1. In Chinese, you can basically take any character you like, perhaps combine it with another character and make a name. ( )

  2. 答案:对
  3. Wife and husband sit separately at western banquets because such an arrangement could boost the strength of a relationship and make the talking subjects diversified.

  4. 答案:对
  5. All people of the same nationality will have the same culture.

  6. 答案:错
  7. If one is visiting a friend at her or his home, and some magazines are laid out on a coffee table, it is unacceptable to pick them up to read. ( )

  8. 答案:错
  9. Cultural mistakes are more serious than linguistic mistakes. The linguistic mistake means that someone is not fully expressing his or her idea while cultural mistakes can lead to serious misunderstanding and even ill-feeling between individuals.

  10. 答案:对
  11. A kid or sometimes even a teenager would be not be received as an adult in China. ( )

  12. 答案:对
  13. The Japanese believe that socializing is integral to the negotiation process while the       Americans do not think so.

  14. 答案:对
  15. The Arabic-speaking nations, Latin America, Russia, and nearly all of Asia (especially India and China) are high power distance.

  16. 答案:对
  17. A fake smile always includes: crow’s feet wrinkles, pushed up cheeks and movement from muscle that orbits the eye.

  18. 答案:错
  19. Body language can lead to misunderstanding since people of different cultures often have different forms of behavior for sending the same message or have different interpretations of the same body signal.

  20. 答案:对
  21. One’s actions are totally independent of his or her culture.

  22. 答案:错
  23. Patterns of thought varies with culture.
  24. The Chinese way of showing concern is usually appreciated by the Westerners.
  25. Americans need the host to prepare everything for them when they come to a new country.
  26. Chinese are more likely to make compliments on appearance than westerners. ( )
  27. Many American speakers will reject the compliment when they receive one. ( )
  28. In Chinese, you can basically take any character you like, perhaps combine it with another character and make a name.
  29. “I’m sorry to have wasted your time” or “I’m sorry to have taken up so much of your time” are usually appropriate for the business visit.
  30. Polychrons also consider schedule to be more important than interpersonal relations. ( )
  31. According to how a culture structures their time, ____ has divided the using of time into two classifications.( )
  32. What does 12:00 a.m. mean?( )
  33. Which is the correct understanding of collectivism and individualism?( )
  34. In cultures that score high on collectivism, the basic social unit is____ ( )
  35. American seem to prepare different utensils for different dishes while Chinese only have one trusted ___.
  36. Choose the correct statement below.
  37. Which of the following is a very formal way of responding to the question “How are you?”( )
  38. Which of the following is NOT one of the purposes of using nonverbal communication?
  39. Who has divided the using of time into two classifications?
  40. “We” cultures mean_____?
  41. Peter meets Xiao Wang at the supermarket and says to him: “Morning, Peter!” In this case, the source of information is ______.
  42. Chinese cultural values are deeply rooted in Confucian Thought, which places much emphasis on people’s virtues and morality. ( )
  43. Americans do like the word - old.
  44. Individualism is the idea that the individual’s life belongs to the society.
  45. We can spot people tipping everywhere in China.
  46. Americans are not hospitable because they feel time-stressed.
  47. “Dragon” means the same to the Westerner as “龙” to the Chinese.
  48. If you are calling a stranger, for a man you can call him son or kid. ( )
  49. Chinese hospitality toward the westerners is always greatly appreciated.
  50. Both western and eastern cultures share the value of hospitality.
  51. Sometimes the Chinese way of showing modesty may be considered as fishing for compliments.
  52. In western culture, lying is a social technique that smoothens kinks in a relationship.
  53. A North-American would be unlikely to pick up anything from someone else’s desk or bed to read, even if only a newspaper. ( )
  54. In writings, you can just omit the middle name, and the British people usually use the initial letter of the first name and the middle name.
  55. You can always comment on the person’s body or weight. ( )
  56. Speaking is just one mode of communication. There are many others.
  57. Traditionally, there is a stronger emphasis in U.S. education on group work than on individual performance.
  58. Latin American, African, Arab and most Asian cultures are M-Time cultures.
  59. In English, the word teacher can stand for a title. ( )
  60. Which of the following coming first in English names?
  61. Oh, my God! I always think I’m a lucky dog. But this deal has turned out to be a complete failure.
  62. During a festival meal, Chinese are likely to order strong spirits to ___.( )
  63. The surname MacDonald in Scotland was probably first used to name Donald’s ______.
  64. Which of the following is NOT a no-no gift in China?
  65. Which following pronouns are more likely to be used by a collectivist?( )
  66. In cultures that score high on individualism, the basic social unit is____
  67. Which statement perfectly shows the concept of punctuality?( )
  68. Chinese students are often surprised at the ______ with which their English friends apologize to one another over trivial things.
  69. Which of the following is a very formal way of responding to the question “How are you”?
  70. Which of the following treatments will probably embarrass the westerners?
  71. The kin terms used to relatives do not distinguish between _______ relatives in Britain.
  72. Westerns will have tea with ___, which is know as afternoon tea.( )
  73. A more Chinese way of commenting on clothes would be asking about       .
  74. Which of the following statements is incorrect about monochronic time orientation?( )
  75. In China, noodle slurping is an indication that __________________.
  76. Which of the following if not a polite form?( )
  77. The rock sign is formed by extending the index and little fingers while holding the            down with the thumb.
  78. If you are calling an unmarried woman, you can NOT use
  79. The American child is nurtured to be _____, to be able to do whatever he could by himself, ever since he was born.
  80. “Quit beating around the bush! If you don’t want to go with me, just tell me!”
  81. Which is not the most common breakfast food in China?( )
  82. Noodle slurping is not an issue in America.
  83. Nonverbal communication deals with how we communicate without words and how the effectiveness of what we say can be helped or hindered by the various non-verbal messages our bodies send.
  84. Americans are people of action; they cannot bear to be idle. ( )
  85. Both Americans and British show respect for tradition.
  86. Although not every Chinese drink coffee, most do and they often begin as students. ( )
  87. Shortening form in this way is common among friends and colleagues. ( )
  88. In general, noodle slurping is not an issue in China. ( )
  89. Our Chinese names consist of family name and given name, with given name put first.
  90. On some formal occasions, all the people would prefer using the full name. ( )
  91. Patterns of thought are basically the same from culture to culture.
  92. “Thank you for coming!” is a typical expression used by Western hosts when the guests just arrived.
  93. Americans like to comment on each other’s looks and clothes.
  94. Self-examination and Self-disclosure are important activities for collectivists.
  95. Chinese tend to deliver compliments on performance. ( )
  96. According to collectivism, the group or society is the basic unit of moral concern.
  97. Western women usually like Chinese to touch their bodies or small children.
  98. Taboos are words, expressions, etc. that are considered as being unpleasant, it means which topics to avoid when speaking with a westerner. ( )
  99. “humility”is a virtue upheld by the Chinese. ( )
  100. Most Chinese would think nothing of reading their study partner’s notes. ( )
  101. Chinese order strong spirit to add a sense of abandonment or gaiety to a party. ( )
  102. If a Chinese business partner asks you about your personal life, it is a sign of disrespect.
  103. Verbal communication is more important than nonverbal communication.
  104. A person could be a member of several different subgroups at the same time.
  105. Japanese people don’t allow the guests to make sound when eating together. ( )
  106. As a Chinese, if you treat someone very well, you would probably expect to receive the same treatment as well. ( )
  107. In western culture, the wife and the husband should both be included in the invitation to a dinner. ( )
  108. People from western culture often use pronouns like “we” when writing emails. ( )
  109. Westerners hold the value of freedom and independence and they don’t liked to be pressed . ( )
  110. People may sometimes get confused about his or her cultural identity.
  111. To eastern eyes, splitting the bill, always implies equality between friends.
  112. Which of the following is NOT one category of compliment responses?
  113. In what situation should you say sorry?( )
  114. Many parents take the cutoff point for adulthood for granted. In America, it is __ .
  115. What does “foot the bill” mean?( )
  116. Which statement is wrong about westerners’ way of footing the bill?
  117. Expression that you can not use to greet people is     .( )
  118. We make inferences about another’s “intelligence, gender, age, approachability, financial well-being, class, tastes, values, and cultural background” from          . Which of the following is NOT true?
  119. Which doesn’t belong to the group in a cross-cultural situation?
  120. How will Americans respond to praise on their young appearance?( )
  121. When we are in a social gathering, we must be aware of the rules and procedures that govern the way things are going to proceed. These rules and procedures are technically called _____.
  122. What is the correct addressing of the name “Liu Xin”?( )
  123. When having dinner in a restaurant, how much do people usually tip?
  124. Which of the following statements is WRONG in business?
  125. Which of the following is NOT the professor’s role in America?
  126. In the West it is regarded polite to open gifts as soon as they are given to express ______.
  127. Which statement belongs to “I” culture?( )
  128. Which of the following is NOT one strategy used by Americans to accept a compliment?
  129. Which of the following is NOT one type of nonverbal communication?
  130. ____ is not the expression of affection in Western world.( )
  131. Which of the following is NOT a choice for Americans to have for breakfast?
  132. What is the shortening form of “Michael”?( )
  133. Which is the wrong description about paying the bill in western countries?
  134. Which shouldn’t you do after receiving the invitation?
  135. While many women feel it natural to confer with their partners at every turn, many men feel free to make decisions without such ______.
  136. Choose the wrong statement below?( )
  137. ____ can not be used to compliment people’s personality.( )
  138. U.S. classrooms are often ____; in China, classrooms are much more ____.( )
  139. When noticing someone wearing a new pair of sneakers, Chinese would probably not say “____”( )
  140. Nowadays in England, people usually call each other ______.
  141. According to cross-cultural theorists, collectivism and ______ are basic clusters of values and assumptions.
  142. Americans are people of action.
  143. In the Chinese classrooms, the professor’s role is not only that of the expert, but also that of a coach, facilitator and discussion leader.
  144. China can be divided into past oriented societies while America belong to future-oriented societies.
  145. Hugging, kissing and compliments all constitute the expression of affection in the Eastern world.
  146. In Chinese culture, lying is a social technique that smoothens kinks in a relationship.
  147. Where does tipping originate from?
  148. The Chinese offer their name cards with one hand to show their respect.
  149. In fact, it was Professor Stevens’ personal relation with Ms. Smith that helped to convince her to change her mind about this project.
  150. America is a large power distance country.
  151. What is the meaning of footing the bill?
  152. In Europe, women should not speak to the men at the beginning of their conversation, because they could be considered slatterns.
  153. Hugging between females and males means they are flirting.
  154. Which of the following is Not a taboo topic for an American?
  155. Which of the following is not completely forbidden, but people tend to have very strong feelings about it and it's probably not a good small talk topic?
  156. The term “boy” is potentially insulting if you use it to refer to an  (    ) male.
  157. Both American and Chinese will have three meals a day.
  158. Which is an appropriate action when having dinner with westerners.
  159. Chinese like to use MSG to enhance the taste.
  160. Foodways can be defined as "the eating habits and culinary practices of a people, region, or historical period".
  161. Why Andy feel that he and his wife are not really welcome.
  162. It is OK if you give your professor a music CD to show appreciation.
  163. Which of the countries doesn’t belong to individualistic culture?
  164. You can tell your boss that you think he is attractive.
  165. In the statements of Rod and Wangjie from 2.1, what surprises Rod?
  166. The “lack of pushing and shoving” can be seen as immodest in America when you receive a gift.
  167. Which of the following is the same with “first name”?
  168. In Japan, The OK sign means
  169. The twin construct refers to _________.
  170. Which one of the following is Not one of the seven facial expressions?
  171. ______ is at the core of intercultural communication.
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