1.Would you like to get it in cash or have it sent to your credit account?( )
A:I’d like to check in, please. B:What is your credit account? C:Here is the exchange rate. D:In cash, please.
答案:In cash, please.
2.Ladies and gentlemen, we will be handling out entry cards and customs declarations for passengers to( ).
A:bring out B:come out C:put out D:fill out
答案:fill out
3.What does “luggage claim area”mean in Chinese?( )
A:行李托运 B:行李提取 C:行李提取区 D:行李标签
4.There is a button on your armrest. Just push it and lean back( ).
A:for a while B:as well C:at the same time D:At that time
答案:at the same time
5.How long will you be staying in New Zealand?( )
A:For pleasure. B:I’ll visit some countries. C:For 5 days D:I will visit some places.
答案:For 5 days
6.以下表达中正确表示拉杆箱的一项是:( )
A:trolley case B:briefcase C:travel bag D:suitcase
答案:trolley case
7.Do you have any luggage?( )
A:Yes. We’ll have breakfast at 7:30 B:No. He doesn't have a thermometer with him C:Yes. Please. D:Yes. I have three bags with me.
答案:Yes. I have three bags with me.
8.What is your departure time of your flight?( )
A:Where can I get it? B:I will go to the boarding gate. C:No problem. D:It’s 1:30 p.m.
答案:It’s 1:30 p.m.
9.Our flight( )an hour and 30 minutes due to bad weather condition.
A:delayed B:turned C:arrived D:served
10.Please fill out this Property Irregularity Report Form. 这句话中Property Irregularity Report Form 是指( )
A:行李跟踪系统 B:行李票 C:行李服务柜台 D:行李事故报告单
11.He made a habit of taking a ( ) after lunch.
A:nap B:cap C:tap D:map

12.What does “Customs Declaration Form”mean in Chinese?( )
A:出境卡 B:海关申报单 C:健康卡 D:入境卡 13.If you want to read magazines on the plane, you may ( ).
A:adjust the airflow B:turn the knob C:use reading light D:order something to drink 14.行李提取单的正确表达是:( )
A:unclaimed baggage B:baggage claim area C:baggage claim counter D:baggage claim check 15.Which statement is true for security check?( )
A:You don’t have to take out your laptop from your bag. B:If you remove anything that will set off the metal detector, you don’t have to go through the gate of security check. C:You don’t have to put your small items into the bin before checking. D:You need to remove anything that will set off the metal detector, like coins, cell phones, wallets, belts, watches, etc. 16.询问打车的费用是多少时,可以这样说:( )
A:How much is the fare? B:How much would you charge to go there? C:Around 20 pounds, depending on the traffic. D:Where are you going? 17.What would the customs officer say when you are going through the customs control?( )
A:Do you have anything to declare, madam? B:Please show me your customs declaration form, ma’am. C:Show me your passport,madam. D:Anything to declare, madam? 18.When you check in at the counter, what would you say? ( )
A:Should I check in here for taking Flight AF 310 to Paris? B:Check in, please. C:Is this the counter for SQ368 to Singapore? D:I’d like to check in, please. 19.若要询问客人们是分开付账还是一起付账时,可以这样讲:( )
A:Do you want to pay together or separately? B:Would you like to have one bill or separate bills, sir? C:Can I pay by credit card? D:Could you bring us the bill,please? 20.You have to pay tax on the following goods, including( ).
A:Personal use B:Liquor C:Cigarettes D:Carry-on laptop 21.What does “conveyor belt ”mean? ( )
A:安检门 B:行李提取区 C:A belt which carries out the passengers’ luggage. D:传送带 22.( )What time would you like us to place the call? 是表达您想什么时候让我们给您电话?
A:When B:What C:How D:What time 23.Before arrival, guests should ask the steward for the( ).
A:Customs declaration B:Registration Card C:Entry Card D:Room Card 24.在飞机上,如果你想要一杯橙汁,该如何表达呢?( )
A:I just want some orange juice. B:Orange juice, please. C:Would you please give me a glass of orange juice? D:Orange juice will do. 25.以下搭配正确的是:( )
A:passport------护照 B:reprint------复查,核对 C:recheck------重新打印 D:e-ticket------电子机票 26.shortly 的同义词有( ) ?
A:right away B:in a minute C:at once D:Immediately 27.下面哪个句子是空乘服务人员的常用语?( )
A:Would you please help me? B:What can I do for you? C:May I help you? D:Is there anything else I can do for you? 28.下列搭配正确的是:( )
A:departure lounge---登机牌 B:flight number---航班号 C:mechanical difficulties---机械故障 D:engine trouble---发动机故障 E:boarding pass---候机厅 29.What would the airport staff say when you need some help? 
A:May I help you? B:Is there anything I can do for you? C:How may I help you? D:If you need any help, please don’t hesitate to ask me. 30.Pay as you go fares are ____ than buying a paper single ticket. 充值型费用比买单程纸质票要便宜。
31.Can you recommend some non-alcoholic ____? 能给我推荐一些不含酒精的鸡尾酒吗?

I will be back with your blankets shortly. By the way, did you ____the airflow overhead?

33.如果在行李提取处没有找到自己的行李,可以这样讲:( )
34.time difference 表示时差.( )
A:错误 B:正确 35.询问房价时,我们可以说:”How much do I have to pay? “ 。( )
A:错误 B:正确 36.For the convenience of the passenger behind you, please return your seat back to the upright position during the meal service.( )
A:正确 B:错误 37.What would you like for the main course? 这句话的意思是:您主菜想要点什么?( )
A:正确 B:错误 38.我想付现金的英文表达是”I’d like to pay by credit card.“。( )
A:正确 B:错误 39.The time difference between Beijing and Seoul is three hours.( )
A:正确 B:错误 40.Boarding card和boarding pass都可以表示登机牌。( )
A:错误 B:正确 41.There are some difference between “non-stop flight”and “direct flight”.( )
A:错误 B:正确 42.When the flight is about to arrive at the destination, guests can ask the steward for the entry card and customs declarations.( )
A:正确 B:错误 43.I'd prefer one whiskey on the rocks,please. 表示我想要杯威士忌不加冰。( )
A:正确 B:错误 44.Laptops, cameras, power banks, tablets are allowed to bring with the passenger without security check.( )
A:正确 B:错误 45.We have run out of tomato juice.句子中的run out of 的意思是“用完,耗尽”。( )
A:正确 B:错误 46.You can not find all flight information on the electronic display screen. ( )
A:错误 B:正确 47.You can not adjust your chair through the buttons on the armrest. ( )
A:错误 B:正确 48.I'll take you to the security who will stamp the boarding pass. 表示的意思是:我带你到安检处,他们会在登机牌上盖章。( )
A:正确 B:错误 49.doggy bag就是打包袋的意思。( )
A:错 B:对 50.你想叫服务员时,你可以说:”Captain, please!“ 。( )
A:错误 B:正确 51.close the TV.( )
A:错误 B:正确 52.When you go through customs control, if you have something to declare, you’d go through the “red channel”; if you have nothing to declare, you’d go through “green channel”.( )
A:错误 B:正确

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