what is a paragraph? ( )
答案:paragraph is a group of sentences about a topic. ;All the other sentences in the paragraph must develop and support the topic.;The topic is usually presented in the first sentence called the topic sentence. ;Each paragraph should have one topic,
“After graduating from high school, many students go on to university, but their reasons for entering higher education vary.”The topic is “reasons for going to university” The controlling idea is “reasons vary”.( )
An average paragraph has six to ten supporting sentences. What are the steps we usually follow to arrange them into a logical order?( )
答案:Write one sentence to state the first supporting points. ;Use transitional expressions to reach coherence.;Write one or two sentences to provide details to support that point. ;Move on to the next supporting point.
“To be or not to be, that is a question. 的意思是“生存还是毁灭,这是一个问题。( )
Coherence is an important quality of good writing. In a coherent paragraph, the reader can follow the writer‘s thoughts easily because: All the sentences are ordered logically; The transition from one sentence to another is smooth; The relationships between ideas are clearly shown. ( )

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