1. The nutrients in food mainly include water, sugars, proteins, fats, inorganic salts, vitamins and crude cellulose. Although the crude cellulose cannot be digested and absorbed by the human body, it has a very important physiological effect on the human body. The following foods are rich in crude fiber.( )

  2. 答案:Spinach. Celery
  3. The most abundant hydroxycinnamic acid derivative in plant foods is an ester of caffeic and quinic acids.( )

  4. 答案:对
  5. Obesity is defined when BMI exceeds which of the following values( ).

  6. 答案:30 kg/m2
  7. Beef contains a lot of phenolic compounds.( )

  8. 答案:错
  9. The major flavonols are( )

  10. 答案:Flavanones###Kaempferol###Quercetin###Myricetin
  11. There two types of Immune response, including Innate immunity and adaptive immunity. ( )

  12. 答案:对
  13. The amino-terminal immunoglobulin domains of each chain is referred to as the constant regions.( )

  14. 答案:错
  15. Antibodies possess distinct antigen-binding and effector units. ( )

  16. 答案:对
  17. Antibodies Bind Specific Molecules Through Hypervariable Loops. ( )

  18. 答案:对
  19. IgG fold consists of a pair of β sheets, each built of antiparallel b strands, that surround a central hydrophobic core.( )

  20. 答案:对
  21. All polyphenols are absorbed with equal efficacy. ( )

  22. 答案:错
  23. Where does IDH1 work? ( )
  24. The polyphenol has been strongly demonstrated to benefit cancer patients. ( )
  25. Proanthocyanidins are well absorbed in small intestine. ( )
  26. What is the physiological concentration range of hydrogen peroxide H2O2?( )
  27. What are the centers of metabolism?
  28. ( ) can induce NAFLD.
  29. Which type of cells is primarily responsible for nutrient sensing? ( )
  30. ( ) is the basic architectural unit of the liver
  31. The liver can only metabolize protein and lipid. ( )
  32. The antibody consists of two heavy chains, two light chains and hinge region.( )
  33. In the mass spectrometry, the smaller ion requires less time to traverse the chamber.( )
  34. Most antigens have several epitopes.( )
  35. In the process of electrophoresis, the protein with the smallest molecular weight moves the slowest.( )
  36. X-ray crystallography is only suitable for the determination of crystal structure.( )
  37. When you doing transgenic plant, you could do overexpression, gene knock-down or gene knock out. Overexpression usually refers to an experiment when DNA is added to the cell to force expression of the gene to a much higher than normal level.( )
  38. The lacZ gene can be used to screen bacteria containing recombinant plasmids. A special plasmid carries a copy of the lacZ gene and an ampicillin-resistance gene.( )
  39. DNA sequences that are highly enriched in G–C base pairs typically have high melting temperatures. Therefore, PCR amplification is greatly hindered by the presence of G–C-rich regions within the template.( )
  40. We use Lipid mediated gene delivery as example. It uses lipids to cause a cell to absorb exogenous DNA since they are both made of a phospholipid bilayer.( )
  41. The technique we use for gene knock down is small interfering RNA (siRNA). Sometimes we call short interfering RNA or silencing RNA, it is a class of single-stranded RNA non-coding RNA molecules, 20-25 base pairs in length, and operating within the RNA interference (RNAi) pathway.( )
  42. Transposable elements (TEs), also known as "jumping genes," are DNA sequences that move from one location on the genome to another location.( )
  43. The template strand has a sequence complementary to that of the RNA transcript.( )
  44. The coding strand has the same sequence as that of the RNA transcript.( )
  45. DNA polymerase are essential for DNA replication and usually work in pairs to create two identical DNA strands from a single original DNA molecule.( )
  46. Chromosome contains a linear array of genes and each gene resides at a particular location on the chromosome.( )
  47. DNA polymerase probably synthesizes in the 5’→3’ direction because_____? ( )
  48. Where is vitamin D synthesized from the action of sunlight? ( )
  49. IgG molecules include ( ) antigen-binding sites, antibodies can cross-link multivalent antigens such as viral surfaces.( )
  50. What is the concentration of H2O2 in the cell that causes oxidative damage? ( )
  51. During muscle atrophy, ( ) systems are activated, and contractile proteins and organelles are removed, resulting in the shrinkage of muscle fibers.
  52. Which protocol is used to identify the immune cells? ( )
  53. ( ) organoid model can closely mimic the nutrients exchange between stoma, intestine and liver. This can be a model for investigating the nutrient metabolism.
  54. Which form of polyphenols is the most attractive? ( )
  55. The digestive epithelium releases a variety of endocrine hormones and peptides. Which of the following systems regulates the activity and metabolism of the digestive system?( )
  56. Children and adolescents and postoperative patients should eat more milk, eggs and fish, because these foods are rich in( )
  57. Due to the structure diversity of phenolic compounds that occur in nature, they are recognized as valuable plant molecules with very important biological functions.( )
  58. All beans are rich in isoflavones.( )
  59. The study suggested that dietary isoflavones have a small protective effect on the risk of breast cancer but not lignans.( )
  60. Zinc only affects nonspecific innate immune system. ( )
  61. The strongest bonds in a DNA molecule occur between the bases of the two strands. ( )
  62. Polyphenols can be divided into two main groups phenolic acids another one flavonoids( )
  63. Each chromosome is made of an unbroken double-stranded DNA. ( )
  64. Both transcription and translation processes in eukaryotes can be divided into three phases: initiation, prolongation and termination. ( )
  65. DNA transfected into cells can be integrated into the genome of the host cell or can be present and expressed outside the chromosome. ( )
  66. E.coli expression system can only express eukaryotic genomic DNA, not cDNA. ( )
  67. Various types of cells, such as innate immune cells, adaptive immune cells and intestinal epithelial cells, are involved in the gut immune system. ( )
  68. Glutamine and Arginine metabolism in intestinal epithelial cells is associated with epithelial barrier and intestinal wound repair. ( )
  69. Gelation happened when the hot starch solution being cooled.( )
  70. Before separating and purifying the protein, the protein must be released by an appropriate method. ( )
  71. Biotin can involve in oxidation. ( )
  72. tRNA is always connected to an amino acid. ( )
  73. Prebiotics are digestible food ingredients. ( )
  74. Reactive Oxygen Species (Ros) in the vicinity of their production increase susceptibility to cytotoxic effects by destroying large molecules such as DNA. ( )
  75. Proanthocyanidins are very poorly absorbed in our small intestine. ( )
  76. Naïve T cells, are converted into activated effector T cells after encountering antigen-presenting cells (APCs). ( )
  77. Type II restriction enzymes cleaves both double-stranded DNA and single-stranded DNA. ( )
  78. The major hydroxycinnamic acids are p-coumaric acid, caffeic acid, the methylated forms ferulic and sinapic acids.( )
  79. A plasmid is a single-stranded circular DNA molecule. ( )
  80. Unabsorbed portions of food are a major nutritional source for these microbial communities.( )
  81. Bone marrow contains immature cells, called stem cells. ( )
  82. AUG codon can be a start codon and/or a codon for methionine.( )
  83. Flavonoid are the most polyphenols compound have much interest because of their powerful antioxidant activities in vitro models being able to scavenge a wide range of free radicals.( )
  84. Translation ends when a terminator tRNA binds to a stop codon. ( )
  85. Albumin could not be synthesized in the liver. ( )
  86. X-ray and NMR can determinate the structure of protein. ( )
  87. Which type of cell is the major regulator of retinoic acid? ( )
  88. Mass spectrometry enables the highly precise and sensitive measurement of the ( ) of a particular molecule without prior knowledge of its identity.
  89. A resonance spectrum for a molecule is obtained by keeping ( ) of the electromagnetic radiation.
  90. What can be used to reveal the binding antigens of the antibodies? ( )
  91. Which of the following are not digestive tract:( )
  92. Antibodies possesses distinct antigen-binding and effector units. ( )
  93. Some of the polyphenols will go to the colon and then out through the urine. ( )
  94. Cocoa polyphenols can affect the accumulation of VLDL and TG through different pathways. ( )
  95. Indole, indolepropionic acid and indoleacrylic acid affect mucosal homeostasis by decreased intestinal permeability possibly mediated by the pregnane X receptor. ( )
  96. The secretion of gastric juice is affected by different food. Different cooking methods of the same food will also affect the digestion of the stomach.( )
  97. The composition of the immune system is related to specific organs such as the spleen and liver. ( )
  98. Deoxyribonucleotides have two more oxygen atoms than ribonucleotides. ( )
  99. Vitamins neither participate in the formation of human cells nor provide energy, and the human body requires a small amount, but it has a great effect on the human body.( )
  100. Phenolic compounds and can be classified into two main groups known as flavonoids and nonflavonoids one flavonoids.( )
  101. T cells play an important role in controlling and shaping the immune response by providing verity of immune-related functions. ( )
  102. The main cause of night blindness is the lack of vitamin B in the body.( )
  103. Ribosomes are composed of two large proteins that come together. ( )
  104. Hybridoma cells are formed by the fusion of antibody-producing cells and myeloma cells. ( )
  105. All polyphenols are absorbed with equal efficacy. ( )
  106. When extracting, different solvents should be selected according to the different characteristics of the protein. ( )
  107. Okazaki fragments are never joined together. ( )
  108. The anticodon is a sequence of three bases within the tRNA molecule that is complementary to an mRNA codon. ( )
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