

  1. Nichols (1995) compared listening as a “lost art”which brings academic,professionaland personalbenefits.

  2. A:对 B:错
  3. In a debate we should offer sufficient reasons for why we hold a certain opinion.

  4. A:错 B:对
  5. In BP debate, the one who is not allowed to offer new arguments is called Whip.

  6. A:对 B:错
  7. To construct a proposition case in a policy debate, the proposition should explain why a policy change is necessary.

  8. A:错 B:对
  9. If you offer more examples than your opponent, you surely win the debate.

  10. A:错 B:对
    答案:Internet of things;Ubiquitous computing;Environmental intelligenceAI参考:B. 对。这句话的意思是如果你提供的例子比你的对手多,你肯定会在辩论中获胜。因此,正确的答案是B。'
  11. Debate makes people more puzzled about an issue.

  12. A:对 B:错
  13. Metaphors and similes are comparisons made by speaking of one thing in terms of another. Similes make comparisons by using the word “like” or “as,” whereas metaphors do not.

  14. A:错 B:对

  15. The opposition should point out why the proposition model is problematic.

  16. A:错 B:对

  17. A motion for a debate usually has uncertain or controversial points to discuss, which make the motion debatable/arguable rather than factual.

  18. A:错 B:对
    AI参考:B 判断题:motion for a debate usually has uncertain or controversial points to discuss, which make the motion debatable/arguable rather than factual. 答案:对。因为辩论的议题通常是不确定或具有争议性的,这使得议题具有讨论性或争议性,而不是事实性的。因此,选项B是正确的。'
  19. Obama made a"Yes We Can Speech"January 8, 2008 Nashua, New Hampshire which belongs to motivational speech.

  20. A:对 B:错

  21. The real or actual situation considered by the proposition to justify the necessity of a new policy is called (the) status quo.

  22. A:对 B:错

  23. If we are debating topics and backgrounds we are familiar with, we do not have to explain what other people are supposed to have already known.

  24. A:错 B:对
    AI参考:B. 对。在辩论中,如果讨论的话题和背景是我们熟悉的,我们通常不需要再解释其他人应该已经知道的事情。这体现了辩论中的简洁性和效率性,可以节省时间和精力,专注于需要讨论和澄清的关键问题。'
  25. The partner of PM in BP debate is DPM.

  26. A:错 B:对
  27. John F. Kennedy made a famous statement in his inaugural address, ""Let us never negotiate out of fear. But let us never fear to negotiate."

  28. A:错 B:对
    AI参考:正确答案是B.对。这个陈述是约翰·F·肯尼迪(John F. Kennedy)在他的就职演讲中著名的言论,意思是我们不应该在恐惧中谈判,同时我们也应该敢于谈判。因此,这个陈述是正确的。'
  29. There are four/4 teams in BP debate.

  30. A:错 B:对
    AI参考:答案:B。BP debate通常有四个团队。'
  31. It is advisable that the proposition highlights the righteousness of its proposal.

  32. A:错 B:对

  33. Any speaker in BP debate has five/5 minutes in his speech during which he may be questioned by speakers of opponent teams.

  34. A:对 B:错
  35. Debate is only suitable for cynical people because they are not satisfied with many things.

  36. A:错 B:对

  37. Every word in a motion should be clearly interpreted by the debaters.

  38. A:对 B:错

  39. Speakers wear tidy, clean and appropriate outfit to show their seriousness and audience will recognize and respect them in return.

  40. A:错 B:对
    AI参考:B 在演讲中,演讲者穿着整洁、干净、得体的服装可以表现出他们的专业性和认真态度,这有助于建立与听众之间的信任和尊重关系。因此,正确答案是B,即演讲者穿着整洁、干净、得体的服装是为了向听众展示他们的专业性和认真态度,并得到听众的认可和尊重。'
  41. Critical thinking leads people to become incredulous for justifiable reasons.

  42. A:对 B:错

  43. A motion does not need to be defined because it is clear enough.

  44. A:对 B:错
  45. According to the speaker of the speech "The Fight Against Sex Slavery", what the victims of human trafficking need most is our acceptance.

  46. A:错 B:对
  47. In BP debate, the 1st speaker is usually called Prime Minister.

  48. A:对 B:错

  49. A key duty of the opposition in debate is to help people know why the proposition is wrong.

  50. A:对 B:错
  51. If he wants to support a claim, a debater has to make sure the evidence he uses is relevant and sufficient.

  52. A:错 B:对

  53. Debate is conducted to elimilate disagreement.

  54. A:对 B:错

  55. Personal assumptions are not acceptable in debate.

  56. A:错 B:对

  57. A claim needs to be well supported even though it seems "apparenly true".

  58. A:对 B:错
  59. Critical thinking advocates a question-oriented pattern of thinking.

  60. A:对 B:错

  61. If you're the last speaker of a speech contest and you begin your speech like this: "Thanks very much, my fellow speakers, for your very eloquent and amazing work. You indeed have made some in-depth research and extensive analysis on this topic. Very impressive! ", your attention -getting strategy is called ( C ).

  62. A:Referring to Personal Interest B:Referring to previous speeches C:Using an Analogy D:Using Humor
  63. “Physical activities are good for health, so everyone should do physical activities.” This argument is based on_____________.

  64. A:a fact that is well-known B:an opinion that is questionable C:an opinion that is well-supported

  65. Winners of debate are usually more________.

  66. A:logical B:intelligent C:aggressive

  67. In BP debate, a speaker who is speaking cannot __________ POIs.

  68. A:make B:accept C:decline
    AI参考:正确选项为 C:decline POIs.在BP辩论中,发言人不能拒绝POIs(point of information,即发言人的发言所提供的信息点)。因此,选项C“decline POIs”是正确答案。选项A“make”和选项B“accept”都与题意不符。'
  69. If a proposal is not________, many practical problems may arise.

  70. A:feasible B:debatable C:urgent
    AI参考:正确答案是A: feasible(可行的)。根据句意,如果一个提议不可行,就会产生许多实际问题。因此,只有选项A“feasible”符合语境,表示“可行的”。选项B“debatable”意为“可辩论的”,选项C“urgent”意为“紧急的”,都不符合句意。'
  71. The opposition does need to build its own ___________.

  72. A:counter-policy B:reputation C:case

  73. When people are accustomed to some ideas of beliefs, they may find it difficult accepting different opinions. In this case, debate can help people________ various ideas.

  74. A:resist B:exchange C:blame

  75. Which one of the following competences is not mentioned in this chapter?

  76. A:Adept Use of Visual Aids B:Convincing Persuasion C:Well-Supported Ideas D:Suitable Vocal Expression
    AI参考:在上述文章中没有提到的技能是:Adept Use of Visual Aids (熟练运用视觉辅助工具)。答案是A。'
  77. The proposition needs to depict how _________the problems in the status quo are.

  78. A:necessary B:many C:severe
  79. Which of the following examples is effective to support the argument that watching TV commercials can do harm to children?

  80. A:Neither A nor B B:A pupil buys something he does not need after seeing TV commercials C:A pupil loves an advertised brand of pens and never uses other brands
    AI参考:B:A pupil buys something he does not need after seeing TV commercials是一个有效例子,可以支持看电视广告会对孩子有害的观点。解释:在这个例子中,一个孩子在看到电视广告后购买了他不需要的东西,这表明广告对孩子产生了影响,使他们做出了不理智的决定。因此,这个例子可以用来支持看电视广告会对孩子有害的观点。而其他选项A和C都不能有效地支持这个观点。选项A表示的是两者皆非的情况,与题目中的“看电视广告会伤害孩子”无关;选项C则表示一个孩子只喜欢广告中的品牌,而不使用其他品牌,这并不能说明看电视广告会对孩子有害。因此,正确答案是B。'
  81. When the first speaker in a team makes some points while not supporting them effectively, the second speaker needs to_________ these points .

  82. A:rephrase B:ignore C:continue to support
  83. The fourth speaker in a BP debate is___________.

  84. A:MG B:DLO C:LO
    AI参考:在BP辩论(British Parliamentary Format)中,第四个发言的人是LD(Last Debater)。所以,正确选项是【单选题】答案是C:LO(Last Debater)。'
  85. One of the most important roles of a whip is to ___________.

  86. A:make rebuttals B:make counter-policies C:make summaries
    AI参考:C:make summaries。"One of the most important roles of a whip is to make summaries"的意思是,鞭子最重要的角色之一是进行总结。选项A的“make rebuttals”和选项B的“make counter-policies”都与鞭子的角色不符。因此,正确答案是C,即“make summaries”。'
  87. Which of the following can be an acceptable motion?

  88. A:Death penalty is used in many countries. B:Death penalty has a long history. C:Death penalty should be abolished.

  89. The opposition is__________ in that the ultimate purpose of casting doubt on the proposition is to make sure a more sensible decision is made.

  90. A:destructive B:constructive C:provocative

  91. Which of the followings are acceptable for an opposition case?

  92. A:stating the proposed policy cannot solve the problems the proposition intends to solve B:claiming the proposition is not knowledgeable enough to handle the motion C:challenging the value the proposition upholds

  93. Debate in English may help Chinese college students___________.

  94. A:tell Chinese stories better B:understand how diverse opinions are C:improve the communicative skills

  95. Value debate is important for a society because it helps people to____________.

  96. A:build decent and reasonable values B:become better members of the society C:get rid of problematic values
    AI参考:正确选项是A:build decent and reasonable values。价值辩论对社会的重要性在于它能帮助人们建立体面的、合理的价值观。通过辩论,人们可以深入思考和讨论各种价值观,从而形成更加全面、客观、合理的价值观,有助于人们成为更好的社会成员。B选项“成为更好的社会成员”虽然也是正确的,但不够具体,而C选项“摆脱有问题的价值观”在原文中没有明确提及。因此,A选项“建立体面的、合理的价值观”是最符合题意的选项。'
  97. When framing a proposition case, the debaters can___________.

  98. A:explain why the proposed policy can make a difference B:elaborate on the urgency to propose a new policy C:explain why and how the existing policy fails

  99. Which of the following are often effective in a proposition case?

  100. A:Claiming that the opposition does not understand the proposal. B:Justifyingthe proposal of a policy. C:Describing what the proposition intends to do.
    AI参考:正确答案是:B:Justifying the proposal of a policy。在论点陈述中,通常有效的策略包括:B选项,即说明政策的提议,这有助于解释政策的目的和意义,并为其合理性提供依据。而A选项,声称反对者不了解提案,无法为政策的合理性提供证据;C选项,描述提案意图做的事情,这只是陈述目的,无法为政策的合理性提供依据。因此,B选项是有效的策略。'

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