1.One complete heartbeat is made up of two phases: ____ and ____.

2.The small intestine is divided into three parts, ____, ____and ____.

答案:AI参考:The small intestine is divided into three parts: the duodenum, the jejunum, and the ileum.'
3.The fibrocarti'laginous callus is converted into a bony callus of ____ bone.

答案:"AI参考:The fibrocartilaginous callus is converted into a bony callus of 47 bone. 答案为47,因为题干中提到的是“fibrocartilageous callus”,这是一种软骨病,通常在骨折愈合过程中会转化为骨痂,而骨痂的数量通常是根据骨折的部位和程度来确定的,因此答案为47。"
4.Dendritic cells have many ____.

答案:AI参考:正确答案是【processes】。\n\nDendritic cells(树突状细胞)有许多(processes)和树突样突起。这个答案是正确的,因为它准确地描述了树突状细胞的特征。'
5.Helper T cells can bind to the dendritic cells and ____.

答案:AI参考:选项B正确:Helper T cells can bind to the dendritic cells and present antigens to the other T cells.\n\nHelper T细胞能够与树突细胞结合,并将抗原呈现给其他的T细胞。这句话的意思是:辅助T细胞能够与树突细胞结合,并将抗原展示给其他T细胞,促进T细胞的激活和增殖。这是免疫系统中一个重要的过程,帮助人体识别和防御外来病原体。'
6.The complement system can be activated by combination of antibody and ____.

7.The brainstem is divided into three sections in humans: ____ , ____, and ____.

答案:AI参考:答案为 答案为 the midbrain,pons,and medulla oblongata。\n脑干是人脑的一部分,由三个部分组成:中脑、小脑和延髓。所以答案是the midbrain,pons,and medulla oblongata。'
8.The tiny male cell that unites with the female ovum to form a fertilized egg or zygote is called the ____.

9.Specialized cells that carry impulses are called ____.

10.The hypothalamus releases various kinds of hormones to control the ____ gland.

答案:AI参考:正确答案是【thyroid】\n\n填空题,根据题干中给出的提示“the hypothalamus releases various kinds of hormones to control the ____ gland”,可以判断空格处需要填入一个表示甲状腺的名词。因此,正确答案为“thyroid”。'
11.pulmonary ( )。
A:of coronary arteries B:of muscles C:of lungs D:of bones

12.morphology( )
A:study on form B:study on diseases C:study on cells D:study on viruses 13.uterine( )。
A:urine B:bone C:womb D:marrow 14.polygon( )
A:three B:two C:many D:few 15.Parasympathetic increase heart rate and respiration rate and sweating. ( )
A:对 B:错 16.Veins can be categorized into four main types: pulmonary, systemic, superficial, and deep veins. ( )
A:错 B:对 17.Menstrual Cycle is a monthly series of hormone-controlled changes that prepare the uterine lining for pregnancy. ( )
A:对 B:错 18.There are four tiny parathyroid glands that are attached to the thyroid gland on each side. ( )
A:对 B:错 19.The fallopian tube is the female reproductive organ that provides a place to support a developing human. ( )
A:错 B:对 20.The primary organs of the urinary system are the ureters. ( )
A:错 B:对 21.External anal sphincter, is controlled by involuntary muscles. ( )
A:对 B:错 22.Brain stem is in charge of involuntary actions such as breathing and heart beat. ( )
A:错 B:对 23.The adrenal gland are on top of the kidneys.( )
A:对 B:错 24.The relationship between potassium intake from diet and excretion determines external balance.( )
A:对 B:错 25.musculoskeletal( )
A:both muscle and bone B:muscle C:skeleton D:either muscle or bone 26.steroid( )
A:attract B:like C:hate D:avoid 27.septum ( )。
A:wall dividing two ventricles B:small artery C:small vein D:wall dividing two atria 28.neostriatum( )。
A:same B:old C:new D:different 29.valvotomy( )
A:open B:cut C:close D:withdraw 30.estrogenic( )
A:female B:vitamin C:male D:fat 31.bacteriophage( )
A:eating B:dissolving C:breaking D:producing 32.periblastula( )
A:high B:around C:ahead D:low 33.pathophysiology( )
A:term B:heat C:temperature D:disease 34.osteocyte ( )。
A:bone tissue B:a cell that breaks bone down C:a cell from which bone develops D:mature bone cell 35.osteopontin( )
A:bone B:marrow C:medulla D:cortex 36.genitalia ( )。
A:inflammation B:decomposition C:examination D:reproduction 37.ovum( )
A:sperm B:womb C:uterus D:egg 38.lobotomy( )
A:close B:withdraw C:cut D:open 39.pulmonology( )。
A:pancreas B:skin C:Stomach D:lung 40.hydration( )。
A:pancreas B:stomach C:lung D:skin 41.leucocyte( )
A:tumor cell B:red blood cell C:lymphatic cell D:white blood cell 42.cerebrum( )
A:anterior portion of the brain B:posterior portion of the brain C:bottom portion of the brain D:middle portion of the brain 43.chromoendoscopy( )
A:change B:body C:color D:gland 44.pathogen( )。
A:organ B:producer C:type D:system 45.calciferol( )
A:Vitamin A B:Vitamin B C:Vitamin C D:Vitamin D2

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