  1. Hypokalemia generally does not manifest as ( )

  2. A:feel sick and vomit B:Decreased tendon reflexes C:U waves on the ECG D:alkalosis E:alkaline urine
    答案:alkaline urine
  3. Patients with metabolic acidosis generally do not present with ( )

  4. A:ketone-smelling breath B:facial flushing C:Urine is neutral D:take deep and fast breaths E:increased heart rate
    答案:Urine is neutral
  5. Situations where potassium chloride should not be supplemented in metabolic acidosis is ( )

  6. A:Urine is alkaline B:Urine is acidic C:Urine output less than 30ml/h D:Urine output exceeds 60ml/h E:Decreased potassium levels in urine
    答案:Urine output less than 30ml/h
  7. The correct daily amount of water and electrolyte supplementation for fasting and water-free adult patients is ( )

  8. A:Water 1500~2000ml, sodium 4g, potassium chloride 2g B:Water 1500~2000ml, sodium 3g, potassium chloride 2g C:Water 2000~2500ml, sodium 10g, potassium chloride 5g D:Water 3000~3500ml, sodium 5g, potassium chloride 3g E:Water 2000~2500ml, sodium 5g, potassium chloride 4g
    答案:Water 2000~2500ml, sodium 5g, potassium chloride 4g
  9. The main organ that maintains fluid balance in the body is ( )

  10. A:kidney B:lung C:buffer system D:skin E:liver
  11. Electrolyte disturbances associated with metabolic alkalosis are ( )

  12. A:Hypernatremia B:Magnesium deficiency C:Hypercalcemia D:Hyperkalemia E:Hypokalemia
  13. Hypokalemic alkalosis often occurs in ( )

  14. A:blood transfusion B:Uremia C:crush trauma D:postoperative oliguria E:Gastrointestinal decompression
    答案:Gastrointestinal decompression
  15. In patients with hypokalemia, if the condition does not improve after potassium supplementation, the first consideration should be lack of ( )

  16. A:sodium B:Chlorine C:calcium D:Magnesium E:Phosphorus
  17. The false clinical presentation of hypokalemia is ( )

  18. A:Acidic urine in alkalosis B:typical ECG changes C:Myasthenia is the earliest clinical manifestation D:Often coexists with magnesium deficiency E:Polyuria can occur in severe cases
    答案:typical ECG changes
  19. Male, 45 years old. Abdominal distention and vomiting for half a year, more than in the afternoon, spit out overnight food, vomit is large, Comfortable after vomiting, due to prolonged vomiting, in addition to dehydration, it will cause ( )

  20. A:hypochloremic hyperkalemic alkalosis B:hypochloremic acidosis C:hypokalemic alkalosis D:Hypochloremic hyperkalemic acidosis E:hypokalemic acidosis
    答案:hypokalemic alkalosis
  21. Female, 45 years old. For pyloric obstruction, continuous gastrointestinal decompression for more than half a month, daily supplement of 10% glucose 2500ml, 5% dextrose saline 1000ml, 10% potassium chloride 30ml. Full abdominal distension, no tenderness and nausea, started 2 days ago Tipping pain, disappearance of bowel sounds, daily urine output of about 1500ml, the most likely cause is ( )

  22. A:hyponatremia B:hypocalcemia C:Hypernatremia D:Hyperkalemia E:Hypokalemia
  23. The ideal fluid for hypertonic dehydration is ( )

  24. A:Balanced Salt Solution B:5% sodium bicarbonate solution C:0.45% sodium chloride solution D:10% glucose solution E:0.9% sodium chloride solution
    答案:0.45% sodium chloride solution
  25. ( ) of extracellular fluid in adult body weight

  26. A:40% B:25% C:20% D:30% E:35%
  27. Male, 35 years old, miner. Weight 60kg. Trapped underground for 8 days, he was thirsty and manic after being rescued, his weight dropped to 55kg, and his serum sodium was 155mmol/L. He should be initially diagnosed as ( )

  28. A:severe dehydration B:moderate dehydration C:hypotonic water deficit D:mild dehydration E:isotonic water deficit
    答案:severe dehydration
  29. The common feature of all types of shock is that ( )

  30. A:Insufficient microcirculation perfusion B:Decreased urine output C:blood pressure drop D:Decreased central venous pressure E:Decreased pulse pressure
    答案:Insufficient microcirculation perfusion
  31. The performance of shock compensation period is ( )

  32. A:Slightly higher blood pressure, faster pulse, no change in pulse pressure B:slightly lower blood pressure, faster pulse, smaller pulse pressure C:blood pressure decreases slightly, pulse and pulse pressure are normal D:slightly higher blood pressure, faster pulse, smaller pulse compression E:Blood pressure rises slightly, pulse and pulse pressure are normal.
    答案:slightly higher blood pressure, faster pulse, smaller pulse compression
  33. The most simple and effective index to reflect the tissue perfusion volume of shock patients is ( )

  34. A:consciousness B:limb temperature C:urine volume D:Blood pressure E:pulse
    答案:urine volume
  35. Shock patients with low blood pressure and normal central venous pressure should be given a ( )

  36. A:Cardiotonics B:a lot of corticosteroids C:vasoconstrictors D:vasodilators E:diuretics
  37. It should be the first choice to supplement blood volume for shock patients ( )

  38. A:Whole blood B:low molecular dextran C:plasma D:balanced salt solution E:5% glucose solution
    答案:balanced salt solution
  39. The key to treating shock is ( )

  40. A:Correct acid-base imbalance B:maintain important organ functions C:supplement blood volume D:apply vasoactive drugs E:apply adrenocortical hormone
    答案:supplement blood volume
  41. Vasodilator a must be used in the process of anti shock ( )

  42. A:use in combination with vasoconstrictor B:continuous intravenous drip C:as soon as possible D:After supplementing the blood volume, E:large dose
    答案:After supplementing the blood volume,
  43. The blood pressure and central venous pressure of shock patients are low, indicating ( )

  44. A:relatively excessive blood volume B:excessive vasoconstriction C:cardiac insufficiency D:relatively insufficient blood volume E:Serious insufficient blood volume
    答案:Serious insufficient blood volume
  45. What are the indicators reflecting the critical condition of shock patients ( )

  46. A:fine pulse speed 120 times / min B:Systolic blood pressure is lower than 10.7kpa (80mmHg) C:high fever D:Apathy E:multiple petechiae and ecchymosis spots appear on the skin
    答案:multiple petechiae and ecchymosis spots appear on the skin
  47. Female, nervous, irritable, pale, reduced urine output and low pulse pressure. Should be given first ( )

  48. A:diuretic B:Vasoconstrictor C:cardiotonic D:vasodilator E:intravenous rehydration
    答案:intravenous rehydration
  49. Male, after severe trauma, low blood pressure, rapid pulse, pale complexion, diagnosed as shock. What should be paid attention to when treating ( )

  50. A:timely use of mannitol B:toxicity of drugs to various organs C:rapid expansion of blood volume D:avoidance of vasoconstrictors E:Occurrence of acute renal failure
    答案:Occurrence of acute renal failure
  51. Male, post-traumatic hemorrhage, irritability, clammy extremities, pulse 105 beats/min, low pulse pressure. should be considered as ( )

  52. A:Early stage of shock B:no shock C:Intermediate shock D:DIC formation E:Late shock
    答案:Early stage of shock
  53. female. For volume expansion therapy due to shock, during rapid infusion, the central venous pressure is 1.47kPa (15cmH2O) BP 10.7/8kPa (80/60 mmHg). The measure to be taken is ( )

  54. A:Slow the infusion and add inotropes B:with vasopressors C:Control the speed and slow down the infusion D:Suspend the infusion E:Mass infusion to speed up the speed
    答案:Slow the infusion and add inotropes
  55. Male, central venous pressure 0.98kPa (10cmH2O), BP 10.7/8kPa (80/60 mmHg), after rapid instillation of 250ml normal saline, central venous pressure was 1.47kPa (15cmH2O), BP was still 10.7/8kPa (80 /60mmHg). prompt the patient ( )

  56. A:severe hypovolemia B:mild hypovolemia C:volume vasoconstriction D:hypervolemia E:cardiac insufficiency
    答案:cardiac insufficiency
  57. The stage of clinical shock is equivalent to the stage of pathophysiology of shock ( )

  58. A:Microcirculation failure stage B:Microcirculation compensation period C:Microcirculation expansion period D:Normal microcirculation E:Microcirculatory spasm
    答案:Microcirculation expansion period
  59. Observe the urine volume of shock patients, indicating that the minimum suitable for tissue perfusion is ( )

  60. A:40ml/h B:30ml/h C:50 ml/h D:20ml/h E:0ml/h
  61. What should be the first choice to supplement blood volume in hemorrhagic shock ( )

  62. A:Low molecular dextran B:Equilibrium salt solution C:5% sodium bicarbonate D:10% glucose solution E:Whole blood
    答案:Equilibrium salt solution
  63. What must be done with vasodilators in shock ( )

  64. A:Blood volume supplement B:Alternate with vasoconstrictors C:Normal cardiac function D:Diastolic blood pressure not less than 60mmhg E:Shrinkage pressure 90mmHg
    答案:Blood volume supplement
  65. With regard to the care of shock patients, the following is incorrect ( )

  66. A:Record incoming and outgoing volume B:Observe vital signs C:Establish unobstructed venous channels D:Vasoconstrictors were given routinely E:Routine oxygen supply
    答案:Vasoconstrictors were given routinely
  67. In order to increase plasma osmotic pressure and circulating blood volume, the solution to be selected is ( )

  68. A:10% glucose solution B:5% sodium bicarbonate C:0.9% normal saline D:5% glucose E:Low molecular dextran
    答案:Low molecular dextran
  69. Male patient, 45 years old, duodenal ulcer, sudden massive vomiting, about 700ml of blood, irritability, pale complexion, wet and cold skin, BP104 / 90mmHg, P102 times / minute, which belongs to ( )

  70. A:Shock stage B:Collapse C:Early shock D:No shock occurred E:Late shock
    答案:Early shock
  71. A shock patient has dyspnea and cyanosis, no change in oxygen supply, and PaO2 continues to decrease to 51mmhg. It is necessary to take the correct measures ( )

  72. A:Oxygen supply without positive expiratory pressure B:Sufficient volume expansion to speed up infusion C:Application of pressor D:Continuous inhalation of pure oxygen E:The infusion is mainly colloidal solution
    答案:Oxygen supply without positive expiratory pressure
  73. The patient, male, 40 years old, is in septic shock and is undergoing rapid infusion. CVP (central venous pressure) 18cmh2o, BP 80 / 60mmhg and urine volume 20ml / h are monitored. What should be done ( )

  74. A:Slow down the infusion and give cardiotonic B:Slow infusion C:Accelerated infusion D:Infusion at the original speed plus diuretics E:Maintain the status quo
    答案:Slow down the infusion and give cardiotonic
  75. in the early stage of hypovolemic shock, the most vulnerable organ is ( )

  76. A:Liver B:Kidney C:Heart D:Lungs E:Spleen
  77. Oliguria in the early stage of shock is due to ( )

  78. A:Acute renal failure with dysfunction and tubular necrosis B:Renal failure C:Postrenal renal failure D:Organic renal failure E:Prerenal renal failure
    答案:Prerenal renal failure
  79. Ischemia and hypoxia of tissue cells during shock will inevitably lead to ( )

  80. A:Metabolic alkalosis B:Hypercapnia C:Respiratory alkalosis D:Ketone body accumulation E:Lactic acid accumulation
    答案:Lactic acid accumulation
  81. the most common cause of septic shock is ( )

  82. A:Spirochete B:Virus C:Gram negative bacteria D:Fungi E:Gram positive bacteria
    答案:Gram negative bacteria
  83. The characteristics of arterial blood pressure changes in the early stage of shock are ( )

  84. A:Reduce B:Rise C:The change is not obvious D:First down and then up E:First up and then down
    答案:The change is not obvious
  85. The occurrence of heart failure during shock is not related to which of the following mechanisms ( )

  86. A:Multiple toxic factors inhibit myocardium B:Decreased coronary blood flow C:Increased myocardial oxygen consumption D:Front load increase E:Acidosis and hyperkalemia inhibit myocardium
    答案:Front load increase
  87. Female, 50 years old. He was admitted to hospital for 5 days of repeated vomiting. Serum sodium 118mmol/L, pulse 120 beats/min, blood Pressure 70/50mmHg. should be diagnosed as ( )

  88. A:severe dehydration B:moderate dehydration C:mild sodium deficiency D:moderate sodium deficiency E:severe sodium deficiency
    答案:severe sodium deficiency
  89. The rate of potassium supplementation should generally not exceed ( ) per hour

  90. A:30 mmol B:40 mmol C:20 mmol D:50 mmol E:10mmol
    答案:20 mmol
  91. Hypotonic dehydration mainly refers to ( )

  92. A:low blood potassium B:low blood phosphorus C:low blood magnesium D:low blood calcium E:low blood sodium
    答案:low blood sodium
  93. The detection value of serum potassium in patients with intestinal obstruction is 2.9mmol/L, which is generally not clinically manifested as ( )

  94. A:pale skin B:bitter C:Paradoxical aciduria D:Weakness of limbs E:ST segment decline
    答案:pale skin
  95. Which of the following is not surgical infection ( )

  96. A:CLABSIs B:SSI C:Urinary tract infection D:TB
  97. Which of the following is a common host factor for surgical infection ( )

  98. A:Physical exercise habit B:Mental status C:DM D:Gender
  99. Which of the following is not a common etiology for postoperative fever ( )

  100. A:Atelectasis B:Hypoglycemia C:UTI D:SSI

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