  1. 贷款抵押或担保相当于变相提高了借款人的信用等级,所以对于担保贷款就不需要做贷后检查了。

  2. A:错 B:对
  3. 向处于生命周期成熟期的企业发放贷款风险最小,因为这类企业现金流入稳定,偿债能力强。

  4. A:错 B:对
  5. Larger banks have, on average, recently reduced their dependence on loans relative to smaller banks.()

  6. A:错 B:对
  7. In the following items, which ones are belonging to the waining signs of problem loans().

  8. A:restructuring debt or eliminating dividend payments or changes in credit rating B:an sudden changes in accounting methods C:unusual delays in receiving financial statements D:adverse changes in the price of stock
  9. 按照贷款担保品的不同,可以把贷款分为()

  10. A:质押贷款 B:抵押贷款 C:信用贷款 D:保证贷款
  11. Components of the cash flow statement include ()

  12. A:operations cash flow B:financing cash flow C:capital
    D:investment cash flow
  13. 按照贷款的五级分类制度,不良贷款包括次级、可疑和损失类贷款。

  14. A:错 B:对
  15. The letter "C" in the CAMELS rating system for banks in the U.S. refers to the "condition" of a bank. 

  16. A:对 B:错
  17. There are three principal sources of cash to repay a loan. These are cash flows generated from sales or income, funds generated from the liquidation of assets, and ,funds raised by selling debt or equtiy securities.

  18. A:对 B:错
  19. 按照贷款五级分类制度,根据贷款的质量和风险程度,银行贷款可以分为()。

  20. A:次级类 B:逾期类 C:可疑类 D:关注类 E:损失类 F:正常类

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