

  1. 表示峰会,是参会人员级别及会议规格很高的会议的单词是( )。

  2. A:conference B:summit C:meeting D:seminar
    AI参考:表示峰会,是参会人员级别及会议规格很高的会议的单词是( B) Summit。“峰会”是指规模较大、参会人员级别较高、会议规格较高的会议。因此,我们需要寻找一个与“峰会”含义最为接近的单词。选项B中的“Summit”意为“高峰会”,可以用来表示这种高级别的会议。而其他选项中,“conference”通常指一般的会议,“meeting”则比较通用,没有特定的级别或规格要求,“seminar”则是指研讨会或小型讨论会,也不符合“峰会”的含义。因此,正确答案是B:summit。'
  3. The notice repeatedly stressed the necessity for tourists ( )care of their personal belongings.

  4. A:take B:to take C:Took D:taking
    答案:Six Strategies
  5. According to the plan, we ( )our second project by the end of 2015.

  6. A:will have completed B:had completed C:have completed D:completed
    AI参考:答案为C:have completed我们到2015年底将会完成我们的第二个项目。由句中的"According to the plan"可知计划还没完成,要用一般将来时。by the end of后用一般现在时或一般将来时。所以C是正确答案。因此本题答案选C。'
  7. In Britain, when there is no fog, the use of tog lights is an offence, for ( ) you may receive a £ 30 tine.

  8. A:what B:those C:which D:That
    AI参考:正确答案是 A: what本题是一个单项选择题,根据语境可知,在英国,在没有雾的情况下使用雾灯是违法的,因为使用雾灯可能会收到30英镑的罚款。所以空格处需要填入一个引导宾语从句的连接词,而what恰好符合这个要求。因此,正确答案是A。'
  9. ( )training and practicing for a few years, the business is growing steadily.

  10. A:Having finished B:To finish C:Have finished D:To have finished
    答案:Having finished
  11. If you come again tomorrow, I’ll have that table( ) for you.

  12. A:ready B:prepared C:occupied D:reserved
    答案:should callAI参考:正确答案是D:reserved。句意:如果你明天再来,我会为你预留那张桌子。A.ready准备好的;B.prepared准备的;C.occupied占据的;D.reserved预留的。根据句意,故选D。'
  13. One friend, ( )father has come to share their home, told me how hard his father worked his whole life.

  14. A:Whose B:that C:which D:what
    答案:TheAI参考:答案为 A:Whose这句话说的是:一个朋友,他的父亲来和他们一起住,告诉我他父亲一生工作有多么辛苦,这里是非限制性定语从句,先行词是One friend,指人的名词,在从句中作主语,所以用whose引导定语从句,故选A。'
  15. No, thank you. We don’t accept tips, but thank you( ).

  16. A:too B:all the same C:today D:also
    AI参考:正确选项是 B:all the same。句子意思是“不,谢谢。我们不接受小费,但谢谢你”。选项A“too”表示“也”,不符合语境;选项C“today”表示“今天”,与句子意思不符;选项D“also”常用于肯定句中,表示“也”,也不符合语境。只有选项B“all the same”符合句意,表示“没关系,仍然,依旧”。因此,正确答案是B。'
  17. Japanese men drink a lot of Sake. It tastes( )like Shaoxing wine.

  18. A:sometimes B:something C:somewhat D:somehow
  19. ( ) is our check-in procedures since the new manager took over.

  20. A:There are changes B:We have changes. C:Changes have been there. D:There have been changes.

  21. There was something wrong with his back and he had to( ).

  22. A:go off B:hand out C:lie flat D:tear over
    AI参考:正确答案是C:lie flat。\r句子意思是“他的背部有些不适,所以他不得不平躺着”。go off表示离开;hand out分发;tear over翻阅。因此,答案为C。'
  23. After English, German is the most often ( )language in the European Union.

  24. A:use B:to use C:Used D:using
  25. In the past week, we have trained those people ( )task is to assess practice in the workplace.

  26. A:which B:whom C:Whose D:that

  27. 表示可以公开讨论重要话题的论坛,如博鳌亚洲论坛等表示会议的单词是( )。

  28. A:conference B:forum C:summit D:seminar

  29. Q: Hello, I'm calling to confirm my room reservation.My name is Jane Smith. ( )

  30. A:Where are you calling from? B:What*s your room number. madam? C:Of course, madam. D:Sorry, there is no room available, madam.

  31. The bank clerk listened carefully ( )he could discover exactly what the client wanted.

  32. A:provided that B:so that C:now that D:In case that

  33. If the company ( )in training its new staff, it would have avoided many of its problems.

  34. A:invested B:invests C:had invested D:have invested

  35. Sorry sir. This weekend happens to be our long national boll car and we are all booked up.( )

  36. A:The lady wants a room hut there lent tome available B:The man wants to spend his long holiday in this hotel. C:The man was not successful in making a room reservation. D:Weekends are bad days to book a room.
    AI参考:正确选项是C:The man was not successful in making a room reservation.。根据题干中的信息,服务员表示这个周末酒店已经满房,所以男士没有成功预订房间。选项C表达了这个意思,而其他选项与题干中的信息不符。选项A和D都与题干中的信息相反,选项B则没有提到男士的意图。因此,正确答案是C。'
  37. We have internet access and the WIFI password is ......The phrase “internet access” means ( ).

  38. A:可用的网络 B:网络进程 C:网络机会 D:网络黑客
    AI参考:单选题]We have internet access and the WIFI password is ......The phrase “internet access” means( ).A:可用的网络在题目中,“internet access”指的是互联网接入,也就是能够连接到互联网的能力。因此,选项A“可用的网络”最符合题意,表示能够正常使用和访问互联网。其他选项B、C、D都与题目中的含义不符。因此,正确答案是A:可用的网络。'
  39. The format of business letters has slowly changed over time with business culture ( ) less and less formal.

  40. A:getting B:gets C:got D:get
    AI参考:正确答案是A:getting。句子中使用了现在分词短语getting less and less formal,表示随着商业文化变得越来越不正式,商业信件的格式也慢慢地发生了变化。因此,答案为A。B、C、D选项都是动词原形,不符合语法规则。'
  41. Which problems will the guest complain? ( )

  42. A:The window curtain is full of dust. B:The room is in a mess. C:There is no bottled water. D:The electrical pot doesn’t work.
  43. 酒店承办宴会,要清楚宴会举行的 ( )。

  44. A:Kind of event B:Time C:Numbers of People D:Place

  45. “危机”可能发生的事件:( )

  46. A:Power Failure B:Guest Medical Emergency C:Armed Robbery D:Fire

  47. Which statements are correct? ( )

  48. A:the word “concierge” originally came from French B:concierge refers to a person who looked after an apartment building C:help guests by giving them information and doing bell service. D:concierge check people entering and leaving the building

  49. ________ are accepted if a foreigner wants to pay by card. ( )

  50. A:Master card B:Visa card C:WeChat pay D:Alipay
    AI参考:正确选项是【B:Visa card】。根据问题中的描述,外国人想要用信用卡支付,所以选项中只有Visa card符合条件,Master card是万事达信用卡,WeChat pay是微信支付,Alipay是支付宝。因此,正确答案是B。'
  51. How to inquire the guest’s information? ( )

  52. A:The address or telephone number of guests. B:The name of the guest or group C:The contact telephone number D:The contact name.
    AI参考:正确选项是【C:The contact telephone number】。在询问客人信息时,应该询问客人的联系电话号码,以便在需要时能够及时联系到客人。选项A、B和D虽然也是一些相关信息,但是联系电话号码是最重要的联系方式,可以及时地获取客人的反馈或进行后续的服务跟进。因此,选项C是正确的选项。'
  53. 在酒店、会议室需要提前摆放好( )。

  54. A:welcome card B:check-in desk C:sign D:welcome banner
    AI参考:正确选项是【ABD】。在酒店、会议室需要提前摆放好welcome card和check-in desk,这两项是必不可少的。welcome banner也是欢迎横幅,通常在重要场合使用,例如开业典礼、重要会议等。sign则不是必须的,除非有特殊要求或者警示标识。因此,正确选项为A、B、D。'
  55. Please figure out the responsibility for the attendant when he/she clean the room ( )

  56. A:enter the guestroom B:dust the room C:remove dirty bed linen D:dispose the rubbish
    AI参考:正确选项为【C:remove dirty bed linen】在提供的四个选项中,A选项“enter the guestroom”和B选项“dust the room”都是打扫房间的辅助动作,而D选项“dispose the rubbish”则与清理房间无关。因此,只有C选项“remove dirty bed linen”是打扫房间的主要工作之一,即清理脏床单。所以,正确答案是C选项“remove dirty bed linen”。'
  57. What kind of noticed when the attendant clean the room? ( )

  58. A:If guests do not go out all day, according to the guest’s convenience to clean up. B:For long housing guests, the attendant should be cleaned regularly their opinions. C:open the door and clean the room immediately. D:room cleaning is usually done when guests are away.
    AI参考:正确选项为D:room cleaning is usually done when guests are away.根据题目描述,服务员清洁房间时需要留意的事情,选项A、B、C都有一定的问题,如选项A可能忽略了客人整天不在的情况;选项B中提到了客人对清洁的要求,但这并不一定是服务员清洁房间时要留意的事情;选项C则是立即开门并清洁房间,这在一些场合可能不妥,可能会打扰到客人或导致客人的不便。因此,正确的答案是选项D,即房间清洁通常在客人不在的时候进行。这样可以确保不影响客人的休息或活动,同时也可以避免与客人产生不必要的冲突或误会。'
  59. How to accompany with the guest as a concierge? ( )

  60. A:Introduce the hotel and facilities in the way. B:Introduce the room and services. C:Accompany guests to front desk to the rooms? D:Accompany guests to front desk to check in?
    AI参考:正确选项是【B:Introduce the room and services.】作为礼宾员,陪同客人时,应该介绍酒店和设施,同时介绍房间和服务。选项A和C不太符合礼宾员的工作职责,选项D则是陪同客人办理入住手续,与题目要求不符。因此,选项B是正确的答案。'
  61. In China, what do you have to show and scan before you enter into a hotel during the epidemic period?_____. ( )。

  62. A:The QR code B:The zip code C:The health code D:The travel code
  63. Which statement(s) show(s) expressing arriving at the room? ( )

  64. A:Enjoy your stay with us. B:Would you like me to call a taxi for you? C:Anything else I can do for you? D:Here is your baggage.
    AI参考:正确选项为D:Here is your baggage.。根据问题中的描述,需要选择一个表达到达房间的陈述句。选项A和C都是提供服务或问候的句子,与到达房间无关。选项B则是询问是否需要叫出租车,也与到达房间无关。只有选项D是一个明确的表示到达房间的陈述句,即“这是你的行李”。因此,选项D是正确答案。'
  65. Which statement(s) show(s) inquiring the booking time? ( )

  66. A:May I ask when will you arrive? B:When will you plan to depart? C:How long will you intend to stay? D:For when?
    AI参考:正确选项为C:How long will you intend to stay?问题中询问的是预订时间,选项A和B都是询问到达或计划离开时间,选项D的for when是不明确的时间点,只有选项C中的How long will you intend to stay是询问预定期间的时间长度,符合问题要求。因此,答案为C。'
  67. Which problems will the guest complain about the hotel? ( )

  68. A:There is a mistake on charging the bill. B:The bellman is late for delivering luggage. C:The toilet is flushing. D:The toilet is blocked,
    AI参考:正确选项为:D:The toilet is blocked.客人可能会对酒店提出的问题包括:账单上有错误、行李员送行李晚了、马桶冲水等问题,但是最有可能让客人抱怨的是马桶堵塞。因此,正确选项为D:The toilet is blocked。'
  69. What are the duties do the concierge staff do? ( )

  70. A:offer the registration form B:check-in C:attend to guests’ special needs D:do bell service
    AI参考:正确选项是【B:check-in】和【C:attend to guests’ special needs】。根据问题描述,礼宾服务员的职责包括办理入住手续(B选项check-in)和满足客人特殊需求(C选项attend to guests’ special needs)。A选项中的提供登记表并不是礼宾服务员的职责,D选项中的做铃声服务也不是礼宾服务员的常规职责。因此,B和C选项是正确的。'
  71. 无论处理哪种危机,在作决策时,必须优先考虑以下几个方面:( )

  72. A:Cooperate with the authorities involved B:Protect the public/guest C:Protect the employees D:Protect the business

  73. Which statement(s) show(s) inquiring the number of the guest and recommending the room? ( )

  74. A:When will you plan to depart? B:How many guests will there be in your party? C:How many people are there in your party? D:For how many people?
    AI参考:正确选项为C:How many people are there in your party?这个问题是在询问客人的人数,从而推荐合适的房间数。选项A和D属于无关选项,没有直接涉及到客人人数与房间数的关系。选项B虽然涉及到了客人数量,但是没有直接推荐房间数。只有选项C直接询问客人人数,并据此推荐房间数,是最符合题目要求的答案。'
  75. 酒店承办会议,首先要筹备会议,要清楚会议举行的 ( )。

  76. A:Time B:Accommodation C:Number D:Cost

  77. The correct expression methods of eight major Chinese cuisine are ( )

  78. A:Shandong Cuisine B:Sichuan Cuisine C:Fujian Cuisine D:Anhui Cuisine
    AI参考:正确选项是【B:Sichuan Cuisine C:Fujian Cuisine D:Anhui Cuisine】。这三种菜系是中国八大菜系中的三个,分别是四川菜系、福建菜系和安徽菜系。因此,选项B、C、D都是正确的表达方式。而选项A是山东菜系,虽然也是中国菜系之一,但不是八大菜系之一。因此,选项A不是正确答案。'
  79. What should be known when you preparing the conference? ( )

  80. A:meeting room layout requirements. B:the organizer and name of the conference C:the number, list and status of the rostrum of the conference D:number of participants and meeting time
    AI参考:正确选项是:D:number of participants and meeting time在准备会议时,应该了解以下事项:会议参与者的人数和会议时间。其他选项也与会议准备有关,但并非是必须了解的关键事项。A选项涉及到会议室布局要求,但不是会议准备的核心内容;B选项涉及到会议的组织者和会议名称,但并非是会议准备的关键事项;C选项涉及到会议讲台的数量、列表和状态,但并非是会议准备的核心内容。因此,D选项是正确答案。'
  81. All charges must be entered or posted on their accounts as soon as possible. ( )

  82. A:错 B:对
    AI参考:答案是B:对。 根据常识和逻辑判断,所有费用必须尽快记入或贴在账户上。因此,该题目的正确答案是B。"
  83. The hotel receptionist is very often the first and last member of staff hotels guests will see. ( )

  84. A:对 B:错
    AI参考:正确答案是B:错。 这句话的意思是酒店前台接待员通常是酒店客人见到的第一和最后一位员工,但这并不意味着前台接待员就是所有客人接触到的第一个和最后一个员工。其他岗位的员工如客房服务员、餐厅服务员等也可能对客人的体验产生影响。因此,这句话的说法是错误的。"
  85. Voice mail system can not be much more sophisticated in that they can answer many phones at the same time, store incoming voice messages in personalized mailboxes associated with the user’s phone number, send messages to one or more other user voice mailboxes, etc. ( )

  86. A:对 B:错
  87. The Golden Keys in China joined the International Concierge Organization in 1993 with the White Swan Hotel being the first member. ( )

  88. A:错 B:对
    AI参考:B:对。 中国金钥匙组织(The Golden Keys)成立于1993年,是全球领先的旅游服务机构,拥有丰富的旅游服务经验和专业的服务技能。在1993年,金钥匙组织加入了国际礼宾服务组织(International Concierge Organization),并成为其会员。其中,白马酒店(White Swan Hotel)作为中国金钥匙组织的创始成员之一,也是该组织的重要成员之一。因此,该题为正确选项B:对。"
  89. Elevators are NOT TO BE USED in the case of an emergency situation unless otherwise directed by the local Fire Authorities. 翻译为“在紧急情况下禁止使用电梯。” ( )

  90. A:错 B:对
    AI参考:“在紧急情况下禁止使用电梯。”这个表述是正确的。在Elevators are NOT TO BE USED in the case of an emergency situation unless otherwise directed by the local Fire Authorities这句话中,明确提到了在紧急情况下禁止使用电梯,除非当地消防部门另有指示。因此,这个判断题的答案是B:对。"
  91. The concierge’s job is playing a less important role in providing quality service for guests. ( )

  92. A:错 B:对
    AI参考:答案:B.对 推理过程:门房工作在为客人提供优质服务方面的重要性在下降。因此,这个判断题是正确的。"
  93. The customers have to report their symptoms if they feel sick during the quarantine in the hotel.( )

  94. A:错 B:对
    AI参考:正确答案是【B:对】。 在酒店隔离期间,如果顾客感到不适,必须报告自己的症状。所以答案是B:对。A选项“错”是不正确的答案。"
  95. The title”receptionist”is attributed to the person who is specifically employed by an organization to greet any visitors, patient , or clients. ( )

  96. A:错 B:对
    AI参考:正确答案是B:对。 题目中提到“接待员”这个头衔是专门为组织雇佣来迎接任何访客、病人或客户的人所拥有的。根据题意,这个头衔应该属于接待员本人,因此答案为B,即“对”。"
  97. The receptionist should not check in guests with or without reservations, answer any questions from the guests. ( )

  98. A:错 B:对
    AI参考:正确答案是B,对。 接待员应该不负责检查有预订或无预订的客人,也不回答客人的任何问题。因此,该说法是正确的,选项B为正确答案。"
  99. The first course is soup when preparing for the menu for the banquet. ( )

  100. A:错 B:对
    AI参考:答案是B:对。 根据常识和实际情况,在准备宴会菜单时,第一道菜通常是汤。因此,选项B是正确的。"
  101. Besides the bell service, the concierge also provides information service. ( )

  102. A:错 B:对
    AI参考:B:对。 原文中提到除了提供门铃服务,礼宾服务还提供信息服务,所以选项B“对”是正确的。"
  103. The business centers are likely to be an essential section in a hotel. ( )

  104. A:错 B:对
    AI参考:B:对。 商务中心通常是酒店的一个重要部门,提供各种商务服务,如会议室、打印、复印、传真、电子邮件等。因此,该判断题是正确的。"
  105. The services in the business center are very important to the guests who are on business trips. ( )

  106. A:错 B:对
  107. The International Air Transport Association is an international industry trade group of airlines headquartered in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. ( )

  108. A:对 B:错

  109. The third course is main course when preparing for the menu for the banquet. ( )

  110. A:对 B:错
    AI参考:答案是B:错。 在准备宴会菜单时,主菜通常是指最后一道菜,而不是第三道菜。因此,该说法是错误的。"
  111. The cashiers are often required to ask if the guest has turned in his key. ( )

  112. A:错 B:对
    AI参考:正确答案是B:对。 根据题目中的描述,收银员通常需要询问客人是否已经交还了钥匙。因此,该句是正确的。"
  113. After the guest decides to take a room in the hotel, the receptionist then gives out the registration form and continues the check-ins procedures. ( )

  114. A:错 B:对

  115. A service charge, service fee, or surcharge is a fee added to a customer’s bill. ( )

  116. A:错 B:对
    AI参考:B. 对 服务费、服务税或附加费是加在顾客账单上的费用。因此,这个判断题的答案是B,表示“正确”。"
  117. The duties of cashiers are a lot, such as settling guests’ accounts, making changes, cashing traveler’s checks, exchanging foreign currencies, balancing accounts at the close of each shift, and so on. ( )

  118. A:对 B:错
    AI参考:正确答案是【对】。 收银员的工作职责包括结账、更改、兑现旅行支票、兑换外币、每班结束时对账等等。因此,这个说法是正确的。"
  119. forum 表示可以公开讨论重要话题的论坛,如博鳌亚洲论坛。( )

  120. A:对 B:错

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