1.Culture is ( )
A:static B:subject to change C:dynamic D:tangible rather than intangible

To find career success, you need to understand how verbal and non-verbal communication work together in the employment environment. While your verbal communication skills may help you ace the interview and land the job, non-verbal communication is equally important when it comes to job performance, promotion, and your enjoyment from your career. Here's everything you need to know about verbal and non-verbal communication in the workplace.

Verbal communication is fairly straightforward -- speech -- but what does it mean at work? When employers talk about verbal communication, they generally mean something like: speaking clearly and articulately, asking questions, asking for help, conveying information to managers and supervisors in an appropriate and timely manner, listening actively without interrupting, receiving and integrating feedback without growing defensive, training others, providing customer service, analyzing non-verbal cues from others and responding verbally.

It's fairly easy to understand how verbal skills play out in the workplace, as you can think back on things you've said or heard at work. It's tricker to get a handle for non-verbal communication within the workplace.

Non-verbal communication consists of everything that's unsaid, including: body language and posture, facial expressions, clothing and hairstyle, voice, eye contact, distance between yourself and others etc. If you've ever felt too close to someone when networking at a cocktail party, or wondered why someone you just met is staring at your body rather than your face, then you know how uncomfortable it can be to interact with someone who has poor non-verbal communication. You were probably also taught to look people in the eye when speaking and to give others at least two feet of personal space unless you have a close relationship.

Non-verbal communication skills vary by culture. While eye contact when talking is normative in European cultures, Asian and Latin cultures view extended eye contact as a challenge to authority. If you're in a management role, understanding these cultural differences will help you be an effective manager to all your employees.

Now that you understand what workplace verbal and non-verbal communication skills are, how do non-verbal skills affect workplace harmony? Put simply, non-verbal skills affect the way that your verbal message comes off and the way that others hear your words. To illustrate with an example, if you are training a new hire with your arms crossed at the chest or with a stern glare in your eyes, the new person may get the impression that you are frustrated or angry with them. This can negatively impact your relationship with the new hire. Lightening up the mood with open body language or a pleasant smile can smooth things over.

Conversely, if the new hire has his arms crossed and appears on guard while receiving instructions on how to complete a task, they clearly are not listening well. They seem defensive about something. By picking up on their non-verbal communication and asking open-ended questions to gain a better understanding of what's going on, you can defuse the situation and get on with training.

To grow your non-verbal communication skills, investigate how you come off to others by asking close friends or family members. You may be surprised to find out that your clothing or facial expressions convey something unintended. The best job candidates have an open mindset and are always interested in learning new things that can positively affect their performance, whether they love their current role or want something different. Once you receive honest feedback from those who love you, think on how you can adjust your behavior so you come off the way you want to come off in your professional and personal life. 

答案:"AI参考:根据原文信息得出,非语言沟通在工作中非常重要,因为它包括身体语言、面部表情、服装、发型、声音、眼神接触、与其他人之间的距离等。因此,我们可以推断出正确的选项是【C】。 原文中提到“non-verbal communication consists of everything thats unsaid”,意味着它包括了无声的表达方式,而C选项提到的这些元素也包括了这一点。而A选项强调的是求职过程中的言辞,与文章主旨不符;B选项也仅仅涉及到职场中的一个方面,无法涵盖所有的内容;D选项的内容也是错误的,文中并未提及这些因素与职业发展之间的关联。因此,根据上下文和文章内容,可以得出正确的答案为C。"
3.Practice your handshake, ________ , and non-verbal communication are important in a job interview. ( )

答案:eye contact
4.Practice your handshake, ________ , and non-verbal communication are important in a job interview

答案:eye contact
5.<p><br/></p><p style="text-indent: 0;line-height: 150%"><span style=";font-family:'Times New Roman';font-size:16px"><span style="font-family:宋体">在液相色谱法中,按分离原理分类,液固色谱法属于(</span></span><span style=";font-family:宋体;font-size:16px">&nbsp;&nbsp;</span><span style=";font-family:'Times New Roman';font-size:16px"><span style="font-family:宋体">).</span></span><span style=";font-family:'Times New Roman';font-size:16px"><br/></span><span style=";font-family:'Times New Roman';font-size:16px"><span style="font-family:宋体">&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;</span></span><span style=";font-family:宋体;font-size:16px">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</span><span style=";font-family:'Times New Roman';font-size:16px">&nbsp;</span><span style=";font-family:'Times New Roman';font-size:16px">&nbsp; &nbsp;</span></p><p style="text-indent: 0;line-height: 150%"><span style=";font-family:'Times New Roman';font-size:16px">&nbsp; &nbsp;</span><span style=";font-family:宋体;font-size:16px">&nbsp;&nbsp;</span></p><p><br/></p>

答案:<p><span style="font-family: &quot;Times New Roman&quot;;">&nbsp;B<span style="font-family: 宋体;">、吸附色谱法</span></span><span style="font-family: 宋体;">&nbsp; &nbsp;</span></p>
6.<p><br/></p><p><span style="font-family: 'Times New Roman';font-size: 16px"><span style="font-family:宋体">分配系数</span>K<span style="font-family:宋体">是固定相和流动相的溶质浓度之比.待分离组分的</span><span style="font-family:Times New Roman">K</span><span style="font-family:宋体">越大,则保留值</span><span style="font-family:Times New Roman">______</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family: 'Times New Roman';font-size: 16px"><span style="font-family:宋体">各组分的</span>K<span style="font-family:宋体">相差越大,则它们</span><span style="font-family:Times New Roman">______</span></span><span style="font-family: 'Times New Roman';font-size: 16px">_____<span style="font-family:宋体">分离.</span></span><span style="font-family: 'Times New Roman';font-size: 16px"><br/></span></p><p><span style="font-family: 'Times New Roman';font-size: 16px"><span style="font-family:Times New Roman"></span></span><br/></p><p><br/></p>

答案:<p><span style="font-family: 宋体;font-size: 16px"><span style="font-family:宋体">越大</span></span></p><p><br/></p>; <p><span style="font-family: 宋体;">越容易</span></p>

Which statement about family in western culture is TRUE?

A:Father and son relation has the first priority over other relations in a family. B:Adult children should support their aging parents. C:Parents should not discipline their children to show respect for individuality. D:A man should leave his parents and to be united to his wife.
答案:AI参考:正确答案是B:Adult children should support their aging parents。\n\n西方文化中,成年子女应该赡养和支持他们的年迈父母,这是一种传统的家庭关系,符合题目中给出的“family in western culture”这一信息。而其他选项A、C、D都没有直接符合题干中所描述的家庭文化特点。因此,B选项是正确的。'
8.Which concepts are highly valued in the development of the Chinese culture?( )
A:Unity of Heaven and Man. B:Do not do to others what you do not wish yourself. C:Harmony Without Uniformity. D:Uniformity Without Harmony.
答案:Harmony Without Uniformity###Do not do to others what you do not wish yourself###Unity of Heaven and Man
9.Which of the following choices are the quotations from ancient classics that we should value nowadays?
A:A man of high moral quality will never feel lonely. B:Care for each other and help one another. C:Everyone is responsible for his country’s rise or fall. D:Be true in word and resolute in deed.
答案:Everyone is responsible for his country’s rise or fall.; Be true in word and resolute in deed.; Care for each other and help one another.; A man of high moral quality will never feel lonely.
10.Which of the following thinkers have once elaborated on the concept of He (和, Harmony)?
A:Yan Ying (晏婴) B:Shi Bo (史伯)     C:Confucius D:Mencius
答案:Shi Bo (史伯)###Yan Ying (晏婴)###Confucius
11.The functions of communication can be summarized as ________.
A:communication helps fulfill interpersonal needs B:communication establishes personal identities C:communication exchanges information rather than understanding emotions and intentions behind the information. D:communication allows you to gather information about other people 12.Which of the following are functions of eye contact?( )
A:Eye contact can help build positive and trusting relationship with other people. B:Feedbacks can be received from eye movement. C:Our eyes usually reveal our thoughts and feelings. D:Eye movement indicates the degree of attention and interest. 13.Which of the following statements are TRUE about body language?
A:Some facial expressions are commonly acknowledged but the degree of facial expression is determined by culture. B:Nodding your head from side to side does not always mean “No”. C:Sitting with your head in your hands often indicates that you are feeling cool. D:“Thumps up” gesture is recognized as a sign of approval in all cultures. 14.Which of the following theoretical and philosophical elements contribute to the emergence and development of the “ink-and-wash painting”? ( )
A:The articulateness in Chinese philosophy. B:The development of Chinese paper-making technology. C:The pursuit of simplicity. D:The suggestiveness in Chinese philosophy. 15.What might be intercultural barriers when people of different cultures meet?( )
A:Tolerance. B:Anxiety. C:Stereotype and prejudice. D:Ethnocentrism. 16.The movie Guasha Treatment uses examples such as ______ to show differences between Chinese and American culture
A:the concept of “face” B:Guasha treatment C:greetings D:collectivism vs. individualism 17.Which of the following statements could be used as counter arguments of Linguistic Determinism? ( )
A:The babies use pointing to get things they want before they can speak. B:A particular language usually points out to a specific group of people. C:People can learn to speak multiple languages. D:A person may be recognized easily as a newcomer from the ways of language usage. 18.The Anthology of Shijing (《诗经》, The Book of Songs) ( )
A:serves chiefly to reflect the life or the voices of the laboring people B:consists of 305 poems C:adopts three modes of expression: fu (赋, narrative), bi (比, analogy) and xing (兴,association) D:was composed by noblemen and court musicians 19.Which of the following scholars did not abide by the principle of perspective?
A:Shen Kuo(沈括) B:Su Dongpo(苏东坡) C:Van Loon D:Li Cheng(李成) 20.Which are the reasons for the importance of intercultural communication?
A:Intercultural communication skills make it possible for students to pursue further education in other countries. B:With intercultural communication skills, people are likely to be more aware of their own cultural identity. C:Intercultural communication skills enable people to interact with those from different cultural backgrounds more effectively. D:With intercultural communication skills, people would more likely avoid ethnocentrism. 21.The masterpieces of the painters, like  ________were greatly influenced by Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism.
A:Zheng Banqiao(郑板桥) B:Badashanren (八大山人) C:Wang Wei (王维) D:Shi Tao (石涛) 22.Chuci (楚辞, Elegies of Chu) is characterized by ______.
A:rich allusions B:symbolism   C: folk life D:wild imagination 23.What might be the strategies for working with people from lower-context cultures?( )
A:Being as transparent, clear, and specific as possible. B:Taking notes and documents. C:Setting an agenda and stick to it. D:Listening and searching for implicit cues. 24.The rhetorical devices used in the Book of Songs (诗经) are ______.
A:narrative, analogy and association B:repetition C:tetrasyllabic D:alliteration 25.Who proposed Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis in the early 20th century?( )
A:Dell Hymes. B:Benjamin Lee Whorf. C:Lev Vygotsky. D:Edward Sapir. 26.Culture means the total way of a people, including ______ of the human community.( )
A:objects B:languages C:beliefs D:customs 27.Which of the stories shows that myths sing the praises of labour and creation?
A:Suiren Producing Fire by Drilling in Wood B:Dong Yong’s Wife C:The Cowherd and the Maid Weaver D:The Graves of Three Kings 28.Which one is not a form of verbal communication?
A:writing a letter B:face to face communication C:talking over Wechat D:facial expressions       29.In the late 1950s, immigrants from Turkey, Tunis, and Morocco were recruited for Germany’s( )
A:racial diversity B:diplomatic relations C:reunification D:post-war reconstruction 30.The Sao-style poem was developed into a sort of essay in rhymed and rhythmic prose called ______.
A:fu (rhapsody)      B:poetry C:mythology D:novel 31.MeToo is a movement fighting against ( )
A:men’s privileges in promotion B:unfavorable policies towards pregnant women C:sexual harassment and assault of women D:unequal pay for women doing the same work as men 32.According to Geert Hofstede, culture is more often a source of ______ than synergy.
A:conflict B:transaction C:stereotype D:restraint 33. Cultures in which less has to be said or written because more of the meaning is in the physical environment are ___________ cultures.
A:indirect-context  B:low-context   C:direct-context D:high-context 34. Every immigrant has to go through the process of ______ when they are living in a new country.
A:materialization B:computerization C:assimilation D:selection 35.There is a Chinese belief that “One is good in nature with different characteristics but similar habits. However, if he is not well educated, his nature changes.” This belief can reflect that         .
A:Human nature is a mixture of good and evil. B:Human nature is evil but perfectible. C:Human nature is good but changeable. D:None 36.The main catalyst for the emergence and development of Shuimohua(水墨画,ink-and-wash painting) is ______.
A:Chinese calligraphy B:technology C: traditional Chinese philosophical thoughts D:materials      37.According to Whorf, Hopi language is a ___ language.
A:endless B:timeless C:circular D: hypotaxis 38.________ refers to the system of cultural prohibition that forbids followers from doing, saying or thinking of anything.
A:Norm B:Taboo C:Ritual D:Prejudice 39.Which characteristic of culture is reflected from the following case?In the United States, most children are asked from a very early age to make decisions about what they want to do, however, in many other cultures, a parent would never ask a child what she or he wants to do but they simply tell the child what to do.
A:Culture is symbolic. B:Culture is integrated. C:Culture is shared. D:Culture is learned. 40.In 1964, the Congress passed ______, which prohibited the implementation of segregation and discrimination policies in public places.
A:the Emancipation Proclamation B:the Affirmative Action C:the Declaration of Independence D:the Civil Rights Act 41.One of Guo Xi’s (郭熙)masterpieces______ is a good example of the conception of remoteness in height, in depth, and in horizon.
A:A Scene of Early Spring (《早春图》) B:Angling Alone on the Cold River(《寒江独钓图》) C:The Rongxi Studio (《容膝斋图》) D:Yuan An Sleeping in the Snow (《袁安卧雪图》) 42.Xiăoyă (minor hymn) serves chiefly to ___.
A:record historic deeds. B:reflect the life of the rulers. C:reflect the life of the nobles. D:reflect the life of the ordinary people. 43.Which of the following is not a feature of myth? ( )
A:Characters in myth are irrelevant with heroes and heroines. B:Myths sing the praise of labor and creation. C:Characters in myth extol perseverance and self-sacrifice. D:Mythical stories are entwined with history. 44.“When a pin is missing in the yoke-bar of a large cart or in the collar-bar of a small cart, how can the cart be expected to go?” is a quote from Confucius to show the significance of ________.
A:Xin (信, good faith) B:Cheng (诚, sincerity) C:Ren (仁,benevolence) D:Qian (谦,modesty) 45.According to Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis, language ____.
A:defines culture B:is an arbitrary symbol C:creates disorganized experiences D:produces new conceptions in different cultures 46.Eulogies (Song) are ritual or sacrificial dance music and songs.
A:错 B:对 47.The low-context cultures, comparatively speaking, are more direct and confrontational than high-context cultures.
A:错 B:对 48.Guo Xi (郭熙) helped develop the idea that a stretch of landscape represents a stretch of one’s spiritual world, a tradition that emphasizes the representation of the human mind. 
A:对 B:错 49.Yijing(《易经》,The Book of Changes) is composed of the original text and appendices.
A:对 B:错 50.Consumers in high uncertainty avoidance cultures tend to perceive no risks in the purchase of new products.
A:错 B:对 51.Intercultural communication is a symbolic, interpretive, transactional and contextual process in which people from different cultures create shared meanings.
A:对 B:错 52.Badashanren(八大山人) refers to eight great painters in the Chinese painting history.
A:错 B:对 53.The directors in the short film The Leading Lady Parts are looking for a feisty clever professional woman who has a chance to speak out her misfortune.
A:错 B:对 54.Verbal communication indicates that when you are communicating you have to talk or write verbally.
A:对 B:错 55.Chuci (《楚辞》, Elegies of Chu) was composed by Qu Yuan (屈原).
A:对 B:错 56.Lí Sāo is a famous prototype for “Sao style”. 
A:错 B:对 57.A theory of “Reversal is the movement of Tao” is maintained only by Taoists.
A:对 B:错 58.Shi Tao(石涛) was the first painting theorist to emphasize the artists’ self-expression in their works.
A:对 B:错 59.Since all cultures share the same basic values, cultures attach the same meanings to these basic values.
A:错 B:对 60.According to Linguistic Determinism, the structure of a language determines or greatly influences the modes of thought and behavior.( )
A:对 B:错 61.The mode of expression in chŭcí develops from metaphor to symbolism. 
A:错 B:对 62.In the US, feminism began budding with the abolition of slavery in the 19th century. ( )
A:对 B:错 63.Culture is not something we are born with, but rather it is learned.
A:对 B:错 64.Silence is universally acceptable in all cultures.( )
A:错 B:对 65.Nonverbal communication is communication that uses spoken words.
A:错 B:对 66.Prejudice occurs when a person holds a generalization about a group of people or things often based on little or no factual experience.( )
A:对 B:错 67.Body language demonstrates the universality of many nonverbal cues, therefore, almost all postures and gestures have the same meanings in different cultures.
A:对 B:错 68.Failure in cross-cultural communication results from the communicator’s incompetence in foreign languages.
A:错 B:对 69.In the 17th century, slavery began when people from African and Mid-American countries were bought and shipped to America. ( )
A:对 B:错 70.A case from multiple languages learners could be used as the counterargument of linguistic determinism.
A:对 B:错 71.Traditionally, Chinese painters focus on the specific details they see.
A:对 B:错 72.Yă (court hymn) includes dàyă (major hymn) and xiăoyă (minor hymn).
A:对 B:错 73.Norms involve what a culture considers as good or bad, right or wrong, just or unjust, beautiful or ugly and the like.
A:错 B:对 74.One of the typical features of Chinese classics is articulateness. 
A:错 B:对 75.The dissolution of beauty and ugliness enables people to find inspirations from their lives.
A:错 B:对

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