1.翻译中的一致性仅仅限于主谓一致。 ( )
A:对 B:错
2.Authors of a process description try to see through the readers’ eyes, thus they apply simple and clear words and write sentences to give commands. ( )
A:错 B:对
3.In a narration, when recounting the story, the author should employ some general words rather than provide concrete and vivid details.( )
A:对 B:错
4.顺序既可以根据时间、空间而先后发生,也可以根据事理逻辑而先后发生。( )
A:对 B:错
5.Warren Buffett has passed on all his wealth to his children. ( )
A:错 B:对
6.It was what he said ( ) disappointed me.
A:what B:where C:which D:that
7.Sara __________ a real estate agent to sell her apartment in LA. ( )
A:sold B:represented C:commissioned D:denied
8.A solar day is the length of time ( ) the Earth to revolve once around the sun.
A:he takes B:takes C:takes it D:it takes
答案:it takes
9.The world class piano player _____ his success to his mother’s long years of personal supervision and discipline. ( )
A:prescribed B:subscribed C:ascribed D:contributed
10.My parents never _________ their will on us, therefore there is no generation gap between us. ( )
A:propose B:oppose C:compose D:impose
11.In fact he ( ) come close to death more than once.
A:did B:done C:do D:has

12.As the government was confronted with mass doubt about the origin of the plague, the authoritative medical expert was _____ to account for every detail to the public. ( )
A:associated B:assigned C:adopted D:assembled 13.It is said that choosing science engineering as your major will make you _________, is that true? ( )
A:bald B:balk C:bulk D:bold 14.One important skill in reading comprehension is the ability to guess the meaning of a word from its _______. ( )
A:surrounding B:content C:environment D:context 15.The document was signed in the _______ of two witnesses. ( )
A:persistence B:absence C:existence D:presence 16.Politicians __________ the media of talking up the possibility of a riot. ( )
A:accuse B:disclose C:commission D:represent 17.( ) nobody has anything more to say, let’s round off the discussion.
A:Because of B:For C:Now that D:That 18.You need to get ready for new challenges when you ________ university. ( )
A:pretend B:attend C:intend D:extend 19.They didn’t know how to __________ of the hazardous waste they produced. ( )
A:get B:purchase C:dispose D:use 20.For a person who has been transplanted to a different place, whether he can or not live a happy life, in a large measure, depends on how soon he can _____ himself _____ the local culture. ( )
A:adopt, to B:adapt, into C:blend, into D:bleed, into 21.As __________ intelligence becomes more and more sophisticated, there are growing concerns that robots will become a threat to humanity. ( )
A:artificial B:essential C:fruitful D:apt 22.It is indeed a(an) ____________ to be here and listen to Doctor Zhong Nanshan’s speech. ( )
A:privilege B:right C:advantage D:priority 23.Some measures are needed to __________ the farmland against shift sand. ( )
A:exceed B:secure C:lift D:mobility 24.He studied hard and later became a well-known writer, ( ) his father had expected.
A:which was what B:and which was C:that was what D:what was that 25.Eight kilometers is roughly _______ to five miles. ( )
A:identical B:resemble C:equivalent D:same 26.I appreciate ( ) me during the debate.
A:to your supporting B:your supporting C:you to support D:of your supporting 27.( ) was of no much help to him at that time.
A:The little that I could do B:Little could I do C:The little of which I could do D:What could I do little 28.It is believed that this disaster will change people’s _____ on life and people will slow down to enjoy life and appreciate the beautiful and moving moments around them. ( )
A:idol B:attitude C:perspective D:performance 29.Sometimes new problems have emerged in the __________ of addressing old ones. ( )
A:process B:intuition C:intelligence D:analysis 30.Parents usually feel __________ when their children are sick. ( )
A:enrollment B:option C:obligation D:anxiety 31.The severe situation nationwide forced me to dismiss the idea of going to Hainan for a warm Spring Festival that I had been _____ for a decade. ( )
A:coming in mind B:having in mind C:in planning D:controlling in 32.Physical activity can improve blood flow to the brain, fueling memory, attention and creativity, which are __________ to learning. ( )
A:artificial B:essential C:profound D:flexible 33.In 1998 the __________ black family’s net wealth was $16,400, less than one fifth that of white families. ( )
A:emerging B:typical C:delicate D:optimistic 34.At first, she wasn’t used ( ) and would find excuses for her mistakes.
A:to being criticized B:to be criticized C:to criticizing D:to criticize 35.Look at the bus schedule to find the one _________ for Chongqing and find its accurate spot. ( )
A:bend B:band C:bound D:bond 36.I found the article while I was _______ through some old magazines. ( )
A:jumping B:flying C:finding D:browsing 37._____ starting a family, a couple need to think carefully about how to be responsible parents. ( )
A:Giving priority to B:In consideration C:Given to D:Prior to 38.He makes no __________ to any artistic work other than her own. ( )
A:commission B:reference C:recommendation D:plot 39.The way in which you __________ yourself is the best reflection of your self-image. ( )
A:exceed B:identify C:anticipate D:ease 40.The workers favor ( ) funds to build the bridge.
A:raised B:to raise C:raising D:rising 41.Young people are encouraged to dedicate themselves to _____ the well-being of the entire human race. ( )
A:perspiring for B:inspiring for C:striving for D:aspiring to 42.Mary was picked up to __________ the whole class. ( )
A:dispose B:represent C:disclose D:abandon 43.He has no alternative but ( ) and ask his sister for assistance.
A:going B:to go C:goes D:go 44.It wasn’t such a good dinner ( ) she had promised us.
A:what B:which C:as D:that 45.It was to the saving-boat ( ) he owed his life.
A:what B:which C:Why D:that 46.Mr. Smith __________ his failure in this election to his campaign team which didn’t cooperate with him very well. ( )
A:attributed B:distributed C:tributed D:contributed

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