映电力行业出现的重大事件或问题,如设备故障等。因此,选项A、C、E是符合题意的正确选项。而选项B、D则不太符合监测系统的关注重点,因此不是正确选项。'
  67. The four most representative analysis results of line accident are ( ) .

  68. A:Factor analysis of accident-related equipment B:Correlation analysis of accident multi-associated factors C:Analysis on the cause proportion of accident type D:Correlation analysis of accident type E:Correlation analysis of weather and cause types at accident site
    AI参考:正确选项为 B、C、D。根据题目中的描述,分析结果应该是对事故多相关因素的分析,包括设备因素、多相关因素的原因比例分析、事故类型的关联性分析等。因此,选项B、C、D符合题意,而选项A的因子分析主要是针对事故原因的分析,与题目要求不符。选项E则是针对事故现场天气和原因类型的关联性分析,与题目要求也不完全相符。因此,选项B、C、D是四个最具有代表性的分析结果。'
  69. Among the following factors that influence the change in the electrical load, the correct are ( ) .

  70. A:Social Activities B:Holiday attribute C:Weather conditions D:Seasonal factor E:Meteorological factor
    AI参考:正确答案是:C:Weather conditions 和 E:Meteorological factor。原文中提到了影响因素包括social activities(社会活动)、holiday attribute(假期属性)、seasonal factor(季节因素)和meteorological factor(气象因素)。其中weather conditions(天气条件)和meteorological factor(气象因素)是两个不同的概念,它们都对电负荷的变化产生影响。因此,选项C和E是正确的。其他选项如social activities、holiday attribute、seasonal factor等虽然也与电负荷的变化有关,但不是正确选项。'
  71. The following statements about the basic characteristics of big data are correct ( ).

  72. A:Large quantities B:Centralized placement C:Complex and diverse D:Scattered E:Single data

  73. The following are true of Kettle.( )

  74. A:Visual ETL tools B:It is suitable for structured relational data batch acquisition C:Provides a visual ETL action page for configuring ETL tasks and corresponding data processing rules D:It is suitable for complex semi-structured data acquisition E:Database extraction tool

  75. The basic idea of stream processing is that the value of data will continue to increase over time.( )

  76. A:错 B:对
  77. Reasonable equipment maintenance is one of the measures to improve equipment utilization.( )

  78. A:对 B:错

  79. The extensive access of renewable energy, electric vehicles, and distributed energy sources and the extensive participation of users will lead to the opening of the grid in the future, and the uncertainty and complexity of the grid will further increase.( )

  80. A:错 B:对

  81. The electricity consumption information collection system basically achieves full coverage and full collection, and can provide real-time and historical data such as daily load curves, monthly load curves, daily electricity, monthly lighting, and annual electricity for different industries and different user types.( )

  82. A:错 B:对
  83. Smart grid big data batch data calculation has been widely used in offline data processing services due to its low cost, high reliability, and high scalability.( )

  84. A:对 B:错

  85. Data analysis is the core of big data processing in the smart grid. Data integration and cleaning are the basis of data analysis. The value of big data comes from data analysis.( )

  86. A:对 B:错

  87. At present, the online dynamic safety assessment of the power system is based on the expected accident set, and the impact of the expected failure is evaluated through online simulation calculation.( )

  88. A:对 B:错
  89. N-1 failure is the simultaneous removal of two failed originals.( )

  90. A:错 B:对
    AI参考:判断题【判断题】N-1 failure是正确答案,也就是"是"。在这种情况下,"N-1 failure"表示"当N个设备中只剩下一个是有效工作时",这种同时去除两个故障原的意思,也就是说设备中有两个失效,剩下一个设备也能完成任务,这是一种策略,减少资源浪费的策略。所以答案选择B:对。'
  91. The platform is divided into multiple subsystems. These subsystems perform data integration and page integration through JDBC/ODBC, Http RESTful standard interfaces, and iFrame framework.( )

  92. A:错 B:对
    AI参考:正确答案是B:对。根据题目描述,该平台被划分为多个子系统,这些子系统通过JDBC/ODBC、Http RESTful标准接口和iFrame框架来实现数据集成和页面集成。因此,该描述表明该平台具有多个子系统,并且这些子系统能够执行数据集成和页面集成任务,所以答案是B,即正确选项。'
  93. The planning scheme needs to pass stable computer-based safety verification, and the accuracy of the load model has a greater impact on the accuracy of the calculation results.( )

  94. A:错 B:对

  95. Based on big data, the operation reliability analysis of protection equipment is carried out. Through the establishment of models, data extraction, cluster analysis, and index calculation, quantifiable results are finally obtained.( )

  96. A:错 B:对
  97. The maturity of cloud computing and big data technology provides tools for real-time analysis and processing of grid data.( )

  98. A:错 B:对

  99. The development goal of the smart grid is: to fully meet users’ power needs and optimize resource allocation, ensure the safety, reliability and economy of power supply, meet environmental constraints, ensure power quality, and adapt to the unintended development of power marketization. Reliable, economical, clean and interactive power supply and value-added services for users.( )

  100. A:错 B:对

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