  1. A single question that attempts to cover two issues is called a double-barreled question.( )

  2. A:对 B:错
  3. A questionnaire is an informal set of questions for obtaining information from respondents.( )A.TRUEB.FALSE

  4. A:错 B:对
  5. A structured questionnaire is given to a sample of a population and is designed to elicit specific information from respondents when using the survey method.( )A.TRUEB.FALSE

  6. A:错 B:对
  7. Application fees, tuition, and fines are all examples of prices. ( )

  8. A:对 B:错
  9. A questionnaire is an informal set of questions for obtaining information from respondents.( )

  10. A:错 B:对
  11. For brick-and-click companies, how to coordinate the interest between traditional intermediaries and e-commerce channel?( )

  12. A:Take orders on the Web site but have retailers deliver and collect payment B:Offer different brands or products on the Internet C:Offer the old colletion of proecuts to the offline partners D:Offer offline partners higher commissions to cushion the negative impact on sales
    答案:Offer different brands or products on the Internet###Take orders on the Web site but have retailers deliver and collect payment###Offer offline partners higher commissions to cushion the negative impact on sales
  13. Which are E-commerce success factors? ( )

  14. A:Using new technologies to increasing customer satisfaction and entertainment B:User-friendly E-commerce Web sites C:On-line sales representatives D:Investments in Web site design and processes
    答案:A, B, C, D
  15. A buyer’s decisions are influenced by ________ such as the buyer’s age and life-cycle stage, occupation, economic situation, lifestyle, personality, and self-concept. ( )

  16. A:attitudes B:perceptions C:personal characteristics D:psychographics E:stereotypes
    答案:personal characteristics
  17. What sets the floor for product prices? ( )

  18. A:market competition B:consumer perceptions of the product C:advertising budgets D:product costs
    答案:product costs
  19. Marketing mix planning begins with ________. ( )

  20. A:setting a reasonable price for the product B:selecting the right channel for distribution of the product C:building an offering that brings value to target customers D:calculating the total costs involved in manufacturing the product E:finding a suitable promotion strategy for the product
  21. When a competitor cuts its price, a company might decide to ________ if it believes it will not lose much market share or would lose too much profit by cutting its own price.( )

  22. A:increase its marketing budget to raise the perceived value of its product B:maintain its current price and profit margin C:reduce its marketing costs D:reduce its production costs E:ncrease its production costs to improve the quality of the product
  23. Some companies obtain the rights to use the names or symbols previously created by other manufacturers for a fee. This process is known as ________. ( )

  24. A:Positioning B:Segmenting C:licensing D:co-branding E:Multibranding
  25. Which of the following is an external influence that affects pricing decisions? ( )

  26. A:overall pricing objectives B:the company’s overall marketing strategy C:the salaries of finance management D:the salaries of production management E:competition
  27. 一个细分市场如果( )的吸引力较小。新进入者 A.is 难以进入

  28. A:包含弱供应商 B:已经包含许多强大而激进的竞争对手 C:is 实质性
  29. Many marketing managers define a brand as more than just that—as something that has actually developed a certain amount of something, which does not include _____. ( )

  30. A:value chain B:awareness C:Associations D:prominence E:reputation
  31. Consumer products refer to ________.( )

  32. A:production or operations, including installations and accessory equipment B:products and services bought by final consumers for personal consumption primarily intangible offerings from marketers C:products that aid in the consumer D:products purchased by consumers for further processing or for use in conducting a business E:raw materials as well as manufactured materials and parts
  33. Brands offer ________ to consumers. Because of past experiences with the product and its marketing programs over the years, consumers learn about which brands satisfy their needs and which ones do not. ( )

  34. A:a special organization B:a special place C:a special person D:a special meaning E:a special promotion
  35. Many companies today are localizing their products, advertising, promotion, and sales effort to fit the needs of individual regions, cities, and neighborhoods” This is an example of _________. ( )

  36. A:demographic segmentation B:geographic segmentation C:behavioral segmentation D:psychographic segmentation
  37. 根据营销过程的五步模型,以下哪项是为客户创造价值的第三步( )?

  38. A:设计以客户为导向的营销策略 B:建立有利可图的关系并创造客户满意度 C:构建提供卓越价值的整合营销计划 D:了解市场和客户需求
  39. The companies can get lots of benefits from co-branding. Which one does not include? ( )

  40. A:leverage equity they do not have B:improve product quality C:borrow the necessary expertise D:reduce the cost of product introduction E:reduce the cost of product promotion
  41. Each of the following is one of the four major communication functions EXCEPT ________. ( )

  42. A:encoding B:noise C:response D:feedback
  43. The recording of behavioral patterns of people, objects, and events in a systematic manner to obtain information about the phenomenon of interest is called ________.( )

  44. A:exploration B:description C:observation D:projection
  45. Mart是路易斯安那州新奥尔良的一家杂货店,提供的商品选择较少,服务水平相当低。尽管服务乏善可陈,商品选择有限,但顾客仍然蜂拥而至,因为它收取最低价格。市场最有可能使用( )定位。

  46. A:少得多 B:更多 C:更多相同 D:相同,更少
  47. 银行、信贷公司、保险公司和其他帮助为交易融资或为与商品和服务买卖相关的风险提供保险的企业被称为 ( )。

  48. A:实体分销公司 B:经销商或批发商 C:营销服务机构 D:金融中介机构
  49. When secondary data are analyzed in a qualitative way, it’s _______research; when secondary data are analyzed in a quantitative way, it’s ______ research. ( )

  50. A:Descriptive; Exploratory B:Descriptive; Causal C:Exploratory; Causal D:Exploratory; Descriptive
  51. 最准确的说法是,当客户购买产品时,他们会根据( )来判断价值和成本。

  52. A:感知价值 B:客户终身价值 C:客观价值 D:公司形象
  53. When Kraft focused on cost cutting with its older, established brands, leaving them to wither without much investment or modification, Kraft decided to ________ the older products. ( )

  54. A:extend B:drop C:harvest D:analyze E:modify
  55. The full mix of benefits on which a brand is differentiated and positioned is known as the brand ________.( )

  56. A:value chain B:demand chain C:supply chain D:value proposition
  57. "The firm must blend each marketing mix tool into a comprehensive ________ marketing program that communicates and delivers the intended value to chosen customers. ( )

  58. A:distinctive B:integrated C:effective D:attractive
  59. An American cola-manufacturing company that primarily targets rebellious and adventurous people most likely uses ________ segmentation. ( )

  60. A:benefit B:occasion C:geographic D:psychographic
  61. 公关公司根据特定客户的需求和喜好定制广告和促销服务。这是例证( )。

  62. A:细分营销 B:集中营销 C:大众营销 D:个人营销
  63. A(n) ________ is a structured technique for data collection that consists of a series of questions, written or verbal, which a respondent answers. ( )

  64. A:observation B:questionnaire C:focus group D:test market
  65. What sets the ceiling for product prices? ( )

  66. A:customer’s perceptions of the product value B:seller’s perceptions of the product value C:variable costs D:product manufacturing costs E:break-even volume
  67. ________ variables are variables that are manipulated by the researcher and whose effects are measured and compared. ( )

  68. A:Independent B:Dependent C:Interdependent D:Extraneous
  69. ________ are consumer products and services that customers usually buy frequently, immediately, and with minimal comparison and buying effort. ( )

  70. A:supplies and repair services B:convenience products C:unsought products D:shopping products E:capital items
  71. _________ involves actually distinguishing the firm’s market offering to create superior customer value. ( )

  72. A:Market targeting B:Market segmentation C:Mass customization D:Differentiation
  73. Why do companies fail to conduct co-branding? Which one does not include? ( )

  74. A:risk of brand equity dilution B:borrow the necessary expertise C:lack of brand focus and clarity D:loss of control of the co-branded product E:negative feedback effects
  75. 如今,许多公司正在本地化他们的产品、广告、促销和销售工作,以适应各个地区、城市和社区的需求“ 这是( )的一个例子。

  76. A:心理分割 B:人口细分 C:行为分割 D:地理区隔
  77. 通过( )差异化,品牌可以在功能、性能或风格和设计上实现差异化。

  78. A:通道 B:人 C:服务 D:产品展示
  79. In digital marketing, what kind of customers bring most of the profits? ( )

  80. A:Regular customers B:Female customers C:New customers D:Young customers
  81. Which of the following is true with regard to services? ( )

  82. A:Services can be easily separated from their providers. B:Services are a form of product that consists of activities, benefits, or satisfactions offered for sale. C:Services can be stored for later use. D:Services are tangible product offerings whose quality can be easily measured. E:Services refer to purely tangible products.
  83. ________ is an observational research strategy in which human observers record the phenomenon being observed as it occurs. ( )

  84. A:Mechanical observation B:Virtual observation C:Personal observation D:Perceptual observation
  85. 哪一类公众是电视台,刊登有关您所在地区的新闻、特写和编辑意见( ) ?

  86. A:本地 B:媒体 C:财务 D:公民行动
  87. Which of the following exemplifies a service?( )

  88. A:retail car B:laptop C:laundry detergent D:candy
  89. When the size, purchasing power, and profile of a market segment can be calculated, the market is ________. ( )

  90. A:actionable B:substantial C:measurable D:profitable
  91. "Designing an effective marketing mix also conveys to potential buyers a clear customer ________ , which is a cluster of benefits that an organization promises customers to satisfy their need. ( )

  92. A:solution B:interest C:perception D:value proposition
  93. A public relations firm tailors its advertising and promotional services according to the needs and preferences of specific customers. This exemplifies ________. ( )

  94. A:segmented marketing B:mass marketing C:individual marketing D:concentrated marketing

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