1. cut put

  2. 答案:错
  3. pair chair

  4. 答案:对
  5. stop hot

  6. 答案:对
  7. sing evening

  8. 答案:对
  9. short shirt

  10. 答案:错
  11. try fly

  12. 答案:对
  13. great meat

  14. 答案:错
  15. juice who

  16. 答案:对
  17. dear bear

  18. 答案:错
  19. her teacher

  20. 答案:错
  21. cake apple

  22. 答案:错
  23. so do
  24. come from
  25. toy joy
  26. deer cheer
  27. like pizza
  28. know now
  29. how flower
  30. week eat
  31. dish hi
  32. ask park
  33. rose not
  34. learn near
  35. 以下两个单词中画线部分发音一致:wait  play
  36. under uncle
  37. use under
  38. sun hungry
  39. food foot
  40. like little
  41. Train bag
  42. bed head
  43. go no
  44. cat father
  45. wife sit
  46. pain wait
  47. boy my
  48. pig big
  49. bird girl
  50. drop hot
  51. pear near
  52. learn shirt
  53. make name
  54. bed we
  55. egg he
  56. five nice
  57. how house
  58. her dirty
  59. 下面选项中相同字母发音不同的一项是
  60. 乘务员的救生衣储藏在安全演示用品包内,正常情况下可以为旅客安全演示使用,紧急情况下可以将救生衣作为逃生用品。
  61. 广播词的撰写应该符合当时的情景
  62. 广播词可以完全套用。
  63. 飞机加油时,乘务长要广播通知旅客在原位就座,并系好安全带
  64. 飞行关键阶段必须与驾驶舱联络时,语言应简明扼要,乘务长将决定通话是否应继续。
  65. 轻度颠簸可以不用系安全带、中度和重度颠簸必须系好安全带。
  66. 导致飞机中断起飞的原因可能有鸟击、释压、起火、旅客急症等
  67. 乘务长是客舱服务的管理者,在整个飞行航程中可不参与客舱服务工作,但必须要随时监控组员的工作。
  68. 双通道滑梯本身就可以当作救生船来使用。
  69. 旅客吸氧的时候,为了有更好的急救效果,避免浪费,应该督促旅客将氧气吸完
  70. We must keep ____________. Please take your seat according to your seatThank you
  71. I’m sorry to inform you that we will be delayed for about 30 minutes due to____________.
  72. Please remain in your seats and we will be taking off after ____________. Thank you for your patience and cooperation.
  73. Please remain seated while waiting for ____________ at Airport. Thank you for your cooperation.
  74. We sincerely apologize for the delay due to___________
  75. We will keep you ______ with any information as we receive it.
  76. Your  ______  baggage may be claimed in the baggage claim area.
  77. We will be ______ the cabin lights for landing.
  78. Please pick up your luggage at the ______ hall.
  79. Seat backs and tray tables should be returned to the______  position.
  80. Any passenger who has found a smart phone--Huawei Mate 20 pro, please ______ our flight attendant immediately.
  81. the Captain has decided to land at Beijing airport and remain there until weather conditions______ .
  82. Our aircraft is now experiencing some  ______  turbulence.
  83. We have a passenger ______  medical help .
  84. We regret to  ______  you that the video system is not available on this flight.
  85. 下面k发音不同的是?
  86. 下面s发音不同的是?
  87. 下面nk发音不同的是?
  88. 下面s发音不同的词是?
  89. 下面n发音不同的是?
  90. 下面ou发音不同的是?
  91. 下面i发音不同的是?
  92. 下面ere发音不同的是?
  93. 下面ea发音不同的是?
  94. 下面are发音不同的是?
  95. 下面or发音不同的是?
  96. 下面o发音不同的是?
  97. 下面u发音不同的是?
  98. 下面o发音不同的词组是?
  99. 下面a发音不同的是?
  100. 下面ay/oy发音不同词语的是?
  101. 下面e发音不同的是?
  102. 下面单词中ea发音不同的是?
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