1.The fundamental unit of all living organisms is the cell.
A:对 B:错
2.A virus is a tiny infectious cell.
A:对 B:错
3.Phototrophs are microorganisms that obtain their energy to synthesize organic compounds from sun.
A:对 B:错
4.Bacteria normally reproduce by binary fission.
A:错 B:对
5.The nucleic acid of a virus is DNA.
A:对 B:错
6.A foreign population is referred to as an autochthonous  population.
A:错 B:对
7.A pathogen would most accurately be described as a parasite .
A:正确 B:错误
8.Catabolism  is another term for biosynthesis.
A:对 B:错
9.Fungi differ from bacteria in a number of characteristics. The cell walls in fungi are composed of  chitin   while the cell walls of bacteria are composed of peptidoglycan
A:错 B:对
10.Lysozyme and penicillin have activity against the cell wall. Lysozyme breaks this component;penicillin prevents its phospholipid formation.
A:正确 B:错误
11.Which of the following is true of passive transport?
A:it only moves water B:it requires a gradient C:it includes endocytosis D:it uses the cell wall


Algae generally contain some types of

A:toxin B:chlorophyll C:Spore D:locomotor organelle 13.

Which of the following is not found in all bacterial cell?

A:cell membrane B:capsule C:a nucleoid D:ribosomes 14.After infection of a cell by the HIV vires, a DNA copy of the viral genome may be inserted in the host chromosome This is an example of:
A:homologous recombination B:viral recombination C:disparate recombination D:nonhomologous-recombination 15.Most antibiotics are produced by all of the following
A:Aspergillus B:Bacillus C:Streptococcus D:Streptomyces 16.

The fermentation of cream to sour cream produces lactic acid by which of the following bacteria?

A:Candida B:Saccharomyces C:Lactobacillus D:Streptococcus 17.Which of the following is the most useful bacterial pesticide?
A:X. campestris B:B.thuringiensis C:P. putrificans D:M. infectium 18.

The gene for lactose utilization was inserted next to the gene under study and the new construct was transferred to a new host. The lactose gene was used as a

A:messenger gene B:restriction site gene C:reporter gene D:delivery gene 19.

The time required for a cell to undergo binery fission is called the

A:generation time B:growth curve C:lag period D:exponential growth rate 20.Mitochondria likely originated from
A:invaginations of the cell membrane B:cyanobacteria C:archaea D:purple bacteria 21.

Fungi differ from bacteria in a number of characteristics. The cell walls in fungi are composed of ( )while the cell walls of bacteria are composed of peptidoglycan

A:protein B:chitin C:glucosamine D:phospholipids 22.The most important reason for maintaining stock cultures is
A:to have a ready supply of microorganisms B:to maintain the genetic strain used in the reaction C:to maintain control of the fermentation process D:to use for patent identification 23.A bacterial arrangement in packets of eight cells is described as a____.
A:Diplococcus B:sacina C:tetrad D:micrococcus 24.The movement of water molecules across the membrane in response to a concentration gradient is referred to as:
A:osmosis B:diffusion C:transport D:translocation 25.The membrane of a cell is able to differentiate molecules that enter or exit the cell and act as a___barrier
A:Semitransparent B:semidiffuse C:semipermanent D:Semipermeable 26.Eutrophication of streams and lakes occurs mainly through excess influx of:
A:phosphorous B:iron C:manganese D:calcium 27.A native population is called:
A:indigenous B:community C:obligatory D:neutral

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