1.Which of the following statements are true of wool fibres?-以下关于羊毛纤维的叙述,哪一项是正确的?( )
A:wool fibres contain some cellulosic proteins-羊毛纤维中含有部分纤维素类的蛋白质 B:wool fibres are solely made from keratinised protein molecules-羊毛纤维只由角蛋白分子组成 C:wool fibres contain no non-protein materials-羊毛纤维中没有蛋白质 D:wool fibres are mainly keratinised protein molecules-羊毛纤维主要由角蛋白分子组成
2.A directional frictional effect is found in:-定向摩擦效应存在于:( )
A:All of the above-以上全部 B:Vegetable fibres-植物纤维中 C:Animal fibres-动物纤维中 D:Regenerated protein fibres-再生蛋白质纤维中 E:Synthetic fibres-合成纤维中 3.Which of the following descriptions about innovation is correct?-下面关于创新的描述中,哪一个是正确的?( )
A:Reorganizing two ordinary technologies and functions may also result in an innovation-将两件平常的技术、功能进行重组也可能产生一种创新 B:Innovation must be based on a wealth of knowledge-创新必须在拥有丰富知识的基础上才能进行 C:Innovation is creating a completely new thing-创新就是创造一个全新的事物 D:What is created must have practical value in order to be truly innovative-创造出的东西必须有实用价值才是真正的创新 4.Pilling is impaired by?-起球可以通过以下哪一项进行改善?( )
A:None of the above-以上都不是 B:Using high crimp wool-使用高卷曲的羊毛 C:Blending wool with synthetic fibres-将羊毛与合成纤维进行混纺 D:Using high twist yarns-使用高捻度的纱线 5.What are the key features of knitted garment quality?-决定针织服装质量的主要因素有哪些?( )
A:Appearance-外观 B:All of the above-以上都是 C:Handle-手感 D:Performance-性能

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