第七章 斯图亚特王朝:斯图亚特王朝7.1革命时期的英国:革命时期的英国包括斯图亚特王朝和汉诺威王朝伊丽莎白一世,终身未嫁,1603年病逝的时候,没有留下子嗣,她的远房亲戚,苏格兰国王詹姆斯六世,继承了王位,在英格兰历史上,还没有过叫詹姆斯的国王,因此他被称为詹姆斯一世,开启了英格兰历史上的斯图亚特王朝。在都铎时代,通过亨利八世的宗教改革,英国开始信奉英国国教,詹姆斯一世为了自己的统治,支持英国国教,打击天主教势力,把天主教徒驱逐出英国,天主教徒觉得出头无望,策划了1605年的火药谋杀案。火药谋杀案有着怎样惊心动魄的过程,对现在有何影响? 高蕊老师经为您讲述!
7.2历史演进:The popular slang is “No zuo, no die”. Let’s see the process how Charles try to die.
7.3火药阴谋案:In order to fight the Scots, Charles I did need money. How to get the money? Through tax. How to raise tax? Through parliament.
7.4英国议会:Charles re-reopened another Parliament in 1640, which played a great part in the revolution. It lasted until 1653 and was given the name “Long Parliament”.
[单选题]James VI of Scotland succeeded to the English throne, and he was () of England in the Union of the Crowns. 
James II
James IV
James III
James I 
答案:James I
[单选题]James I firmly believed “the Divine Right of Kings”, which held that a king’s actions are approved of ().
by teacher
by mother
by father
by God[单选题]Gunpowder plot was an assassinate toward () in 1605.
Bloody Mary
Queen Anne
James I
Queen Elizabeth[单选题]The supporters of Parliament were called () while the adherents of the King were called Cavaliers.
small heads
big heads
bad heads[单选题]Who was the leader of New Model Army?()
James I 
James III
Oliver Cromwell 
James II[单选题]( )was beheaded in 1649. 
Charles I 
James III
James IV
James II[单选题](   )firmly believed “the Divine Right of Kings”.
William I
James I 
Queen Victoria[单选题] (   ) was to kill James I in 1605.
Attack plot
Gunpowder plot
Firework plot
Cannon plot[单选题]The supporters of (  ) were called Roundheads .
the king
Parliament[单选题]Oliver Cromwell  was the leader of ( ) .
New Model Army
Red Model Army
Old Model Army
King Model Army

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