1. In order to keep focused, you should not make your presentation _____________.
A:clear B:to the point C:covering too much information D:tackling a few themes
2.Because audiences have short attention spans, you’d better _________
A:use some vivid slides B:ask them some questions C:keep your presentation brief D:tell some humorous stories 3. You can keep your presentation visually engaging because the audiences ___________
A:are not good at reading for a long time B:like to see a digital play C:hate to read a lot of words on a slide D:do not have enough patience to listen to it 4.If possible, you’d better get familiar with the following elements about the actual room, except ___________.
A:the equipment available B:the acoustics C:the temperature D:the lighting 5.What should I do to attract the audience’s attention?
A:You should fix your attention on a particular individual. B:You should look around the room at the audience. C:You should talk to your PowerPoint. D:You should have your head down buried in your notes. 6. How should I stand when I make a presentation?
A:You should do some acrobatics. B:You should keep your hands by your side. C:You should make as many gestures as possible. D:You should move around a bit. 7. How should I speak when I make a presentation?
A:You should speak more slowly than usual. B:You should speak in a formal way. C:You should speak with some jokes. D:You should speak as fast as possible. 8. How do I respond to questions when you make a presentation?
A:You can answer the questions as honestly as possible. B:You can argue with the audience if they show different opinions. C: You can fake the questions if you don’t know the answers. D:You can show your acknowledgement instead of answering the questions. 9.We should keep our presentation brief because _______.
A:it’s easier for us to memorize B:we can’t rely on PPT C:it’s easier for the audience to follow D:audiences have short attention spans and this is increasingly so in the digital age 10.________ is vital to keep the audience engaged.
A:Wearing formal clothes B:Maintaining eye contact C:Speaking fluently D:Standing still

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