第四章 Speech Delivery:本章主要讲授英语演讲呈现阶段需要注意的三种要素英语语音、身体仪态和视觉辅助。4.1English Speaking:本节主要解决中国学生用英语演讲需要注意的语音方面的问题。语音问题不容忽视,因为其直接关系到演讲的表达效率、观众注意力的保持、语句和篇章的重点是否能够突出、甚至于观众是否能对演讲者产生好感和信任。主要涉及音高、音量、语调、节奏、语速、停顿等方面的问题。
4.2Body Language:演讲多数情况下是与受众面对面交流,故而演讲者的形象、动作、手势、眼神和表情都可以是服务于演讲的手段。本节讲解如何合理运用演讲者的身体仪态使其为演讲服务。
4.3Using Visual Aids:展板、幻灯片、实物展示、真人展示等都是常用的演讲中的视觉辅助,本节主要涵盖各种视觉辅助手段的特点和用途,以及准备视觉辅助材料和在演讲中运用的注意事项。
4.1English Speaking:本节主要解决中国学生用英语演讲需要注意的语音方面的问题。语音问题不容忽视,因为其直接关系到演讲的表达效率、观众注意力的保持、语句和篇章的重点是否能够突出、甚至于观众是否能对演讲者产生好感和信任。主要涉及音高、音量、语调、节奏、语速、停顿等方面的问题。
4.2Body Language:演讲多数情况下是与受众面对面交流,故而演讲者的形象、动作、手势、眼神和表情都可以是服务于演讲的手段。本节讲解如何合理运用演讲者的身体仪态使其为演讲服务。
4.3Using Visual Aids:展板、幻灯片、实物展示、真人展示等都是常用的演讲中的视觉辅助,本节主要涵盖各种视觉辅助手段的特点和用途,以及准备视觉辅助材料和在演讲中运用的注意事项。
[判断题]Nonverbal communication is based on a person’s use of voice and body, rather than on the use of words.

选项:[对, 错]
[判断题]If you were summarizing statistical trends in a speech, the best visual aid to use would probably be a graph.

选项:[对, 错]
[单选题]Changes in a speaker’s rate, pitch, volume, and pauses are referred to as __________.

选项:[vocal variety, vocal pronunciation, vocal credibility, vocal contact]
[单选题]If the object you want to use as a visual aid is not available, the next best option ideally is a __________.

选项:[slide, model, chart, drawing]
[单选题]When using visual aids in a speech, you should __________.

选项:[display visual aids only while discussing them, pass visual aids among the audience at the start of the speech, draw graphs and charts on the chalkboard, not worry about maintaining eye contact with the audience]
[单选题]You should use low pitch when you want to show _______.

选项:[delight, mourning, excitement, anger]
[单选题]When you feel a certain part of your speech is not that easy for people to understand, you should ______.

选项:[lower your voice, speak faster, skip this part, slow down your speaking rate]
[单选题]______ are motions of a speaker’s hands or arms during a speech. 

选项:[Postures, Gestures, Movements, Signals]
[单选题]When you say “I have three major points to talk about today” while holding up two fingers, your gesture is ______ your verbal message.

选项:[contradicting, emphasizing, repeating, substituting for ]
[单选题]Which of the following gestures is appropriate in speechmaking?

选项:[Hand slicing to emphasize., Crossed arms on chest., Hands straigt down., Hands in pocket.]
[单选题]Which of the following gestures is appropriate in speechmaking?

选项:[Hands straigt down., Hands in pocket., Crossed arms on chest., Hand slicing to emphasize.]
[单选题]You should use low pitch when you want to show _______.

选项:[excitement, mourning, delight, anger]
[单选题]When using visual aids in a speech, you should __________.

选项:[draw graphs and charts on the chalkboard, pass visual aids among the audience at the start of the speech, not worry about maintaining eye contact with the audience, display visual aids only while discussing them]
[单选题]If the object you want to use as a visual aid is not available, the next best option ideally is a __________.

选项:[chart, slide, model, drawing]
[单选题]______ are motions of a speaker’s hands or arms during a speech. 

选项:[Postures, Movements, Signals, Gestures]
[判断题]Nonverbal communication is based on a person’s use of voice and body, rather than on the use of words.

选项:[错, 对]
[判断题]If you were summarizing statistical trends in a speech, the best visual aid to use would probably be a graph.

选项:[对, 错]
[单选题]When you feel a certain part of your speech is not that easy for people to understand, you should ______.

选项:[speak faster, slow down your speaking rate, skip this part, lower your voice]
[单选题]When you say “I have three major points to talk about today” while holding up two fingers, your gesture is ______ your verbal message.

选项:[repeating, substituting for , contradicting, emphasizing]
[单选题]Changes in a speaker’s rate, pitch, volume, and pauses are referred to as __________.

选项:[vocal pronunciation, vocal credibility, vocal variety, vocal contact]

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