  1. 由于各国金融体制的差异和金融市场发达的程度不同,各国银行的负债结构不尽相同;即使在同一国家的同一家银行,由于经济发展和金融环境的变化,其负债结构也处于不断变化的过程中。但不管是在哪一个国家,存款始终是银行的主要负债,也是银行经常性资金的来源;借入负债的比重则随金融市场的发展而不断有所上升。

  2. A:对 B:错
  3. 商业银行的存款作为主要资金来源其规模应该是越多越好。

  4. A:错 B:对
  5. 利用成本价利润定价法可以用来确定合适的存款利率

  6. A:对 B:错
  7. Factors of Conditional Pricing method considering in order to price a deposit include (              )

  8. A:

    number of checks written, deposits made, wire transfers, stop-payment orders, or notices of insufficient funds issued.


    The maturity of the deposit in days, weeks, or months.


    The average balance held in the account over a designated period.

    D:the heathy operation of the economy

    number of checks written, deposits made, wire transfers, stop-payment orders, or notices of insufficient funds issued.


    The maturity of the deposit in days, weeks, or months.


    The average balance held in the account over a designated period.

  9. Subordinated debentures belong to core capital of a bank.

  10. A:错 B:对
  11. Preferred stock represents ownership with investors` claim superior to those of common stockholders but subordinated to those of debtholders.

  12. A:对 B:错
  13. In the following type of bank capitals, (      ) belong to  Tie 1 capital.

  14. A:subordinated debt capital instruments B:allowance for loan and lease losses
    C:undivided profits D:common stock and surplus
    答案:undivided profits###common stock and surplus
  15. 提出维持银行稳健运营的三大支柱是最低资本充足率、外部监管与银行内部控制相结合和市场约束的是()。

  16. A:Basell 2 B:Basell 1 C:多德弗兰克法案 D:Basell 3
    答案:Basell 2
  17. 西方商业银行的存款负债中,属于非交易账户的有(    )。

  18. A:CD存单 B:活期存款 C:NOWS账户 D:定期存款 E:储蓄存款
  19. Selling deposits that usually sets low prices and fees initially to encourage customers to open an account and then raises prices and fees later on, this method of deposit pricing is (  ).

  20. A:pricing deposits at cost plus profit margin
    B:relationship pricing
    C:market penetration deposit pricing
    D:conditional pricing

    答案:market penetration deposit pricing

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