1.A ________ consists of a group of customers who share a similar set of needs and wants.
A:market share B:vertical marketing system C:market segment D:market basket
2.When Nike attempts to get close to its customers at the local level by sponsoring local school teams and providing shoes, equipment, and clothing to many of them, Nike is using which of the following marketing formats?
A:affinity marketing B:grassroots marketing C:differentiated marketing D:affiliate marketing 3.Pampers divides its market demographically on the basis of ________ into prenatal, new baby, baby, toddler, and preschooler.
A:life stage B:gender C:income D:age 4.Jose and Erika have just divorced. Which of the following demographic segmentation subsegment formats might be used by marketers to reach Jose or Erika?
A:age segment B:social class C:life stage D:personality type 5.Everyone who buys a given product wants the same benefits from it.
A:错 B:对 6.An undifferentiated marketing approach to full market coverage designs a marketing program for a product with a superior image that can be sold to the broadest number of buyers.
A:错 B:对 7.In ________ marketing, the firm operates in several market segments and designs different products for each segment.
A:individual B:niche C:undifferentiated D:differentiated 8.Men and women have different attitudes and behave differently, based partly on and partly on .
A:education, socialization B:genetic makeup, socialization C:genetic makeup, growing environment D:education, personal experience 9.If a company in line of sweepers finds that more than half of men thought they are primary grocery shoppers in their families, it will tend to hire handsome male superstars to promote their products to attract female customers.
A:错 B:对 10.In behavioral segmentation, marketers divide buyers into groups on the basis of .
A:use of a product B:their knowledge of a product C:attitude toward a product D:or response to a product 11.If Mr. Smith asks his friend who has a treadmill and try to decide to buy a similar one. Mr. Smith’s friend plays a role of in the buying decision.
A:decider B:initiator C:influencer D:user 12.are all usual methods to identify market segments.
A:demographic segmentation B:behavioral segmentation C:psychological segmentation) D:geographic segmentation

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