1. The Fed Reserve’s monetary policy was too expansionary, that is, to lower the interest rate to an unusually low level during the early 2000s. ( )

  2. 答案:对
  3. Unexpected Credit Loss captures and measures the downside of credit risk only. ( )

  4. 答案:对
  5. If one increases the significance level from 1% to 5%, VaR should usually decrease. ( )

  6. 答案:对
  7. The U.S government and its agencies bailed out all major financial institutions in financial distress using tax payer money during and after the crisis. ( )

  8. 答案:错
  9. The risk-adjusted return on capital measurement penalizes a transaction’s return based on its VaR. ( )

  10. 答案:对
  11. Since the Industrial Revolution, firms have replaced households as the major producer in an economy. ( )

  12. 答案:对
  13. Liquidity risk at the asset level has nothing to do with that at the institution level. ( )

  14. 答案:错
  15. In a self-sufficient economy, households are both consumers and producers. ( )

  16. 答案:对
  17. Stress tests are designed to examine a financial institution’s stability when faced with rare, unlikely, but destructive events. ( )

  18. 答案:对
  19. A VaR model would fail a single-tailed back test if it produces either too many or too few exceptions. ( )

  20. 答案:对
  21. Directly summing up VaRs may usually overstate the riskiness of the portfolio since VaR does not capture the diversification effect. ( )

  22. 答案:对
  23. Among the three factors of credit risk, credit exposure always remains constant. ( )
  24. Cumulative Default Rate and Survival Rate always sum up to one. ( )
  25. Both on-balance-sheet items and off-balance-sheet items can give rise to liquidity risk. ( )
  26. Market risk arises only when an asset is tradable on a specific market. ( )
  27. Financial institutions may choose to manage their operational risk by purchasing insurances. However, insurances may be subject to moral hazard or adverse selection problems. ( )
  28. If a financial institution does not conduct net worth immunization timely, then its net worth will always decrease due to interest rate changes. ( )
  29. Basel Accord III allows financial institutions to estimate their own capital charge on certain types of risk. However, those estimates are subject to back tests and other scrutiny. ( )
  30. According to Basel Accord III, as a VaR model produces more and more exceptions, the financial institution will be required to hold less and less capital reserve. ( )
  31. Given the same term structure, yields to maturity should be identical across all bonds. ( )
  32. Beta measures the diversifiable risk of a stock’s returns. ( )
  33. VaR is the cutoff value between the known-unknown and the unknown-unknown. ( )
  34. Any coupon bonds can be seen as a combination of several zero-coupon bonds. ( )
  35. The financial crisis eventually led to an economic recession. As a result, both GDP and unemployment rate deteriorated greatly in the U.S. ( )
  36. If a VaR model in use is of good quality, then we expect the frequency of worse-than-VaR losses in line with the significance level. ( )
  37. Mortality risk refers to the possibility that a human being outlives his/her resources and runs out wealth. ( )
  38. Assets that have more potential investors are generally less liquid. ( )
  39. In reality, in a back test we may observe any number of exceptions up to the total number of days. ( )
  40. During the initial stage of the financial crisis, a great many of financial institutions reported significant losses due to subprime mortgage loans or related MBSs. ( )
  41. Using duration can precisely calculate any changes to bond price due to interest rate changes. ( )
  42. Which of the following external method can mitigate operational risk? ( )
  43. Which of the following is correct about the methods of estimating VaR? ( )
  44. Why purchasing insurance to manage operational risk can be challenging? ( )
  45. Which of the following is correct about a bond and its interest rate risk? ( )
  46. Which of the following is correct about the three zones of the downside risk? ( )
  47. Suppose a derivatives position has the following characteristics: 10% chance to gain 2 million rmb, 80% chance to break even, 8% chance to loss 1 million rmb, and 2% chance to lose 5 million rmb. What is the VaR at 95% confidence level? ( )
  48. Which of the following is correct about CAPM? ( )
  49. Which of the following is correct about duration? ( )
  50. Which of the following is correct about risk? ( )
  51. Which of the following can NOT be used to manage credit risk? ( )
  52. During the financial crisis, many financial institutions, including commercial banks and investment banks, took on debt in a very aggressive manner to bet on a housing market boom, and eventually overborrowed. ( )
  53. The subprime mortgage crisis was triggered by the burst of a housing bubble in the U.S. ( )
  54. Securitization can help banks and loan companies to sell existing loans on their balance sheet and increase the turnover of capital. ( )
  55. Banks’ lending criteria became less and less stringent for mortgage loan takers as the crisis developed and progressed. ( )
  56. Which of the following is a cause to the subprime mortgage crisis? ( )
  57. Which of the following is correct about risk charges according to Basel III? ( )
  58. Basel Accord specifies the minimum amount of capital a financial institution should hold against financial risks. ( )
  59. Integrated risk management requires measuring risk across all business units and all risk factors, using consistent methodologies, systems and data. ( )
  60. The market risk of collateral may give rise to the counterparty risk of a derivatives trade. ( )
  61. Which of the following is not added to the capital requirements by Basel III to reflect the new development in risk management after the subprime crisis? ( )
  62. The bid-ask spread is a useful measure for funding liquidity risk. ( )
  63. The easier an asset can be sold, the greater asset liquidity risk it has. ( )
  64. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a high-quality-liquid asset (HQLA)? ( )
  65. Which of the following can be done to generate cash, if a funding gap emerges? ( )
  66. One line of defense for liquidity risk management is to maintain a stable funding strategy that provides effective diversification in the sources and tenor of funding. ( )
  67. Which of the following is NOT a type of operational risk? ( )
  68. Which of the following can be implemented in order to enhance internal control? ( )
  69. That banks with poor controls are more inclined to purchase insurance than banks with good controls is referred as “moral hazard” problems. ( )
  70. Which of the following is correct about using internal data and external data in estimating operational risk models for a bank? ( )
  71. In assessing operational risk using the Loss Distribution Approach, one only needs to estimate the distribution of loss frequency. ( )
  72. Credit risk can only be managed by using derivatives. ( )
  73. Which of the following is an effective approach to manage counterparty risk? ( )
  74. Which of the following is incorrect about CDS? ( )
  75. Credit risk usually has a symmetric distribution on credit loss. ( )
  76. Credit rating measures credit risk and the highest credit rating is A, implying the greatest credit worthiness of all bonds. ( )
  77. One can manage firm-specific risk by diversification. ( )
  78. Which of the following is correct about factor models? ( )
  79. Which of the following is correct about the term structure? ( )
  80. If interest rates go up, both pricing risk and reinvestment risk go up as well. ( )
  81. The rebalancing in bond immunization should be as frequent as possible. ( )
  82. Stress tests are designed to test the stability of financial institutions in the face of ordinary, routinely occurring, non-disruptive events.( )
  83. The confident level is a percentage number, which measures the likelihood of acceptable loss. ( )
  84. VaR satisfies sub-additivity, which means that the VaR of two risk assets/portfolios is lower than the sum of the two VaRs.( )
  85. VaR measures the worst loss. ( )
  86. Which of the following is correct about VaR? ( )
  87. Longevity risk refers to the possibility that a human being outlives his/her resources and runs out wealth. ( )
  88. Which of the following is correct about financial risk management? ( )
  89. A firm should hedge all risks for risk management purposes。( )
  90. Which of the following is a reason for why financial risk management can be relevant and useful? ( )
  91. The theory of risk management irrelevance states that risk cannot create value for investors since investors can diversify firm-specific risk. ( )
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