1.Which one is not mentioned in China's promotion of tourism in this chapter?
A:Introduction of Chinese history B:Top-layer design C:Cooperation mechanisms D:Marketing development
答案:Introduction of Chinese history
2.Which achievement is not mentioned in this video?
A:Confucius institutes B:Silk road scholarship C:Academic degrees D:Spring festival parade
答案:Spring festival parade
3.CDFTZ consists of two areas, Tianfu New Area and ____ .
A:Chengdu Qingbaijiang Railway Port B:Chengdu Railway Port Area C:Qingbaijiang Railway Port Area D:Chengdu Qingbaijiang Railway Port Area
答案:Chengdu Qingbaijiang Railway Port Area
4.Global palm oil production is dominated by _____ and Malaysia
A:Singapore B:Indonesia C:South Korea D:Japan
5.The Cross-Border ____ Payment System (CIPS) now covers some 40 countries and regions involved in the Belt and Road Initiative.
A:Important B:Interbank C:International D:Individual
6.What is FDI according to Ms.Ban?
A:Flexible Display Interface B:Foreign Direct Investment C:Flight Direction Indicator D:Federation Dentaire International
答案:Foreign Direct Investment
7.The enterprise and business exhibition consist of  (  )  pavilion, including such sectors as smart equipment, consumer electronics and appliances, culture as well as education.
A:5 B:7 C:6 D:4
8.In the future, the focus of Chengdu's financial opening-up should concentrate on the  ____chain along the B&R.
A:logistic B:supply C:manufacturing D:industry
9.Which of the following is a Nepali festival?
A:Easter B:Spring Festival C:Christmas D:Tihar
10.Which of the following food is typical in Nepal?
A:Yomari B:Sushi C:Fried chicken D:Hotpot
11. AIIB opened on January 16, 2016, with _______ founding members all over the world.
A:42 B:61 C:72 D:57

12.Which of the following words can substitute "bond" in the term "people-to-people bond"?
A:tie B:connect C:change D:relation 13.Chengdu is accelerating the construction of the B&R ____ service center.
A:infrastructure B:all of the above C:cultural D:financial 14.From 2015-2018, how many cross-border e-commerce comprehensive pilot areas has been set?
A:32 B:28 C:35 D:38 15.Which one is not the core values of AIIB?
A:leen B:green C:inclusive D:clean 16.Which one is not the action for solving language interoperability problems?
A:language information technology B:language resource library C:language translate agency D:language talents 17.Which one of the following is the largest mobile shopping platform in the Middle East ?
A:KiKUU B:Alibaba C:JollyChic D:Club Factory 18.What practical approach has been mentioned in the interview as a financial reform applying to the B&R cooperation?
A:One Bill Coverage System B:promoting equity financing C: liberalizationof interest rate D:reduction of interest 19.Which of the following statements is NOT correct about the influence of BRI in Nepal?
A:It helps boost the economy. B:It gets no support from the local government. C:It helps the exchange of cultures. D:It has aided the local infrastructure projects. 20.When was the first Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation held in China?
A:2019 B:2018 C:2017 D:2016 21. In 2018, Pakistan's central bank has already allowed the country's other banks to conduct deposits and provide trade loans in yuan.
A:对 B:错 22.The theme of 17th WCIF is "Western China, Opportunities for the World".
A:对 B:错 23.The World Cities Culture (Tianfu) Symposium took place in Chengdu in 2019.
A:对 B:错 24.In terms of China and B&R countries, the number of tourists has increased steadily.
A:对 B:错 25.A Moment We Share” is an activity that Sigapore Chinese Centre collaborates with institutions in Singapore to organize concerts and activities to celebrate Dragon Boat Festival.
A:错 B:对 26.Trucks delivering flowers from Kunming don't return empty, but transport Thai fruit
A:对 B:错 27.“Happy Chinese New Year” is a large-scale event organized by the Ministry of  Education.
A:错 B:对 28.“Silk Road Tour" is a famous educational exchange brand.
A:错 B:对 29.There is little two-way tourist exchange between China and CEEC.
A:错 B:对 30.There were 6 cooperation halls of Belt and Road in the 17th WCIF.
A:对 B:错 31.Chinese native speaker can take HSK as their Chinese proficiency to be a Chinese teacher.
A:对 B:错 32.Of the countries along the Belt and Road, there are ten important trade partners of China.
A:错 B:对 33.The development of China-Pakistan Economic Corridor  has little to do with the interaction between the two nations.
A:对 B:错 34.AIIB is not  the world’s first multilateral institution initiated by China.
A:对 B:错 35.BRI has provided us the opportunity of the exchange of cultures and knowing each other more.
A:对 B:错 36.“Unimpeded” means “with nothing blocking or stopping somebody or something”
A:错 B:对 37.The Ministry of Education has signed mutual recognition agreements for academic degrees with 46 countries and regions, including 34 “Belt and Road” countries.
A:错 B:对 38.Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) is headquartered in Shanghai.
A:对 B:错 39.The highlight of case study  is the China-Pakistan bilateral agreement.
A:对 B:错 40.In order to open up the market, the initiative proposed three of the measures:
A:holding China International Import Expo from 2018, B:launching FTA negotiations with interested countries and regions. C:Futhering the opening-up to the outside world D:supporting business people from relevant countries to participate in trade fairs in China, 41.What are some motivations that drive many international students to China?
A:To get more job opportunities and better future. B:To study the advanced technology in areas like IT. C:To learn the Chinese language. D:To learn Chinese culture. 42.Which statement is true about SDR?
A:The total value of SDR is 280 billion dollar.  B:It can be exchanged among governments for freely usable currencies at any time. C:SDR is an international reserve currency created by the IMF. D:Before RMB joined SDR,  the euro, US dollar, British pound, and Japanese yen have been included in the SDR basket.  43.Chengdu's B&R financial service center will be committed to providing comprehensive financial services such as_______. 
A:exchange rate risk management  B: cross-border investment and financing C:information collection D:currency exchange 44.The financial cooperation along the B& R takes various forms, which mainly include _________ .
A:bank loans B:equity C:cash donation D:bonds 45.Which agreements have been achieved in the Dubrovnik Guidelines for China-CEEC Cooperation?
A:the framework of 16+1 Cooperation  B:tourism restrictions C:the establishment of Tourism Award Marco Polo  D:bilateral Memorandums of Understanding 46.What are the policy supports in trade cooperation between Sichuan and countries along Belt and Road ?
A: 251 project B:The thirteenth Five-Year Plan C:111 Project D:Enterprises go out 47.In April 2019, on the second BRF for international cooperation, President Xi said: “We need to pursue _______, _______ and _______ cooperation. The B&R aims to promote green development.” 
A:green B:clean C:equal D:open 48.What are the focus areas AIIB funds?
A:energy and power B:urban development and logistics C:rural infrastructure and agriculture development D:water supply and sanitation 49.In this lecture, we have learn three main payment solutions. They are ___________.
A:gpi B:NGO C:UPI D:CIPS 50.Which countries does CEEC compromise?
A:Hungary B:Romania C:Slovenia D:Poland 51.What are the main responsibilities of the Cross-border e-commerce comprehensive pilot areas?
A:strengthening services. B:improving regulation C:delegating authority D:streamlining administration 52.There are a lot problems need to be settled to promote the circulation of the capital . Such as_____________________________________.
A:varied financial systems B: diverse legal systems ; C:lack of financial institutions D:different stages of economic development 53.Which of the following are among the second group of Cross-border e-commerce comprehensive pilot areas?
A:Shanghai Cross-border E-commerce Comprehensive Pilot Area B:Chengdu  Cross-border E-commerce Comprehensive Pilot Area C:Hangzhou Cross-border E-commerce Comprehensive Pilot Area D:Tianjin Cross-border E-commerce Comprehensive Pilot Area 54. What  does "internationalization" mean for a currency

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